Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center

1 doctors work here

Rated 5.7
Strongly recommend: 35%Neutral: 20%Don't recommend: 44%5.7
35% strongly recommend
21 reviews

Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.

Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.


Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.

Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.

Billing Department
Billing Department

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.

Nursing Team
Nursing Team

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.

Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.

For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.

CDC Success Rates

This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.

For more information please see our FAQs.

Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.

Annual Cycles
National Avg
This Clinic
National Avg

Available Resources

Genetic counseling
Genetic counseling
Acupuncture is not offered
Acupuncture is not offered
Mental health counseling
Mental health counseling
Nutrition counseling is not offered
Nutrition counseling is not offered
Administration of shots
Administration of shots
Coordinating at-home nursing is not offered
Coordinating at-home nursing is not offered
Selling medication
Selling medication
Providing backup medication
Providing backup medication

This clinic has 1 office

San Luis Obispo
35 Casa Street #260
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

21 patient reviews


This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 28 - 31
Income $50K - $99K
1st of 3 Docs
10 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
When I tried to ask questions to better understand procedure or medication or just everything in general, I felt like I was bothering or annoying the doctor [Dr. Steinleitner]. ... Every appointment was different sometimes he was great and other times he was very serious and brief. ... Sometimes he made me feel uncomfortable. ... Never asked about my period or gave me results until I bugged by email. I decided to move treatment until he went over all my results from all the test he requested to complete for my husband and myself
I never get results from clinic [Central Coast Fertility]. I always have to call or email over and over so that someone will upload my results on to my online portal. ... His [Dr. Steinleitner] website was misleading, regarding differen't procedure costs. ... Front desk attendant always loses my paperwork. When I call clinic and ask him about phone called he contacted me about he is always confused and unsure how to answer my questions. ...
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
First visit was great. He was approachable answered all of our questions. Made us feel comfortable. But once a plan was decided and treatment started it became hard to understand what was happening. When it comes to medical procedures I want to actually talk to someone and Dr.Steinleitner mainly communicates by email. Which I understand but when my questions weren't being answered and/or I wasn't understanding something I would call and was instructed to email. Every appointment was different sometimes he was great and other times he was very serious and brief. But, always in a hurry to complete our appointment and move on to the next patient. Sometimes he made me feel uncomfortable. At an appointments after completing a round of clomid and not getting pregnant, he asked me why I wasn't crying. I expressed to him that, even though I was sad I also trusted the process and was kind to myself. He proceeded to tell me that, he found that weird because all the women he has helped always cry when something doesn't go as planned. That made me confused. We took a break after 3rd clomid failed cycle. When we returned a few years later to talk about our options and he seemed annoyed, that we just had questions. That time we didn't move forward. His website was misleading, regarding differen't procedure costs. This year we returned again, hopeful, and first appointment was great with him. He actually answered all of our questions and seemed excited. Went over plan, procedure and cost with us. So will see.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Know your health history. Ask questions and don't be intimidated to do so. He is very arrogant and confident. Take notes. He will look at you like your crazy but do it. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
First appointment was great but after that, every appointment I would go in for, appointment lasted about 10-15 minutes. When I tried to ask questions to better understand procedure or medication or just everything in general, I felt like I was bothering or annoying the doctor. He would then answer my question but I always felt rushed.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
First time we went we did 3 cycles of clomid. Before we got started he had my husband complete a semen analysis, I completed blood work to check my ovarian reserve, endocrine panel and if I had any infectious disease. I also completed a hysterosalpingogram. He then gave me a calendar to follow for treatment. Before he ever went over any results from test completed. He prescribed 3 clomid 50mg tablets by mouth at bedtime, scheduled me once for an ultrasound told me when to have timed intercourse and told me to take pregnancy test two weeks after. Then I was instructed to email him with results. During the 3rd cycle he added an injection that I would have to administering once he gave me instruction to do so. I ordered and paid $100 to get it, right away. When we had our follow up appointment for an ultrasound. He told us that we needed to again buy a different injection that he had at the office and when I told him about the previous one that he had instructed me to buy, he said that the one he had at the office was better because it was already prepared. But that ultimately it was my choice. Even though we had the other one with us. And so we paid $100 again for the new injection. After that I took a break when 3rd cycle trying with clomid and injection didn't work. Treatment for all 3 where the same. No changes and was only seen once for an ultrasound. Second time we went in to discuss and ask questions about a procedure outlined on his website. He seemed annoyed and disconnected. I asked about a previous email he had send after my husbands sperm function test came back in the abnormal range and so there was a male contribution to our longstanding infertility. But he said that was nothing to worry about. We didn't continue that time. This year we decided to start again, made appointment was seen in January. Talked about mini IVF. What I understood it's like IVF but less doctor visits and smaller doses of medication. At that appointment he completed an ultrasound. Ordered blood work, gave me list of medications that I would be ordering. Asked to complete another sperm analysis and arranged my calendar for treatment. Never asked about my period or gave me results until I bugged by email. I decided to move treatment until he went over all my results from all the test he requested to complete for my husband and myself.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
When I first went a couple of years ago. Everyone was nice and approachable. They always asked me how my day was. How we were feeling. This year, staff is different. Front desk attendant always loses my paperwork. When I call clinic and ask him about phone called he contacted me about he is always confused and unsure how to answer my questions. As for any other nurse this year, I only passed by the nurses station and they all smiled but I didn't meet with any of them one on one to review medication protocol, treatment or procedures. I have received phone calls only to discussed when will I be paying for treatment.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Clinic is clean. They recently moved and so they are getting used to the flow of the appointments. Doctor has his office and you go in to talk to him there then are usually moved to another room to complete ultrasound but then asked to go to the waiting room to discuss treatment cost. Sometimes there other people listening to your discussion with nurses regarding personal information.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I don't remember the previous appointment cost. But my current cost so far for a "mini" IVF treatment is: Husbands lab work $212.00 Husbands semen analysis $250 &lt;specimen mailed in&gt; My blood work for foresight carrier screening $349.00 Blood work for me: $363.10 Medication (Menopur, Ganirelix Acetate and leuprolide): $1, 206.00 Medication (doxycyline tablets, dexamethasone, HCG injection and estradiol tablets): $141.10 Consultation with ultrasound: $175.00 Mini IVF: $ 3,400 Basic IVF Laboratory services: $1,050 IVF anesthesia: $400 ICSI Sperm microinjection: $1,000 But doctor gave me total of cost for procedure, financial personnel gave me different cost and my online portal gives me a different cost.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to call with results
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I never get results from clinic. I always have to call or email over and over so that someone will upload my results on to my online portal. No one ever calls you with results. My paperwork has been lost and once I leave the office I then get a phone call to go back because they forgot to have me complete something or tell me something or go over something with me. I usually hurry back to work so they tell me over the phone. Then have me scan or send them a picture of what they are missing. After ordering medication from different places no one has checked in with me to ask if I have received or have had any issues obtaining something. No follow up from staff or doctor.
Alex Steinleitner
1 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
2 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
3 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
1 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2020, Unsuccessful
Age 30 - 31
Income $200K - $499K
2nd of 2 Docs
Donor Sperm
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
He [Dr. Alex Steinleitner] had a script to explain things and he stuck to it; it was easy to understand. He is blunt, which is fine. I just never felt like he cared about me as a patient, I just felt more like someone in the masses of patients he was seeing.. the nurse told me that the Dr said that an IUI was recommended for us, despite not having being previously discussed...The next month we did the same as above only I was told that I DID NOT need to do IUI, as our case did not need it...
