Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory LGBTQ+ care.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ+ care.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
Dr. O'Shaughnessy has a very east-coast demeanor, which can come across brash...she is a dedicated clinician who keeps up on the science in the field...was clear and concise and open about what our chances were...DOR and mild male factor (low morphology)...one ovary and my age (37). My AMH indicated I would likely be a low responder
[Conceptions Reproductive Associates] was just bought by RMA, and the switch over has been messy between records, changing portals, and communicating with staff...asked for additional record keeping via photos at each check stage for embryos, and they agreed this was possible
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O'Shaughnessy has a very east-coast demeanor, which can come across brash, especially in the first instance of meeting her. However, what is clear in every interaction is that she is a dedicated clinician who keeps up on the science in the field, and is invested in using evidence based new techniques to improve outcomes for patients. However, as you progress through treatment you begin to notice the subtleties in her personality and the interactions become easier. The first appointment is so loaded with emotion, and she is matter of fact. I knew I wanted a clinician who wouldn't give us false hope and I strongly feel she did not do that. She was clear and concise and open about what our chances were, and that we have to play the odds and numbers game with each round. For people who want a soft, collaborative clinician, I think you should seek another provider (there are others at Conceptions who I hear are excellent). If you want brass-tacks, clear communication, and someone who knows the science from all angles, including emerging science, Dr. O excels.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Prepare yourself for the facts before you go in: if you're looking to be reassured that you 'don't need infertility treatment', you're unlikely to get that here. She will be concise and clear about what she considers the best course of treatment, and whether alternatives are something you have the time to consider. This can feel abrasive, as it's a tender subject. This isn't her being harsh, she's being realistic. I've learned through this process that false hope is incredibly damaging. You can be confident that Dr. O will not provide false hope or flowery promises when the science or your situation doesn't warrant it.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O'Shaugnessy is a no-frills clinician. Her demeanor is very matter of fact, but she absolutely cares about outcomes and wants to see patients succeed. Her demeanor is not flowery or over the top, which I think comes from years of experience in an emotionally challenging field. When I would ask direct questions regarding a procedure, plan, research, or next step, I was always given complete and respectful answers that were based in science. My partner and I never felt rushed or like our case did not matter to Dr. O. She spent full (and sometimes over-time) appointments going through results with us. She offered recommendations based on evidence, and reassurance that there were many factors that were simply out of our hands and we couldn't hold blame for those things. She has openly and willingly discussed rationale behind protocol changes and the elements that point to success or the need for more changes.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We were diagnosed DOR and mild male factor (low morphology), complicated with only one ovary and my age (37). My AMH indicated I would likely be a low responder, so we started at high doses for stims. Omnitrope was added for egg quality due to age and knowledge that the number of eggs retrieved would be only half. Stim cycle 1 was Estrace priming, then Menopur/Gonal F +Omnitrope, prevented ovulation with Ganirelix. Stims for 10 days. We got 7 eggs, only 2 fertilized by ICSI but both became advanced blasts that were biopsied and sent for testing. Both aneuploid. In follow up discussed that it was a positive development to get 7 mature eggs, and that 2 made advanced blasts. The genetics are a dice roll, and we ended up on the wrong side of the odds. Stim cycle 2: doses changed slightly, and we did stims 2 days longer but medications remained the same. 8 eggs retrieved, 6 fertilized by ICSI, but none made it to blast. In follow up, Dr. O believed that the stimulation was superior to first round (more eggs, better fertilization rate), but that again, we were on the wrong side of odds. We are approaching our third retrieval, which I am learning is not uncommon for DOR and advanced maternal age.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Lindsay)
Lindsay was communcative and took ownership when, prior to our first cycle, we encountered a huge insurance hiccup. She made sure I had the necessary medications and showed me in person how to perform injections. She answers emails very promptly when she is in the office, though the answers can be short and sometimes feel incomplete. Her weekday off is communicated in advance, and you can always call to speak to a nurse if she is off. After our unfortunate results, she has always reached out to express condolences immediately, and I believe she is invested in our success.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Billing/Insurance/Documentation has been a doozy. I would say 30% of the challenges we had came down to clinic difficulties, and 70% to insurance difficulties. Insurance made getting through the beginning stages hell. The clinic followed their standard protocol which, in our case, yielded nothing but insurance denials. We had to call and get the very specific series of forms and departments via insurance to get our prior authorization through. In addition, the clinic was just bought by RMA, and the switch over has been messy between records, changing portals, and communicating with staff. Patients did not receive much communication about what would be happening, how to reach our nurses in the switch, and how billing was going to be changed. We have concerns that the purchase is going to change our insurance options, and this has not been addressed at this time. We are about to start another cycle but with the new portal/communications system. I'll report back about how it goes.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The total combined between insurance+self pay was ~$11,000 for egg retrieval (monitoring, surgery, follow ups, embryology), medication was ~$20,000 (insurance pricing+ self pay omnitrope). We also did self pay of ~$2500 for assisted hatching/PGT-A/biopsy
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
An embryologist who called with our results was not forthcoming about just how bad our embryos looked, and ultimately left us with an unrealistic picture of possible blasts. The lab director took ownership, was clear that it should not have happened, and that coaching would be handled very directly. We asked that all future calls be made by director or assistant director, and they agreed. We also asked for additional record keeping via photos at each check stage for embryos, and they agreed this was possible. I'll report back if this happens for our next cycle.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Chiang is very personable and our appointments with her never felt rushed. She took the time to go through all IUI or IVF steps and answer any questions we had. She was open to tweaking my FET protocol based on concerns about potential autoimmune issues that I had and explained the benefits/risks of those changes...she wants you to feel in control of your treatment, but sometimes my husband and I had just wished that she, as the doctor, would make a firm decision.
The [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] clinic is good about keeping you updated as to your next steps and providing calendars that outline when you will be taking which meds and when you'll have appointments. The weakness-- sometimes it just feels like a well-oiled machine with little compassion...The nursing staff isn't always the best at communicating. Again, you have to be on top of things
How was your experience with Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Chiang is very personable and our appointments with her never felt rushed. She took the time to go through all IUI or IVF steps and answer any questions we had. She was open to tweaking my FET protocol based on concerns about potential autoimmune issues that I had and explained the benefits/risks of those changes. You still have to do your own research and come in with your own questions though. Dr. Chiang can sometimes feel "wishy-washy" about decisions. Perhaps, she wants you to feel in control of your treatment, but sometimes my husband and I had just wished that she, as the doctor, would make a firm decision.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Come prepared having done your own research, knowing your body, and with a list of questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
We rarely meet with or hear from Dr. Chiang throughout treatment. However, when we have met with her for a consult and two re-groups, she is very kind and friendly. Twice, I've emailed her with questions and she always gets back to us within the same day with very thorough responses.
Describe the protocols Jasmine Chiang used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We did two IUI cycles with letrozole and a trigger shot. She chose letrozole for me based on high-ish antral follicle counts during my baseline testing. Each cycle produced two mature sized follicles; however, neither cycle resulted in pregnancy. We've completed one egg retrieval cycle. Dr. Chiang had me on a pretty standard protocol with gonal-f, menopur, etc. I stim'd for a pretty short amount of time and during our re-group, Dr. Chiang said I should have stim'd for one more day, which may have helped more of my eggs mature. I know the first round the doctors are getting to know how your body responds, but it was disappointing. Who made the call for me to trigger so soon?
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Alex Lee)
The nursing staff isn't always the best at communicating. Again, you have to be on top of things. I'm glad I spoke up when my egg retrieval calendar didn't look right, because sure enough my nurse had gotten my cycle day 1 wrong. I also emailed a question to my nurse at another point during my egg retrieval cycle and got a one sentence response that didn't actually answer my questions-- as if she read my email too quickly. Things like that were frustrating.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic is good about keeping you updated as to your next steps and providing calendars that outline when you will be taking which meds and when you'll have appointments. The weakness-- sometimes it just feels like a well-oiled machine with little compassion. No one wants to be going through fertility treatments. Many of the appointments are nerve wracking. Compassion would go a long way. It was the rare nurse or ultrasound tech that was actually personable and made the endless appointments better.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Our IUI cycles were partially covered by insurance, so we paid about $500 per cycle. IVF was not covered at all and we will pay about $25,000 (including medications) for one full cycle.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I was told by Dr. Chiang that I did not need to take vitamin D as my level was good. The next day, I was told by my FET nurse that I should take vitamin D even if my level was good. In the long run, it's a supplement and not a big deal, but it was frustrating to get two different messages.
Jasmine Chiang
Humanity4 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Bush was very straight forward with explanations of our diagnosis...showed his concern with our two failed IVFs and you could tell he was researching everything he could to help us succeed for the next. If you are looking for someone warm and cuddly, he would not be it but his compassion shines through when he is doing the procedures and walking you through the process. He brings his positive attitude every time we see him...
Conceptions is very welcoming and very knowledgeable. It is convenient that they have so many locations around Colorado. They are timely and organized with questions, appointments and procedures. I always feel at home and never judged when I'm in their offices...[nurse] has been the rock we go to through this experience and we are very thankful to have her in our life...Everyone in the office were always so kind, on top of my appointments and very knowledgeable with all the questions I would ask.
How was your experience with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Bush was very straight forward with explanations of our diagnosis. Which I respected because my husband and I were the ones always asking why? If we did not understand it, he would take the time to re-explain the process and procedures (even draw pictures)! He showed his concern with our two failed IVFs and you could tell he was researching everything he could to help us succeed for the next. If you are looking for someone warm and cuddly, he would not be it but his compassion shines through when he is doing the procedures and walking you through the process. He brings his positive attitude every time we see him, and we truly appreciate it.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
My advice for a prospective patient is what you see is what you are going to get with Dr. Bush. Expect the information to come at you fast and rapidly but know he cares. It will help if you do research on your end - that way you can have a better more logical conversation with him. He will do what he can to get you pregnant and he is good at his job!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Conceptions treated me like a human every time I have gone into see them, even getting blood work done, the phlebotomist took their time and got to know me. Everyone in the office were always so kind, on top of my appointments and very knowledgeable with all the questions I would ask. They showed their concern and love for my situation.
