Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates

8 doctors work here

Rated 8.8
Strongly recommend: 77%Neutral: 13%Don't recommend: 10%8.8
77% strongly recommend
121 reviews

Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.

Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.


Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.

Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.

Billing Department
Billing Department

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.

Nursing Team
Nursing Team

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.

Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.

For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.

CDC Success Rates

This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.

For more information please see our FAQs.

Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.

Annual Cycles
National Avg
This Clinic
National Avg

Available Resources

Genetic counseling
Genetic counseling
Acupuncture is not offered
Acupuncture is not offered
Mental health counseling
Mental health counseling
Nutrition counseling
Nutrition counseling
Administration of shots
Administration of shots
Coordinating at-home nursing
Coordinating at-home nursing
Selling medication
Selling medication
Providing backup medication
Providing backup medication

This clinic has 5 offices

Baylor Medical Pavilion Fertility Center
3900 Junius Street, Suite 610
Center, TX 75246
5477 Glen Lakes Dr
Dallas, TX 75231
Medical City
7777 Forest Ln, Suite D-1100
Dallas, TX 75230
6300 W Parker Rd., Suite G26
Plano, TX 75093
910 East Southlake Blvd., Suite 175
Southlake, TX 76092
Show 3 more

121 patient reviews


This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2020, Successful
Age 38 - 39
Tubal Blockage
Income $500K+
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr Lee recommends one or two untested embryos, or one PGS-tested embryo for transfer...She performed HSG, hysteroscopy (x2), retreivals, and transfers on me herself at the main office (Glen Lakes). I had minimal or no discomfort during the procedures. She is an efficient communicator. She clearly has a wealth of knowledge and experience in infertility treatment...This is a large busy clinic where your one-on-one time with Dr Lee with seem limited
[our Dallas-FW Fertility Associates nursing team] were both excellent. Calls and emails were returned as expected and concerns were addressed...The strength of this clinic is the volume, lab, and end results. It is a machine. The Glen Lakes office has procedure rooms including an operation room where your retrievals and transfers will be completed...Potential drawbacks may be decreased one-on-one time with your doctor. After the initial consult, you will mostly interact with the nurses and US techs. Beware, the Glen Lakes office waiting room is decorated with photos of newborns and heavily pregnant ladies
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr Lee is a caring, knowledge, and highly skilled physician. She performed HSG, hysteroscopy (x2), retreivals, and transfers on me herself at the main office (Glen Lakes). I had minimal or no discomfort during the procedures. She is an efficient communicator. She clearly has a wealth of knowledge and experience in infertility treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
As previous reviews have stated, educate yourself and ask questions. This is a large busy clinic where your one-on-one time with Dr Lee with seem limited. Although I was disappointed with this at first, I realized she is attentive to the details of my care (labs, US etc..) and her decision-making is excellent. She clearly has both knowledge and experience in her field. One of the major factors for me choosing this group was the quality of the lab.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
This is a large busy clinic and thus occasionally one does feel like a "number" and not a human.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I was diagnosed with PCOS and bilateral tubal factor so I went straight to IVF. Dr Lee recommend a standard agonist protocol (follistim 300, menopur 75), once with HCG trigger, once with Lupron trigger. Both cycles resulted in very good egg yield (41, 39). ICSI was added on the second cycle due to low fertilization rate on the first cycle. PGS testing was not recommended and not completed initially. Frozen transfer cycles were artificial medicated cycles with estrogen pills, with estrogen patches added for thin lining. Two retreivals, three transfers (of 4 embryos) have resulted in one live birth.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I had two nurses while under the care of Dr Lee. They were both excellent. Calls and emails were returned as expected and concerns were addressed.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The strength of this clinic is the volume, lab, and end results. It is a machine. The Glen Lakes office has procedure rooms including an operation room where your retrievals and transfers will be completed. This was a huge plus for me. The embryologists and lab director (Dr Perez) are wonderful. Pricing is transparent. You will be given the pricing sheets and clinic outcome data once treatment plan is made. I did not have infertility treatment insurance coverage so I cannot comment on that. Potential drawbacks may be decreased one-on-one time with your doctor. After the initial consult, you will mostly interact with the nurses and US techs. Beware, the Glen Lakes office waiting room is decorated with photos of newborns and heavily pregnant ladies. I found this upsetting when first dealing with my infertility diagnoses (potentially processing being childless), and later when dealing with second trimester loss.
Describe Karen Lee's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Dr Lee recommends one or two untested embryos, or one PGS-tested embryo for transfer.
Karen Lee
4 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2015 - 2020, Successful
Age 31 - 36
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Male Factor
Poor Egg Quality
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
1 IUI With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Thomas has always created an environment of openness and made me feel comfortable trusting her...her thoroughness and protocol [is]to start with lease invasive treatments first. IVF was confirmed as the next step...she chose to do an Lupron trigger protocol for our first round of IVF and retrieved 9 eggs...For our second round of IVF she changed our protocol to the estrogen priming protocol. She retrieved 7 eggs...I’m grateful that Dr. Thomas took into consideration our specific issues to make the decisions as to doing multiple embryo transfers.
The nurses [of Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] were extremely thorough, kind, and compassionate...clinics strength is the thoroughness is communication and effectiveness in the timely manor...Their weakness is the lack of shared information across the board...we had insurance that covered infertility treatments so we paid about $2000 out of pocket IVF 2: we had a small amount left of infertility insurance coverage so we paid about $9,000 out of pocket IVF 3 : $3000 office visits $3500 lab $1340 ICSY $500 anesthesia FET: $1500 office $1450 lab $500 meds IVF 4-5: $3000 + $1500 office visits $4500 lab (some to be reimbursed if we don’t continue with fertility treatments since we didn’t do the freeze all and FET.) $500 anesthesia $7,100 Meds
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas has always created an environment of openness and made me feel comfortable trusting her. I have never felt like she did anything but be fully honest yet always hopeful. She’s done a fantastic job of that delicate balance. She’s felt like a huge cheerleader in our journey but always transparent.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I would advice a patient to come prepared with any and all questions for Dr. thomas and she will happily answer them and more.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas and her nurses have always been extremely kind and compassionate. Dr. Thomas has given her time, patiently, many times. She’s celebrated with us and shes tears with us. She’s been very professional and straight forward but with compassion.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We came to Dr. Thomas having a failed IUI with another Dr. and being told IVF was our only option going forward. She received us compassionately and said she first wanted to run a few tests and do a procedure to ensure my Fallopian tubes weren’t blocked. The first doctor never even mentioned that was an option much less suggested it. Our first impression brought us gratitude at her thoroughness and protocol to start with lease invasive treatments first. IVF was confirmed as the next step. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve with poor quality eggs and my husband with male infertility, similar to my issues. In light of that, she chose to do an Lupron trigger protocol for our first round of IVF and retrieved 9 eggs. 3 fertilized. She transferred 2 embryos for a day 5 transfer- the thought being giving them time to mature more before transferring. We also did ICSY because of the lack of health of my husband’s sperm. The the third embryo did not make it to be frozen. We got a negative pregnancy test. For our second round of IVF she changed our protocol to the estrogen priming protocol. She retrieved 7 eggs. 3 fertilized using ICSY. 3 were transferred in a day 3 transfer with the thinking that if they were put in my body sooner they would have a healthier environment and a better chance to survive. We got a negative pregnancy test. For our 3rd round of IVF we used the same protocol. 7 eggs were retrieved. 