The staff [at Simple IVF Centers] were all very kind to me and my husband. I did feel constantly lost in the shuffle of their office though, so kind of like a number...The first cycle i did not know why I had to go in for the first ultrasound because no one explained why. The second one I was told I had two eggs and that I was ready for a trigger shot. No one had told me that the next step would be a trigger shot. At the same appointment the nurse told me that the Dr said that an IUI was recommended for us, despite not having being previously discussed. I asked if she was positive this was the case and was told 'yes'. Steinletner did not do my IUI, a woman did, who answered more questions than anyone else had so far. However, no one had ever entered the next steps on my calendar so she could answer no questions regarding meds and timing for things. The next month we did the same as above only I was told that I DID NOT need to do IUI, as our case did not need it. I questioned why I was told I needed to do IUI the month before and was told "i do
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He had a script to explain things and he stuck to it; it was easy to understand. He is blunt, which is fine. I just never felt like he cared about me as a patient, I just felt more like someone in the masses of patients he was seeing.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I would not go and see him or use his office unless you know what ever possible step of your treatment should be beforehand (which of course, you won't). They will overlook things, give conflicting information and let you slip through the cracks because the San Luis Obispo office is very, very unorganized and mismanaged. If you do choose to go here, as it is the only place other than SB in our area, please be extremely persistant in asking questions and following up.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
The staff were all very kind to me and my husband. I did feel constantly lost in the shuffle of their office though, so kind of like a number.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I was told I have PCOS after testing. I was given 5mg of letrozole for a number of days to stimulate ovulation. Then an HCG trigger shot. Then vaginal progesterone pills. The first cycle i did not know why I had to go in for the first ultrasound because no one explained why. The second one I was told I had two eggs and that I was ready for a trigger shot. No one had told me that the next step would be a trigger shot. At the same appointment the nurse told me that the Dr said that an IUI was recommended for us, despite not having being previously discussed. I asked if she was positive this was the case and was told 'yes'. Steinletner did not do my IUI, a woman did, who answered more questions than anyone else had so far. However, no one had ever entered the next steps on my calendar so she could answer no questions regarding meds and timing for things. The next month we did the same as above only I was told that I DID NOT need to do IUI, as our case did not need it. I questioned why I was told I needed to do IUI the month before and was told "i don't know" by the nurse. The next cycle was exactly the same only I asked for IUI, in the hopes it would help us get results, at that point Steinletner did my ultrasound (the first time he had ever been in the exam room with us) and said we could do the IUI but only if we did the Infection Disease screening for my husband... They had forgotten to get this done the first IUI. I asked why this happened and was told "I don't know".
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The nursing staff were all very, very kind people. However, they are quick to throw the Dr under the bus because his office is SO unorganized and they know it. Thus they will quickly say "that's what the dr said to tell you" or whatever. Not their fault at all. I have worked in a medical practice before that this happened and it was because the Dr. did a poor job and the practice was unorganized and mismanaged.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
You might be able to get pregnant here but I'm not sure. They are very cheap comparatively, which is good. Working with the SLO office will likely make the whole situation a 100x more stressful. They will lose things, lose track of your treatment and generally make you feel unsure of what is happening with your care-plan. I refused to go back after our last cycle there, after 3 chances for them to prove that they were organized enough to provide my care. I lost all faith in my safety at that point because I feared other more important aspects of our care could be slipping through the cracks. I would seriously consider driving to Santa Barbara for your treatment instead of settling for this office, if at all possible.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We had BC/BS. IUI was 300, trigger shot about 150, utrasounds 19, office visit under 50; out of pocket with our insurance.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to order appropriate test
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
  • Lost results
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Scheduled the wrong procedure
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Front end of the office constantly seemed at a loss when I asked about anything. They scheduled me for an incorrect procedure and I had to call them in a panic to see what was happening at which point I was told "oops everyone scheduled that day except you is having that procedure done." So when I went in that day I knew what the woman who was waiting in the waiting room with me was being seen for, so that's a breech of confidentiality. They failed to have my Infection Disease screening done before IUI. I was told I needed IUI one month and then told I did not the next. Working with them was very agitating and stressful for both my husband and I because we never knew what was slipping through the cracks or what we really needed to be doing or not. Fighting infertility is hard enough without having to fight tooth and nail to get good care.
Alex Steinleitner
3 of 5
2 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
1 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
1 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
1 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Consult
Age 32
Income $100K - $199K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
When I met with Dr. Steinleitner I had just had two losses and had been trying to conceive for two years...He looked me up and down when I walked in and said my issue was my weight...I do not have any health issues, I am overweight but have zero other issues aside from PCOS. He completely humiliated me and degraded me for an hour. Then refused to treat me until I lost 39 pounds...He told me to stop “shoving my face in bowls of rice, I might as well just shove my face into a bowl of sugar”...
Hard to get in [to Simple IVF Centers], they cancelled and double booked me multiple times and had to reschedule. Had zero regard for my schedule. The clinic was clean and near the hospital/other medical buildings but very old, run down, cold feeling...He [Dr. Steinleitner] refused to treat me upon my co situation due to my weight. He knew nothing about me...I am overweight but have zero other issues aside from PCOS. He completely humiliated me and degraded me for an hour. Then refused to treat me until I lost 39 pounds...
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
When I met with Dr. Steinleitner I had just had two losses and had been trying to conceive for two years, I was so hopeful this would be our saving grace. He looked me up and down when I walked in and said my issue was my weight. He told me to stop “shoving my face in bowls of rice, I might as well just shove my face into a bowl of sugar”. He made me stand up, raise my hand and declare my name is —— and I have diabetes”. I do not have any health issues, I am overweight but have zero other issues aside from PCOS. He completely humiliated me and degraded me for an hour. Then refused to treat me until I lost 39 pounds. We never went back! I scheduled to the nearest fertility clinic but ended up pregnant with twins the next cycle without intervention.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He refused to treat me upon my co situation due to my weight. He knew nothing about me.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I was “too fat” for him to treat so there was no protocol other than being sent away completely degraded and told to stop eating carbs.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Hard to get in, they cancelled and double booked me multiple times and had to reschedule. Had zero regard for my schedule. The clinic was clean and near the hospital/other medical buildings but very old, run down, cold feeling.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Lower cost for fertility Clinic, but I guess you get what you pay for.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lost appointments
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Dr. Steinleitner is very prejudice towards overweight patients. He would not even allow me to speak about my own health. He degraded me the mocked me when I was crying after he made me stand, raise my hand and declare my name is —— and I have diabetes (which I do not). He used phrases like “shove your face in a bowl of sugar”. He refused to take me on as a patient because my BMI, without collecting any information about my health, history or goals for fertility. It was a horrific experience. Two years later, even after completing my family I am still traumatized by my interaction with him.
Alex Steinleitner
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
1 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
1 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
2 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
1 of 5
Educational Resources
1 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unknown Success
Age 37
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $50K - $99K
Only Doc Seen
Donor Eggs With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
The doctor shared valuable stories, data, and reasonable expectations for our procedures. He never misled us about the diagnosis we were given ... Dr Steinleitner is a professional person, and he is all business. He truly cares about his patients and whole ... We tried ovulation therapy for 3 cycles with no results. ... he is not the most sensitive to emotional needs as some other doctors can be ...