Describe the protocols Mark Bush used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Treatment strategies/protocols IVF #1 - baby aspirin everyday; hCG 2x before transfer, 2x after transfer; 75mg progesterone shots; medrol 4 pills for 4 days before the transfer; Estrace 2mg morning and 2mg at night everyday; estrogen patches everyday; lupron 10 unites injections for 27 days. Went in for regular blood work and ultrasounds, they didn't change anything up really. I think most of my protocol was based off blood work and how my body was reacting. First test I was pregnant with my hcg at 112.6, went back for follow up and I had a chemical pregnancy, my hcg dropped to 18. They suggested doing an ERA (mock transfer) before my next round, we were anxious and decided to pass and start with another transfer.
Treatment strategies /protocols for IVF #2 - z-pack; folgard 2.2mg everyday; hCG 2x before transfer, 2x after transfer; Omnitrope 0.5cc for 10 days; 75mg progesterone shots; medrol 4 pills for 4 days before the transfer; Estrace 2mg morning and 2mg at night everyday; estrogen patches everyday; lupron 10 units injections for 23 days and had intralipid infusion. Biggest difference was no baby aspirin this round; but added folgard, z-pack, intralipid infusion and Omnitrope. This round resulted in a negative pregnancy with my hcg levels at 9.23. Again, was suggested doing an ERA - so we did an ERA.
Treatment strategies/protocols ERA - (only taking medications till transfer day) folgard 2.2mg everyday; hCG 1x before transfer day; medrol 4 pills 4 days before transfer day; 75 mg progesterone; estrace 2mg in the morning and 2 mg at night; delestrogen shot 0.25ml every 4 days; and lupron 10 units injections for 24 days. This resulted in my ERA coming back as pre-receptive by 12 hours.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Jessica R)
All the nurses are very helpful when we call or email them. Especially my primary nurse, Jessica R. She has answered all of my questions quickly, efficient and confidently. She has displayed her compassion through all the stages and are very thankful for her. She does not make me feel foolish for asking her questions over and over. She has been the rock we go to through this experience and we are very thankful to have her in our life.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Conceptions is very welcoming and very knowledgeable. It is convenient that they have so many locations around Colorado. They are timely and organized with questions, appointments and procedures. I always feel at home and never judged when I'm in their offices.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Describe Mark Bush's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I trust my doctors opinion and what is best for my body and my circumstances through all the testing he has done.
Mark Bush
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Although Dr. O'Shaughnessy was direct, she also provided no context or analysis of my ultra sounds or blood work. She provided no explanation of anything. It was clear that there was a set protocol, which included jumping into medicated cycles and then moving onto IVF immediately if those did not work. Dr. O'Shaughnessy presents herself as the expert, which she is, but it would be helpful of she explained anything to her patients. The only benefit I got from seeing Dr. O'Shaughnessy was my PCOS diagnoses.
Large clinic [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] with lots of staff. Some were nice, most were disconnected. I guess this is the fertility industrial complex, and I won't be revisiting. I will say they are quick responders via email, and you can usually get ahold of someone if you keep calling...Although Dr. O'Shaughnessy was direct, she also provided no context or analysis of my ultra sounds or blood work. She provided no explanation of anything. It was clear that there was a set protocol, which included jumping into medicated cycles and then moving onto IVF immediately if those did not work. Dr. O'Shaughnessy presents herself as the expert, which she is, but it would be helpful of she explained anything to her patients.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Although Dr. O'Shaughnessy was direct, she also provided no context or analysis of my ultra sounds or blood work. She provided no explanation of anything. It was clear that there was a set protocol, which included jumping into medicated cycles and then moving onto IVF immediately if those did not work. Dr. O'Shaughnessy presents herself as the expert, which she is, but it would be helpful of she explained anything to her patients. The only benefit I got from seeing Dr. O'Shaughnessy was my PCOS diagnoses. After two failed clomid/letrozole cycles, I decided I could figure out my body on my own, which I did. I got pregnant naturally after a year or so or hard work on my diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle. Do yourself a favor, and skip Conceptions and work with a naturopath or dietician that will provide strategies to improve your PCOS symptoms, thereby maximizing your fertility. I understand the goal of a RE is to get you pregnant, but at what cost?
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Do not see Dr. O'Shaughnessy, especially if you have PCOS.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O'Shaughnessy failed to fully explain my diagnoses, even after several rounds of blood testing. I had to ask her, point blank, DO I HAVE PCOS? After, she replied, yes, but it really took so much to get here. I asked her what I could do to manage and reduce my PCOS symptoms, and she said reduce my carb intake. This is a woman who works in reproductive healthcare, and there is so much new research about PCOS, and all she could offer me was to reduce my carb intake. I also have a normal BMI. Completely unhelpful and it was clear that she was not interested in providing any recommendations to help with my PCOS.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Monitored clomid/letrozole cycles.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Camille)
Camille was condescending, and wasn't very well versed in the fertility protocols that were being administered. If I asked tough questions, I was directed to Dr. O'Shaughnessy. As a nurse at a fertility clinic, you would think she could provide more context, but she simply sent canned emails and read me numbers.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Large clinic with lots of staff. Some were nice, most were disconnected. I guess this is the fertility industrial complex, and I won't be revisiting. I will say they are quick responders via email, and you can usually get ahold of someone if you keep calling.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
$5k for ultasounds, bloodwork, and failed medicated cycles.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to convey critical information
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness1 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks1 of 5
Adaptability1 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Chiang explained everything so well I’m ways we could understand. She was very detailed and asked personal questions to get to know us. She helped us narrow down options and did not force anything on us...We are going to do all of the genetic testing and referred us to a Urologist to see if sperm extraction was possible. Then we are doing Donor consults and counseling to see what are our options would be to use that as a backup. They did an ultrasound to count my follicles. Everything was very detailed...
She [nurse at Conceptions Reproductive Associates] was so detailed and gave us honest feedback and opinions on the testing that would be best for us. She explained the next steps in detail and gave us a checklist and folder of everything we need to do and all do the contacts we needed...This clinic was very friendly and respectful...had a great set up and staff of others coordinating our care...
How was your experience with Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Chiang went over everything and addresses our questions and concerns in a term we could understand. She gave us a course of action and options. We have just been doing tests and more tests and been waiting for answers so to finally see someone who set the course of action was so comforting. She talked to us like she genuinely cared for our family and wanted to help us.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Ask all the questions you want and need to!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Chiang explained everything so well I’m ways we could understand. She was very detailed and asked personal questions to get to know us. She helped us narrow down options and did not force anything on us.
Describe the protocols Jasmine Chiang used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
She set a course of action for us. We are going to do all of the genetic testing and referred us to a Urologist to see if sperm extraction was possible. Then we are doing Donor consults and counseling to see what are our options would be to use that as a backup. They did an ultrasound to count my follicles. Everything was very detailed.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Camilla)
She was so detailed and gave us honest feedback and opinions on the testing that would be best for us. She explained the next steps in detail and gave us a checklist and folder of everything we need to do and all do the contacts we needed.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
This clinic was very friendly and respectful. There were no weaknesses that we noticed or saw. They were able to do everything we needed to do at the appointment and had a great set up and staff of others coordinating our care.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Jasmine Chiang at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The costs for me were covered by insurance. The cost for genetic testing was $100 for my husband.
Jasmine Chiang
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Grindler has a very analytic and scientific way of talking through the information presented. She did a great job of walking through the all of our options...we only saw Dr. Grindler 2 times from initial consult to egg retrieval...The majority of the communication was completed through nurses and we didn't know until closer to the egg retrieval that it would be a different doctor completing the procedure...
They [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] provide detailed instructions via email and set clear expectations of timeline and when/how they will be in contact during the IVF process...The nurses were all very responsive with all of our questions. Most communication was done via email, but they were willing to transfer our prescriptions to several different pharmacies who would not give quotes without having the orders. This allowed us to save thousands of dollars...
How was your experience with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Grindler has a very analytic and scientific way of talking through the information presented. She did a great job of walking through the all of our options. However, we felt concerned when the pharmacists we shopped around with kept exclaiming how much Menopur we were prescribed. It would have been nice for these dosages to be explained (due to low ovarian reserve), as we had to follow-up to confirm it was the correct dosage. I think overall the experience we had with Dr. Grindler was probably typical of any large fertility clinic that is just getting people through rounds of IVF. What we weren't fully aware of at the time was that were in a fragile state and were looking for more empathy and explanations of potential upcoming loss/failure/stages of grief.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Be prepared for every appointment with questions, especially on the rates of success for the various treatment options. You may want to pair Dr. Grindler's medical advice with additional emotional support.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
We had to follow-up for the list of dietary recommendations Dr. Grindler spoke of in our initial meeting, and the person who responded was a nurse. It didn't feel like the recommendations were in any way catered toward us and our specific situation. The majority of the communication was completed through nurses and we didn't know until closer to the egg retrieval that it would be a different doctor completing the procedure, so we only saw Dr. Grindler 2 times from initial consult to egg retrieval.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: M'Kaylah Woods)
The nurses were all very responsive with all of our questions. Most communication was done via email, but they were willing to transfer our prescriptions to several different pharmacies who would not give quotes without having the orders. This allowed us to save thousands of dollars.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
This clinic is a well-oiled machine. They provide detailed instructions via email and set clear expectations of timeline and when/how they will be in contact during the IVF process. There was some confusion between the front desk staff and the billing department when providing the Kaiser-insurance package as we were billed for a visit we shouldn't have been, and then had to resolve the issue with the billing department later. We felt the pre-recorded IVF informational video was helpful to be able to reference, but the zoom session with the male nurse did not answer our additional lingering questions and felt impersonal.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
$11,000 for one round of egg retrieval (not including cost of medications)
Describe Natalia Grob's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Conceptions clinic as a whole believes in elective single embryo transfer, but will transfer multiple embryos if you feel strongly
Natalia Grob
Humanity2 of 5
Communication3 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks2 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr O’shaughnessy was ok. She was blunt to the point. Personally for me it’s just annoying I came to her for care, we did a ton of testing. She said everything is normal when it came to my test results. Our only option was IVF. (Give or take a $20,000 procedure.) My partner and I decided at that point to continue the natural course until November when we can look at our insurance plans and reevaluate if IVF coverage is an option. Of course, we did get pregnant again and ultimately lost said pregnancy...At my “Required” follow-up visit after the D&C, O’shaughnessy let us know one test result did in fact come back as indeterminate and we should retest…. (Give or take a $150 test) Why wasn’t that previously brought up? Why did I have to go through yet another loss for my test results to be taken seriously?