5 fertilized with ICSY. 3 were transferred with a day 3 transfer and one embryo made it to be frozen. We were told we were technically pregnant but practically not- a chemical pregnancy. We got a negative test the second time. This then left us with one frozen embryo. We then did a FET with the typical protocol which resulted in the pregnancy and birth of our beautiful and healthy daughter! We then did a 4th IVF cycle. Same estrogen priming protocol. During the stimulation I experienced a lead/dominate follicle and the cycle was cancelled just prior to the transfer. We were told while this doesn’t happen a whole lot it is definitely more common with diminished ovarian reserve bc of so few eggs. She did not feel there was a high chance we would experience this back to back and to try again. We then did our 5th round of IVF, with no changes in the protocol and my body seemed to respond really well for me with 10 follicles measuring , 8 being healthily mature, going into the retrieval. When Dr. Thomas went in to retrieve those eggs there were only 3 there, all very immature ones. I apparently prematurely ovulated. Dr. Thomas was just as shocked as we were. None of those 3 fertilized so transferring was no longer an option. She expressed this happening maybe once a year or every other year and either I was in that small percentage or there was an issue with the effectiveness of trigger shot I used. She is pursuing gathering that info and reporting it to the medicinal manufacturer. To say we were devastated is an understatement. She said there was nothing I could have done different. Should we do IVF again she would monitor me just prior to the retrieval to ensure the follicles are there to spare going through a retrieval unnecessarily. So, here we are now..and are considering doing embryo adoption.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Brittany Ruder )
The nurses were extremely thorough, kind, and compassionate. Because of the length of our journey they felt like friends and advocates for me.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The clinics strength is the thoroughness is communication and effectiveness in the timely manor in which they do it. Their weakness is the lack of shared information across the board. There have been many times one person knew info but the next visit a different office staff didn’t know the same important information (scheduling, fees, etc) I’d also say a weakness at times is their front of house receptionist. There have been times she has been rude and impatient with me and others (as I have been in earshot).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
IVF 1: we had insurance that covered infertility treatments so we paid about $2000 out of pocket IVF 2: we had a small amount left of infertility insurance coverage so we paid about $9,000 out of pocket IVF 3 : $3000 office visits $3500 lab $1340 ICSY $500 anesthesia FET: $1500 office $1450 lab $500 meds IVF 4-5: $3000 + $1500 office visits $4500 lab (some to be reimbursed if we don’t continue with fertility treatments since we didn’t do the freeze all and FET.) $500 anesthesia $7,100 Meds
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I’m grateful that Dr. Thomas took into consideration our specific issues to make the decisions as to doing multiple embryo transfers. We fully supported her going from 2 to 3 for the rest of our cycles knowing our odds were lower than most.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The only thing that has been conflicting is financially what had been agreeed in based on the amount of cycles I’d been through. The Dr. had told us one amount and different office assistants didn’t seem to have that relayed to them or properly documented in their system.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2018, Unknown Success
Age 30
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Income $100K - $199K
Marketer or PR
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
He [Dr. Chantilis] clearly sees a lot of patients, so a few times I felt like I had to remind him of my particular situation. I have had a few tests where my results were on the border of being normal vs. concerning (likely not causing my issues, but still a slight possibility). In both cases, he preferred to go the route of treating for each issue...does not have the warmest bedside manner, but he is obviously very knowledgeable in the field. He is very busy, and I often waited a very long time whenever I had an appointment to meet specifically with him
all of the nurses [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] I have dealt with have been exceptionally warm and supportive...though I work with Holly the most. She is very warm and supportive, helpful, knowledgeable, and clearly communicates so that you understand each step throughout the process. I always feel like I understand much more about the process or results after speaking with Holly...The clinic itself is conveniently located and provides a clean, inviting atmosphere. Because there are multiple doctors at the clinic, in the event my doctor was not available on the day of my scheduled IUI, someone else was there to be able to do it.
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis is clearly very knowledgeable, though his bedside manner is not the warmest. He is thorough - he performed multiple tests before starting treatment to ensure every box was checked first. While I trust his expertise, I often had a hard time truly understanding what he was telling me or explaining to me because he is very technical - sometimes it can be a little intimidating to push for further clarification when you don't understand the medical lingo. He clearly sees a lot of patients, so a few times I felt like I had to remind him of my particular situation. I have had a few tests where my results were on the border of being normal vs. concerning (likely not causing my issues, but still a slight possibility). In both cases, he preferred to go the route of treating for each issue.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions and push for better explanation if you can't understand what is being described.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis does not have the warmest bedside manner, but he is obviously very knowledgeable in the field. He is very busy, and I often waited a very long time whenever I had an appointment to meet specifically with him, though never if I was coming in for routine tests (blood work, sonogram) that would be handled with the nurses. For the record, all of the nurses I have dealt with have been exceptionally warm and supportive.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I have experienced multiple early miscarriages - 3 before seeing Dr. Chantilis and 1 while under his care. After multiple tests upfront to check for any possible explanations for my miscarriages, we started a cycle of Clomid. The first cycle we used Clomid + a shot of Ovidrel and timed intercourse but did not get pregnant. The second cycle we used Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI and got pregnant. Unfortunately HCG levels fluctuated irregularly and I miscarried around 6 weeks.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Holly)
My experience with all the nurses at the office has been very positive, though I work with Holly the most. She is very warm and supportive, helpful, knowledgeable, and clearly communicates so that you understand each step throughout the process. I always feel like I understand much more about the process or results after speaking with Holly.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The clinic itself is conveniently located and provides a clean, inviting atmosphere. Because there are multiple doctors at the clinic, in the event my doctor was not available on the day of my scheduled IUI, someone else was there to be able to do it.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
My insurance covered everything (I pay a co-pay at visits) except for semen prep fee ($160) for IUIs because the IVF lab is not covered by my insurance.
Samuel Chantilis
3 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
2 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2023, Unknown Success
Age 36
South Asian
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
other fertility specialists had made me feel like my weight and PCOS would make it difficult to get pregnant. After my initial consult with Dr. Lee, I felt more confident and at ease about completing one cycle at a time with her. She explained my test results and took time to be patient and compassionate with my procedures...She gives me an honest expectation of success rates for my treatment plan and spends time answering any questions I have.
Parking is limited [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] but it is free and there is an elevator that takes you up to the lobby and lab. The building is also older, but well maintained and not very crowded or busy. I did not find any other issues with the building as it is easy to navigate and a calming place to wait or be seen...[staff are] so kind and well-organized. I never have to wait very long to get support
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I remember feeling very nervous about starting the fertility journey because other fertility specialists had made me feel like my weight and PCOS would make it difficult to get pregnant. After my initial consult with Dr. Lee, I felt more confident and at ease about completing one cycle at a time with her. She explained my test results and took time to be patient and compassionate with my procedures.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Come ready with questions because Dr. Lee is straight forward and is able to answer them quickly. But she does not probe you for anything that you may not know.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Lee is easy to work with and straightforward about her analysis. Her treatment plan for my situation (PCOS and unexplained infertility) seems reasonable. I'm starting with hormone medication and IUI before considering other alternatives. She gives me an honest expectation of success rates for my treatment plan and spends time answering any questions I have.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