Sometimes it [Simple IVF Centers] can feel a bit rushed, so take care of yourself by planning your questions ahead of time to be thorough ... The doctor [Steinleitner] reduced costs of medications by ordering them from overseas. ... Some scheduling issues came up with my appointments. There is a small nursing staff and so they are all very busy. ... The procedures are all expensive, but not when we compared them to two other doctors in California, it was about 60%. ...
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr Steinleitner is a professional person, and he is all business. He truly cares about his patients and whole he is not the most sensitive to emotional needs as some other doctors can be, his patients need to know that he always has their best interests in mind and that he will do all he can to make their success happen.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Don’t go to the doctor if you need therapy, go to a therapist. Dr. S. is scientific, precise, and he will not sugar coat the message, so get yourself ready for that.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
The doctor shared valuable stories, data, and reasonable expectations for our procedures. He never misled us about the diagnosis we were given
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We tried ovulation therapy for 3 cycles with no results. Then I tested positive for endometriosis so we went forward with 2 cycles of IVF. Those yielded one embryo. We will transfer it in November. I currently am under Lupron to treat endometriosis while awaiting the procedure. We are also exploring the use of donor eggs as our goal is two children.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Some scheduling issues came up with my appointments. There is a small nursing staff and so they are all very busy.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I recommend asking as many questions as you can think of when you meet with a nurse or the doctor. Sometimes it can feel a bit rushed, so take care of yourself by planning your questions ahead of time to be thorough
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The doctor reduced costs of medications by ordering them from overseas. The procedures are all expensive, but not when we compared them to two other doctors in California, it was about 60%.
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We can’t transfer any more than one because they were genetically tested and they are abnormal
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
4 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unknown Success
Age 31
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
I only was with Dr. Steinleitner for about 15 minutes as I already had my embryos and had him preform the transfer. He was quick and to the point (which I don't mind) and did the job without pain or anything uncomfortable.... i had two 5 day embryos and he suggested i transfer them both. he said it was normal protocol for them to do so. i did as suggested and transferred both.
[Simple IVF Centers is] nothing fancy, but it's not bad. its clean and basic and gets the job done (which is all I was looking for in a clinic). i never had to wait long for my monitoring appointments, they always ran on time, as did my FET. i felt taken care of and my questions were always answered.... the only thing that went wrong is that i planned on transferring only one embryo, and that was never confirmed with anyone so moments before my transfer the embryologist came in
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I only was with Dr. Steinleitner for about 15 minutes as I already had my embryos and had him preform the transfer. He was quick and to the point (which I don't mind) and did the job without pain or anything uncomfortable.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He is to the point and blunt (which I prefer but some may want more hand holding)
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
All of my interactions were quick and to the point, however the staff was kind and never gave me any issues.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I was put on progesterone pills to regulate my period to their calendar one month before baselines as well as a small dose of lupron daily for the month leading up to my FET baselines. After baselines for my FET, I started estrace and dexamethanone, baby asprin and folic acid. the week leading up to transfer I began the pio in oil injections. my transfer was one week ago today and I am continuing these meds daily until beta in three days from now.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
all of my visits were quick and they were nice, and messages sent through the portal were responded to in a pretty quick manner.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
its nothing fancy, but it's not bad. its clean and basic and gets the job done (which is all I was looking for in a clinic). i never had to wait long for my monitoring appointments, they always ran on time, as did my FET. i felt taken care of and my questions were always answered.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
$3600 for the FET plus meds
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
i had two 5 day embryos and he suggested i transfer them both. he said it was normal protocol for them to do so. i did as suggested and transferred both.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
the only thing that went wrong is that i planned on transferring only one embryo, and that was never confirmed with anyone so moments before my transfer the embryologist came in saying we would be transferring my last two. at first i was upset because i went in there only planning to put in one, but after the dr. spoke about it raising my chances and encouraged it, i went ahead and did both of them. i wish the miscommunication never happened since now i have no embryos left, and hope this cycle ends in a healthy pregnancy.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
4 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unknown Success
Age 36
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Income $50K - $99K
6th of 6 Docs
35 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
He [Dr. Steinleitner] has no bedside manner at all...He told me one retrieval would net us enough embryos for all the kids I could possibly want, but I only have 1 in the freezer. He said I have a 60%chance my first try, so we'll see. Oh, and he forgot to order some of my meds, leading to a rush, a panic, and a ton of stress mid cycle...I had to go on bcp for a month...He is short in his correspondance, going as far as to tell me to ask anyone else after my check cleared
My trigger shot wasn't ordered [at Simple IVF Centers]. I have had to call to get embryo reports, they also don't use the standard grading scale nor provide photos if embryos. The dr wouldnxt consider my allergy when perscribing antibiotics, and then failed to perscribe anything to treat the resulting yeast infection...They also billed me in full, and still bill every already paid ultrasound to my insurance too. When asked they say it is legal and helps ckeep their costs down while helping me reach my deductable".
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He has no bedside manner at all, makes granfiose vlaims and gets you to pay his fees. And then gets you next to nothing to show for huge amounts of debt. He told me one retrieval would net us enough embryos for all the kids I could possibly want, but I only have 1 in the freezer. He said I have a 60%chance my first try, so we'll see. Oh, and he forgot to order some of my meds, leading to a rush, a panic, and a ton of stress mid cycle
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Be super thick skinned and take everything he says with a grain of salt
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He is short in his correspondance, going as far as to tell me to ask anyone else after my check cleared
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I had to go on bcp for a month, then menopur and follistim gor 12 days, ganirelix was added day 6. I was also on dexamethasone daily. I used pregnyl and breville to trigger. I feel I my cycle would have resulted in more embryos without the bcp
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Jodi)
Jodi is always on top of my treatment plan and answers alk my questions as best she can. She even tries to act as a buffer between patients and the dr when he is in a pissy mood
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The clinic in Bakersfield is clean and professional. The clinic in San Luis Obispo is outdated (think 1970's abortion clinic), the nurses were rude, and it was unpersonable. It you need IVF and can't afford to go elsewhere you can make do at this office. I wish my insurance covered anything, and I wish Jodi worked for a dr my insurance covered.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I paid for the drs fees and my meds first. $4900 for dr and $3k for meds. Then another $2200ish for embryology. $400 for anastesia. That covered the retrieval. I am doing FET to treat my endometriosis before transfer, so that is another $2900 for dr (was quoted $2200) $800 in meds, and $1500 to embryology. They also billed me in full, and still bill every already paid ultrasound to my insurance too. When asked they say it is legal and helps ckeep their costs down while helping me reach my deductable".
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Not an issue for me, I only have 1 embryo
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
My trigger shot wasn't ordered. I have had to call to get embryo reports, they also don't use the standard grading scale nor provide photos if embryos. The dr wouldnxt consider my allergy when perscribing antibiotics, and then failed to perscribe anything to treat the resulting yeast infection.
Alex Steinleitner
1 of 5
2 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
3 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
1 of 5
1 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
3 of 5
2 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
1 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 37 - 40
Income $100K - $199K