I actually have nothing but good things to say about the clinic staff [at Conceptions Reproductive Associates]. They were always on time and communicated what they were doing and why. Regardless to whether they were front office or clinic staff. My expectations were satisfied when at the clinic. My qualm is with the nursing staff...[nurse] emailed me to be patient because “Conceptions, along with the rest of the world, is short staffed.” If being condescending towards patients requesting care is the acceptable culture standard when they are short staffed it is going to also be the acceptable culture when they are full staffed.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr O’shaughnessy was ok. She was blunt to the point. Personally for me it’s just annoying I came to her for care, we did a ton of testing. She said everything is normal when it came to my test results. Our only option was IVF. (Give or take a $20,000 procedure.) My partner and I decided at that point to continue the natural course until November when we can look at our insurance plans and reevaluate if IVF coverage is an option. Of course, we did get pregnant again and ultimately lost said pregnancy. (Not getting into the condescending responses I received from the nurses.) At my “Required” follow-up visit after the D&C, O’shaughnessy let us know one test result did in fact come back as indeterminate and we should retest…. (Give or take a $150 test) Why wasn’t that previously brought up? Why did I have to go through yet another loss for my test results to be taken seriously?
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Look at the culture you and your staff show to the patients. Is that a culture you as a patient would be satisfied with?
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
The nurse, Camille, emailed me to be patient because “Conceptions, along with the rest of the world, is short staffed.” If being condescending towards patients requesting care is the acceptable culture standard when they are short staffed it is going to also be the acceptable culture when they are full staffed.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Camille)
Camille literally email me to say they are short staffed “along with the rest of the world” … it came off as very condescending for someone such me who was going their 3rd miscarriage with several follow-up questions and zero answers
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I actually have nothing but good things to say about the clinic staff. They were always on time and communicated what they were doing and why. Regardless to whether they were front office or clinic staff. My expectations were satisfied when at the clinic. My qualm is with the nursing staff
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I only had testing done. Testing was 100% covered by insurance
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to call with results
Lost results
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity1 of 5
Communication2 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness2 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks2 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
As the conversation went on, I realized that this was simply Dr. O'Shaughnessy's direct and to-the-point way of communicating. When I began to get used to this, I truly appreciated her honesty and clarity, even if it wasn't as warm, at first, as I may have been expecting. It is clear that[she] cares for her patients, is extremely knowledgeable, and believes in my success...
She [Conceptions Reproductive Associates nurse] was very sensitive to my personal situation, helping to arrange my retrieval around my work schedule and taking care to call me during certain times of the day when I have a break from work...Everyone at the clinic took the time to make sure we had all of our questions answered and we did not feel like anyone was rushing us out the door.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I began the first consultation appointment with Dr. O'Shaughnessy feeling a little on-edge and defensive when our conversation started with whether I'd arranged to have my previous medical records transferred. Dr. "O" seemed annoyed that the records were not there, and I felt like I had done something wrong even though I'd tried to have them sent. As the conversation went on, I realized that this was simply Dr. O'Shaughnessy's direct and to-the-point way of communicating. When I began to get used to this, I truly appreciated her honesty and clarity, even if it wasn't as warm, at first, as I may have been expecting. It is clear that Dr. O cares for her patients, is extremely knowledgeable, and believes in my success. I feel like I am in good hands starting an IVF cycle with her.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Be ready for information that is direct and to-the-point. No sugar-coating here.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I never felt rushed through the clinic. Dr. O'Shaughnessy and her nurses and staff took the time to answer every question my husband and I had. She made sure that we understood the answers before moving on and took the time to explain the details associated with our specific situation.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We have not yet started our first treatment with Dr. O'Shaughnessy, but the planned protocols have been explained based on our testing. I will start with 16-21 days of birth control pills to suppress my reproductive system. Then, I will begin injections daily or twice daily with daily blood tests and ultrasounds for 10-12 days leading up to the retrieval. I believe that one reason for this protocol is that I have normal ovarian reserve. I had begun to take the birth control pills right before the COVID19 pandemic shut everything down. I stopped the pill and am still waiting to start again and move forward with an IVF cycle.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Sarah Evans)
My IVF nurse, Sarah, is the main reason I feel like we've made a good choice with this clinic. Even though we have not yet started treatments, I already feel like I have a personal relationship with Sarah. She was very sensitive to my personal situation, helping to arrange my retrieval around my work schedule and taking care to call me during certain times of the day when I have a break from work. Through the emotional roller coaster of my treatments getting cancelled because of Coronavirus, Sarah has been very compassionate and understanding. She even offered to be a person "just to talk to" in these trying times.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Everyone at the clinic took the time to make sure we had all of our questions answered and we did not feel like anyone was rushing us out the door. We have had one virtual appointment, as we live out of town, and it was great that they accommodated this. Our only in-person appointment was at a new office location, so it wasn't very welcoming yet, but they were still getting it set up. I have not been to the main location yet.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
One IVF cycle is $18,375 plus the cost of medications.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
While I am ultimately uncertain what is best, I am curious about why this clinic only allows single embryo transfer.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Before my first consultation appointment, I called the receptionist to make sure my previous medical records had arrived. The person I spoke with on the phone said, "Yes, they're all here." However, when I arrived, my doctor seemed annoyed to find that the records had not been transferred. She was not able to give me a complete picture of my potential protocol that day because certain test results were missing.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion2 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
[Dr. Mark Bush] is really profesional and knowledge , he will take the time to explain everything to you . He also will tell you the truth in your face he will not create false expectations . He will take the time to treat you as an individual and review the right treatment for you...we are hopeful that we will have a baby at the end...he is honest when he give you the expectation
[The Nursing Staff at Conceptions Reproductive Associates-Denver] are all really nice and they treat you with compassion and they show that they care about you as a person...Clinic I loved is really nice and clean , people is nice and proper...everybody have their place or roll and they do a very good profesional work...I like how everything is really well organized
How was your experience with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
De Bush is really profesional and knowledge , he will take the time to explain everything to you . He also will tell you the truth in your face he will not create false expectations . He will take the time to treat you as an individual and review the right treatment for you to end up with a baby in your arms . We are going with him and we are hopeful that we will have a baby at the end .
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Take the time to research to ask the right questions , make a list ... have him give you the best treatment that he suggest .
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr Bush is really professional and he will tell you the truth right upfront ... he is honest when he give you the expectations ... he will do the right for you
Describe the protocols Mark Bush used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
He did check me every day with blood work and ultrasound así I won’t be on risk of OHSS . He will look all the details and try to give you the correct answer .
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Sarah Evans )
They are all really nice and they treat you with compassion and they show that they care about you as a person
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Clinic I loved is really nice and clean , people is nice and proper... everybody have their place or roll and they do a very good profesional work . I like how everything is really well organized and clean.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Dr Bush was a great person when he decided to give me a discount for my treatment and he did manage this personally with me and a great nurse Sarah Lee , they were really nice to me when it comes to price for the treatment .
Describe Mark Bush's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I did want to do a transfer on me but doctor bush will research about my situation first and we will discuss the best treatment for me . Also I would like to transfer 2 embryos but he only do 1 at the time .
Mark Bush
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
I was very appreciative of the fact that [Dr. O'Shaughnessy] doesn’t waste time or give unrealistic expectations...She let me have a say in my care...I ended up having surgery for endo polyps and she was the one who did my surgery...I was prepped for an embryo transfer cycle, as I had embryos prior to come to this clinic...to top it off, we now have our sweet baby boy!
The clinic [at Conceptions Reproductive Associates] has several location which seems very convenient. I have not been to all of the locations. But it was nice to have options! The staff was all very friendly and it was nice to see them at every appointment. It made it feel less like an appointment and more like visiting with some nice folks...Amanda was excellent. She helped me with every step of the process and was on top of everything!
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr O is an amazing person and doctor. I truly enjoyed being under her care. I came from a different fertility clinic, after my doctor had moved away. I was looking for a doctor what was approachable, experienced, and friendly all around.
I found her to be all of those things. I was very appreciative of the fact that she doesn’t waste time or give unrealistic expectations. I suppose this could come off more abrasive to others, but I felt like she was looking out for my best interests and trying to achieve the desired outcome from my family.
She let me have a say in my care and was open to my preferences.
I ended up having surgery for endo polyps and she was the one who did my surgery. It was comforting to see her at my surgery, and gave me peace knowing that she would perform the surgery in an effort to make my uterus perfect for a pregnancy.
I also ovulates through my Lupron during my transfer cycle. I was, of course, real panicky. But she simply made some adjustments and pushed the transfer out a week or two. Her ability to handle this setback made it less stressful.
I also think she treats the office staff very well. It always seemed like she was talking with them and everyone was happy. which says a lot about the doctor as a person- in my opinion.
And to top it off, we now have our sweet baby boy!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr O was understanding and kind from the time we met with her to the time we graduated from the clinic. She understood what our expectations were and was able to talk candidly about what was and was not a realistic expectation. She is very approachable and knowledgeable.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
I was prepped for an embryo transfer cycle, as I had embryos prior to come to this clinic.
My testing included a trial transfer, Dopplers, and SHG.
Because of the findings, I needed to have a polypectomy. This was a surgery scheduled at the hospital. It only took about 30 minutes and I went home same day. I did not even need pain meds!
I then did my embryo transfer- we used lupron, estradiol patches and pills and progesterone in oil.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Amanda)
Amanda was excellent. She helped me with every step of the process and was on top of everything!
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic has several location which seems very convenient. I have not been to all of the locations. But it was nice to have options!
The staff was all very friendly and it was nice to see them at every appointment. It made it feel less like an appointment and more like visiting with some nice folks!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We used our progyny insurance, so the cost to us was very low
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I desired a eSET and she was completely agreeable to this.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Grindler explained the process of preconception testing since my husband and I were older and we wanted to make sure we were healthy enough to get pregnant. I had a very early miscarriage and that is what brought us into see Dr. Grindler. She started with preconception testing and she explained everything very thoroughly. She is very informative and very clear and transparent about the odds of conceiving .
The [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] clinic is great so far, we had a little hiccup over billing but the billing department was friendly and quickly corrected their mistakes. The staff and reception when we met Dr. Grindler in person were great. We are looking forward to getting the IVF process started...So far nurses have been great. We communicate with the nurses through email or by leaving messages and they immediately respond within the day. We think they will be very supportive and helpful during the process of IVF when we begin.