After fertility tests confirmed that I have PCOS and my husband is healthy, I proceeded with the first round of IUI which included taking chlomid pills for 5 days, and then a hormone injection to stimulate ovulation. About 3 days after the injection, I was able to return for the IUI procedure which was done by Dr. Lee. I will return to her office to test my hormones again and will take an at-home pregnancy test the week after. She made sure to explain my success rate is 15% to help me manage expectations since this is only my first cycle of IUI.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Becky)
I love the staff at Dr. Lee's office because they are so kind and well-organized. I never have to wait very long to get support.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Parking is limited but it is free and there is an elevator that takes you up to the lobby and lab. The building is also older, but well maintained and not very crowded or busy. I did not find any other issues with the building as it is easy to navigate and a calming place to wait or be seen.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The costs were average when compared with other centers. My insurance plan is PPO with Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX and it covered everything.
Karen Lee
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2022 - 2023, 10 Eggs Frozen
Age 27 - 28
2 Egg Freezing
Income $50K - $99K
Only Doc Seen
Embryo Freezing With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Thomas always made us feel like she was on our team and we were working through this experience together. She took extra time out of her day to make sure we felt confident about the process and that we understood exactly what we were going through...always made an effort to interact with me and my husband to discuss not only our fertility experience but also to talk about our lives and plans and the ways that this experience was impacting those. She always made us feel like she was listening and cared about who we were as people.
Highly recommend this clinic [Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]! I have loved working with Dr. Thomas, but the rest of the staff is great too. The clinic itself it always clean and pleasant. Appointments always started on time, which I really appreciated when I was coming in for so many during the egg retrieval cycle. The whole staff is very nice...nursing staff was overall really great. It was just sometimes hard to communicate with them because they never answer their phones, so you have to leave a message. I felt like I always missed their calls back and so we were just playing phone tag
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
My husband and I were doing an egg retrieval to screen embryos for a genetic disease that I have. Dr. Thomas always made us feel like she was on our team and we were working through this experience together. She took extra time out of her day to make sure we felt confident about the process and that we understood exactly what we were going through. After our first egg retrieval resulted in only 1 viable embryo, but that one had the genetic disease we were screening out, she was just as heartbroken as we were. Together, we decided to increase the dosing on my medications and go through another egg retrieval, and when that one yielded 3 (!) good embryos without the genetic test, we were all thrilled. I have really enjoyed working with Dr. Thomas and am so grateful to have had her on my team throughout this process.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas always made an effort to interact with me and my husband to discuss not only our fertility experience but also to talk about our lives and plans and the ways that this experience was impacting those. She always made us feel like she was listening and cared about who we were as people.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Dr. Thomas' nursing staff was overall really great. It was just sometimes hard to communicate with them because they never answer their phones, so you have to leave a message. I felt like I always missed their calls back and so we were just playing phone tag whenever I needed to speak to someone. But other than that they were very attentive and made an effort to keep us up to date with our treatments.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Highly recommend this clinic! I have loved working with Dr. Thomas, but the rest of the staff is great too. The clinic itself it always clean and pleasant. Appointments always started on time, which I really appreciated when I was coming in for so many during the egg retrieval cycle. The whole staff is very nice.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We spent about $15,000 for monitoring and medications for our first egg retrieval. That one was ultimately unsuccessful, so we spent about another $15,000 on a second egg retrieval cycle, which was successful. We have not yet implanted any embryos but we have been told to expect that will cost about $5,000 per implantation. All of those numbers include the cost of medication. None of this was covered by our insurance.
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We have not yet done the embryo transfer, but have talked to Dr. Thomas about our plans and approach for it. Since we do not have other fertility issues, other than my genetic disease, Dr. Thomas has strongly recommended single embryo transfer only.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We had some miscommunications with the embryologist while they were growing our embryos in the lab. Although they didn't do anything wrong regarding their maintenance of the embryos, they did lead us to expect that more of our embryos would reach the right growth stage than actually happened and so we were really devastated by results even though the number we got was actually what we should have expected. We spoke to Dr. Thomas about this issue later though and she was very concerned and said she would handle it.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021 - 2022, Unknown Success
Age 31 - 32
1 Egg Freezing
Male Factor
Sales Representative
2nd of 2 Docs
2 IVF With Other Docs
2 Egg Freezing With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Since we opted for genetic testing, Dr. Thomas will only allow us to transfer 1 embryo at a time...She is involved in adjusting my treatment plan as needed. She is compassionate and has a great staff around her to support her patients...I would set your expectations that you likely won't see her or speak to her each visit. She has a great set of nurses around her that do most of the communicating.
[the D-FW Fertility nurses] are easily accessible and always return my calls the same day...I believe this clinic has too many patients to provide excellent care. There are often long wait times to schedule an appointment with the doctor. They have high success rates compared to other clinics in the area, and their lab has a great reputation. My recommendation would be to lower your expectations on the frequency of communication and push for being involved in your treatment protocol.
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas is extremely knowledgable and thorough. She caught things my first fertility doctor missed or skipped over. She is involved in adjusting my treatment plan as needed. She is compassionate and has a great staff around her to support her patients.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I would set your expectations that you likely won't see her or speak to her each visit. She has a great set of nurses around her that do most of the communicating.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I like to be an active participant in my fertility treatment, and I have not always had the level of communication that I need. I believe this is due to my clinic being overwhelmed with patients. They have not always personalized our treatment plan or communicated with me consistently. There are often long wait times for scheduling appointments, which can be frustrating. However, the success of the doctors and lab outweigh the level of personalization I receive.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I have gone through 1 IVF cycle with Dr. Thomas. She had me prime with estradiol pills for about 1 week before my cycle. I then started 300 IU of Follistim and 150 IU of Menopur for 4 evenings. I added Ganorelix the 5th evening. I took stim medication for 9 days prior to triggering with Pregnyl. Dr. Thomas retrieved 12 eggs. 10 fertilized and 3 made it to blastocyst. We are still awaiting our genetic testing results.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Leah and Marissa are great nurses. They are easily accessible and always return my calls the same day. They are knowledgable enough to answer almost all of my questions.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I believe this clinic has too many patients to provide excellent care. There are often long wait times to schedule an appointment with the doctor. They have high success rates compared to other clinics in the area, and their lab has a great reputation. My recommendation would be to lower your expectations on the frequency of communication and push for being involved in your treatment protocol.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We had some insurance coverage, so we paid estimated fees to the clinic. After our first 2 cycles of IVF, we ended up with a credit of over $6,000.
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Since we opted for genetic testing, Dr. Thomas will only allow us to transfer 1 embryo at a time.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
They sent my embryo biopsies to the wrong genetic testing lab one time. They made it right by crediting me for my testing fees.
