Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
I got personal calls from the doctor [Dr. Austin] and she was responsive to my emails and my questions.... She was very nice and honest,but pushed egg donation before i even attempted an egg retrieval- even tho my FSH AND AMH are good. She said weld only get 5-6 eggs and we got 10. I also feel like i was given to much FSH when i responded well to minimal stim.... Be ok with someone being blunt. I appreciate bluntness
Calling the clinic [Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] stinks cause you always have to leave a message with the people who answer the phone and wait for a call back. No voicemail. I was able to email the doctor through MYChart and she’d email back normally within 2 days.... I got personal calls from the doctor [Dr. Austin] and she was responsive to my emails and my questions.
How was your experience with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She was very nice and honest,but pushed egg donation before i even attempted an egg retrieval- even tho my FSH AND AMH are good. She said weld only get 5-6 eggs and we got 10. I also feel like i was given to much FSH when i responded well to minimal stim.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Be ok with someone being blunt. I appreciate bluntness but also appreciate empathy.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I got personal calls from the doctor and she was responsive to my emails and my questions.
Describe the protocols Cynthia Austin used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Two weeks BC pill, Lupron for 3 days, then Added225 Gonal F and low dose HCG with the Lupron. Stimmed for 7 days.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Very friendly and warm
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Calling the clinic stinks cause you always have to leave a message with the people who answer the phone and wait for a call back. No voicemail. I was able to email the doctor through MYChart and she’d email back normally within 2 days.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Not sure, i have IVF HEALTH ins so I’m not sure yet what i owe
She [Dr. Attaran] took her time. She was patient and explained everything in detail that a regular person would understand. She was on the level as the patient. Very nice, considerate and professional. ...I loved her as my second opinion and I will defiantly be back soon. She was easy to understand and passionate. She treated you like a human not a number or based on financial income. She explained different procedures and gave options.
Very helpful, accommodating and treated you like an individual. They [Cleveland Clinic] took their time to answer your questions. They did not rush you. They gave you options on locations to be treated at based on where you live. ... Compassionate, good listeners and asked questions. They [Nursing staff] treated you as a patient and gave you the time you deserved.
How was your experience with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I loved her as my second opinion and I will defiantly be back soon. She was easy to understand and passionate. She treated you like a human not a number or based on financial income. She explained different procedures and gave options.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
You will receive the one on one attention you need. She will be honest and try to help you. She listens and doesn’t judge you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She took her time. She was patient and explained everything in detail that a regular person would understand. She was on the level as the patient. Very nice, considerate and professional.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Compassionate, good listeners and asked questions. They treated you as a patient and gave you the time you deserved.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Very helpful, accommodating and treated you like an individual. They took their time to answer your questions. They did not rush you. They gave you options on locations to be treated at based on where you live.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
My insurance covered the consultation I didn’t have to pay a penny.
Dr. Tan and her partners along with the nurses were always very helpful and kind and made my husband and I feel comfortable.... Dr. Tan explained everything clearly and made us feel comfortable and cared for. She was knowledgeable and kind. When I had an ectopic pregnancy she dropped her schedule and immediately scheduled surgery which she performed. She personally called to let us know an IVF cycle resulted in a negative test and was available for questions.
The clinic [Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] is organized and the staff are friendly and helpful. I always felt comfortable calling and asking questions and going to appointments. I always trusted their decisions and rationale and found that they were very compassionate and caring about me as a patient.... They were compassionate, caring, and helpful. They were always available for questions!
How was your experience with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan explained everything clearly and made us feel comfortable and cared for. She was knowledgeable and kind. When I had an ectopic pregnancy she dropped her schedule and immediately scheduled surgery which she performed. She personally called to let us know an IVF cycle resulted in a negative test and was available for questions.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She’s awesome! No advice here!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan and her partners along with the nurses were always very helpful and kind and made my husband and I feel comfortable. They were available for questions and made the process as easy as it could be
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
They were compassionate, caring, and helpful. They were always available for questions!
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The clinic is organized and the staff are friendly and helpful. I always felt comfortable calling and asking questions and going to appointments. I always trusted their decisions and rationale and found that they were very compassionate and caring about me as a patient.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
While we did not work with Dr Austin all that much, we were assigned to a nurse and she was almost always available to take our calls and questions. Or she would call us back in a short time period. She walked us through every step.
The nurses [at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] were awesome. Everyone was helpful, called me back quickly, provided answers to every question, reassured us along the way....We really only met with Dr Austin twice, so much of my review is meant for the Clinic in general. But Dr Austin was extremely knowledgeable and very helpful. We felt very comfortable with her and her experience....Great success rates for IVF. A little more expensive than other ones, but worth it.
How was your experience with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
We really only met with Dr Austin twice, so much of my review is meant for the Clinic in general. But Dr Austin was extremely knowledgeable and very helpful. We felt very comfortable with her and her experience.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Have all your questions written down and ready to ask... The first consultation is overwhelming.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
While we did not work with Dr Austin all that much, we were assigned to a nurse and she was almost always available to take our calls and questions. Or she would call us back in a short time period. She walked us through every step.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Sally)
The nurses were awesome. Everyone was helpful, called me back quickly, provided answers to every question, reassured us along the way.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Great success rates for IVF. A little more expensive than other ones, but worth it.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Dr. Richards was kind, compassionate, and professional...listened well and answered all of our questions without making us feel in a hurry or a bother...used progesterone and another drug to increase our chances of getting pregnant. When this did not work, he referred us to a male fertility specialist and recommended IVF.
[AT Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] men are left out of the loop and not allowed into certain appointments... also refuses to perform certain tests/procedures due to business reasons...bundled package, not counting ultrasounds and prescriptions is approximately $13,000
How was your experience with Elliott Richards at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Richards did an excellent job in his personal interactions with us on our fertility journey. He'd get a 10 out of 10 if it wasn't for other Very disappointing factors related to his facility and his predecessor.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Elliott Richards at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Count the cost and know your limits for how far you will go for fertility.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Elliott Richards at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Richards was kind, compassionate, and professional. He listened well and answered all of our questions without making us feel in a hurry or a bother. He was Excellent.
Describe the protocols Elliott Richards used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Dr. Richards used progesterone and another drug to increase our chances of getting pregnant. When this did not work, he referred us to a male fertility specialist and recommended IVF.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The clinic's success rate speaks for itself. Unfortunately, there is also a high cost to it. If you plan to approach the fertility process as a couple, you will have to beg for it as the male is regularly required to stay in the waiting room and be viewed as less than a "family member" in his fertility process. Use the Cleveland Clinic if the success rate is what matters. If you are less Machiavellian (as in, the ends justify a disappointing means of getting there), you may want to look into other options. I wish a patient work with Dr. Richards at a non-Cleveland Clinic facility.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Elliott Richards at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The bundled package, not counting ultrasounds and prescriptions is approximately $13,000. Plan on $20,000 per round when factoring in these other costs.
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Our first doctor provided an initial consultation followed by a test. This resulted in placing a surgical order, then she vanished into thin air. This breach of trust was inexcusable. Then, it became very difficult to approach this as a couple as men are left out of the loop and not allowed into certain appointments. The Clinic also refuses to perform certain tests/procedures due to business reasons (as opposed to medical reasoning).