How was your experience with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
We have not started IVF due to the pandemic however we met with her in person once and once again via telemedicine for our results since we are out of town. She answered all my questions and even responded to emails when I thought of questions later on. We both felt like we can ask any clarification questions and she would take the time to explain things.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Do your research and come in with questions, if it's your first time considering IVF or IUI don't hesitate to ask questions or clarifications. If you know the process well it will help you make decisions later on.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Grindler explained the process of preconception testing since my husband and I were older and we wanted to make sure we were healthy enough to get pregnant. I had a very early miscarriage and that is what brought us into see Dr. Grindler. She started with preconception testing and she explained everything very thoroughly. She is very informative and very clear and transparent about the odds of conceiving .
Describe the protocols Natalia Grob used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We have not started any protocols or drugs due to postponing IVF due to pandemic.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
So far nurses have been great. We communicate with the nurses through email or by leaving messages and they immediately respond within the day. We think they will be very supportive and helpful during the process of IVF when we begin.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic is great so far, we had a little hiccup over billing but the billing department was friendly and quickly corrected their mistakes. The staff and reception when we met Dr. Grindler in person were great. We are looking forward to getting the IVF process started.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We knew our insurance wouldn't cover any cost of fertility treatment so they have pricing different for out of pocket patients compared to insurance billing. I believe for the original consultation it was between $130-200. I remember at our consultation we wanted to start the preconception blood work so we would know where we would stand in terms of available options. The preconception blood work for both my husband and I included STDs, Ab testing and transvaginal US. We paid between $1200-$1700 not including genetic chromosomal analysis. They are transparent on their website about costs associated with different treatment, however we are waiting to begin our IVF so we will see what the actual costs turn out to be.
Natalia Grob
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
[Dr. O'Shaughnessy] was professional but very cold and did not clearly explain "our problem" to us...The doctor never explained to me that my damaged tubes could be the problem. I had to google what this meant including what AMH, FSH, etc meant. At our final consultation, the doctor couldn't tell us why the IUIs didn't work and pushed us towards IVF...
She [Conceptions Reproductive Associates nurse] knew who I was when I emailed and called. I would have considered her a "friend" during that time...For each IUI, medications, appointments, and the procedure cost about $1,000 each. There were preceding appointments that cost a couple hundred and the followup with her which cost $150. Medications were probably about $100 each. In total, we spent $4,000-5,000.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
The doctor was professional but very cold and did not clearly explain "our problem" to us. I was constantly trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me and looking up information on the internet to fill in the gaps. I was 5 days late for my period once and was trying to figure out what that meant because pregnancy tests were negative. I could not talk to the doctor about this, only the nurse, who said "you could be pregnant or your period is late". Turns out I was late due to the progesterone, none of which was explained to me as a possible side effect, I googled this possibility on the internet. Also I had some drainage in my tubes shown during the HSG. I did not know what this meant and no one explained it to me despite asking multiple times. I was always skeptical about the IUIs and whether they would work due to damage in my tubes. They didn't work. The doctor never explained to me that my damaged tubes could be the problem. I had to google what this meant including what AMH, FSH, etc meant. At our final consultation, the doctor couldn't tell us why the IUIs didn't work and pushed us towards IVF. She could not tell us what our odds were in it being successful other than the clinic statistics. This was not individualized for us. We were just a number and got a $150 bill for a 15 minute final conversation that told us nothing other than the fact that we now needed to spend more money to try to get pregnant.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
To ask for another doctor. She is not very warm. She does not explain the statistics. She does not help you understand the problem. She does not answer questions. She is not present other than your initial consultation and your final consultation. You are just a number that pays her money.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
We never interacted with the doctor very much at all. We talked with her during the initial consultation and then during the final consultation to discuss next steps after the IUIs failed. The doctor did not perform our IUIs, a nurse did. When we had questions, we could not email or call the doctor directly, we emailed or called the nurse. I do not feel like she knew us at all, only the data that was presented to her.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
First IUI, I was given clomid. I had horrible side effects like cramping and was in bed the whole day. My lining was borderline for going through with a cycle and only one follicle matured. I ovulate naturally so likely the clomid did nothing. Even with that, I was given clomid once again for my second IUI. Cramping was worse this time. My lining was worse. I was given estradiol to thicken my lining, who knows if it worked but the IUI didn't. Only one follicle again matured. Third and final IUI I was switched to letrozole. I had no side effects and felt great. My lining was great. I had two follicles mature. Still the IUI failed, but the fact that she didn't immediately switch me to letrozole after the first IUI is concerning.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Erin Mattison)
Erin was a fabulous nurse. Although she was limited by the amount information she knew about infertility, she was very caring and responsive. I called her once for 30 minutes to try to figure out my results. She was trying to figure them out with me. Although her lack of knowledge of the infertility process was concerning, it was so nice to have someone to talk to. She knew who I was when I emailed and called. I would have considered her a "friend" during that time. One time I had to call the on-call nurse for a prescription that had run out after hours. I do not remember her name but she called me back right away and was so helpful. I was able to get the prescription in time. I have nothing but positive things to say about the nursing staff at Conceptions.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Conceptions was "OK". They were recommended to me by my OBGYN when I was very new and naive about the process. If I had known more or even knew that I had to do research about fertility clinics, I would have gone elsewhere. They have a few clinics in the Denver metro area. The clinics outside Denver are the only ones open on the weekend. We live in Denver proper. Two of our IUIs happened on the weekend and it was very inconvenient to have to drive 30 minutes outside Denver on a Saturday morning. With that said, at least they had weekend options. They always fit me in, they worked with insurance (which for me didn't cover much), they had a cash option, they always answered the phone, they didn't close during snowstorms, the finance/billing staff was very helpful, and I never waited more than 15 minutes. They did lose the results of my antral follicle count test due to the machine malfunction. Good thing I remembered the results because no one else did. They were never even added to my patient portal. They also never redid the test for free. That was concerning. I would have gone elsewhere because now I know the questions to ask, whereas in the beginning I was flying blind.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
For each IUI, medications, appointments, and the procedure cost about $1,000 each. There were preceding appointments that cost a couple hundred and the followup with her which cost $150. Medications were probably about $100 each. In total, we spent $4,000-5,000.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
No, I didn't do IVF.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Lost results
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
One major problem I had in the very beginning was that they were not clear about the cost of the genetic testing. They did say there would be a fee, but when I got a bill for $12,000 from Natura, I was floored. I cried and had a panic attack. I called the nurse and she said she would call the Natura rep to sort this out. I had a back and forth with their finance department for weeks trying to figure this out. They ended up knocking the bill down so I only paid 20% or so, but they can't possibly do this for every patient. Another thing, they lost the results of my antral follicle count test due to a machine malfunction. Good thing I remembered the results because no one else did. They were never even added to my patient portal. They also never redid the test for free. That was concerning. Also the results of my HSG were inconclusive. They said there was "leakage" but weren't totally sure of the severity. They said I might have had endometriosis, but never clarified. It seems like these two tests should have been re-done due to their error but they did not schedule them again.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness3 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks1 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Mark Bush was arrogant and patronizing. He rarely allowed me to finish a thought, almost always cutting me off before I could finish what I was saying. He was quick to place a label on my infertility diagnosis without looking at all the labwork and results, and then later changed his diagnosis when he looked just a bit more thoroughly at my labwork. He spent a lot of time talking about his successful IVF statistics and pushing IVF at us when we were not feeling ready to take that step, wanting to being with a couple rounds of IUI.
The nursing staff [at Conception Reproductive Associates] helped take what Dr. Bush said and describe it in more detail, allowing me to ask questions or clarifications...The clinic sure likes to post their IVF success statistics on every table surface, door, and wall! I didn't love that they have multiple clinic locations that provide different services or that are only open on some days...
How was your experience with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Mark Bush was arrogant and patronizing. He rarely allowed me to finish a thought, almost always cutting me off before I could finish what I was saying. He was quick to place a label on my infertility diagnosis without looking at all the labwork and results, and then later changed his diagnosis when he looked just a bit more thoroughly at my labwork. He spent a lot of time talking about his successful IVF statistics and pushing IVF at us when we were not feeling ready to take that step, wanting to being with a couple rounds of IUI.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
His IVF success statistics are good, so I'm sure he is a smart and competent doctor. But his bedside manner, compassion, and attention to details were abysmal. Ultimately, I decided that in this difficult and stressful journey, I wanted a doctor who listened to me, treated me like a human, and didn't patronize me.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
At our first consultation, Dr. Bush looked at my labwork from my O/B clinic and saw a high AMH level. He right away declared that I had PCOS and described symptoms that I did not have (like anovulation - I ovulate!) He was then very pushy about IVF as the best option for us and prescribed metformin for blood sugar control, even though we hadn't tried IUI and were wanting to start there. After taking some time to consider our options, we had another consult with him where he looked at all my labwork again and declared that I did not have PCOS because I had low testosterone levels. So after months of taking metformin and following a PCOS diet, he changed his diagnosis because he did not look at the whole picture the first time we consulted with him.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The nursing staff helped take what Dr. Bush said and describe it in more detail, allowing me to ask questions or clarifications. I trusted them to hear me and advocate for what was best for me more than I trusted Dr. Bush. But ultimately, I could tell they were bound to whatever instructions or protocol he had given them. Now having been to another clinic where the nursing staff were excellent, attentive, and detail-oriented, I can say that the nursing staff at Conceptions were not up to the same level.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic sure likes to post their IVF success statistics on every table surface, door, and wall! I didn't love that they have multiple clinic locations that provide different services or that are only open on some days - this meant that we had to drive to a couple different locations, which meant we were always having to pull-up maps and give ourselves extra time to find a new location. I would have preferred to visit the same location for each test and visit.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Dr. Bush prescribed incorrect medication based on his inattention to detail in my lab results. This meant months of being on metformin and following a PCOS diet, when he later realized his mistake and changed his diagnosis.
Mark Bush
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness1 of 5
Compassion2 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
[Dr. O’Shaughnessy] didn't listen to our questions or concerns and rather lectured us on how it would/should be... Her answers were all along the line of "don't worry, it will work!" Well, it didn't and not only were we devastated, we didn't know what was next...I mentioned to her that a procedure I had just had was terribly painful and maybe they should look at options to make patients more comfortable. Her response was that there was nothing they could do... She made condescending remarks to my husband and myself after we had asked her to clarify dosing protocols since she wasn't making any sense.