Mika Thomas
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
2 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2022, Successful
Age 30 - 33
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Ashkenazi Jewish
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Thomas was very knowledgable and systematic in her approach. She was also willing to order additional testing that I felt like I needed to have the information from...A single embryo was the only option discussed...I wish I was able to see her at more of my appointments as I often had questions that the other staff could not answer...She was reassuring when things weren't going exactly as planned and guided me to make the best decisions for me even when they were harder choices to make
[the DFW Fertility Associates nurses] always called back on the same day and gave me answers as best they could. Sometimes I had more questions or wanted more detailed answers that they couldn't provide which was very frustrating...IVF 18000 including genetic testing and ICSI 800 embryo storage yearly...I wish the doctors gave more face to face time to their patients and communicated plan of care a bit better
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas was very knowledgable and systematic in her approach. She was also willing to order additional testing that I felt like I needed to have the information from. When I was able to see her, she was personable and compassionate. She was reassuring when things weren't going exactly as planned and guided me to make the best decisions for me even when they were harder choices to make. I wish I was able to see her at more of my appointments as I often had questions that the other staff could not answer.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Come with a list of questions when you do see her, because that will probably be one of the only times you will get to ask all of your questions face to face.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
The clinic is very busy. When I did get to speak directly to Dr. Thomas I felt like a human who she remembered and cared about. But often times I had questions that only she could adequately answer for me and I was not able to speak with her and felt like a number who she didn't have time for.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
After recurrent pregnancy loss with some genetic abnormalities found in a few of the losses, Dr. Thomas said we should try and screen embryos for genetic abnormalities before placing them back in. So we did IVF with PGS
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
They always called back on the same day and gave me answers as best they could. Sometimes I had more questions or wanted more detailed answers that they couldn't provide which was very frustrating.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
It seems like a successful clinic, its comfortable and well run. I wish the doctors gave more face to face time to their patients and communicated plan of care a bit better. I do really like my doctor and trust her a lot. The nurses seem to get annoyed with me when I ask questions which is never the best feeling to have. Going through all of this is stressful enough, I shouldn't have to worry about what the nurses think about me needing additional information.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
IVF 18000 including genetic testing and ICSI 800 embryo storage yearly
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
A single embryo was the only option discussed.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Sometimes when labs were sent elsewhere, I would receive the results before the clinic did so I would call them to tell them the results since they affected my treatment plan. Im not sure why they weren't getting the results as fast as I was.
Mika Thomas
3 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5
2016 - 2022, Successful
Age 35 - 41
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Chantilis is so knowledgeable and up to date on all the latest research regarding fertility treatment. He always took time to answer all our questions factually...very serious and sometimes hard to read. To us what was important was not bedside manner (although we found his to be perfectly fine), what was important was the doctor's experience and knowledge. He is patient and answers all questions thoroughly- sometimes it is not what you want to hear, but ultimately probably need to...
We had a good experience with the staff [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]. They were not overly friendly, but not rude. They did their job well, answered the phone or returned calls as needed. If someone did not know an answer they would direct you to someone who did...Holly [nurse] was the absolute BEST! She is super sweet, kind, knowledgably and a super communicator. We absolutely LOVE her!...
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis is so knowledgeable and up to date on all the latest research regarding fertility treatment. He always took time to answer all our questions factually. We enjoyed that he always made time for us, didn't seem rushed, was super knowledgeable and kind. He is very serious probably because of the nature of his business. As a couple we often tried to make light of things, because that is how we deal with stress. We made it our goal to make him laugh, and I think eventually we did! We went through IUI- knowing the chances were small. We were not successful. Dr. Chantilis always made us aware of the facts behind each type of treatment., but did not pressure us to go one way or another. We eventually decided to go with IVF treatment and we had 4 embryos make it to the freezing point (5 days of dividing successfully before the freeze). We implanted all 4 (1 in the first cycle, 2 the next time= life birth of our son, 1 this last time, we are currently pregnant). Communication was great and we are so thankful we found Dr. Chantilis!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis is very serious and sometimes hard to read. To us what was important was not bedside manner (although we found his to be perfectly fine), what was important was the doctor's experience and knowledge. He is patient and answers all questions thoroughly- sometimes it is not what you want to hear, but ultimately probably need to.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
We felt like time was taken to answer all our questions thoughtfully and truthfully.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We eventually decided to go with IVF treatment and we had 4 embryos make it to the freezing point (5 days of dividing successfully before the freeze). We implanted all 4 (1 in the first cycle, 2 the next time= life birth of our son, 1 this last time, we are currently pregnant). Prior to IVF we did 3 cycles of IUI and were not successful.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Holly)
Holly was the absolute BEST! She is super sweet, kind, knowledgably and a super communicator. We absolutely LOVE her!
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We had a good experience with the staff. They were not overly friendly, but not rude. They did their job well, answered the phone or returned calls as needed. If someone did not know an answer they would direct you to someone who did.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The cost of fertility treatment is known to be quite high. And ours was no exception. We used (the clinic provided us information about this) financial assistance (loan) for the process when we started. This allowed us to do the egg retrieval and 2 implantation cycles- the cost was around 13,000 for this. We had our baby and came back 5 years later to implant our last embryo- for this it cost around 4000 for meds and implantation.
Describe Samuel Chantilis's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Dr. Chantilis was comfortable doing one embryo transfer at a time. I was 36 at the time of our first implantation. We did one and it did not work. The next time I asked about implanting two and he agreed (said it was up to us). This time we got a live birth!
Samuel Chantilis
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021, Successful
Age 36
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Ashkenazi Jewish
Income $200K - $499K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
I felt Dr. Lee had great bed side manner but also did a great job at setting expectation. I never felt like I was being treated like a number, she remembered me as a person and kept in mind specific issues that came up in past cycles...She was a great listener, very receptive to my requests and concerns. I felt comfortable approaching her with my many questions. Always kind, never felt like she was rushed when talking to me. Never felt pressured to jump straight into IVF.
Hardly ever waited to be seen [at DFW Fertility Associates], the shortest wait times of any doctor I have ever visited. They were very cordial and flexible with schedules. On call nurse staff handled issues with medications deliveries even over the weekend...The whole staff was very cordial and great communicators. Resolved issues for me even during weekends. Quick to respond to questions and had a lot of patience with me.
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