She [Dr. Austin] always got back to me about my questions. Mychart is very helpful and you can access your own test results & communicate directly to her...She prefers one [eset]...She said age 38+ you have the option to transfer 2...She is always available to talk over any concerns or issues and help you come to the right decision...I like her very clear mindset and direction with my case. It’s helpful during a time I asked myself lots of questions....
With the cleveland clinic set up they work as a team. Initially I was skeptical of this but I think it’s a good thing now. You have lots of great doctors working with you....Base package price 11,600 Included egg retrieval, anesthesia for ER, all andrology lab cost including ICSI ams 1year of freezing embryos. All ultrasounds and blood work are additional...She [nurse] was always willing to talk through all the details and go through shots to help us be prepared. I tend to ask lots of questions and she was always willing to listen and answer what she could
How was your experience with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I like her very clear mindset and direction with my case. It’s helpful during a time I asked myself lots of questions. She always got back to me about my questions. Mychart is very helpful and you can access your own test results & communicate directly to her.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask she is there for you. With the cleveland clinic set up they work as a team. Initially I was skeptical of this but I think it’s a good thing now. You have lots of great doctors working with you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She is always available to talk over any concerns or issues and help you come to the right decision. She helped clear up my questions
Describe the protocols Cynthia Austin used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
My first retrieval we did Mini Stimulation using clomid, folistim & Ganirelix. I was a slow start and we even heard about potentially canceling cycle. But with the increase of folistim we made. It to retrieval. We decided to try this as I had a low reserve .64 plus was 39. We didn2 trigger shots. I was not able to do a fresh transfer as my progesterone (I believe) went to high. They retrieved 7 eggs and 1 made it to day 5 blastocyst. This one was considered good and was frozen. Embryologist said it did everything it was suppose to do.
Second retrieval we did AA Protocol. Primed w lupron. She said this was a more aggressive treatment. She was open to do mini stimulation again and was happy with the results. I really wanted to try something else. I heard along the way that getting someone’s body to do something different is the hard part. We only did one trigger shot. Dr Austin did perform this retrieval and we got 4 eggs. The good news is she saw fluid in my uterus they was indicating fluid in my tubes. Seeing this unfortunately led me to surgery but since I have learned my embryos would have been in a harmful environment. SO it was a really good thing she saw the issue before we transferred back. 2 of the 4 eggs made it to blastocyst on day 6. Embryologist said they were considered fair. She is very detailed and through.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Shoshana )
She was always willing to talk through all the details and go through shots to help us be prepared. I tend to ask lots of questions and she was always willing to listen and answer what she could. Really helpful
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
One thing that stands out that I really can’t stand is the loud tv in the waiting room- with news that is not generally peaceful and calming. The receptionist ps are wonderful always kind and helpful. They are great. Your monitoring all happens early morning. You will get an ultrasound and blood work. Beachwood office has dedicated girl for bloodwork... she is kind, gentle and more empathetic then if you just went to the lab. She’s part of the team. Ultrasound techs are mice too. And you can also request to speak with a nurse after ultrasound and bloodwork. I always did. But you wait for a call around 2pm after appointments to find out your exact plan once they see bloodwork and have daily meeting on all ivf cycles.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Base package price 11,600
Included egg retrieval, anesthesia for ER, all andrology lab cost including ICSI ams 1year of freezing embryos.
All ultrasounds and blood work are additional. Packages are available to pay as a cash patient.
Pre ivf cost
STD testing required by FDA for both partners 300
Genetic testing for both partners 500
Hysteroscopy price varies. Could be covered by regular insurance. 0-4500. Cash option of $450 is available for this too.
HSG- don’t know cost. Mine was performed during surgery.
Describe Cynthia Austin's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
She prefers one. I just had this conversation yesterday about our upcoming transfer. She said age 38+ you have the option to transfer 2. We decided to only transfer 1 “good” embryo and not transfer different quality embryos. We will consider 2 for future transfer. We have 3 frozen total blastocysts.
I like Dr. Tan - very kind and thorough. Always waits to answer questions and go through everything thoroughly...does seem very exhausted and busy...please advocate for more support...did our egg retrieval and embryo freezing when I was diagnosed with cancer
Cleveland Clinic is just not built for surrogacy...have awful wait times, bad communication as a staff, especially the main surrogacy nurse, and very expensive...Cleveland Clinic adheres to a national standard that says you should only transfer one. However, we would have liked the option to transfer two
How was your experience with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I like Dr. Tan - very kind and thorough. Always waits to answer questions and go through everything thoroughly, although she does seem very exhausted and busy. Unfortunately, the Cleveland Clinic is just not built for surrogacy. I have felt "stuck" in working with them because they did our egg retrieval and embryo freezing when I was diagnosed with cancer. But they have awful wait times, bad communication as a staff, especially the main surrogacy nurse, and very expensive.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Find a new surrogacy nurse, one who communicates more clearly, consistently and with patience. Also, if you are too busy, please advocate for more support.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Sally )
Sally is very old and you can tell she has been doing this a long time. Yet, she is easily angered, flustered and is very, very slow to respond. It's such an unprofessional look for a "world-class institution" like the Cleveland Clinic.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths -- since I have a mother who works there and I have been treated her for breast cancer, I think they can be supportive and understanding of our needs.
Weaknesses -- long wait times, bad follow up, poor communication and expensive
Describe the costs associated with your care under Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Describe Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I wish the Cleveland Clinic would take the patient/surrogates preference into consideration when it comes to embryo transfers. The Cleveland Clinic adheres to a national standard that says you should only transfer one. However, we would have liked the option to transfer two.
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
[Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg] is very blunt which can sometimes make you feel a little vulnerable. He is very straight to the point and will explain everything very thoroughly...He will not do IVF before doing four rounds of IUI...Be prepared to receive honest and blunt feedback...He is very thorough with the procedures and medications
[Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] Strengths include that they get back to you the same day. They read results such as diagnostics and get back to you the same day. It is easy getting an appointment with them. Cons include- they canceled all pro orders due to COVID. The secretarial staff will sometimes forget to relay the message so you really have to call and also stay active about all of the appointments
How was your experience with Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He is very thorough with the procedures and medications. Staff is always prompt and will always get back to you the day of. They always call with any changes and increase or decrease in medications. They also didn’t mind that I would message them with any questions and if it was time sensitive they insisted that I call
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Be prepared to receive honest and blunt feedback
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He is very blunt which can sometimes make you feel a little vulnerable. He is very straight to the point and will explain everything very thoroughly
Describe the protocols Jeffrey Goldberg used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
He will not do IVF before doing four rounds of IUI
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths include that they get back to you the same day. They read results such as diagnostics and get back to you the same day. It is easy getting an appointment with them.
Cons include- they canceled all pro orders due to COVID. The secretarial staff will sometimes forget to relay the message so you really have to call and also stay active about all of the appointments
Describe the costs associated with your care under Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Cost varied with each cycle with the last one being around $600 not including mediations. My letrozole was about $48 and the ovidrel was about $150
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
They forgot to inform us that ovidrel might not be available at our regular pharmacy so we had to scramble for that at the last minute but they did make sure we got it!