Often, they [nurses at Conceptions Reproductive Associates] are not well educated on your case and sometimes they even forget about you...There is no follow up from the staff after procedures to see how you are doing (retrievals, etc.) - It is difficult to actually reach your nurse as all instructions say to call the nurse line but the automated message says they'll return your message in 24-48 hours...I also struggled to get clear documentation of what we paid for from the billing department. On top of that, the billing team can't answer medical questions and the nurses/doctors won't answer billing questions so you're stuck without a knowledgable resource.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Hands down, the most insane moment we had with Dr. O'Shaughnessy was when she flat out refused to answer my question of "if this transfer doesn't work, what is the next course of action?" I asked three times and by the third, it got awkward and I finally let it go. Her answers were all along the line of "don't worry, it will work!" Well, it didn't and not only were we devastated, we didn't know what was next.
Another time, I mentioned to her that a procedure I had just had was terribly painful and maybe they should look at options to make patients more comfortable. Her response was that there was nothing they could do. Upon switching physicians at the same clinic, I learned there was a LOT they could do to make it a more pleasant experience and, frankly, it was for me when I had to have the procedure again.
We only met with her twice during the entire treatment plan. Both times, we found ourselves apologizing for taking up her time as she seemed annoyed that we were in her office. Only after did we realized how messed up that is!
Lastly, I've read feedback that she is condescending to her patients and I would 100% agree with that. She made condescending remarks to my husband and myself after we had asked her to clarify dosing protocols since she wasn't making any sense.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Don't be a patient of hers! This process is too expensive, stressful and demanding to be seen by a bad doctor.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
One of the biggest concerns I had with Dr. O'Shaughnessy was that she didn't listen to our questions or concerns and rather lectured us on how it would/should be.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Erika)
My nurse, Erika, was great. However, my biggest concerns are with the nursing staff as a whole. Frankly, I don't know who runs that team but they do a TERRIBLE job. Honestly, I haven't been able to figure out if the nurses are incompetent or if the practice management is to blame and the nurses are working for a broken system.
A few highlights:
- When your nurse is out of town you're handed off to the nurse on-call for that day. Often, they are not well educated on your case and sometimes they even forget about you.
- There is no follow up from the staff after procedures to see how you are doing (retrievals, etc.)
- It is difficult to actually reach your nurse as all instructions say to call the nurse line but the automated message says they'll return your message in 24-48 hours.
- Drug protocol worksheets were the most confusing things I've ever seen in my life. Hands down.
- Welcome packets were confusing, duplicative and generic (with lots of typos).
- Handoffs from one nursing team to the next as you advanced through the process was awful. I, for one, was forgotten about.
Simply put, while the staff at Conceptions is very nice, the process is so complicated and disorganized that it far outshines any other positive experience you may have.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
As I mentioned earlier, the management in charge of this clinic are absolutely terrible. Not only is the nursing staff in disarray, but there is very little cross-departmental knowledge between nursing and billing and the marketing team is tone deaf. For example, EVERY TIME I walked into their office, I was reminded of their success rate statistics. This included when I was meeting to discuss transfer protocols and even during a class where we learned how to inject medication. I was already a paying patient and I was still getting sold! Also, they have newspaper clips all around their offices but what most people don't realize is that those are paid ads, not editorial coverage. How pathetic.
I also struggled to get clear documentation of what we paid for from the billing department. On top of that, the billing team can't answer medical questions and the nurses/doctors won't answer billing questions so you're stuck without a knowledgable resource.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Dr. O recommended a single transfer for me based on my size and that it was our first transfer. There was no reason to doubt this course of action and we were in full support/alignment.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Lost paperwork
Lost appointments
Failed to order appropriate test
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness2 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
[Dr. O'Shaughnessy] is wonderful with providing the hard facts but still making you feel like she cares. She has been so patient with my husband and I and the long list of questions we've had at every visit. At times when I've been upset, she has shown compassion. And at times when we've needed it, she hasn't sugar coated the details. I've always felt like I was in expert hands at each visit. And at every visit, she always makes sure I have her contact information and take a business card, just in case we have more questions or need anything. Are there maybe more personable Doctors out there, I'm sure there are. But she is a great balance and I respect that about her and would recommend her to anyone.
I never felt like a number [at Conceptions Reproductive Associates], always a patient that mattered to each and every person...Receptionists have been great, nurses have been great. There have been a few moments where I had additional questions that I felt like I should have been given the information on, but upon asking the question- i received the answer...they do not rush you into making a decision as I've experienced elsewhere. They give you the information and make sure you follow a process. Their pre-IVF class is fantastic in making sure you understand each and every step of the process and know what you are walking into. The fact that it is mandatory makes me trust them even more and know that they aren't in it for the money, they are in it to change lives and build families in the best way they can!
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O is wonderful with providing the hard facts but still making you feel like she cares. She has been so patient with my husband and I and the long list of questions we've had at every visit. At times when I've been upset, she has shown compassion. And at times when we've needed it, she hasn't sugar coated the details. I've always felt like I was in expert hands at each visit. And at every visit, she always makes sure I have her contact information and take a business card, just in case we have more questions or need anything. Are there maybe more personable Doctors out there, I'm sure there are. But she is a great balance and I respect that about her and would recommend her to anyone.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Don't expect bubbly, sugar coated. Expect the facts, expect to be told the truth, and know that there will still be compassion when necessary. Ask any and all questions that come to mind, she will answer them thoroughly.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O has always made me feel like I got an honest, expert opinion every time I've seen her. She has informed my husband and I of the facts and made sure we left with all the information and all questions answered (and boy, did we have alot!). While she is a straight shooter, she also is compassionate. Upon finding out an existing endometrioma had tripled in size via ultrasound, I immediately started crying and she didn't let me leave the room without a big hug and reassurance that it didn't mean the end of anything. I felt cared for, informed, and confident that day and every visit since!
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
I am just at the beginning of our protocol (stims starts this week), but was told that we are approaching my protocol strong due to my age and endometriosis. I am on an Antagonist protocol which unfortunately, i don't understand but intend to ask my nurse tomorrow. Since being told this is our protocol, I have not seen Dr. O so I haven't not had the opportunity to understand the rationale, nor do i know the potential results.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Lindsay Dole)
At this point in my protocol, I have had more contact with my initial care coordinator than my primary IVF nurse. My initial care coordinator was difficult to get a hold of and i received responses sometimes 3-5 days after initial contact. I have had one phone call with my primary IVF nurse thus far. Her responsiveness to emails have been good, sometimes slightly delayed, but I have always gotten the answers I needed. So far she is great and time will tell as I get into stims. Everyone else I have dealt with has been lovely as well.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Conceptions has been a truly positive experience thus far, especially compared to a past clinic that we never moved forward with. I trust everyone that I have worked with and spoken to. I never felt like a number, always a patient that mattered to each and every person. I also have entered this process very realistically and know that no one is perfect. Receptionists have been great, nurses have been great. There have been a few moments where I had additional questions that I felt like I should have been given the information on, but upon asking the question- i received the answer. At the same time, they do not rush you into making a decision as I've experienced elsewhere. They give you the information and make sure you follow a process. Their pre-IVF class is fantastic in making sure you understand each and every step of the process and know what you are walking into. The fact that it is mandatory makes me trust them even more and know that they aren't in it for the money, they are in it to change lives and build families in the best way they can!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Thus far, we are expecting a total of just over $18,000 for our Conceptions care, plus medication.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Dr. O has communicated that due to my age, she only recommends single embryo transfer due to the impending risks of multiples. She explained the potential risks of 2 babies as well as the extreme risk of transferring 2 embryos and should those embryos split. My husband and I trust her opinion and expertise and will absolutely follow her recommendations.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
You should expect to be someone who has a basic knowledge of the egg freezing process as she [Dr. O'Shaughnessy] does not give an introductory overview of how your body functions and what the full process is like. Expect to be the one who initiates the questions to fully understand everything. ... Shew as very frank and forthcoming with me, and she took the time to see me when I didn't have an appointment. .... I would have liked to see her more before and during my treatment just to have her check in with me and reassure me on any of my hesitations or concerns.
Everyone [Conceptions Repro Assoc] was very friendly and warm. It seemed like most staff there knew and understood what you were going through. I would have liked a bit more explanation and communication from staff though so I knew exactly what to expect at every stage.... even as small as checking in upstairs for ultrasounds and downstairs for blood work. ... They also offered me a discount with my second round of egg freezing, and ordered my drugs from a different pharmacy that was providing the lowest costs.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I would have liked to see her more before and during my treatment just to have her check in with me and reassure me on any of my hesitations or concerns. I spoke directly with the nurses who were the middlemen for any questions I had.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
You should expect to be someone who has a basic knowledge of the egg freezing process as she does not give an introductory overview of how your body functions and what the full process is like. Expect to be the one who initiates the questions to fully understand everything.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Shew as very frank and forthcoming with me, and she took the time to see me when I didn't have an appointment.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
I am currently in my second round of egg freezing and the doctor recommended I do a short stint of estrogen before my cycle started. She wanted to try a new approach to get me to produce more eggs. It seems to be working so far as I am producing more eggs this round than my first round.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The nursing staff was wonderful. They answered all my questions and called me every day to give me instructions. The were able to calm my nerves and reassure me.
As I am in my second round, the nurses have been more forthcoming with information regarding my progress (I.e. egg count, egg size, etc.), and I would have preferred to have had this information during my first round.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Everyone was very friendly and warm. It seemed like most staff there knew and understood what you were going through. I would have liked a bit more explanation and communication from staff though so I knew exactly what to expect at every stage.... even as small as checking in upstairs for ultrasounds and downstairs for blood work.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I only compared the costs of Conceptions with one other clinic and Conceptions was less expensive. They also offered me a discount with my second round of egg freezing, and ordered my drugs from a different pharmacy that was providing the lowest costs.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
My doctor stressed to me the importance of doing a single embryo transfer as opposed to a multiple embryo transfer. I asked if it was still possible to do a multiple embryo transfer, and she responded that they really only encourage a single embryo transfer. When and if the time comes for me to do an embryo transfer, I believe I will request a multiple embryo transfer.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity4 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Compassion3 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Greene is energetic, knowledgeable and supportive. He tells silly jokes and creates a more relaxed space even when there is tension. I appreciated that he responds directly to emails. Unfortunately after two frozen embryo transfers, we have not received the outcome we were hoping for under our care with Dr. Greene. I do not believe that. Dr. Greene is at fault for either loses.
We received a change in protocol [from Conceptions], but only through voicemail. I strongly believe that if there is a change in protocol there needs to be voice recognition of that change. Because of a problem with my phone, I did not receive the protocol change until a week later. I wish there had been more attempts to contact me through email, phone or text and a requirement that they received a confirmation from the patient that protocol needs to be changed.