She was a great listener, very receptive to my requests and concerns. I felt comfortable approaching her with my many questions. Always kind, never felt like she was rushed when talking to me. Never felt pressured to jump straight into IVF.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Advocate for yourself but trust the process.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I felt Dr. Lee had great bed side manner but also did a great job at setting expectation. I never felt like I was being treated like a number, she remembered me as a person and kept in mind specific issues that came up in past cycles.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We started out with medicated cycle, the first cycle did not render the desired result so we added Gonal F. I responded too well to both Letrozole (5mg) + Gonal F (75iu) and developed over 8 follicles. That medicated cycle was converted to IVF. We triggered with Ovidrel and 36 hours later at retrieval discovered I had ovulated and were only able to retrieve 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized and we attempted a Day 3 transfer, which was unsuccessful. Attempted last medicated cylce Letrozole (5mg) with lower dose Gonal F (37.5iu), triggered with Ovidrel and was unsuccessful. Moved on to IUI and similar medication and unsuccessful results for 2 cycles, IUI's schedule ~35hrs post trigger. Last 2 cycles we removed Letrozole and tried higher dose of Gonal F (75iu) + Ovidrel, IUI's schedule ~35hrs post trigger. My last IUI we tried Gonal F 75 iu for cycle day 5-9 and 37.5 in on CD 10, 3 18mm follicles. Triggered and did IUI 33hr post trigger. This last cycle was successful. Currently 30 weeks expecting twins.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The whole staff was very cordial and great communicators. Resolved issues for me even during weekends. Quick to respond to questions and had a lot of patience with me.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Hardly ever waited to be seen, the shortest wait times of any doctor I have ever visited. They were very cordial and flexible with schedules. On call nurse staff handled issues with medications deliveries even over the weekend.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
IVF retrieval was about $4K and was the transfer. IUI was roughly $750 (procedure, sperm prep). Provided access to reduced cost medication through partner pharmacy, Encompass. Each IUI cycle cost roughly $900 with medication.
Describe Karen Lee's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Only considered multiple because in my case it was a Day 3 transfer.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
They did fail to call in medication once. They resolved issue pretty quickly.
Karen Lee
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020, Unknown Success
Age 43
Poor Egg Quality
Ashkenazi Jewish
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
1 Egg Freezing With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Dr. Lee was very personable and encouraging about my situation. Due to my advanced maternal age, getting pregnant a second time has been challenging...I was able to schedule a hysteroscopy and sent forms to ship/transfer my eggs when we are ready. She was very thorough in explaining the process and options, although it's confusing for someone who does not have a background. It would have been helpful if they gave me some literature or notes to go home with.
My interaction with them [nurses of Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] was limited to making appointments and a few procedures, but they were very helpful...Due to my insurance covering most of it, would be , $750 to ship my eggs, $2000 for thawing and transferring the eggs, $500 for medication, $3500 genetic testing, plus the cost of egg storage. Total around $7k.
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I went to Dr. Lee to inquire about using my eggs which were frozen when I was younger to conceive our second child. Since the pandemic has put our plans on hold, we talked about future plans since not much can be done right now My first was conceived naturally and quickly, so she was encouraging about trying to get pregnant naturally while we wait for restrictions to be lifted. To keep the ball moving, I was able to schedule a hysteroscopy and sent forms to ship/transfer my eggs when we are ready. She was very thorough in explaining the process and options, although it's confusing for someone who does not have a background. It would have been helpful if they gave me some literature or notes to go home with.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Write down options - pros and cons so patients can remember and go home with all the info to make an informed decision. It's a lot of information to process.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Lee was very personable and encouraging about my situation. Due to my advanced maternal age, getting pregnant a second time has been challenging. Unfortunately the pandemic has put plans on hold, but she has been positive and supportive about trying to get pregnant naturally (since I had my first naturally at 40, its possible) while we are waiting for restrictions to be lifted.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
Unfortunately we couldn't do much except for a consultation, hysteroscopy and blood work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But she explained it didn't make sense to use my current eggs because my frozen ones are probably a better quality and was very positive that it would be successful. Hoping we can go back soon!
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
My interaction with them was limited to making appointments and a few procedures, but they were very helpful.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Pros: Knowledgeable doctors, updated technology and facilities. Accommodating for procedures. Cons: Had to schedule a few weeks in advance for a consultation. Mixed up my appointment - called me twice.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Due to my insurance covering most of it, would be , $750 to ship my eggs, $2000 for thawing and transferring the eggs, $500 for medication, $3500 genetic testing, plus the cost of egg storage. Total around $7k.
Karen Lee
5 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2020, Successful
Age 32 - 33
Income $50K - $99K
2nd of 2 Docs
Surrogacy With Other Docs
Dr. Chantilis is polite and welcoming. He makes you feel comfortable when talking about concerns or procedures...I was put on birth control, labs were drawn to monitor my hormone levels and vaginal ultra sounds done.The ultra sounds showed I have 2 cysts on my left ovary one larger than the other. I was given the option to have them removed or proceed and was made aware of the potential outcome of each choice given.
[nurses of DFW Fertility Associates] They were kind an caring but slightly lacking in communication on follow-up appointments and communication on those procedures being scheduled...In person the clinics staff had a pleasant demeanor, were polite when comunicating and helpful when scheduling appointments to work around your personal schedule. They need better communication on appointments made through emails, description of the procedures being done at those appointments and the potential costs to ensure the patients are prepared upon arrival.
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis is polite and welcoming. He makes you feel comfortable when talking about concerns or procedures needed and when asking questions . He shows confidence when discussing procedures needed but also make sure I know all of my options and that the decision is alway up to me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Make sure to always ask questions if you do not understand what is being said.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis makes sure to answer all my questions and meets all my needs to the best of his ability. He makes sure to find time to answer any questions or concerns I may have by telephone or email after my appointments.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I was put on birth control, labs were drawn to monitor my hormone levels and vaginal ultra sounds done. The ultra sounds showed I have 2 cysts on my left ovary one larger than the other. I was given the option to have them removed or proceed and was made aware of the potential outcome of each choice given.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
They were kind an caring but slightly lacking in communication on follow-up appointments and communication on those procedures being scheduled.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
In person the clinics staff had a pleasant demeanor, were polite when comunicating and helpful when scheduling appointments to work around your personal schedule. They need better communication on appointments made through emails, description of the procedures being done at those appointments and the potential costs to ensure the patients are prepared upon arrival.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The office visits, ultrasounds and labs we're covered with my insurance. The FDA Labs were not covered by insurance and were extremely expensive. All of the procedures my husband had done were out-of-pocket expenses. I was going to add him to my insurance before all this started but was informed that his procedures would not be covered by insurance. Phone consultations are expensive. For a 15 minutes phone conversation I paid $50. That's around $3.33 per minute. If you talk for 16 minutes you get charged for 30 minutes. With all that being said I understand that anything being done that has to do with IVF procedures is going to be expensive.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
  • Scheduled the wrong procedure
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I had a hard time getting results faxed from DFW Clinic to my fertility clinic with Dr. Reshef here in Oklahoma it took about a week at one point to get results faxed. I had an appointment scheduled for me that I was unaware of and shouldn't have been scheduled. They called me to remind me of the appointment I never knew about the day before I was scheduled. I let them know I wasn't aware of this appointment and that it should never have been made so they immediately cancelled free of charge. I received an email from my nurse about the next procedures needing to be done. The email was a bit confusing so I'd asked her what she meant by that and she responded that she would have the doctor call me to answer that question which I was then charged for. When the doctor did call me he started talking about stuff I hadn't asked about so I'm assuming it was a lack of communication from nurse to doctor as to what my question really was. I read the doctor the email and he says he doesn't understand what she meant either.