He LISTENED to me and understood my goals and made sure to figure out a game plan to help me achieve it. You need to have a sense of humor and you can’t be uptight..if you are, Dr. Mooney probably isn’t the right doctor for you...Not only does he listen but he is super intelligent and knows what he’s talking about. I trust him 100%
Go here!!! I’ve been to other places where it was unorganized and people didn’t listen. I promise you want Dr Mooney as your doctor. The only weakness [at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] would be is that the wait could take a little long but that’s just like every doctor so it’s not even a complaint...Overall, my meds were under $30 with my insurance!
How was your experience with Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I absolutely adore Dr. Mooney!! He LISTENED to me and understood my goals and made sure to figure out a game plan to help me achieve it. You need to have a sense of humor and you can’t be uptight..if you are, Dr. Mooney probably isn’t the right doctor for you. I left the office and called me husband and told him that Dr. Mooney was amazing. I’ll never go to anyone else or suggest anyone else. Not only does he listen but he is super intelligent and knows what he’s talking about. I trust him 100%
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Go in with the mindset that he is the professional and he knows what he’s talking about. Also, you have to have a sense of humor!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Mooney treated me like he had all the time in the world for me! I didn’t feel rushed and I felt heard for once.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Absolutely wonderful and so sweet!!!!
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Go here!!! I’ve been to other places where it was unorganized and people didn’t listen. I promise you want Dr Mooney as your doctor. The only weakness would be is that the wait could take a little long but that’s just like every doctor so it’s not even a complaint.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Overall, my meds were under $30 with my insurance!
Utilize the patient patrol for any questions or concerns when not in her office. I received responses by the end of the day, either from Dr Flykt or her nurse...is very considerate to our feelings and compassionate with our process. She is great at listening and working with us to do whatever we are comfortable doing in the course of our treatment. Dr Flykt does not do my IUIs but her consultations are very thorough after trying a treatment 3 times, and the staff who does do my IUIs are wonderful and compassionate as well.
From the secretaries, to the nurses and doctor, this clinic [Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] is very compassionate. When I schedule my IUIs I talk directly to Dr Flykts nurse so I know it will be scheduled promptly. The day of my mid cycle ultrasound, I get to go in before work which is perfect for my schedule and by 1pm that same day I receive a phone call from her nurse with our next steps. During the IUIs the MD talks me through each step which relaxes me, making my husband and I feel like a part of the process from start to finish.
How was your experience with Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr Flykt is very considerate to our feelings and compassionate with our process. She is great at listening and working with us to do whatever we are comfortable doing in the course of our treatment. Dr Flykt does not do my IUIs but her consultations are very thorough after trying a treatment 3 times, and the staff who does do my IUIs are wonderful and compassionate as well.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Utilize the patient patrol for any questions or concerns when not in her office. I received responses by the end of the day, either from Dr Flykt or her nurse.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
From the secretaries, to the nurses and doctor, this clinic is very compassionate. When I schedule my IUIs I talk directly to Dr Flykts nurse so I know it will be scheduled promptly. The day of my mid cycle ultrasound, I get to go in before work which is perfect for my schedule and by 1pm that same day I receive a phone call from her nurse with our next steps. During the IUIs the MD talks me through each step which relaxes me, making my husband and I feel like a part of the process from start to finish.
Stregnths [for Dr. Marjan Attaran] -Thorough, professional, and empathetic. Good bedside manner and honest about prognosis for all treatment options Weaknesses -long wait times to get appointments...Initially 3 IUIs with luteal phse progesterone suppository due short cycles. Then 2 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot...Treatments were explained in depth , ample time spent with me during appointments...Schedule early !...Some nursing staff not always full aware of treatment plan when answering questions
[The nurses at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center are] Generally patient, knowledgeable and accessible...Each IUI was about 400 dollars, though as an employee of the medical center i received a discount. With donor sperm and medications each cycle came to 1,000-1500...Strengths - professional , high standard lab, compassionate staff. Weaknesses- long wait times for certain appointments, many different staff members involved in care. Some nursing staff not always full aware of treatment plan when answering questions
How was your experience with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Stregnths -Thorough, professional, and empathetic. Good bedside manner and honest about prognosis for all treatment options
Weaknesses -long wait times to get appointments, many nursing staff members involved in care
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Schedule early !
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Treatments were explained in depth , ample time spent with me during appointments
Describe the protocols Marjan Attaran used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Initially 3 IUIs with luteal phse progesterone suppository due short cycles. Then 2 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot .
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Generally patient, knowledgeable and accessible.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths - professional , high standard lab, compassionate staff.
Weaknesses- long wait times for certain appointments, many different staff members involved in care. Some nursing staff not always full aware of treatment plan when answering questions
Describe the costs associated with your care under Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Each IUI was about 400 dollars, though as an employee of the medical center i received a discount. With donor sperm and medications each cycle came to 1,000-1500
[Dr. Austin was] Very thorough. Tailored the information provided given my background and desire for more information. Open and thoughtful responses to my questions and open to considerations that had some empirical support... Agonist antagonist strategy... The lab staff [Cleveland Fertility Center] are also fantastic. I highly recommend. Ultrasounds are done by technicians and not physicians but I didn’t necessarily find that to be a drawback.
Knowledgeable, caring and cutting edge. The lab staff [Cleveland Fertility Center] are also fantastic. I highly recommend. Ultrasounds are done by technicians and not physicians but I didn’t necessarily find that to be a drawback....Procedure nurses were so comforting and knowledgeable... [Dr. Austin was] Very thorough. Tailored the information provided given my background and desire for more information. Open and thoughtful responses to my questions and open to considerations that had some empirical support
How was your experience with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Very thorough. Tailored the information provided given my background and desire for more information. Open and thoughtful responses to my questions and open to considerations that had some empirical support
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Ask all questions
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
So caring
Describe the protocols Cynthia Austin used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Agonist antagonist strategy
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Procedure nurses were so comforting and knowledgeable
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Knowledgeable, caring and cutting edge. The lab staff are also fantastic. I highly recommend. Ultrasounds are done by technicians and not physicians but I didn’t necessarily find that to be a drawback.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I do not recall but it was reasonable compared to other clinics
Describe Cynthia Austin's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
[Dr. Stephen Mooney is] so personable. Straight to the point. Made me feel heard and that my concerns were valid. Proactive in my treatments and testing...I live two hours away and Dr. Mooney accommodates me in any way possible...Dr. Mooney was the only doctor who ordered genetic testing...He’s always honest and upfront without. We have exhausted my options and now we will move on to IVF
[Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] Strengths-Knowledge. Compassion. Willingness to find out information they didn’t know. Helpful with me living far from the clinic and getting my lab orders sent to my local hospital...Weakness-Scheduling follow ups...I never get messages back from him or calls. It’s always his mid levels or nurses...nursing staff they are always knowledgeable and helpful. When I had my miscarriage the NP was so supportive.