1st of 2 Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Poor communication and somewhat condescending. He [Dr. Steinleitner] groups patients together so sometimes you wait 3+ months just to complete a cycle. He would sometimes seem annoyed at questions but said in the beginning he welcomes them and that we’re a team.... He didn’t really discuss strategies nor a lot of results. It was like pulling teeth to get information.
The clinic [Simple IVF- San Luis Obispo] as a whole is extremely disorganized and chaotic. Appointments are changed and they don’t notify you or notify you right before.... Binder clips on IV stands are used to hold sheets up for patient separation. Husbands have to provide their semen sample in the public restroom that is shared by the entire building. They finally got a door for their procedure room!
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Poor communication and somewhat condescending. He groups patients together so sometimes you wait 3+ months just to complete a cycle. He would sometimes seem annoyed at questions but said in the beginning he welcomes them and that we’re a team. It seems he’s is trying to get too big and can’t handle the load he has.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Consider another practice even if you have to drive a bit more. This is what stopped me from initially switching but so glad i did. It is so much less stressful and so much quicker and easier than what I had thought! Wish i would have done a switch sooner.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
There was so much disorganization and mixed up medications that it seemed like they just used generic calendars and didn’t really cater to the patient. Only a few staff members had a good bed aide manner but most did not.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
He didn’t really discuss strategies nor a lot of results. It was like pulling teeth to get information.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
There was so much chaos and stress and it felt like they were over worked. The chaos of the office was the worst! The biggest culprit was the office manager who happens to be dating the doctor!
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The clinic as a whole is extremely disorganized and chaotic. Appointments are changed and they don’t notify you or notify you right before. Medications, doses and calendars every time were incorrect and if you weren’t on top of it you could ruin an entire cycle. As a whole it felt like you were bothersome and they just had too much going on to spend talking or answering questions.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lost appointments
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to order appropriate test
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Wrong doses Didn’t communicate results Had wrong embryo counts Left embryos at another lab and didn’t inform us Constantly changing appointments Wrong calendars Wrong medicine prescribed that could affect know conditions Definitely does not have an appropriate lab set up. Binder clips on IV stands are used to hold sheets up for patient separation. Husbands have to provide their semen sample in the public restroom that is shared by the entire building. They finally got a door for their procedure room!
Alex Steinleitner
1 of 5
2 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
2 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
1 of 5
3 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
1 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
2 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
1 of 5
Educational Resources
4 of 5
2018 - 2019, Unknown Success
Age 39 - 40
Male Factor
Uterine Fibroids
Income $50K - $99K
Only Doc Seen
IVF With Other Docs
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
He [Dr. Steinleitner] is friendly and frank, with a dry sense of humor. He never seems in a rush when meeting with us and takes the time to explain things. He remembers us each time we see him, even if months have passed. ... He can be blunt, but I appreciate that. He's friendly and warm, but doesn't sugar coat things and his confidence makes me feel more confident too. He offers a lot of information- it can be a little overwhelming, but I'd rather have too much info than too little
Their [Central Coast Fertility] hours seem a little inconsistent and there have been some lapses in communication, especially in regards to next steps that need to be taken, etc. ... One of the blood tests I was supposed to take was left off the order sheet, so I had to go back a second time to get it done. ...In person my nurse is very friendly, but her communication outside the office is less effective.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I like the doctor himself. He can be blunt, but I appreciate that. He's friendly and warm, but doesn't sugar coat things and his confidence makes me feel more confident too. He offers a lot of information- it can be a little overwhelming, but I'd rather have too much info than too little.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Don't expect to be coddled. He tells it like it is.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He is friendly and frank, with a dry sense of humor. He never seems in a rush when meeting with us and takes the time to explain things. He remembers us each time we see him, even if months have passed.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I haven't started my protocol yet, however I have been prescribed a lot of medications: Menopur, gonal-F, Lupron, Pregnyl, Omnitrope.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Tamar)
In person my nurse is very friendly, but her communication outside the office is less effective. She answers detailed questions with one word answers, but she is quick to respond in most cases.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The clinic is small, clean, and more affordable than other places we looked into. Everyone there is friendly and they use an online portal to comminate and share documents which I like. Their hours seem a little inconsistent and there have been some lapses in communication, especially in regards to next steps that need to be taken, etc.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
So far, I've spent $3000 on medication, $1000 on blood work, and $3800 for Mini IVF. I'm still going to have to pay $1000 for ICSI, and $400 per embryo for PGS testing, and $3000 for a frozen cycle transfer and more meds.
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I'm not yet sure of his approach.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Failed to order appropriate test
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
It was a small thing. One of the blood tests I was supposed to take was left off the order sheet, so I had to go back a second time to get it done. But it was just a minor inconvenience fortunately.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
4 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018, Unsuccessful
Age 39
Income $0 - $49K
Only Doc Seen
IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Was able to be seen within a week and he [Dr. Steinleitner] was quick to respond to emails. -Was responsive to app via text message. _Was always gentle and showed compassion during face to face visits. -A better transition between Dr. would be recommended so that confusion with who is the Dr would be helpful. ... My doctor had strong feelings about transferring more than one embryo. ...
The two Dr's were nice however their staff [were un-pleasurable. The nurses and office staff were not empathic, warm or hospitable . Ultra sounds were really quick with no explain of outcome. When cycles were unsuccessful or set backs, you were simply given a new calendar and see you on the next ultra sound. ... Opening multiple offices and providing more services to couples and individuals. Provide training to staff and nurses on humility, cultural and empathy and the emotional process we as client undergo.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
-Was able to be seen within a week and he was quick to respond to emails. -Was responsive to app via text message. _Was always gentle and showed compassion during face to face visits. -A better transition between Dr. would be recommended so that confusion with who is the Dr would be helpful.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Request documents of every procedure and ask questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
The two Dr's were nice however their staff were un-pleasurable. The nurses and office staff were not empathic, warm or hospitable . Ultra sounds were really quick with no explain of outcome. When cycles were unsuccessful or set backs, you were simply given a new calendar and see you on the next ultra sound.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Using the app was very helpful remind you when to take medication and what was next.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: all except Darline)
Rude, and at time argumentative when I was not feeling good with moving forward and demanded I continue medication. Given our emotional mental health during this time and in our brokenness. One would except to have a nursing staff who is empathic, compassionate and willing to explain the next steps to any infertility process within their scope. Not expecting us to know what is the next step ( i.e.order medications, donor sperm etc).
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Dr's are nice and available. Opening multiple offices and providing more services to couples and individuals. Provide training to staff and nurses on humility, cultural and empathy and the emotional process we as client undergo. Its hard enough to accept the infertility journey and if Dr. Steinleitner's staff can make these changes they would be a great clinic.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Consultation, lab work, medications, egg retrieval and transfer fee, embryologist fees
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
My doctor had strong feelings about transferring more than one embryo.
Alex Steinleitner
1 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
2 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
3 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
1 of 5
Educational Resources
1 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018, Successful
Age 24
Male Factor
Income $0 - $49K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
My husband was diagnosed with azoospermia, so we did an micro tese a day before my egg retrieval followed by ICSI [with Dr. Steinleitner]...very straight forward with treatment and is always confident with each step, he gave me hope when i had 0 hope left, although he isnt one to be super compassionate you must go in with a thick skin knowing he wont be sugar coating anything. He didnt make me feel overwhelmed with anything and he didn’t make me spend money on extra things where he didnt see fit.