Samuel Chantilis
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2020, Unknown Success
Age 34 - 35
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Male Factor
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
While Dr. Laura Lawrence is very busy, she made my husband and I feel like we were the only ones that mattered to her when she met with us...After the failed retrieval, She adjusted the approach for my next round of IVF, which was significantly more successful...Dr. Lawrence called me (once on a Saturday) and spent a lot of time talking to me about how things went, how I felt, future options, etc. I never felt rushed or unheard...
Nurses of [Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] was always kind and answered all of my questions, in person or via email...Two rounds of IVF was expensive, but I have good insurance that covered the bulk of it. I probably paid around $10k out of pocket for various medications or lab fees that weren't covered by insurance...The nurses, anesthesiologists, and assistants who helped me on my retrieval days were particularly attentive and reassuring.
How was your experience with Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
While Dr. Lawrence is very busy, she made my husband and I feel like we were the only ones that mattered to her when she met with us. She never rushed us through anything, but took time to thoughtfully explain things to us and to answer our questions. She left me a thoughtful--and long!--message before my first egg retrieval about why things had been so difficult. After the failed retrieval, she called and spoke to me for over a half hour about why things may have happened the way they did and to check on me. She adjusted the approach for my next round of IVF, which was significantly more successful. She is warm, funny, honest, and knowledgeable--all way which made me feel like I was in good hands.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Take advantage of your interactions with her to ask questions and to get her feedback.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Lawrence and her staff were always warm and available to answer any of my questions. I was recognized and greeted each time I walked into the office. After both of my retrievals, Dr. Lawrence called me (once on a Saturday) and spent a lot of time talking to me about how things went, how I felt, future options, etc. I never felt rushed or unheard.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Kelly)
Kelly was always kind and answered all of my questions, in person or via email. She was prompt in getting back to me and never made me feel like my questions were things I ought to know already.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The clinic staff is overall warm and inviting. They seem to work together well and have a good rapport, which is comforting when you spend so much time with them. Everyone I interacted with was thoughtful and professional. The nurses, anesthesiologists, and assistants who helped me on my retrieval days were particularly attentive and reassuring. The techs who called me after my retrieval to provide updates were thorough. I never felt rushed while I was speaking with them.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Two rounds of IVF was expensive, but I have good insurance that covered the bulk of it. I probably paid around $10k out of pocket for various medications or lab fees that weren't covered by insurance.
Laura Lawrence
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unknown Success
Age 32
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Middle Eastern
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
7 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
With Dr. Thomas specifically, I felt that she reviewed all of my results thoroughly and caught tests that should have been done by my former doctor but never were. She listened to our concerns coming from a clinic we were not comfortable with...She listens well and considered all of my questions and concerns. I do feel like even though the clinic is busy and she has a lot of patients, she reviewed my case and my history specifically when deciding best options for me.
Because of previous miscarriages we did a freeze all to biopsy for PGT-A testing [with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]...The nursing staff was just wonderful. Everyone was so nice to work with, and communication was perfect...the place was so well organized and everyone knew their role and how to get the job done efficiently. I haven’t worked much with the billing department yet, but the time I did they were giving me different information than the pharmacy and my insurance company. What was correct was not what the billing department said, so I worked it out in my own with the pharmacy and my insurance. Not sure where the disconnect was in that situation.
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
She listens well and considered all of my questions and concerns. I do feel like even though the clinic is busy and she has a lot of patients, she reviewed my case and my history specifically when deciding best options for me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Ask questions. She’s going to give you high level information, but if you want to know about other options or question why she does one method over another, ask. She will always answer your questions and consider your concerns on treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
With Dr. Thomas specifically, I felt that she reviewed all of my results thoroughly and caught tests that should have been done by my former doctor but never were. She listened to our concerns coming from a clinic we were not comfortable with. Communication with the clinic is great. If you call your nurse, she absolutely will get back with you.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We did IVF using gonal f, menopur, and cetrotide with a dual trigger at the end. Because of previous miscarriages we did a freeze all to biopsy for PGT-A testing.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Leah)
The nursing staff was just wonderful. Everyone was so nice to work with, and communication was perfect.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The clinic sees a lot of patients, so if you are hoping for a clinic where you see your doctor every time you come in, this might not be the place for you. But in my opinion the place was so well organized and everyone knew their role and how to get the job done efficiently. I haven’t worked much with the billing department yet, but the time I did they were giving me different information than the pharmacy and my insurance company. What was correct was not what the billing department said, so I worked it out in my own with the pharmacy and my insurance. Not sure where the disconnect was in that situation.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We paid for the medications out of pocket because it ended up being a better deal than using insurance. We also paid for genetic testing out of pocket because it wasn’t covered by insurance. We paid up front deposits to both the lab and clinic. Everything else was filed through insurance. All in all, it’s a pricy procedure but on par with other clinics.
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Because we are doing PGT-A testing, the policy is to transfer only one embryo at a time.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unknown Success
Age 36
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
8 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Dr. Thomas was very sensitive in her delivery when she told me she thinks I have borderline DOR. I’ve always suspected egg quality was the issue why we aren’t conceiving, and she suspects the same. Reading my health history, she also called in a mammogram since it’s been 2 years since my last one. This is in my records for every dr. I see, but she’s the only one to action an updated test...I’m just starting my first IUI cycle...personally went to the front desk and asked for my insurance coverage benefits.
I’m just starting my first IUI cycle [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]...Leah [nurse] has excellent follow through! I left my consultation at 5pm on a Tuesday, and Leah called me at 8:30 on Wednesday to update me on questions I asked her, that she had to ask Dr. Thomas...I was not even charged a specialist visit copay for my initial consultation and ultrasound. I asked if that was a mistake, and the front desk receptionist said I would owe at my CD9 ultrasound.
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas was very sensitive in her delivery when she told me she thinks I have borderline DOR. I’ve always suspected egg quality was the issue why we aren’t conceiving, and she suspects the same. Reading my health history, she also called in a mammogram since it’s been 2 years since my last one. This is in my records for every dr. I see, but she’s the only one to action an updated test.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Send your test results in beforehand so she knows what she’s working with. Come prepared with questions, and take lots of notes.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas is very friendly and a great listener. She was very well-prepared for our initial consultation, having reviewed all test results and notes for my husband and me. Her nurses have excellent follow through, too!
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I’m just starting my first IUI cycle, and Dr. Thomas has me on 5mg Letrozole CD3-7, 75 units of gonal F CD5-8, and ultrasound on CD9 to determine if I need more stimulation or am ready to trigger.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Leah)