How was your experience with Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I live two hours away and Dr. Mooney accommodates me in any way possible. I have seen him via telehealth. I get all my labs and testing done locally. Dr. Mooney was the only doctor who ordered genetic testing which resulting in finding out I have two clotting disorders which contributed in my 3 miscarriages. I had asked for testing previously from my provider at WVU and nothing. Wouldn’t do it. A simple lab test. Dr Mooney is compassionate and knowledgeable. Listens to your concerns and validates you. He’s always honest and upfront without. We have exhausted my options and now we will move on to IVF. My only complaint is it’s hard to get an appt. They schedule pretty far out and each appt you have to get financial clearance before you can even schedule an appt.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
After your appt call to schedule a follow up. Don’t wait.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He’s so personable. Straight to the point. Made me feel heard and that my concerns were valid. Proactive in my treatments and testing.
Describe the protocols Stephen Mooney used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I have been going through infertility for 5 years so it’s hard to remember everything. I have a few different things working against me. I do not have a cycle. I have PCOS. Anovulation. Factor 2 clotting disorder and PAI4G-5G and hypothyroidism. I have tried Clomid. Letrozole. Trigger injections. Dexamethasone. Progesterone. I did get pregnant while seeing Dr. Mooney but it resulted in a chemical pregnancy.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I don’t get to talk to the nursing staff that often because the PA or NP are always the ones to return my calls or messages on my chart. But when I do speak with the nursing staff they are always knowledgeable and helpful. When I had my miscarriage the NP was so supportive.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths-Knowledge. Compassion. Willingness to find out information they didn’t know. Helpful with me living far from the clinic and getting my lab orders sent to my local hospital. They always get back to me about lab results or whatever is going on.
Weakness-Scheduling follow ups. Speaking to Dr. Mooney himself. I never get messages back from him or calls. It’s always his mid levels or nurses
Describe the costs associated with your care under Stephen Mooney at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I do telehealth visits are typically $400-$500 is what is says on my bill.my insurance doesn’t cover my visits. But I did meet my deductible 90/10 so last visit only cost me about $10. My IVF quote was $14,000 some dollars not including medications.
Describe Stephen Mooney's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Dr. Tan was informative and caring. She took the time to listen to and address all of our questions and concerns. Even though we saw various other doctors and nurses for procedures and monitoring, I felt good knowing that Dr. Tan was ultimately making the decisions about my care. I will say we did usually have a long wait once we arrived for appointments, but that’s because she takes the time to address all her patients’ concerns during each visit.
I had a day 5 transfer of one embryo [at Cleveland Clinic]. We froze two day 5 embryos and one day 6 embryo. (Initially I had 11 eggs. Nine were mature. 8 fertilized. They used ICSI on all mature eggs. I had 7 mature and 1 immature fertilize)...The nursing staff varied. I was never assigned to one specific nurse, and I think that’s just the way the Cleveland Clinic runs things. When I called, I’d just get whoever was available first to return my call.
How was your experience with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan was informative and caring. She took the time to listen to and address all of our questions and concerns. Even though we saw various other doctors and nurses for procedures and monitoring, I felt good knowing that Dr. Tan was ultimately making the decisions about my care. I will say we did usually have a long wait once we arrived for appointments, but that’s because she takes the time to address all her patients’ concerns during each visit. I never minded sitting in the waiting room because I knew I’d be getting the same personal attention once we were called back. I would recommend her, hands down, to a friend going through infertility. She listened to me when other doctors didn’t, and I am eternally grateful for that.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Prepare a list of questions before your appointment and make notes during your consultation. Be prepared to wait to see her, but know it will absolutely be worth it.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
We only saw Dr. Tan in person a few times for consultations and testing, but each time she knew who we were and was warm and friendly. We went in with a (long) list of questions and she took the time to answer every single one thoroughly. We never once left her office still wondering something or feeling as if we hadn’t been cared for thoroughly.
Describe the protocols Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. My first medicated cycle, I did Clomid and she ordered bloodwork to gauge my response. I responded well, so we moved onto IUI with Clomid plus Ovidrel trigger. We did two rounds of that, monitored with ultrasound. My lining was on the thin side, and I had bad hot flashes from Clomid so then I switched to Letrozole. We did two more IUIs with Letrozole plus Ovidrel trigger, and monitoring via ultrasound. I had negative pregnancy tests for all of these. At that point, we met with Dr. Tan and my husband and I were ready to move on to IVF. For IVF, I took birth control pills for 3 weeks then had a suppression check (bloodwork and ultrasound). Everything looked good and I was cleared to stop birth control and start stims 4 days after my last BCP. I used Gonal F for stims and added in Ganirelix around day 4 or 5. I got bloodwork and ultrasound monitoring every 2-3 days to adjust meds as needed. My doses were low because I had a higher AMH. I did 8 days of stims then was told to trigger. Based on my bloodwork, I did a combination Lupron plus HCG trigger. I had bloodwork done the morning after trigger to be sure everything looked good. My retrieval was the following day, and I was cleared for a fresh transfer (we did not opt for any PGT). The day after retrieval, I started progesterone suppositories, doxycycline, and Medrol. I took the doxycycline for 5 days and Medrol for 4 days. I had a day 5 transfer of one embryo. We froze two day 5 embryos and one day 6 embryo. (Initially I had 11 eggs. Nine were mature. 8 fertilized. They used ICSI on all mature eggs. I had 7 mature and 1 immature fertilize). Four days after my transfer, I started Vivelle Dot patches. I did those for about 2 weeks, changing patches every 3 days. I got a positive beta HCG on 15 days post 5 day transfer, so continued progesterone suppositories until 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The nursing staff varied. I was never assigned to one specific nurse, and I think that’s just the way the Cleveland Clinic runs things. When I called, I’d just get whoever was available first to return my call. Over time, we learned which nurses were good and which weren’t so great. We had a few that were phenomenal. They were caring, compassionate, informative, and responsive. I loved those ones! I also had a couple with less than stellar bedside manner. With those, I often felt blown off and had to advocate harder for the care I deserved. One in particular never seemed to get my prescriptions ordered (which was time sensitive!) so whenever I had her, I made sure to follow up until everything was taken care of.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths: Being at the Cleveland Clinic, I felt I was getting the most up to date care. I know they do a lot of research and some cutting edge procedures, so I felt good about that. There were also multiple locations. We drove 45 minutes to see Dr. Tan but for procedures and monitoring, the main location was 20 minutes from our home, which was very convenient. I also felt they had a really good embryology lab. I got phone call updates every day about our embryos, and they seem to have very up to date technology. There were multiple doctors, so when we didn’t like our first doctor, we were able to switch to Dr. Tan (who we loved).
Weaknesses: I wish I’d been assigned one or two specific nurses. After the fact, I realized that I think I could have requested a certain nurse when I called and they would have tried to honor the request but I was unaware of that until after my treatment was completed. Communication was sometimes difficult as a result. I feel like that is a problem at a lot of clinics though, based on talking to others in support groups.