How was your experience with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Greene is energetic, knowledgeable and supportive. He tells silly jokes and creates a more relaxed space even when there is tension. I appreciated that he responds directly to emails. Unfortunately after two frozen embryo transfers, we have not received the outcome we were hoping for under our care with Dr. Greene. I do not believe that. Dr. Greene is at fault for either loses.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Come with all of your questions!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Our consultation meeting was genuine and supportive. He has also responded to direct emails.
Describe the protocols Robert Greene used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Before each transfer I had pylops removed by Dr. Greene. Frozen Embryo transfers with Lupron, HCG, estrodial, progesterone in oil. In my most recent FET I was put on Metformin.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Tanya Sarver)
Tanya is wonderful. She responded quickly to emails or phone calls.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The Conceptions offices were very quiet which tended to support the anxiety I was experiencing while returning to the clinic after the death of our son at 38 weeks. The front desk typically smiled and had offers of water, coffee and a few snacks. The office is newly renovated and clean.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We paid about $4000 for each Frozen Embryo Transfer. We separately paid for acupuncture.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We received a change in protocol, but only through voicemail. I strongly believe that if there is a change in protocol there needs to be voice recognition of that change. Because of a problem with my phone, I did not receive the protocol change until a week later. I wish there had been more attempts to contact me through email, phone or text and a requirement that they received a confirmation from the patient that protocol needs to be changed.
Robert Greene
Humanity4 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Bush did not bring up my weight ONCE during my journey with him. He treated me like a human with a legitimate medical issue causing infertility. He started me on the IVF process immediately after initial testing. After FIVE years of trying to get other infertility offices to help me I got pregnant after my first run of IVF with Dr. Bush.... Dr Bush did more detailed testing of my hormone levels than any other infertility Dr did. I have PCOS so weekly testing of my hormone levels was necessary which no other Dr's did.
They [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] were quick to respond to emails, and I prefer to communicate through email. Their phone response time is terrible. Multiple nurses told me to not even bother calling the nurse line. They should have someone assigned to get these calls to the appropriate place within the same day.... The billing department was very good about working with my insurance and making sure I was fully aware of any co-pays before they were due.
How was your experience with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I cannot express enough how different Conceptions was different to every other fertility doctor I have gone to. I have long been diagnosed as having PCOS. The doctors at other Denver infertility offices (like CCRM) stated my infertility issues were caused by weight and refused to administer any IVF medication. ( I weighed 177 lbs.) Dr. Bush did not bring up my weight ONCE during my journey with him. He treated me like a human with a legitimate medical issue causing infertility. He started me on the IVF process immediately after initial testing. After FIVE years of trying to get other infertility offices to help me I got pregnant after my first run of IVF with Dr. Bush. My baby is due in August of this year and I will always be grateful to Dr. Bush and the entire Conceptions staff.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Trust Dr. Bush and his staff. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be patient. IVF can be a long process.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I cannot express enough how different Conceptions was different to every other fertility doctor I have gone to. I have long been diagnosed as having PCOS. The doctors at other Denver infertility offices (like CCRM) stated my infertility issues were caused by weight and refused to administer any IVF medication. ( I weighed 177 lbs.) Dr. Bush did not bring up my weight ONCE during my journey with him. He treated me like a human with a legitimate medical issue causing infertility. He started me on the IVF process immediately after initial testing. After FIVE years of trying to get other infertility offices to help me I got pregnant after my first run of IVF with Dr. Bush. My baby is due in August of this year and I will always be grateful to Dr. Bush and the entire Conceptions staff.
Describe the protocols Mark Bush used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Dr Bush went straight to IVF which was refreshing because other Denver infertility offices (Albrecht Women's Care). Made me do three IUI attempts and refused to do IVF on me which was a huge waste of money. Dr Bush did more detailed testing of my hormone levels than any other infertility Dr did. I have PCOS so weekly testing of my hormone levels was necessary which no other Dr's did. I never made near enough Progesterone on my own, even after becoming pregnant, so Dr Bush had me take Progesterone injections until my fourth month of pregnancy when the placenta finally starting making enough Progesterone to keep the pregnancy. I'm confident that with any other Dr I would have lost the pregnancy.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Jessica Rico and Veronica Morris)
Veronica Morris was my pre egg retrieval nurse. Jessica Rico was my post egg retrieval nurse. Jessica was so kind and showed such excitement for me every time I succeeded in a part of the IVF. She was a very good communicator, and made herself very available. Veronica was also nice, but sometimes my husband and I felt like she was annoyed with our questions.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
They were quick to respond to emails, and I prefer to communicate through email. Their phone response time is terrible. Multiple nurses told me to not even bother calling the nurse line. They should have someone assigned to get these calls to the appropriate place within the same day. The staff is so friendly when you are in the office and make you feel like they really care.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The ultrasound technician at the Sky Ridge location was one of my favorite people to visit during the process. She was so sweet and knowledgeable. The ultrasounds were quick and painless. I even got to do my first pregnancy ultrasound at their offices. Their ultrasound machines were top of the line and showed amazing detail.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The billing department was very good about working with my insurance and making sure I was fully aware of any co-pays before they were due.
Describe Mark Bush's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
My insurance would only pay for IVF if I did a single transfer so I never had to have the multiples conversation with Dr Bush.
Mark Bush
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. O [O'Shaughnessy] is very smart and that is apparent in the initial meeting with her. She has a lot of experience in her field. My husband and I appreciate this aspect of her and that she gives you information bluntly and will answer all your questions. The reason for my negative ranking is as follows: She is very opinionated, knows what she is thinks is best and wants to stick to that plan only. Some examples of scenarios where we disagreed and we were met with opposition are the following.
I love that if you call this clinic [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] (the Denver office) someone answers the phone and there is no automated messaging! It is so nice and refreshing. The facilities (Denver and Littleton) were both very nice and clean. My biggest frustrations had to do with the billing office. There was a scenario where they overcharged me for a HSG by $560 after months of waiting on the bill from my insurance.... My assigned nurse was very nice and seemed very organized. My main issues with the nursing staff came from when my nurse
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O is very smart and that is apparent in the initial meeting with her. She has a lot of experience in her field. My husband and I appreciate this aspect of her and that she gives you information bluntly and will answer all your questions. The reason for my negative ranking is as follows: She is very opinionated, knows what she is thinks is best and wants to stick to that plan only. Some examples of scenarios where we disagreed and we were met with opposition are the following. 1. We denied karyotype genetic testing during our initial testing because as believers in Jesus we would not change our plans to try to conceive naturally or transfer an embryo based on a positive result of having a higher chance of having a child with multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, or other perceived "genetic abnormalities" (Dr. O was very aggressive in pushing back and challenging this decision and that there are options to test embryos so that we wouldn't have a child with CF - which entails testing an embryo and then throwing it away if it is positive with one of the "genetic abnormalities" 2. Similar to #1 we do not want to do PGS testing in a potential IVF round for similar reasons that relate to our strong beliefs about the value of life and Dr. O's views on this are very apparent from the beginning (She wants to create and transfer ONE genetically perfect embryo for highest chances of success) 3. She is very strict about only doing a frozen transfer and only transferring one embryo at a time (we would prefer to transfer 2 embryos at a time due to the desire to not do PGS testing and we do understand that there is a high likelihood that 50% of embryos will be abnormal and either miscarry or not implant altogether but we are committed to transferring all potential embryos at some point in our life). I mainly feel that my personal faith based beliefs are not respected by Dr. O. I do understand she has gone through a lot of education and is aware of all the statistics and best practices but as Christians I care about more than just the "best practice" and want to move forward in a way that honors what I know is true about the value and gift of life. I don't mind that she presents all the facts but I do wish we were treated differently with regards to our views. For all these reasons, I would caution my best friend of going to Dr. O due to her aggressive, and sometimes hostile nature, regarding anything that does not align with the "medical best practices" of genetic testing and selective embryo transfers. As previously mentioned, there was some confusion around if I was truly diagnosed with PCOS or not and I dot not understand why she wasn't blunt about this from the beginning like she is with all of her other information that she delivers.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Be prepared with a list of questions to ask her and be well researched. She really appreciated that I knew the language and had done preliminary research on testing and treatments. When she walks you through an IUI or IVF process she talks quickly and matter of factually so you could get lost in all the details if you haven't at least read about it or discussed it with someone before. Also you can be blunt back to her and hold your ground if you have strong opinion or convictions about any part of this process. I strongly recommend researching the moral and ethical implications that accompany certain fertility treatments so that you know what you are agreeing to.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O read our chart and knew our specific information, stats, etc., however, she was very concerned with best medical practice and putting us into a treatment routine. We fell outside the norm due to our convictions as Christians and we were challenged regularly such as genetic testing. In addition, there was a lack of directness about diagnosing me with PCOS. The first meeting after our testing she said I had similarities but not a diagnosis then later on the nurse told me I had PCOS. During our last meeting, I asked her pointedly and she finally confirmed that I did in fact have PCOS after skirting around the topic slightly.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
My husband's SA came back with low morphology at 1% (everything else was great!) and he started using Theralogix's conception XR as prescribed.
Dr. O recommended using Letrozole instead of Clomid for medicated IUIs because I have a high resting follicle count (later officially diagnosed as PCOS) and they believed I would easily hyper stimulate.
IUI Cycle #1: 5 mg of Letrozole (or Femara), CD 12 sonogram - L ovary: 18 mm R ovary: 18 mm, triggered at 9:30 pm, IUI 36 hours later on CD 14, sperm (post wash): 34.7 million, motility 89%, prometrium CD 16 through pregnancy test 14 days post IUI. Negative pregnancy test.
IUI Cycle #2: 5 mg of Letrozole (or Femara) CD 12 sonogram - L ovary: 16 mm, 15 mm. 12 mm R ovary: 22 mm, triggered at 9:30 pm, IUI 36 hours later on CD 14, sperm (post wash): 18.4 million, motility 88%, prometrium CD 16 through pregnancy test 14 days post IUI. Negative pregnancy test.