Leah has excellent follow through! I left my consultation at 5pm on a Tuesday, and Leah called me at 8:30 on Wednesday to update me on questions I asked her, that she had to ask Dr. Thomas.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
It took 6 weeks until they had an opening for an initial consultation, but I was able to schedule my CD9 ultrasound a week out for the time I wanted. Dr. Thomas spent over an hour with us during our initial consultation, to the point where the nurse peaked in to give her a time warning, and she kept letting us talk and ask questions, and said “she’s always in trouble for going over the time limit.” Not a bad thing in my book!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Dr. Thomas personally went to the front desk and asked for my insurance coverage benefits. I was not even charged a specialist visit copay for my initial consultation and ultrasound. I asked if that was a mistake, and the front desk receptionist said I would owe at my CD9 ultrasound.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
3 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
2 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Unsuccessful
Age 32
Tubal Blockage
Uterine Fibroids
East Asian
Income $500K
1st of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
He [Dr. Chantilis] doesn’t have the best side manners but seems to be knowledgeable in his field...You mainly speak to his nurses- holly and Ruth...Stim protocols in my opinion are not individualized as their typical starting dose is 225iu for every individual...You will only see chantilis at IVF consult and egg retrieval... On top of the poor stimulation protocol, he failed to remove a polyp and that has caused so many unnecessary heartaches and stress for me and my husband. IVF is already a difficult journey for couples and he has made this process 100x difficult for us emotionally, physically and financially.
Customer service needs to be improved [at Dallas Fort Worth Fertility Associates]. This clinic is busy as they have 4 RE working here. The front desk ladies are not friendly or warm. I don’t think this clinic cares much about customer service...The Dallas office is SUPER busy...The clinic always start your stimulation on a Saturday so the retrieval will typically be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Stim protocols in my opinion are not individualized as their typical starting dose is 225iu for every individual. They also prefer the Lupron down regulation agonist protocol than the antagonist protocol. You will only see chantilis at IVF consult and egg retrieval.
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
He’s a pretty awkward guy with not the best bedside manners. He is very well known in the RE field as he has been practicing for 25 years. That’s the reason why he’s very busy and also the reason why I went to see him. He performed a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy procedure on me for an endometrial polyp removal and I was told that the polyp was removed and so we proceeded with IVF 2 months after the surgery and he assured me that the rest of the uterus looked great and my success rate with IVF is very high. A little info about me- amh 3.3, age 32, husband sperm is normal and we did conventional IVF. I had unsynchronized follicular growth on day 6 of stim with one dominant follicle measuring 17mm. I was told to continue my stim dosage and proceeded with egg retrieval. 12 eggs were retrieved but only 5 were mature- only one day 5 blastocyst formed and that was ET and failed to implant. After this devastating outcome I consulted with 3 other RE and all of them informed me that it was caused by a poor stimulation protocol: chantilis should have cancelled your cycle due to unsynchronized growth and also he triggered you too early. One month after the failed IVF, I went to see another RE and we proceeded with another cycle of IVF. 28 eggs retrieved and resulted in 15 d5 and d6 blastocysts. When you compare the two results- 1 d5 blastocyst vs 15 d5/d6 blastocyst within a 2 months window you know it was NOT your body/egg reserve that caused the drastic results. I did SIS with the second RE doctor and was told that I have an endometrial polyp (same location and size as the previous one) that needed to be removed before FET. This news obviously was not taken well by me and my husband as I went through a hysteroscopy 6 months ago with chantilis. My husband reached out to chantilis and we were told that the polyp was indeed removed according to his clinical note and that he’s not sure why it came back. I remember before the surgery with chantilis I was told that the reoccurrence rate of polyp is at least 18 months. So now I’ve to undergo another hysteroscopy to remove something that should have been removed in the first place! On top of the poor stimulation protocol, he failed to remove a polyp and that has caused so many unnecessary heartaches and stress for me and my husband. IVF is already a difficult journey for couples and he has made this process 100x difficult for us emotionally, physically and financially.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Make sure he puts you on an individualized stimulation protocol for IVF!!!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Chantilis is pretty well known in Dallas as a RE. He doesn’t have the best side manners but seems to be knowledgeable in his field. The Dallas office is SUPER busy. You mainly speak to his nurses- holly and Ruth. If you can choose, try to request holly because Ruth is rude, condescending and has no patience to listen to you- her favorite phrase for patient is “you have so many questions because you are so stressed out”. The clinic always start your stimulation on a Saturday so the retrieval will typically be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Stim protocols in my opinion are not individualized as their typical starting dose is 225iu for every individual. They also prefer the Lupron down regulation agonist protocol than the antagonist protocol. You will only see chantilis at IVF consult and egg retrieval.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
For me like I mentioned earlier it was a poor stimulation protocol that resulted in a failed IVF cycle. He should have cancelled my cycle after seeing unsynchronized follicular growth. He triggered me when my E2 was 1700. For someone with a 3.3 AMH and AFC 30-35 you want to be triggered at a higher E2 which will yield a high number of mature eggs and thus embryos. I was told by 3 other REs after the failed cycle that this result was completely caused by a poor stimulation protocol by the doctor and that I’m a straightforward IVF case bc of my robust eggs.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Ruth)
If you have the option request holly to be your nurse. Ruth is condescending, rude and shows no compassion. She has no patience for your questions.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Customer service needs to be improved. This clinic is busy as they have 4 RE working here. The front desk ladies are not friendly or warm. I don’t think this clinic cares much about customer service.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Cash patient 1500 lap and hysteroscopy 3000 for GA and 3000 for facility fee 8400 IVF with fresh transfer 3000 IVF meds ( not included) 800 cryopreservation IVF lab Pgs- 2000-2500 for the IVF lab and 300/embryo for coopergeomics
Describe Samuel Chantilis's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I did not consider multiple embryo transfer bc of my age
Samuel Chantilis
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
1 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
1 of 5
1 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
3 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
2 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018 - 2019, Unknown Success
Age 34 - 35
Poor Egg Quality
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Mika [Dr. Thomas] has taken an immense amount of time to make sure that I feel understood and that I have had clear expectations at every step. Mika has been conservative in her treatment plan, which is something I dearly wanted. Over the course of the last year we have slowly increased our efforts rather than immediately jumping to invasive procedures. I'm currently undergoing IVF with Mika and she has made the process as emotionally painless as possible...
She's [nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] always willing to spend extra time with me on the phone and makes sure I completely understand each step in the process...The clinic is amazing, everyone is so nice and helpful and there is information abundant. My only complaint would be how busy it can get - very rarely I've had to wait more than 30 minutes...I think our freeze all cycle with PGS was around $12K plus the cost to the pgs testing lab and medications
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Mika has been by far the best doctor, not just fertility specialist, that I've ever seen. Mika has taken an immense amount of time to make sure that I feel understood and that I have had clear expectations at every step. Mika has been conservative in her treatment plan, which is something I dearly wanted. Over the course of the last year we have slowly increased our efforts rather than immediately jumping to invasive procedures. I'm currently undergoing IVF with Mika and she has made the process as emotionally painless as possible. I wouldn't see anyone else.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Ask all your questions and never feel intimidated, Mika is very compassionate and wants you to feel heard.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Mika is 100% available and there for you at any time you need her. No question is too small and I've never once felt like she didn't have time to explain something to me. She is incredibly kind, funny and at the same time has a way of calming you - nerves don't stand a chance!