Things to know: The biggest thing I learned is to advocate for yourself. You deserve quality treatment. You deserve to be heard and have your concerns addressed thoroughly. You deserve quality care. If you feel you’re not getting it, push until you do. Dr. Tan and most of the nurses were great and this wasn’t a problem with them. With our first doctor and a couple nurses though, we had to push and be on top of things. I felt bad about it at first, but over time I realized we were paying a lot of money and going through something so difficult and we deserved good care. Don’t feel bad about making sure you get it.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
We were fortunate to have insurance coverage. But we did have to meet our deductible before it kicked in. I think each IUI cycle (monitoring, IUI, sperm wash and prep) was around $1000 before insurance kicked in.
For IVF, they gave a packet upfront with costs. The package was $11,600. That included the retrieval, one transfer, embryology lab, and one year of embryo storage (basically everything but medications and monitoring). For monitoring, they offer a self pay package. It was around $825 total for 5 ultrasound, bloodwork, and nurse consult appointments. Medications were dependent on where you get them and what you needed. If you wanted to freeze a back-up sperm sample ahead of time, that was $710. Infectious disease lab work was $304. Genetic carrier screening was $500. Both infectious disease and genetic carrier screening were required prior to starting IVF. A hysteroscopy, if needed, was $450. If you’d had an HSG, SIS, or hysteroscopy within the last year, you were not required to get the hysteroscopy before IVF. After the first year, embryo storage is $577 per year.
Describe Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
We were comfortable with eSET. Given our ages and situation, we would not have wanted to transfer more than one embryo because the risk of twins was too high. Our clinic’s goal is one healthy baby, and we were on board with that.
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to order appropriate test
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Our first doctor did not want to order any hormone bloodwork on me. He said since my cycles were regular “I was fine.” When we switched to Dr. Tan, she ordered a full panel of bloodwork. I’m glad she did because it revealed a thyroid issue that would otherwise have gone untreated. It wasn’t the cause of our infertility, but still needed to be addressed to prepare for pregnancy.
One specific nurse twice failed to get my prescriptions ordered. Once for birth control, which I was told to call on the day I started my period and it would be ordered for me to start the same day. I had to call 3 times and finally speak to a different nurse in order to get it called in. The same nurse failed to call in my post-retrieval medications. I had to call the on-call doctor after hours to get them called in.
I only met with Dr. Attaran once. She was very helpful answering my detailed questions, and giving me insight into the physical and emotional things that I may be signing up for by going through the process. I appreciated her clearing up a lot of the questions that I had, but again, had limited experience since we only met once for a consultation...took the time to understand my needs and make quality recommendations when we met
[Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center] Strengths: very experienced clinic that knows what they are doing. Before deciding to use them, I verified with a few experts who work in fertility that Cleveland Clinic was a good choice, and they all rated them higher than any other clinics that I was considering. Weaknesses: Before I paid for the procedure, it was kind of hard to get in contact with them or to get information about what was going to happen. I kind of had to sign up and pay with a leap of faith based on the other experts I'd asked about where to go. Communication improved significantly after payment.
How was your experience with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I only met with Dr. Attaran once. She was very helpful answering my detailed questions, and giving me insight into the physical and emotional things that I may be signing up for by going through the process. I appreciated her clearing up a lot of the questions that I had, but again, had limited experience since we only met once for a consultation.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Most of the interaction was really with the nurses and the clinic staff, so don't be surprised if you end up relying on them for information instead, but they are very experienced and good at what they do.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She and the staff took the time to understand my needs and make quality recommendations when we met. I will note that care increased significantly after I had put down the money to pay for my procedure (ahead of any treatment). Prior to that, it was relatively difficult to get transparent information, especially as a detail-oriented person like me who wants to know everything to be prepared. However, after I was officially a patient the team was fantastic. I only interacted with Dr. Attaran once, and actually a different doctor on staff performed the retrieval, so most of my interactions were with the nursing staff. However, they were all obviously very qualified, answered the questions I had no matter how small, and it was clear that I was in good hands. Especially the day of the retrieval I was very impressed with how together they had the operations.
Describe the protocols Marjan Attaran used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I went through the egg freezing process. This started with a consultation to make sure it was right for me, followed by some tests that I had to have done before the procedure, including a physical, STD testing, and an AMH level measurement. Then it was time to sign up for the procedure. About a month ahead of time, I started taking birth control to control estrogen levels, and then about 2 weeks before the procedure came in to get a baseline blood test measurement of my estrogen levels and ultrasound. They decided that they looked good enough for me to start the injections, and three days later I started regular morning injections of follistim to promote egg growth. I had ultrasounds and bloodwork taken every few days to monitor the process and several days later they told me that the eggs had grown enough that I should also start a nightly injection on ganirillex (spelling?) to prevent the eggs from releasing before retrieval. Regular ultrasounds and bloodwork continued until the eggs had grown enough that I could inject the trigger shot and come in for retrieval. The whole process starting with the baseline measurement was about 12 days. The retrieval went very smoothly, and it was clear that they knew what they were doing. They retrieved 17 eggs and 14 froze successfully, which was a great result. The procedure took place under anesthesia for about 20 minutes, and I was in the clinic for 2-3 hours. Recovery took about one day.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Sharon)
I worked with a few nurses throughout the process, and all were very helpful, accessible, and it was clear that they were pros at what they were doing. They were also very kind. I was particularly impressed with the staff on the day of the retrieval - people were paying close attention to me and it seemed like they really had the operations down pat.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths: very experienced clinic that knows what they are doing. Before deciding to use them, I verified with a few experts who work in fertility that Cleveland Clinic was a good choice, and they all rated them higher than any other clinics that I was considering.
Weaknesses: Before I paid for the procedure, it was kind of hard to get in contact with them or to get information about what was going to happen. I kind of had to sign up and pay with a leap of faith based on the other experts I'd asked about where to go. Communication improved significantly after payment.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Approximately $7,000 for the procedure and $2500 for medications
Describe Marjan Attaran's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I only met Dr. Attaran once for about ten minutes. I was later informed I would probably not work with her again even though she was my designated doctor...I found Dr. Attaran to be cold, detached and uninterested. I had to meet with her to begin IVF and my biggest take-away after speaking to her, for less than 10 minutes, was that she didn’t think IVF would work- despite me having two successful pregnancies from IVF and nothing about my situation changing.
If you want to work with The Cleveland Clinic because of their labs or endocrinologist, come prepared! If this is your first time doing IVF i would never recommend using the Clinic because you to be your own advocate every step of the way and know what each step entails. The only reason I knew my treatment was so off the rails is because I had previously done IVF twice...While all of them we're pleasant, I never spoke to the same nurse twice. I attribute this to the many mistakes that were made prior to my IVF cycle.
How was your experience with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I found Dr. Attaran to be cold, detached and uninterested. I had to meet with her to begin IVF and my biggest take-away after speaking to her, for less than 10 minutes, was that she didn’t think IVF would work- despite me having two successful pregnancies from IVF and nothing about my situation changing.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
If you want to work with The Cleveland Clinic because of their labs or endocrinologist, come prepared! If this is your first time doing IVF i would never recommend using the Clinic because you to be your own advocate every step of the way and know what each step entails. The only reason I knew my treatment was so off the rails is because I had previously done IVF twice.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Marjan Attaran at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
While I did not finish an IVF cycle at The Cleveland Clinic I only met Dr. Attaran once for about ten minutes. I was later informed I would probably not work with her again even though she was my designated doctor.