I was always seen by Tamar or Darlene [nurses at Central Coast Fertility] and they are absolutely amazing! Super coordinated and know there stuff!...The clinic isnt the most beautiful but it has everything you need, i believe it is a temporary clinic while they move into there new one. I am very picky when it comes to doctor offices and there clinic can use some decor but it didnt affect the service so thats all that mattered to me
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr. S is very straight forward with treatment and is always confident with each step, he gave me hope when i had 0 hope left, although he isnt one to be super compassionate you must go in with a thick skin knowing he wont be sugar coating anything. He didnt make me feel overwhelmed with anything and he didn’t make me spend money on extra things where he didnt see fit.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Go in with thick skin and ask all questions before treatment
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
At times i felt like i was treated like a number when i recieved news of my chemical pregnancy and wanted to ask a various amount of questions and felt like i would get shutdown. But overall i felt i was treated like a human the staff was always nice to me
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
My husband was diagnosed with azoospermia, so we did an micro tese a day before my egg retrieval followed by ICSI. To prep for egg retrieval we did menopur and ganirelix with a trigger for approximately 10 days. We did a frozen embryo transfer and got a positive but end result was chemical pregnancy, for our 2nd transfer we finally got our BFP and are waiting for our first ultrasound
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Tamar)
I was always seen by Tamar or Darlene and they are absolutely amazing! Super coordinated and know there stuff!
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The clinic isnt the most beautiful but it has everything you need, i believe it is a temporary clinic while they move into there new one. I am very picky when it comes to doctor offices and there clinic can use some decor but it didnt affect the service so thats all that mattered to me
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Our treatmebt was roughly 15,000 and another 5,000 & up in medications/labfees/embryologist etc...
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We decided to do 2 embryos for both transfers but doctor let us be the decision makers for that
Alex Steinleitner
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
1 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016 - 2017, Unsuccessful
Age 36 - 37
Income $50K - $99K
1st of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
While Dr. Steinleitner was personable, empathetic, and compassionate during consultations, and even helped us out with some of the pricing here and there, he was quite misleading and dishonest along the way. If you had a question he'd give a very confusing, quick, 1 sentence answer that left you with more questions. And if you pressed for more questions he'd get elusive, even angry. I never felt that I got the full amount of information necessary at each stage.
I mentioned it before, but I think they [Central Coast Fertility] are just spread too thin between the various offices in SLO, Santa Barbara, and Fresno, and now doing INVOCell right out of his SLO office.... everything suffers - patient care, communication, information, results, overall quality of care, time with patient, all of it. Then, when you try to question things he gets rude and angry real quick. When we started out it seemed like a good fit and trustworthy practice, but it went downhill quickly
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
While Dr. Steinleitner was personable, empathetic, and compassionate during consultations, and even helped us out with some of the pricing here and there, he was quite misleading and dishonest along the way. If you had a question he'd give a very confusing, quick, 1 sentence answer that left you with more questions. And if you pressed for more questions he'd get elusive, even angry. I never felt that I got the full amount of information necessary at each stage. Bad news was not delivered by him, and not always delivered at all, I found out that eggs he said were frozen were not and were actually deemed unusable! My last hopes were "just kidding - not actually there" and no one bothered to tell me! Finally, after 2 failed cycles, with no proposed change to treatment, additional testing, or explanation of his thought process, we asked some relevant, reasonable questions. He became hostile and refused to treat us or communicate with us further!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Do NOT see this doctor. Seek better care elsewhere!!!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
They always remembered my name and were very nice/personable, however, they were very disorganized, forgot things, and often had to wait long periods to hear back.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
First did 6 rounds of OI treatments. After they all failed he recommended IVF We did a "normal" round of IVF and out of 23 eggs only had 1 to transfer. After this he recommended INVOcell which was new to his practice. I had 4 embroyos, transferred 2, they failed. Then after that found out the other 2 were not actually viable as he said they were.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Some were better than others. They were extremely disorganized. Often gave me incorrect medication orders, calendars, and information. They were very kind, but way disorganized and often took forever to get responses back. It did not make you feel like you could get the info you need nor rely on it when you got it. I think though it's the doctor's fault for spreading them so thin. He works in several offices in different cities managing multiple cycles at once, and I believe that's the root of the problem - juggling too much and making mistakes just everywhere. Such a shame.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I mentioned it before, but I think they are just spread too thin between the various offices in SLO, Santa Barbara, and Fresno, and now doing INVOCell right out of his SLO office. He's likely trying to do too much, and so everything suffers - patient care, communication, information, results, overall quality of care, time with patient, all of it. Then, when you try to question things he gets rude and angry real quick. When we started out it seemed like a good fit and trustworthy practice, but it went downhill quickly
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
About $4000 for all OI cycles, about $15000 for "regular" IVF cycle + around $3000 for meds and about $4000 for INVOcell cycle + around $2000 for meds
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
He recommended 2 embryo transfer for us due to age (38) but first time we only had 1 to consider, second time we did do 2 embryos at day 3
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Lost appointments
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
  • Lost results
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Wrong medications were ordered - I paid for a bunch of things I didn't need, then was missing medications I did need. Nurse gave ME attitude for this!! Wasn't provided with key results when I needed them, found out in a roundabout, very devastating way Was made to come in for $200 consultation a couple times when all I had was quick question Asked key questions about medications and was given the wrong information so on and so on and so on
Alex Steinleitner
3 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
2 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
1 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
2 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
4 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2015, Unknown Success
Age 38
Male Factor
Black or African-American
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
3 IUI With Other Docs
Success w/ Doc Not sure
I had Dr. S [Dr. Steinleitner] cell phone number. During our appointments we never felt rushed. We were always encouraged to ask questions.Because we had been dealing with fertility and other health issues for quite some time we were able to convey to Dr. S. that we needed him to be straightforward with us at all times and he respected this wish. His bedside manner is unique. If you want someone to hand hold and comfort you then you'll be disappointed. He did show compassion.
His pricing [at Central Coast Fertility] was very fair and reasonable. Based on our tax return he offered us a discount on his fees...I ended up having a chemical pregnancy. The calls from the person in the office were very vague and disconnected. I took the first blood test on Christmas Eve and received a call stating I was kinda pregnant (I'm paraphrasing). I repeated the test a few days later and received another call indicating my number had dropped to zero. I understand the doctor was very busy but I believe we should have been asked if we wanted to schedule a follow up or if we at least knew how we wanted to proceed...There was no communication from the office after that call. In all honesty I felt like a number at that point but I don't know if that was just standard protocol. If I had not scheduled a follow up and asked specific questions I would not have known that I had a chemical pregnancy.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I was referred to Dr. S by a friend who is a local OB/GYN and has also experienced infertility firsthand. He had just opened a satellite office in Fresno and it was good to have another option as we had already been to the only other fertility doctor in town. His pricing was very fair and reasonable. Based on our tax return he offered us a discount on his fees. Because we had been dealing with fertility and other health issues for quite some time we were able to convey to Dr. S. that we needed him to be straightforward with us at all times and he respected this wish. His bedside manner is unique. If you want someone to hand hold and comfort you then you'll be disappointed. He did show compassion. There were 1-2 instances where I felt like the communication could have been clearer. For example, at some point we only had 1 viable embryo. I'm not sure when this changed from 2 to 1 but we didn't find out until we were on our way back to the clinic to have the embryo transfer. Unfortunately, I ended up having a chemical pregnancy. The calls from the person in the office were very vague and disconnected. I took the first blood test on Christmas Eve and received a call stating I was kinda pregnant (I'm paraphrasing). I repeated the test a few days later and received another call indicating my number had dropped to zero. I understand the doctor was very busy but I believe we should have been asked if we wanted to schedule a follow up or if we at least knew how we wanted to proceed. There was no communication from the office after that call. In all honesty I felt like a number at that point but I don't know if that was just standard protocol. If I had not scheduled a follow up and asked specific questions I would not have known that I had a chemical pregnancy. If we were to move forward I'd feel comfortable working with Dr. S. again.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Hold everyone accountable. If someone says they will call and they don't, call them. Ask questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I had Dr. S cell phone number. During our appointments we never felt rushed. We were always encouraged to ask questions.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I don't remember the specifics of the protocol that was used. I don't have anything to compare to.