IUI Cycle #3: 5 mg of Letrozole (or Femara) CD 11 sonogram - L ovary: 17 mm, 12 mm R ovary: 19 mm, 15mm and 13 mm triggered at 9:30 pm on CD12, IUI 36 hours later on CD 14, sperm (post wash): 25.8 million, motility 92%, prometrium CD 16 through pregnancy test 14 days post IUI. Negative pregnancy test.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Kelsey)
My assigned nurse was very nice and seemed very organized. My main issues with the nursing staff came from when my nurse (who works PT) was out of the office and I worked with Channing. She is very nice but not very organized. With my 1st IUI, Kelsey had preliminary told me that she would trigger me the day of my ultrasound if I had a follicle at 20 mm but she was out of the office the day of this ultrasound and Channing recommended I trigger that evening with two 18 mm follicles. In addition, my lining was slightly thin and no one mentioned this until after the cycle. After a failed 1st IUI, Kelsey said she would have done a few things differently and would have triggered me one day later and potentially put me on estrace to thicken my lining. Every cycle is so differnt so the next cycle I was put on estrace the day of my ultrasound but I had one follicle at 22 mm and my acupuncturist immediately thought that I should have done an IUI within 12-24 hours because I probably ovulated sooner, which was apparent because my pregnancy test date was 13 days post IUI. There were a few times I needed something and Kelsey was out of the office (she is PT) and Channing was supposed to call me back and either didn't or would at the very end of the day. I just felt like I was getting conflicting answers from the nurses or if Kelsey was out then I wasn't a priority to the other nurses. They are all very nice in conversation. There were several times where I took notes and had to remind them of certain things (like re-testing my husband's semen and vitamin D after taking supplements). It just felt like they weren't as detail oriented and these tests are expensive and very important to patients even if it is not IVF.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I love that if you call this clinic (the Denver office) someone answers the phone and there is no automated messaging! It is so nice and refreshing. The facilities (Denver and Littleton) were both very nice and clean. My biggest frustrations had to do with the billing office. There was a scenario where they overcharged me for a HSG by $560 after months of waiting on the bill from my insurance. I wasn't able to make a new cycle appointment unless it was paid which I did reluctantly even though I told them I could see on my insurance side that I owed less than what they stated. After I sent my EOB after our phone call, I was told I had a credit on my account and I could either wait for the statement to cut once that month and get a check or use to pay future bills. I also just had a really hard time following their billing statements and the personnel I spoke with were often sassy or annoyed with me.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Initial fertility testing (with some insurance coverage): $1,100
Each IUI cycle:
CD1-3 ultrasound and bloodwork (out of pocket): $402.16
Letrozole: $10 (with Good RX coupon)
CD12 ultrasound (out of pocket): $167.20
Trigger shot: $92 (Mandell's specialty pharmacy)
IUI (out of pocket): $353.76
Prometrium: $30ish (With Good RX coupon)
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I have not decided yet if we will move forward with IVF at this clinic or at all, however, see previous comments regarding initial discussions regarding genetic testing and selective embryos.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I think I have previously mentioned the more severe issues that I experienced at this clinic.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity3 of 5
Communication3 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness3 of 5
Compassion2 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability1 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
I had 2 rounds of treatment, after the first round we discovered an egg health issue that we did not know about previous to having embryos PGS tested. ... He [Dr. Greene] was always willing to cover treatment options and plans in as much detail as we wanted. He also provided material on extra supplements and research that has been show to help with fertility. He never had me do something in my treatment without providing an explanation about why I was doing it. ...
Conceptions [Repro Assoc] was all very organized and always running on time which is nice when you go to so many appointments. ... I liked that there was more than one clinic and I could go to whichever one was most convenient for all the testing. The staff was also very friendly. ...The clinic recommends eSET because of all of the testing done on the embryo and uterus before hand the live birth rate is very high and the goal is for a healthy baby and a single embryo transfer has a higher chance of a healthy live birth.
How was your experience with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Doctor Greene was amazing. He was always willing to cover treatment options and plans in as much detail as we wanted. He also provided material on extra supplements and research that has been show to help with fertility. He never had me do something in my treatment without providing an explanation about why I was doing it.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Come prepared with questions and feel free to ask them.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr Greene was very thorough in answering questions and explaining all steps of all processes to us. He was understanding when things didn't go the way we wanted them to and was sympathetic to that and was able to provide explanations. I really like his willingness to answer questions and to be available to answer questions outside of consultations.
Describe the protocols Robert Greene used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
I had 2 rounds of treatment, after the first round we discovered an egg health issue that we did not know about previous to having embryos PGS tested. The first round did not include any extra medications, They retrieved 18 eggs, 13 were mature, 12 were fertilized. Only 3 made it to day 5 (previously unknown egg quality issue) and 3 were sent for PGS testing, 1 was deemed "normal" Grade AB. The second round of IVF protocol was similar with the addition of Omnitrope. They retrieved 13 eggs, 9 were mature, 8 were fertilized, 4 made it to day 5 and were frozen and sent for PGS testing, 3 came back "normal".
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Veronica)
The nurse was quick to respond and very good at setting expectations.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I liked that there was more than one clinic and I could go to whichever one was most convenient for all the testing. The staff was also very friendly. Conceptions was all very organized and always running on time which is nice when you go to so many appointments.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We have insurance coverage and paid around $20,000 for all testing and procedures.
Describe Robert Greene's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic recommends eSET because of all of the testing done on the embryo and uterus before hand the live birth rate is very high and the goal is for a healthy baby and a single embryo transfer has a higher chance of a healthy live birth. But they have it as an open topic of discussion.
Robert Greene
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
I have a rare medical condition that could be complicated if I was to provide my own eggs or become pregnant. While the complication was not a guarantee, the risk was too great, so we decided to move forward using an egg donor and gestational carrier. Dr. Grindler was very understanding and felt that I was no different than an intended parent who was infertile. We were turned away from other clinics, so it was nice to be treated with respect and understanding.
The only problem we had [with Conceptions Reproductive Associates] was with billing. We were able to get things straightened out in the end. Keeping records of everything helps!...$38,000 included egg retrieval, their own anonymous egg donor fee, IVF, and FET...we LOVE the nursing staff and doctor. Our gestational carrier even loves the office!...Dr. Grindler was very understanding and felt that I was no different than an intended parent who was infertile.
How was your experience with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Grindler is a very compassionate person. While I am not infertile, I have a rare medical condition that could be exacerbated by pregnancy and possibly result in major surgery post pregnancy. I was turned away from a clinic since I was not infertile. Dr. Grindler treated me no different and explained that her goal is to help every family that wants a baby to have one. She was very clear when outlining the process and made herself available if we had any questions. As of now, she has helped us to create 7 exceptional frozen embryos. Her plan for the egg donor - amounts of medications, timing, etc -was phenomenal, resulting in 7 frozen genetically exceptional embryos. We couldn't be more thrilled!! Our gestational carrier will soon be starting medications for the FET, and we can't wait!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Don't hesitate to ask any questions. She is more than happy to answer!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I have a rare medical condition that could be complicated if I was to provide my own eggs or become pregnant. While the complication was not a guarantee, the risk was too great, so we decided to move forward using an egg donor and gestational carrier. Dr. Grindler was very understanding and felt that I was no different than an intended parent who was infertile. We were turned away from other clinics, so it was nice to be treated with respect and understanding.
Describe the protocols Natalia Grob used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We don't know the exact treatment strategies as of now since she has only worked with our anonymous egg donor. Thus, we were not informed of any of the specifics of the treatment.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Christina, Tasha, and Cori)
The nursing staff is AMAZING. Christina, Tasha, and Cori have been a god send. They are so organized and on top of everything. They respond in a timely manner and genuinely care about you. I couldn't have asked for a better nursing staff!!
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
We love everything about this clinic except for billing. We have run into issues with them. We recommend that you keep records of everything, ask lots of questions, and keep all of the emails!!! Please note that we LOVE the nursing staff and doctor. Our gestational carrier even loves the office!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Natalia Grob at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
$38,000 included egg retrieval, their own anonymous egg donor fee, IVF, and FET.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The only problem we had was with billing. We were able to get things straightened out in the end. Keeping records of everything helps!
Natalia Grob
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
After my canceled cycle, [Dr. Althea O'Shaughnessy] basically did not have any alternative protocols to try, and wanted me to go directly to donor egg...The doctor did not seem to know me personally or to create an individualized protocol for me. Instead, I felt that I was treated like a number, and that the doctor expected me to have the same results as someone without DOR, when I now understand that she should have been aiming for very different results.
Strengths [at Conceptions Reproductive Associates] : Compassionate, knowledgeable nurses. Appointments easy to make, usually did not have to wait long (except to see doctor). Weaknesses: Communication; organization; did not like that finances were kept mostly secret, you had to leave a message with their business office and likely wouldn't hear back for a day; costs were communicated verbally, not in writing. They tried to charge me a $3,500 cycle cancellation fee when my cycle was canceled after 5 days of stimulation. I disputed this, and they only charged me for services used ($1,500, plus the $1k coordination fee). This seems like a very high cancellation fee.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I only met with the doctor during my initial consultation and then during my re-group after the canceled cycle. Every other appointment and call was with a nurse. Several times, I asked to speak with the doctor about her instructions, and instead received communications back from the nurse who said she had spoken with the doctor.
Dr. O put me on a priming protocol that was questionable for someone with DOR (estrogen and birth control). I only had 2 follices during my AFC, and was put on a maximum (very expensive) dose of medications (450 follistim/150 menopur/.7 cc omnitrope). Even though I started with only 2 follicles, my cycle was canceled 5 days later due to not growing more than 2. This did not make sense to me, and wasted thousands of dollars on medications.
After my canceled cycle, Dr. O basically did not have any alternative protocols to try, and wanted me to go directly to donor egg. I have since received second opinions that this suggestion makes no sense, given my relatively young age and the fact that someone with DOR should not be expected to produce a lot of eggs in the first place.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
If you are in Denver, it is worth spending a bit more money to go to CCRM.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
The doctor did not seem to know me personally or to create an individualized protocol for me. Instead, I felt that I was treated like a number, and that the doctor expected me to have the same results as someone without DOR, when I now understand that she should have been aiming for very different results.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Primed with estrace for 7 days , starting 7 DPO. Birth control pill for 5 days to delay start of stimulation medications. 450 iu follistim, 150 iu menopur, and .7 cc omnitrop for 4 days; increased to 300 iu menopur on 5th day. Canceled after that.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Sarah Evans)
Sarah was great! She showed great compassion and always responded to my questions.
My only complaints have to do with weekends/scheduled days off. My first monitoring appointment was on a Saturday. I was told I would get a call with medication instructions by that afternoon, but didn't receive it. I finally called the after-hours number, and got a response from the on-call nurse a few hours later that I didn't need to adjust anything. She did not provide me any details on how my follicles or labs were looking. This seemed very disorganized. I also did not like that every assigned nurse is out of the office one weekday per week (plus weekends), so on those days my questions would not be answered until the next day. I'm not sure why the nurses do not work 5 days per week.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Strengths: Compassionate, knowledgeable nurses. Appointments easy to make, usually did not have to wait long (except to see doctor).