Describe the protocols Marjan Attaran used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I was supposed to do an antagonist protocol but pulled the plug on the day I was supposed to start injections because I was not confident the office knew what they were doing with my case. The day before I was supposed to start, I learned the office had been basing my whole treatment plan on the wrong date (period start date). This is after it took me days to get a person on the phone to tell them this important date.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: I wish I had been assigned a primary nurse. I believe that would make this a better run office. )
While all of them we're pleasant, I never spoke to the same nurse twice. I attribute this to the many mistakes that were made prior to my IVF cycle.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I didn’t experience any strengths. If I had to guess, I would think The Cleveland Clinic endocrinologist is better than some places.
Attention to Detail
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan performed routine blood work, pelvic ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound as a baseline to gather why I could not conceive. An HSG was performed after 3 failed Clomid cycles. I had my first IUI and began Letrozole as planned for all IUI’s...was warm yet honest in regards to explaining our fertility treatment plan. She did not sugar coat to try to make me feel better, but empathetic and direct to do all that she can in her power to help us become pregnant.
The Cleveland Clinic has world class care and I feel that I am in the best hands I could be in to become pregnant. The Cleveland Clinic is above price compared with other hospitals and this can cause a financial strain when insurance does not cover infertility costs (fertility drugs, IUI, sperm washing)...Kerry [nurse] was easy to talk to and was the first to make sure any questions I had for Dr. Tan was directly answered by Dr. Tan or she would ask and communicate the response. Kerry joked around with me and had a warm personality.
How was your experience with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan was direct and clear in every plan to help us become pregnant. She wrote detailed directions and would reexplain procedures or why she was choosing what she was for treatment. She was available to email through my chart, although her nurse responded for her. She performed my HSG as well as first IUI, which unfortunately failed. She would re-evaluate my plan to help me become pregnant and why that course would be taken. I do have to say, you truly need to advocate for yourself if you would like a different treatment plan.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Be positive and realistic. If you have questions ask and ask again if you are not understanding. Be your own advocate.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Tan was warm yet honest in regards to explaining our fertility treatment plan. She did not sugar coat to try to make me feel better, but empathetic and direct to do all that she can in her power to help us become pregnant.
Describe the protocols Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Dr. Tan performed routine blood work, pelvic ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound as a baseline to gather why I could not conceive. An HSG was performed after 3 failed Clomid cycles. I had my first IUI and began Letrozole as planned for all IUI’s.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Kerry)
Kerry was easy to talk to and was the first to make sure any questions I had for Dr. Tan was directly answered by Dr. Tan or she would ask and communicate the response. Kerry joked around with me and had a warm personality.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The Cleveland Clinic has world class care and I feel that I am in the best hands I could be in to become pregnant. The Cleveland Clinic is above price compared with other hospitals and this can cause a financial strain when insurance does not cover infertility costs (fertility drugs, IUI, sperm washing). When multiple attempts are needed to achieve a pregnancy it can diminish hope and add more stress to an already emotional, physical, and financial state of infertility.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I had to a $40 copay everytime I saw Dr. Tan whether it was consultation appointment or follow up appointment under my old insurance. Under my new insurance I have a $20 copay. Clomid was around $30 dollars and Letrzoloze was $9. My blood work, pelvic ultrasound, and transvaginal ultrasound were covered under insurance. My HSG after insurance coverage was $1,393. My first IUI was $201 and husbands sperm washing around $450. IUI was $659 out of pocket and need to be paid before IUI performed.
Describe Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Dr. Parekh is really great, he specializes in Male Factor Infertility/Urology at Cleveland Clinic ... Dr. Parekh is great about taking the time to sit down with you, tell you the steps and answer questions. ... After a second SA it was confirmed that he [husband] has Azoospermia. ... He is willing to try new and different treatments and has offered us hope and support as well as suggestions with this difficult situation.
I love the quick scheduling and the use of the app, I find it very useful. The atmosphere is pleasant and the people are all great. The wait time once arriving to the appointment is minimal and overall they [Cleveland Clinic] seem incredibly organized and efficient. ... [Nursing staff] They all seem very pleasant and knowledgeable, no complaints so far. ... We did have an issue with a recent follow up appointment where there was a miscommunication and we were never told to do a SA and blood work prior to the new appointment.
How was your experience with Neel Parekh at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He is open, honest and willing to listen and try new things. He admits and understands that everyone is different and individual and there is no such thing as a textbook case which I appreciate. He is willing to try new and different treatments and has offered us hope and support as well as suggestions with this difficult situation.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Neel Parekh at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Ask questions, he is willing to take the time to answer. Use the app, Dr. Parekh will answer you back through the app quickly, you can also see all of your lab results and track the information yourself through the app.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Neel Parekh at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Parekh is really great, he specializes in Male Factor Infertility/Urology at Cleveland Clinic and my husband and I found him after a bad experience with another doctor at Summa Health Center. Dr. Parekh is great about taking the time to sit down with you, tell you the steps and answer questions. He is also incredibly open to trying different treatments and listening to his patients. HE has never pressured us and is open and honest and will tell it like it is. We are currently trying a second meditation for my husband's Azoospermia which will hopefully prevent us from having to do MicroTESE surgery. The previous doctor we saw gave us no hope and told us that nothing would help besides surgery which is incredibly expensive. Dr. Parekh at least gives us some hope that there may be another solution.
Describe the protocols Neel Parekh used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
My husband had done an SA at my RE, which is where we found out he has 0 sperm. After a second SA it was confirmed that he has Azoospermia. After waiting nearly 2 months to see the doctor we were referred to by my RE we were left feeling completely discouraged when he said there was no hope or treatment and that our only option was surgery with a success rate of 30%. Refusing to give up I quickly made an appointment at Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Parekh. We immediatly felt 100x more comfortable with him. He took the time to look over the charts and information as well as answer questions, he said that based on the labs he was encouraged and hopeful that we may not have to do surgery at all with different medications. He prescribed my husband Anastrazole and after 3 months of still not seeing a significant change switched him to Clomid. We ill find out in another 3 months if it has helped or not before deciding to do MicroTESE surgery.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
They all seem very pleasant and knowledgeable, no complaints so far.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I love the quick scheduling and the use of the app, I find it very useful. The atmosphere is pleasant and the people are all great. The wait time once arriving to the appointment is minimal and overall they seem incredibly organized and efficient.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Neel Parekh at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I am not sure as we are still waiting to receive the bills once the charges are processed through our insurance.
What specific things went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
We did have an issue with a recent follow up appointment where there was a miscommunication and we were never told to do a SA and blood work prior to the new appointment. Dr. Parekh immediately ordered the tests and my husband was able to have them done following the visit.
Since I was going in as a single parent using donor sperm she [Dr. Tantibhedhyangkul] wanted first to make sure I was able to ovulate so we did one natural cycle with just using the opks then when that one didn't take she started me on 50 mg of Clomid to help a jump start on ovulation...She took the time to sit down on listen to me and actually look me in the eye when talking to me instead of looking through the computer throughout the visit like other providers have.