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The protocol was in line with our wishes and everything was explained to us well in advance.
Alex Steinleitner
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2014 - 2015, Unknown Success
Age 29 - 30
1 Egg Freezing
1 Embryo Freezing
Tubal Blockage
Income $50K - $99K
2nd of 2 Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
He is very accommodating and traveled 4 hours to the clinic of our insurance's choice so our procedure would be covered. He also adjusted our treatment plan as needed when I was developing eggs slower than anticipated.
Dr. Steinleitner's office is able to set up monthly payments for those who don't have insurance coverage and can't afford upfront costs.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Alex is a doctor who is quite obviously passionate about his field and practice. He is very thorough with us and answers all of our questions in a respectful and easy to understand manner. He is very accommodating and traveled 4 hours to the clinic of our insurance's choice so our procedure would be covered. He also adjusted our treatment plan as needed when I was developing eggs slower than anticipated. When I had issues obtaining my medications through my insurance on time, he was so sweet and allowed us to get our medications in his office for free, and replace them with the drugs we received from my insurance the following week, so we wouldn't have to move our cycle dates. His prices are average to the industry and we are so happy we chose him to be our RE. I would HIGHLY recommend him to anyone looking for an RE on the central coast or central valley. He has 2 offices. One in Fresno, CA and the other in San Luis Obispo, CA.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Don't think you can't get IVF because you can't afford it. While there are some upfront costs, Dr. Steinleitner's office is able to set up monthly payments for those who don't have insurance coverage and can't afford upfront costs.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Alex is extremely accommodating. He was willing to travel to the facility of our insurance's choice to get the procedure costs covered by insurance. He takes his time to discuss the situation and creates a customized plan for your care. He was willing to fit us in on weekends and after hours when necessary for our treatment plan. He even gave us his cll phone number for weekend calls due to my cycle.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I was a complete emotional trainwreck when we started our cycle. The nurses showed my husband how to give my shots and make the syringes. However, I wasn't paying attention and when it came time to start our shots, I wasn't comfortable allowing him to give them to me without knowing what he was doing. The nursing staff told us to come on in without an appointment and they would teach us again. When we arrived, I was crying and upset. They were so kind and understanding. They assured me my husband knew what he was doing and they watched him administer my shots. They reminded me he is here to help me and I'm not alone in this process. They told me to let him help me and to trust him with the process. I felt so much better when we left and my husband was very confident in his abilities after our appointment.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2013 - 2014, Unsuccessful
Age 31 - 32
Income $200K - $499K
Business Executive
1st of 2 Docs
6 IUI With Other Docs
Donor Sperm
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Dr. Steinleitner was a nice guy, but as a doctor he seemed a little careless....But perhaps the biggest issue I had with Steinleitner was that after a poor response from my first IVF cycle, he didn't try a different protocol. He put me on slightly stronger stims, but overall still pretty mild. I ended up having to cancel the second cycle, too, and he recommended we seek a second opinion. After going through an IVF cycle with a new doctor, Steinleitner's lack of attention to detail became even more apparent.
Strengths: compassionate staff; convenient location; reasonable fees and fee schedule; lots of face time with the Doctor; doctor is very willing to answer questions Weaknesses: overall disorganized; unprofessional staff; lack of attention to detail...We wenf in for an ultrasound one morning and one staff member mistakenly thought we were there for an IUI so she thawed our donor sperm, which had cost like $700 for the vial. Appalled, Dr. Steinleitner immediately offered to replace it and cover the cost but the ordeal left a bad taste in our mouths.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr. Steinleitner was a nice guy, but as a doctor he seemed a little careless. I never felt that he had read my chart before entering the room to see me. He would walk in and say "ok, what are we doing today?" I wiuld answer "today we are doing a baseline ultrasound," or whatever, but in my head I was always thinking "why don't you tell me what the hell we're doing today?" Also, he didn't pay close attention to detail. I did three IUIs with him, and the first two were very painful because he used the wrong size speculum and got flustered that it wasn't working. On the third IUI, I had to remind him beforehand what size speculum to use and what do you know, that one went super smoothly. But perhaps the biggest issue I had with Steinleitner was that after a poor response from my first IVF cycle, he didn't try a different protocol. He put me on slightly stronger stims, but overall still pretty mild. I ended up having to cancel the second cycle, too, and he recommended we seek a second opinion. After going through an IVF cycle with a new doctor, Steinleitner's lack of attention to detail became even more apparent. The new doctor had me doing blood tests almost daily during the stims, and I didn't do any blood testing during the stim cycles with Steinleitner. Maybe if I had, he would have been able to detect the poor response sooner and course correct. Instead, thousands of dollars of meds went down the drain. The good thing about Steinleitner is that he was very sympathetic and he seemed to generally care and feel bad that he couldn't get us pregnant. His office has a policy where you pay half of the fee upon start of treatment, and you only pay the other half if you achieve a pregnancy. We didn't even make it to a retrieval so he ended up generously refunding almost our entire payment, save for the costs of ultrasounds. It was astounding, and we were incredibly greatful.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr. Steinleitner is great if your needs are simple and straightforward. But if your case is a bit more complex, it might behoove you to seek an expert from San Francisco or LA.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr. Steinleitner was a father himself, so he seemed to care passionately about his work and spoke openly about that fact. He gave hugs and was very kind.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I did one natural cycle IUI and two femara IUIs with an ovidrel trigger. In all three cases, I had one dominant follicle. I also did two IVF cycles with the long lupron protocol, and 10 days of stimming with menopur. The cycles seemed to be going well and I had approximately 12 follicles measuring around 11mm each that were visible on the ultrasound on day 7ish of stimming. But on the day of the final ultrasound (day 11ish), only 2-3 follicles had fully matured, measuring 17-18mm. Both cycles were canceled. I was tested for ovarian reserve after the first cancellation and it was discovered that I actually have very good ovarian reserve, so the doctor was stumped and recommended I get a second opinion.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I don't even remember if we had a nurse; the office manager, who was responsible for a lot of the disarray, seemed to take on a lot of "nursing" responsibility.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Strengths: compassionate staff; convenient location; reasonable fees and fee schedule; lots of face time with the Doctor; doctor is very willing to answer questions Weaknesses: overall disorganized; unprofessional staff; lack of attention to detail
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lost appointments
  • Failed to call with results
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Lost or damaged samples
  • Scheduled the wrong procedure
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We wenf in for an ultrasound one morning and one staff member mistakenly thought we were there for an IUI so she thawed our donor sperm, which had cost like $700 for the vial. Appalled, Dr. Steinleitner immediately offered to replace it and cover the cost but the ordeal left a bad taste in our mouths.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
2 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
1 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5
2015 - 2018, Unknown Success
Age 36 - 39
Poor Egg Quality
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Income $50K - $99K