Weaknesses: Communication; organization; did not like that finances were kept mostly secret, you had to leave a message with their business office and likely wouldn't hear back for a day; costs were communicated verbally, not in writing. They tried to charge me a $3,500 cycle cancellation fee when my cycle was canceled after 5 days of stimulation. I disputed this, and they only charged me for services used ($1,500, plus the $1k coordination fee). This seems like a very high cancellation fee.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Initial consult: $325
IVF coordination of care: $986
IVF with ICSI and PGS testing, including 1 FET: $17,354 (most of this was refunded due to canceled cycle)
PGS for greater than 8 embryos: $250/extra embryo (did not actually incur this)
Anesthesia: $400 (did not actually incur this)
Mock transfer/hysteroscopy/doppler: $870 (did not actually incur this)
Subsequent transfer: $5,100 (did not actually incur this)
Additional rounds of IVF: $9,895 (including ICSI & PGS, but not transfer) (did not actually incur this)
Drugs (paid to MDR pharmacy): $6,378.76 (this did not include all drugs, but cylce was canceled before ordering all)
Cycle cancellation fee: $3,350 (did not actually incur this; instead, paid $1,475 for services rendered)
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Results were not conveyed on first day of monitoring; had to call on-call nurse; call not returned for several hours, and information provided was incomplete.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity2 of 5
Communication2 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness2 of 5
Compassion2 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
I had a very bad experience with Dr. O'Shaughnessy. I came to the clinic and opted to go to the Rose office for a quicker visit to see the doctor versus waiting for the clinic closer to me and another doctor. On our first visit, we were explained that we would have a lot of testing and come back to regroup with her. We had ultrasound, labs and a semen analysis. When we met with her to regroup, we were told "everything looks fine" and that my resting follicle count was over 20. Come to find out from seeing another doctor, all of this information was false, there was in fact something very wrong and my resting follicle wound was 7, not over 20.
I had a very bad experience at this location [Conceptions-Denver], but a great experience at Littleton and Lafayette. I was treated poorly from the front desk, to the nursing team to the doctor. The ultrasound tech would not allow me to look at my images when I was potentially having a miscarriage, the doctor laughed at me when I said I didn't want to stop meds and lose my pregnancy and just told me to go forward with IVF without any explanation as to why.
How was your experience with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I had a very bad experience with Dr. O'Shaughnessy. I came to the clinic and opted to go to the Rose office for a quicker visit to see the doctor versus waiting for the clinic closer to me and another doctor. On our first visit, we were explained that we would have a lot of testing and come back to regroup with her. We had ultrasound, labs and a semen analysis. When we met with her to regroup, we were told "everything looks fine" and that my resting follicle count was over 20. Come to find out from seeing another doctor, all of this information was false, there was in fact something very wrong and my resting follicle wound was 7, not over 20. We did two IUI's with Dr. O'Shaughnessy and should have never even attempted this due to my lab results showing I have premature ovarian failure. I feel as though we were treated as a number, she was not compassionate and didn't care about her patients. I came in to my second followup after a miscarriage after an IUI and was absolutely hysterical and she just stared at me and got very angry when I asked for an ultrasound. It was overall a horrible experience and I do not recommend this doctor to anyone.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Don't see her unless you enjoy being treated poorly and essentially laughed at. There was no compassion when I was upset over a pregnancy loss, no explanation or further attempt, I felt as though she was simply after my money. Go see another doctor in her practice.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. O'Shaughnessy treated my husband and I like a number. Our labs were never gone over with us thoroughly, we were never explained what was happening or what was going to happen in the future. She would throw her hands up, raise her eyebrows and said "I just don't know" every visit.
Describe the protocols Althea O'Shaughnessy used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
Two IUI's, one with Letrozole which resulted in a chemical pregnancy and another IUI with follistim which was negative.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Liz D)
Liz D was a wonderful nurse. Unfortunately during the middle of my IUI cycle, she was let go and nobody called me to let me know. I called the office asking for my results and was told she no longer worked there as of today. My care was sent to a different office to the "monitoring nurses" which was a complete nightmare all together.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I would highly recommend visiting the Littleton or Lafayette office. The rose office did not treat me as I thought I should have been treated, from the front desk to the doctor, I was handed off and dismissed. Fertility is so stressful and so scary, we need reassurance that things are going the way they are supposed to be going and I absolutely did not receive that at the Rose location.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Althea O'Shaughnessy at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I had no contact with billing office at the Rose location.
Describe Althea O'Shaughnessy's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost paperwork
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Failed to order appropriate test
Lost results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I had a very bad experience at this location, but a great experience at Littleton and Lafayette. I was treated poorly from the front desk, to the nursing team to the doctor. The ultrasound tech would not allow me to look at my images when I was potentially having a miscarriage, the doctor laughed at me when I said I didn't want to stop meds and lose my pregnancy and just told me to go forward with IVF without any explanation as to why.
Althea O'Shaughnessy
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness1 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr Greene was very familiar with my case right when I walked in- I could tell he had read it before I arrived and that was reassuring. He asked a lot of questions and gave us several options and helped us understand everything thoroughly before we parted. We never felt rushed and he answered any questions that arose after our meeting very promptly... we used 50 mg of Clomid for the first 4 IUIs and an ovulation predictor kit. For our last IUI we used a trigger shot and ultrasound to be more accurate. I was also taking herbal supplements that he recommended and prenatals to help egg health
The only weakness was the overall first impression. The staff [Conceptions Reproductive Associates] is great but the decor is dated and doesn't reflect the "state of the art" technology they are using. Also, there were 2 employees smoking in the parking lot when I pulled up which seemed very contradictory to everything somehow... IUIs and testing were less expensive than my own doctors- IUIs were $350ish. IVF all in would be 25-35k per round
How was your experience with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr Greene was very familiar with my case right when I walked in- I could tell he had read it before I arrived and that was reassuring. He asked a lot of questions and gave us several options and helped us understand everything thoroughly before we parted. We never felt rushed and he answered any questions that arose after our meeting very promptly
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Ask a lot of questions- he explains things well but he also doesn't mind answering anything you think of
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
I have a lot of questions and he always takes the time to explain them thoroughly and make sure that I understand my options and the procedures and likely results of the procedures. I never felt rushed out the door
Describe the protocols Robert Greene used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
we used 50 mg of Clomid for the first 4 IUIs and an ovulation predictor kit. For our last IUI we used a trigger shot and ultrasound to be more accurate. I was also taking herbal supplements that he recommended and prenatals to help egg health
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Sarah)
They were completely familiar with every step of the process- even the financial options. They took great care of us
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The only weakness was the overall first impression. The staff is great but the decor is dated and doesn't reflect the "state of the art" technology they are using. Also, there were 2 employees smoking in the parking lot when I pulled up which seemed very contradictory to everything somehow
Describe the costs associated with your care under Robert Greene at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
IUIs and testing were less expensive than my own doctors- IUIs were $350ish. IVF all in would be 25-35k per round
Describe Robert Greene's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
He definitely leaned towards eSET because of their success rates and explained that unless we desperately wanted twins he would discourage multiple embryo transfers
Robert Greene
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates
Dr. Bush does a good job at focusing on the people in front of him. I didn’t get the sense that he was trying to rush me out the door to get on to the next thing. Our appointment with him after all of our testing was done was thorough and gave us a good picture of the plan going forward... I appreciate that they are good at their jobs, but I don’t need to spend 1/3 of my time with the doctor reviewing charts that show me what I have already researched online.
The staff [at Conceptions] have always been quick to return phone calls and are easy to get a hold of with questions. All of the planning for when to come into the office for procedures is done with the nurses, and they have always explained each step of the process well... The only weakness of the office overall is there is not a lot of emotion. I don’t mind there not being a lot of emotion in the conversations I have with the doctor of the rest of the staff, but if this is extremely important to you it might be something to consider.
How was your experience with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Bush is thorough and allows you time to ask all your questions that arise. When we decided to start with IUI I left the office with a clear understanding of the plan. So far our appointments with Dr.Bush have been straightforward.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Come prepared with questions. Just like at any other doctors office, Dr.Bush is happy to explain things but he obviously doesn’t have a lot of time to just sit there and wait. However if you come with your questions written down and are prepared they will get answered.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates?
Dr. Bush does a good job at focusing on the people in front of him. I didn’t get the sense that he was trying to rush me out the door to get on to the next thing. Our appointment with him after all of our testing was done was thorough and gave us a good picture of the plan going forward. That being said the clinic prides themselves on how many successful IVFs they have done, and show you that pride through lots of numbers. While I am sure this is helpful to some, after being on the wrong side of statistics for years now, I just want to know how you are going to help me and my current situation. I appreciate that they are good at their jobs, but I don’t need to spend 1/3 of my time with the doctor reviewing charts that show me what I have already researched online.
Describe the protocols Mark Bush used in your cycles at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates and their degree of success.
We husband and I are in the middle of our second IUI cycle. Dr. Bush prescribed 5 mg of Letrozole daily cycle day 3 through 7. For our first cycle I went in to the clinic cycle day 13 for a pelvic ultrasound. Once confirmed I had a dominant follicle they gave me a trigger shot. Then the IUI was performed on cycle day 14 by the nurse. This cycle they are having me go in on cycle day 12 for the ultrasound and will determine what day the IUI is on after measuring the follicles for enough growth.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates. (Assigned nurse: Melissa)
The staff have always been quick to return phone calls and are easy to get a hold of with questions. All of the planning for when to come into the office for procedures is done with the nurses, and they have always explained each step of the process well.
Describe your experience with RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
The clinic is well known and popular because of their success. Even though a lot of people use this clinic I have always felt they are quick to return phone calls and answer questions. The only weakness of the office overall is there is not a lot of emotion. I don’t mind there not being a lot of emotion in the conversations I have with the doctor of the rest of the staff, but if this is extremely important to you it might be something to consider.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mark Bush at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
I do not remember total costs of the top of my head. However, we have spent over $1,000 in testing to try to determine the cause of our infertility. I have not received the bills for our IUI yet therefore I don’t know the costs. I did pay about $350 for the progesterone and estradiol prescribed for inbetween the IUI and pregnancy test.
Describe Mark Bush's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates.
Mark Bush
Humanity4 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
RMA of Colorado - Conceptions Reproductive Associates