I used Cleveland Clinic, when you see the dr it is not the same facility that you will have your procedure at so be prepared to drive to different locations. This didn't bother me because I don't mind driving especially to something that important. Also timing is absolutely everything so you definitely have to keep track of everything going on, the good thing though is that they are open half days on the weekends as well if you need them.
How was your experience with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She is very easy to talk to which makes it easier to open up to her about any concerns, she makes sure that her patients are fully aware of the treatment plan and even asks opinions on if this is the correct course they want to try. other providers I have seen have made sure that I knew the plan but never made me feel like I could have a say in how it goes.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Be prepared for a lot of options to be given to you so you can do your research on which you think is best for you
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She took the time to sit down on listen to me and actually look me in the eye when talking to me instead of looking through the computer throughout the visit like other providers have.
Describe the protocols Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Since I was going in as a single parent using donor sperm she wanted first to make sure I was able to ovulate so we did one natural cycle with just using the opks then when that one didn't take she started me on 50 mg of Clomid to help a jump start on ovulation, currently I have done 2 cycles with that but no pregnancy yet, so I had to come in to get a scan to see what is going on and that is when she discovered I have an ovarian cyst so we put off the iui and I will be having a follow up scan to find out where we go from here.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: mary)
very sweet, non judgmental which is very important to me since I know a lot of people are too keen on single moms
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I used Cleveland Clinic, when you see the dr it is not the same facility that you will have your procedure at so be prepared to drive to different locations. This didn't bother me because I don't mind driving especially to something that important. Also timing is absolutely everything so you definitely have to keep track of everything going on, the good thing though is that they are open half days on the weekends as well if you need them.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
$35 consult fee, each iui $200 (CCF employee discount), $10 Clomid 5 pills, $40 OPK test kits, $200 U/S
Describe Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
She stated that if I decide to do IVF the choice would be mine to make not hers.
Going into the procedure Dr. Flyckt gave me her email which was very useful during the retrieval....She was very nice and spent over an hour with us during our consultation. She suggested using DHEA and getting an additional Hyst before we began. She also suggested we not test the embryos, but still grow them to day 5. However, I rarely saw her after and my cycle that didn't really go as planned.
The nursing staff was very nice whenever I was with them, however, I feel like everyday I had a different nurse. I also found it difficult to get a hold of the staff because they didn't use an email or a portal to contact me so I would have to call the main line and wait for a nurse to call me back. I also had a nurse tell me that my retrieval may turn in an IUI without ever talking to the doctor.
How was your experience with Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She was very nice and spent over an hour with us during our consultation. She suggested using DHEA and getting an additional Hyst before we began. She also suggested we not test the embryos, but still grow them to day 5. However, I rarely saw her after and my cycle that didn't really go as planned. I called the nurse because my egg growth was not synchronized, however, Dr. Flyckt didn't think it was a problem, but we were only able to mature a handful of eggs.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I am unsure of their lab ability and if you have egg quality issues, perhaps you may want to look elsewhere. My eggs did not grow very well at this clinic.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Going into the procedure Dr. Flyckt gave me her email which was very useful during the retrieval. However, it was sometimes difficult to maintain conversations and concerns with her nurses because I feel like I spoke to a different nurse every time. I also had to wait quite a bit for blood work and ultrasounds.
Describe the protocols Rebecca Flyckt used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We did an antagonist protocol taking 16 BC pills. The stim started with 300 IU of follistim and added ganirellex. I stimmed for about 12 days.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The nursing staff was very nice whenever I was with them, however, I feel like everyday I had a different nurse. I also found it difficult to get a hold of the staff because they didn't use an email or a portal to contact me so I would have to call the main line and wait for a nurse to call me back. I also had a nurse tell me that my retrieval may turn in an IUI without ever talking to the doctor.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I think that they need to do more blood work before and during the egg retrieval. I just felt like they just used a standard protocol and let it roll without ever making any adjustments or changes. I also did not have much luck with my eggs being in the lab. I don't know the quality, but may want to do research on the data. I have had a few natural iui's at the clinic and they nursing staff has been very helpful and easy to use.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Rebecca Flyckt at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I think it was around $15,000
Describe Rebecca Flyckt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I had zero eggs make it to day 5 and she wouldn't transfer day 3 embryos.
I felt like Dr. Austin is always making decisions based upon my personal situation.... She is very direct and realistic. She will tell you her opinion, but ultimately lets you lead the way in your care.... The first time I met with Dr. Austin, she spent over an hour with me going over previous treatment and what she suggested next. She helped me set a realistic timeline with moving forward. I didn't see much of her after this initial meeting, but we did communicate via her nurse as well as my chart messaging directly.
Cleveland Clinic fertility center has very short wait times and it was easy to schedule appointments. They are open 7 days a week with early hours (6:30 am) which makes it easy to work around your schedule. Their lab does close over the Christmas holiday for 3 weeks.... Chelsea [nurse] is amazing! So compassionate, very responsive, and knowledgeable.... Cleveland Clinic offers employee discount at about 60% off IVF. Deposit was about $5800, meds were around $3000. I am still getting bills from labs/ultrasounds etc that are being run through insurance.
How was your experience with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
The first time I met with Dr. Austin, she spent over an hour with me going over previous treatment and what she suggested next. She helped me set a realistic timeline with moving forward. I didn't see much of her after this initial meeting, but we did communicate via her nurse as well as my chart messaging directly. When I had a miscarriage, we messaged back and forth regarding what we should do next and Her nurse called me directly.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
She is very direct and realistic. She will tell you her opinion, but ultimately lets you lead the way in your care.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I felt like Dr. Austin is always making decisions based upon my personal situation.
Describe the protocols Cynthia Austin used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I had used the long lupron protocol at a previous clinic with disappointing results. We did stims for 9.5 days, triggered and had 8 eggs with 3 embryos. 2 transfers ended in miscarriage and one was unsuccessful. With Dr. Austin, we did the antagonistic protocol with much better results. Stims for 12 days: 16 mature eggs, 6 final embryos. Our fresh transfer unfortunately ended in miscarriage but we have 5 more embryos. We are hoping to find the cause of our recurrent miscarriages before transferring any more embryos.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Chelsea)
Chelsea is amazing! So compassionate, very responsive, and knowledgeable.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Cleveland Clinic fertility center has very short wait times and it was easy to schedule appointments. They are open 7 days a week with early hours (6:30 am) which makes it easy to work around your schedule. Their lab does close over the Christmas holiday for 3 weeks.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Cynthia Austin at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Cleveland Clinic offers employee discount at about 60% off IVF. Deposit was about $5800, meds were around $3000. I am still getting bills from labs/ultrasounds etc that are being run through insurance.
Describe Cynthia Austin's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Dr. Austin suggested single embryo transfer based on my age (30 yo). However, she did say the decision was ultimately up to me.
Dr. Goldberg made me feel comfortable throughout our multiple surgeries, treatments and consultations. I had met with the doctor for a consultation to have surgery on my septated uterus. After surgery dr. Goldberg allowed us to try with times intercourse and medication for 6months before starting IUI we did 4 IUI’s and then had another resection and started our IVF process. Any questions I had that nursing staff could not answer Dr. Goldberg would call me personally to give answers to questions I had about labs and changes in treatment.