Only Doc Seen
IUI With Other Docs
IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Sometimes I feel like Dr Steinletner is really wanting to help, he made me feel like I was making the right decision picking him as my doctor. He told me the story of his struggle to conceive while in the same breath hurried me in and out of his office. I think more so then him his staff really make you feel like a number and the slight inclination of hesitation on the quotes giving they are quick to shut down and almost just want to cut off the call or emai.
I think more so then him [Dr. Alex Steinleitner] his staff [at Alex Steinleitner, MD, Inc] really make you feel like a number and the slight inclination of hesitation on the quotes giving they are quick to shut down and almost just want to cut off the call or emai....To be completely honest I found he was the most affordable in our area and my choices were very limited with my financial resources as well as where I live.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr Steinletner is a nice man who is quite serious and to the point. He listens and is quick to correct you when your wrong about what you think you know about your procedures or medicine. But I think My experience with the doctor is just that my experience. I would love to share in hopes that I can help someone as others did for me. I read his reviews the good with the bad and still choose him. I feel like as much as we relate in our pain to one another our experiences defer. To be completely honest I found he was the most affordable in our area and my choices were very limited with my financial resources as well as where I live.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Let him know how you feel stand your ground and don’t let him intimidate you just because he’s the doctor. You know your body best if you have a concern let know.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Sometimes I feel like Dr Steinletner is really wanting to help, he made me feel like I was making the right decision picking him as my doctor. He told me the story of his struggle to conceive while in the same breath hurried me in and out of his office. I think more so then him his staff really make you feel like a number and the slight inclination of hesitation on the quotes giving they are quick to shut down and almost just want to cut off the call or emai.
Alex Steinleitner
4 of 5
2 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
3 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
3 of 5
2019, Successful
Age 34
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Male Factor
Income $50K - $99K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
He [Dr. Steinleitner] is there 24/7 to answer any question. He cares about how treatments affect you and your husband emotionally as well as physically. ... I did an antagonist protocol. Because I have Diminished ovarian reserve, he started me on his highest protocol. ... He suggested tests other RE never did BEFORE any transfers to not waste embryos on knowledge we could have known.
It’s a small clinic [Central Coast Fertility] so it’s very personalized. Easy to get in touch with people and you are always in contact with the same people. Everyone starts to know you personally and it makes for a smoother process. Everyone is on a text system so you can reach them at any hour. ... He [Dr. Steinleitner] is the only doctor at his office so everything is very personal.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He is the only doctor at his office so everything is very personal. He cares about you as a person not just medically. He is incredibly smart and proactive. He suggested tests other RE never did BEFORE any transfers to not waste embryos on knowledge we could have known. (Ex. ERA before our first transfer, DNA fragmentation of husbands sperm, endometrial marker testing). He is kind and genuine and we are very lucky to have him as our RE.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Trust him. Have faith it can work!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He teaches you to have faith that this can work. He is there 24/7 to answer any question. He cares about how treatments affect you and your husband emotionally as well as physically.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I did an antagonist protocol. Because I have Diminished ovarian reserve, he started me on his highest protocol.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Everyone was very kind.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
It’s a small clinic so it’s very personalized. Easy to get in touch with people and you are always in contact with the same people. Everyone starts to know you personally and it makes for a smoother process. Everyone is on a text system so you can reach them at any hour.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018, Unknown Success
Age 35
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Male Factor
Only Doc Seen
IUI With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Not sure
The Dr [Steinleitner] was warm and welcoming. He has a sense of humor, which was helpful during stressful conversations. He was very thorough and explained things well... wants to make sure you understand all aspects of your treatment. He was very comprehensive with the testing her performed which gave us a lot of good information. I felt listened to and understood...He can be a bit blunt but that is his manner when explaining things initially.
My monitoring appointments [at Central Coast Fertility] were scheduled at a regular time but I always had to wait in between other patients...Around 7000 for one cycle of ivf and the testing that was done to prepare for it...They are hard to get into initially. Be prepared to wait for an appointment. Once you have your protocol then appointments aren’t as hard to get into. They also use an app to communicate with you. I enjoyed that.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He is very thorough and wants to make sure you understand all aspects of your treatment. He was very comprehensive with the testing her performed which gave us a lot of good information. I felt listened to and understood.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He can be a bit blunt but that is his manner when explaining things initially.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
The Dr was warm and welcoming. He has a sense of humor, which was helpful during stressful conversations. He was very thorough and explained things well.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I was on so much. I don’t remember it all.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I saw different people at different times. It’s hard to describe them as they are all different.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
They are hard to get into initially. Be prepared to wait for an appointment. Once you have your protocol then appointments aren’t as hard to get into. They also use an app to communicate with you. I enjoyed that.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
My monitoring appointments were scheduled at a regular time but I always had to wait in between other patients.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Around 7000 for one cycle of ivf and the testing that was done to prepare for it.
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We haven’t done our transfer yet but he shared that he would only implant one embryo at a time.
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 41 - 42
2 Egg Freezing
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $50K - $99K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
He [Dr. Steinleitner] cried with me when we sadly had to make the decision to use donor eggs...Great honest doctor, candid about potential outcomes. Knowledgeable and compassionate. He had a good bedside manner and was respectful. I felt I could trust him. I’m thankful to have someone like that to care for me. The office is close to me and convenient, and prices are fair....We used injectables as well as pills to stimulate my ovaries
Not great at returning calls, although always friendly and helpful. Clean convenient location [SimpleIVF] and knowledgeable staff, always ready to help me with questions or concerns about my care and treatment. I trust they have my best interest at heart...Great honest doctor [Dr. Steinleitner], candid about potential outcomes. Knowledgeable and compassionate. He had a good bedside manner and was respectful. I felt I could trust him. I’m thankful to have someone like that to care for me. The office is close to me and convenient, and prices are fair.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Great honest doctor, candid about potential outcomes. Knowledgeable and compassionate. He had a good bedside manner and was respectful. I felt I could trust him. I’m thankful to have someone like that to care for me. The office is close to me and convenient, and prices are fair.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Be ready to be flexible with appointments
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He cried with me when we sadly had to make the decision to use donor eggs
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We used injectables as well as pills to stimulate my ovaries
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Roman )
Caring and friendly
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Not great at returning calls, although always friendly and helpful. Clean convenient location and knowledgeable staff, always ready to help me with questions or concerns about my care and treatment. I trust they have my best interest at heart
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Pricey but they offer package deals
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
No info on this one
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
4 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5
2016, Unsuccessful
Age 31
Male Factor
Income $200K - $499K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
[Dr Alex Steinleitner] is not a hand holder... He is busy and does not have much time...Strengths: knows his science and does not lack confidence. Weakness:...bedside and communication... [Nurses] Jayran and Debbie are the best! Erica then new MA is great as well
[Dr Alex Steinleitner] is not a hand holder... He is busy and does not have much time...Strengths: knows his science and does not lack confidence. Weakness:...bedside and communication... [Nurses] Jayran and Debbie are the best! Erica then new MA is great as well