Strengths [of Cleveland Clinic Fertility Ctr] multiple sites, compassionate nurses and doctors, awesome response times to questions, team meeting everyday at the same time (so you knew around what time nursing would be calling to discuss any changes in your plan)... I financed the process through arc fertility and and still paying it off. The IUI process we paid for as we went. The monitoring appointments were covered by my insurance as well as blood work.
How was your experience with Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Dr. Goldberg made me feel comfortable throughout our multiple surgeries, treatments and consultations. I had met with the doctor for a consultation to have surgery on my septated uterus. After surgery dr. Goldberg allowed us to try with times intercourse and medication for 6months before starting IUI we did 4 IUI’s and then had another resection and started our IVF process. Any questions I had that nursing staff could not answer Dr. Goldberg would call me personally to give answers to questions I had about labs and changes in treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Be open and hosnest about your concerns. Ask questions, no question is “stupid”.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He was very compassionate and made our treatment plan personal to our situation.
Describe the protocols Jeffrey Goldberg used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Started with timed intercourse with blood work checking if I was ovulating for 6months. After surgery. Then added medicated timed intercourse for 6months. Then moved to a IUI with medication 4cycles. One IUI cycle with injectibles. Started IVF. Transferred two fresh embryos, ended in a chemical pregnancy. Then two months later transferred two frozen embryos - and now I have a health little boy. Thanks to the hard work of Dr. Goldberg and his staff
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Danielle is the nurse who did all my monitoring appointments )
She was always prompt and open with what changes could possibly be made due to the changes throughout my IvF cycle. She was awesome and I could be more thankful for all the phone calls she took to help ease my mind and anxiety
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths multiple sites, compassionate nurses and doctors, awesome response times to questions, team meeting everyday at the same time (so you knew around what time nursing would be calling to discuss any changes in your plan)
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I loved that I could do them before work and I would have the same nurse and ultrasound tech for monitoring unless it fell on a weekend.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Jeffrey Goldberg at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
I financed the process through arc fertility and and still paying it off. The IUI process we paid for as we went. The monitoring appointments were covered by my insurance as well as blood work.
Describe Jeffrey Goldberg's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
My husband and I were able to pick if we wanted one or two embroys transferred.
He [Dr. Tamosso Falcone] is very honest and can be matter of fact. He does not sugar coat or give false hope. He also does not take away hope. Most improtantly he is very knowledgeable and using cutting edge treatments, attempting to find better ways to treat women with infertility, specifically those with Endometriosis.... Don't expect warmth and emotions. While he is very kind, he is also very straight forward and sticks very much to the facts.
Strengths [at Cleveland Clinic]: Efficiency, respectful, kind, compassionate, clean, honest, great communication (email and phone calls answered either that day or next business day). Weaknesses: Some days/ times are quite busy in the lobby. Can take some time to get registered/ signed in (arrive early).... I have worked a lot with 2 nurses, Susan and Mary. They are both kind, compassionate, and quick to respond. They have often called back well after normal business hours in order to answer questions or provide test results. Every staff member at Dr Falcone's office was friendly and treated us with highest regards.
How was your experience with Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
I absolutely love Dr Falcone and would highly recommend him. No we didn't get the outcome we wanted so far, but he is not able to control that. He has done everything that he can do for us. He is very honest and can be matter of fact. He does not sugar coat or give false hope. He also does not take away hope. Most improtantly he is very knowledgeable and using cutting edge treatments, attempting to find better ways to treat women with infertility, specifically those with Endometriosis.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Take something to write with. Be prepared with questions. Know what you are expecting and discuss that with him and know that reality and expectations may not align, but he will be honest and up front with you about that. Don't expect warmth and emotions. While he is very kind, he is also very straight forward and sticks very much to the facts.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Everyone was nice and went out of their way to accommodate. They are very caring and empathetic.
Describe the protocols Tommaso Falcone used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Excision surgery, Clomid, IUI, recommended IVF, but we could. Or afford it.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Susan and Mary)
I have worked a lot with 2 nurses, Susan and Mary. They are both kind, compassionate, and quick to respond. They have often called back well after normal business hours in order to answer questions or provide test results. Every staff member at Dr Falcone's office was friendly and treated us with highest regards.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Strengths: Efficiency, respectful, kind, compassionate, clean, honest, great communication (email and phone calls answered either that day or next business day).
Weaknesses: Some days/ times are quite busy in the lobby. Can take some time to get registered/ signed in (arrive early).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Total with surgery was over $50000
Describe Tommaso Falcone's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
We were told if we did IVF that they would transfer multiple embryos. We were definitely on board with that.
He [Dr. Tomasso Falcone] was very nice and listened to all of my questions and concerns. He was willing to try other more conservative methods before IVF. He answered my emails promptly. He allowed me to use eastern medicinal practice along with treatment...Have a list of questions and concerns when going to appointments, do research to know what is the best course of action for you I cling what you and your partner are ready and willing to try (i.e.: clomid vs IUI vs IVF). Always ask questions and for him to explain everything so you can understand.
The nursing staff [at the Cleveland Clinic] was wonderful! They went above and beyond to make everything easier for me. The nurses explained everything to me during ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc...Monitoring appointments were always scheduled in the morning so that all results were in by the lunch meeting that all doctors/nurses would discuss each case and determine course of action. I would always get a call in the afternoon with updates and information.
How was your experience with Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He was very nice and listened to all of my questions and concerns. He was willing to try other more conservative methods before IVF. He answered my emails promptly. He allowed me to use eastern medicinal practice along with treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
Have a list of questions and concerns when going to appointments, do research to know what is the best course of action for you I cling what you and your partner are ready and willing to try (i.e.: clomid vs IUI vs IVF). Always ask questions and for him to explain everything so you can understand.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center?
He took time to listen to my list of questions and explain everything to me.
Describe the protocols Tommaso Falcone used in your cycles at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Femara after I changed around my diet and vitamins based on my own research. After a miscarriage (first under his care) he suggested IVF with a freeze-all cycle and PGS testing. He felt that the miscarriages weren't by chance and was hopeful that the additional testing would give us answers and the best/healthiest embryos for transfer. He wanted to do a freeze-all cycle due to PCOS and to allow my body a break before transfer.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
The nursing staff was wonderful! They went above and beyond to make everything easier for me. The nurses explained everything to me during ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc.
Describe your experience with Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
All retrievals and transfers are done at the Beachwood location. The doctors/nurses meet as a team and divide your case together each day to ensure that you are receiving the best course for your treatment. They contact you after every ultrasound, bloodwork to tell you the updated treatment plan including when to start/stop meds, etc.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Monitoring appointments were always scheduled in the morning so that all results were in by the lunch meeting that all doctors/nurses would discuss each case and determine course of action. I would always get a call in the afternoon with updates and information.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Tommaso Falcone at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
Describe Tommaso Falcone's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Cleveland Clinic Fertility Center.
He suggested eSET due to my ease at becoming pregnant with the use of Clomid or Femara. He was hopeful that I would become pregnant and stay pregnant with one vs. multiple embryos. He also explained to me the risks associated with multiple embryos.