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Strengths: knows his science and does not lack confidence. Weakness: pot bedside and communication
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Go in with thick skin
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Dr S is not a hand holder... He is busy and does not have much time
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Jayran)
Jayran and Debbie are the best! Erica then new MA is great as well
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Beautiful clinic, staff seems confised
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The doctor, facility, anesthesiologist, meds, pgs
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to call with results
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Alex Steinleitner
3 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
3 of 5
1 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020, Unknown Success
Age 34
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
2 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Dr. Steinleitner has been very good about answering my questions and explaining our treatments. He does not sugarcoat things or promise the world. I appreciate his clarity...Our first test was an endometrial biopsy, which confirmed Endometriosis. My husband also had his semen tested again, which came back clear, and OK. We are planning a delayed egg transfer, with time in between for endometriosis suppression. I haven't started the injectable hormones yet...
Everyone [at Simple IVF Centers] has been incredibly helpful. They are quick to respond to my messages or phone calls...We are doing advanced IVF (with delayed egg transfer, genetic testing, and endometriosis suppression. We are looking at ~$16-17K for this first cycle...The staff travels between various offices. I am grateful for this, as I would have to travel for more appointments if they didn't rotate between offices. The office in my city is fairly new, so they are still working out certain things. The schedule may not be the same each week (depending on different patients calendars, etc). But, calling the office will get me to the person I need.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I am still new to this world of fertility. I am learning to have my questions ready, and to not do too much research ahead of time. Dr. Steinleitner has been very good about answering my questions and explaining our treatments. He does not sugarcoat things or promise the world. I appreciate his clarity.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Understand that he will give you the information needed. There is a lot of information on the internet that may not pertain to your individual treatment. It is OK to have questions ready, he will answer them. He is kind and warm, but will be honest with his plans for your treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
I was really excited that the office had a cancellation and that I was able to meet with him, very shortly after reaching out to his office. They were very kind and proactive about getting me in. The office staff and Dr. Steinleitner were very kind and patient during the first consultation. Since the first consultation they have been very helpful and patient through this challenging time.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Before meeting with Dr. Steinleitner my husband and I went through a fertility specialist through our primary doctor. We were fortunate to have a number of tests done prior to meeting Dr. Steinleitner as we transitioned to IVF. My previous Dr suspected I had Endometriosis. Our first test was an endometrial biopsy, which confirmed Endometriosis. My husband also had his semen tested again, which came back clear, and OK. We are planning a delayed egg transfer, with time in between for endometriosis suppression. I haven't started the injectable hormones yet.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Micah)
Everyone has been incredibly helpful. They are quick to respond to my messages or phone calls.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The staff travels between various offices. I am grateful for this, as I would have to travel for more appointments if they didn't rotate between offices. The office in my city is fairly new, so they are still working out certain things. The schedule may not be the same each week (depending on different patients calendars, etc). But, calling the office will get me to the person I need.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
Despite having a good job, my insurance does not cover anything outside of IUI. So, everything with Dr. Steinleitner has been out of pocket. We are doing advanced IVF (with delayed egg transfer, genetic testing, and endometriosis suppression. We are looking at ~$16-17K for this first cycle. I believe we have spent ~$2,500 in appointments and diagnostic testing (semen analyses, endometrial biopsy).
Describe Alex Steinleitner's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
We are not to this point yet. I have learned to take this one day at time, and not to get to ahead of myself.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I had an appointment for a Wednesday, but they called the day before (Tuesday).
Alex Steinleitner
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
5 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2017 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 24 - 26
1 Fertility Medications
Income $50K - $99K
Nurse or HC Services
1st of 3 Docs
3 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
He [Dr. Steinleitner] was straight forward with his treatment plan but failed to do any additional testing to prove his diagnosis for me. It was based up assumption of symptoms I had explained 2 years prior to him. When my first cycle failed I reached out to him to inquire about additional testing and what to move forward with and was given a short reply and no plan of action for my next treatment cycle. I had no idea what to move forward with or what to do.
[Simple IVF Centers is] a small clinic which is nice and peaceful but also hard to be working and need treatment. I would get offered one appointment time and if I couldn’t make it they said they would call me back in a day or two with a new time due to their busy schedule they had limited space...I was charged copays for office visits and charged for ultrasounds, plus for the HCG trigger injection.
How was your experience with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
He was straight forward with his treatment plan but failed to do any additional testing to prove his diagnosis for me. It was based up assumption of symptoms I had explained 2 years prior to him. When my first cycle failed I reached out to him to inquire about additional testing and what to move forward with and was given a short reply and no plan of action for my next treatment cycle. I had no idea what to move forward with or what to do.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
Make sure you are stern with the office and keep calling over and over to get what you need.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
The staff didn’t keep track of my ultrasounds and I heard them in the back talking about how they didn’t record my last one. Then when I asked about my results I was told I would get a call from the PA. I instead got a call from the office manager to come back in for another ultra sound and didn’t get any results still. But I was given a trigger injection and told when to give it to myself.
Describe the protocols Alex Steinleitner used in your cycles at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Letrozole with a trigger injection and timed intercourse. I had a few ultrasounds set up to check follicle growth. Results were a negative pregnancy test and no real plan for cycle 2.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I believe the office manager was the one showing a new hire employee how to do ultrasounds. The girl had never done ultrasounds before and she had no idea what she was doing or how to use the wand. So the manger took the ultrasound wand and told her not to be afraid and shoved it into my cervix, which hurt bad. Since they were not ultrasound techs they were assuming things while doing my scans and mixed a few things with me. Like a cyst that was breaking down from my previous cycle, they told me was a good 18mm follicle. When really my only good follicle at the time was 12mm. If they would have had me trigger that day everything would have been wrong and I would have never known unless I questioned them. Also really difficult to get return calls. I’ve been told a few times I would get calls back and nobody called me back. This is another main reason why I left the practice. It’s too much be constantly calling and calling and getting nothing done.
Describe your experience with Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
It’s a small clinic which is nice and peaceful but also hard to be working and need treatment. I would get offered one appointment time and if I couldn’t make it they said they would call me back in a day or two with a new time due to their busy schedule they had limited space.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alex Steinleitner at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
I was charged copays for office visits and charged for ultrasounds, plus for the HCG trigger injection.
What specific things went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center?
  • Lost appointments
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center.
The ultrasound people were not trained ultrasound techs. The manger was teaching a new hire how to do the ultrasounds and she took the wand from the girl and told her not to be afraid and she shoved the wand into my cervix. Also my scans were never fully reviewed with me and I over heard the nurses saying they didn’t document measurement of my last ultrasound so they could t compare it my current one that day. I was told I would get a call from the PA to review the scan but instead got a call from the office manger to come back the following Monday for a new scan and I was still then in the dark about my scan.
Alex Steinleitner
2 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
3 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
2 of 5
Simple IVF Centers - San Luis Obispo Fertility Center
San Luis Obispo
2 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
2 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

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