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
in August of 2018 I suffered a tubal pregnancy and ruptured fallopan tube, resulting in a salpingectomy. After I recovered for a few months, I made an appointment with Mika. I'm 35 and being 1 tube down I wanted to have as much guidance as possible. Mika and I discussed a plan and she heard me that I wanted to be as minimally invasive as possible. For the first few cycles we tracked my ovulation and I used the ovusense and OPK to confirm it. After 3 failed cycles we began adding clomid, did that for 2 months and then tried 2 cycles with femara/letrozole. After that didn't work we decided to try two rounds of IUI. The first did not take and after that I decided to take a cycle off. We tried again and that one didn't take, so we decided to give IVF a try. I just had my first ever retrieval and Mika made the entire experience so easy and so much less scary than I thought it would be. She was able to retreive 22 eggs (!) and in the end 12 of them grew into healthy blastocysts. We are waiting on PGS results now and then will try our first transfer. wish us luck!
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Marissa & Candace)
Marissa is one of Mika's nurses and who I work with primarily. Marissa calls my like clockwork with my results, she knows how nerve-wracking waiting on that call can be! She's always willing to spend extra time with me on the phone and makes sure I completely understand each step in the process. She's always got a smile on her face when I see her and has the sweetest personality!
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The clinic is amazing, everyone is so nice and helpful and there is information abundant. My only complaint would be how busy it can get - very rarely I've had to wait more than 30 minutes. Having said that, it's worth waiting for and it doesn't bother me.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I think our freeze all cycle with PGS was around $12K plus the cost to the pgs testing lab and medications
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We haven't had this conversation yet.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Successful
Age 28
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Donor Sperm
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
When I had slow follicle growth, she [Dr. Mika Thomas] added days of Gonal and then progesterone after ovulation. Fourth IUI was successful...When I met with Dr. Thomas I always felt like talking to me was her highest priority at that time. I never felt rushed or dismissed when I had questions that took longer. My husband and I came in with our plans and she always offered alternatives and additional options...I can be described as very impatient. I was positive we would be successful on our first try and once we were on our third IUI, I was pretty upset. She quickly met with me to discuss my concerns and offered alternative supplements to take. She always made I was comfortable during the IUI and always had a positive attitude.
I really liked this clinic [Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]. Everyone was very nice and easy to talk to. Very clean and organized. My only negative thing to say is allowing children in the waiting room. It can be hard to see them there when going through infertility...Leah [nurse] was great at answering questions. She was helpful when we had some scheduling issues and also quickly returned calls after a positive test and I had some spotting.
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I can be described as very impatient. I was positive we would be successful on our first try and once we were on our third IUI, I was pretty upset. She quickly met with me to discuss my concerns and offered alternative supplements to take. She always made I was comfortable during the IUI and always had a positive attitude.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Speak up with questions
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
When I met with Dr. Thomas I always felt like talking to me was her highest priority at that time. I never felt rushed or dismissed when I had questions that took longer. My husband and I came in with our plans and she always offered alternatives and additional options.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
Our infertility was male factor and we were using donor sperm, there was nothing to indicate I'd have issues getting pregnant. We started with an HSG and blood test and everything came back normal. First treatment was Clomid only. I had great follicle growth and progesterone levels after the IUI. After my period came three days early, she added progesterone suppositories after each IUI. Second IUI was also clomid only with progesterone after ovulation. Third IUI was Clomid with Gonal F and progesterone after ovulation. Fourth IUI was Clomid with Gonal F. When I had slow follicle growth, she added days of Gonal and then progesterone after ovulation. Fourth IUI was successful.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Leah)
Leah was great at answering questions. She was helpful when we had some scheduling issues and also quickly returned calls after a positive test and I had some spotting.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I really liked this clinic. Everyone was very nice and easy to talk to. Very clean and organized. My only negative thing to say is allowing children in the waiting room. It can be hard to see them there when going through infertility.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Procedures, donor sperm thawing, follicular ultrasounds, bloodwork
Describe Mika Thomas's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Lost paperwork
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
My donor paperwork was lost that had to be notarized. I had dropped of the paperwork in the clinic and luckily scanned my own copies.
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2015 - 2019, Successful
Age 39 - 43
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Income $100K - $199K
Nurse or HC Services
2nd of 3 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
Donor Eggs With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
[Dr. Lawrence is] an incredible doctor. She is passionate about what she does and truly wants the best for her patients. If one protocol doesn’t work she is will try something else for a better result. She understands that many decisions in infertility made based on finances and not desires and that this process is a huge emotional and financial burden.... Due to my age, my Dr was willing to transfer 3 non tested, day 3 embryos. We ended with one healthy boy.
This is satellite office so it’s smaller and very personal. You will know everyone very quickly. The main office [DFW Fertility Associates] is very professional looking and a lot busier. The nurses at the lab where the retrievals and transfers are done are fantastic! Especially christy!...IVF with meds is about $12000 per round... Her current sono tech Kelly is fantastic, I see her often and she is the one who calls with results
How was your experience with Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
She’s an incredible doctor. She is passionate about what she does and truly wants the best for her patients. If one protocol doesn’t work she is will try something else for a better result. She understands that many decisions in infertility made based on finances and not desires and that this process is a huge emotional and financial burden. She has given me a son and a daughter and when my son passed away she was at his bedside. I recommend her to anyone who is having trouble conceiving. She is incredible and I am very grateful for her guidance
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
She will do everything she can to get you pregnant! She will be your biggest cheerleader!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
She came to see me in the hospital when my water broke on Christmas Eve at 21 weeks. That was above and beyond
Describe the protocols Laura Lawrence used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
To be honest, even though I am a nurse, I did not pay attention to the specific drugs and doses. I trust my doctor and assume she knows best. I know she did make changes throughout my 4 retrievals to maximize the results but I did not obsess over the specifics.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Her nurse has changed a few times)
I loved her first nurse, Corbet. However she went back to hospital nursing. Her current sono tech Kelly is fantastic, I see her often and she is the one who calls with results
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
This is satellite office so it’s smaller and very personal. You will know everyone very quickly. The main office is very professional looking and a lot busier. The nurses at the lab where the retrievals and transfers are done are fantastic! Especially christy!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Lawrence at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
IVF with meds is about $12000 per round
Describe Laura Lawrence's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Due to my age, my Dr was willing to transfer 3 non tested, day 3 embryos. We ended with one healthy boy.
Laura Lawrence
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2017 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 34 - 36
12 Fertility Medications
Male Factor
Tubal Blockage
Native American
Income $0 - $49K
1st of 3 Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Chantilis is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate. He is willing to tell you his honest opinion about your specific diagnosis and treatment. ... I’ve had a tubal reversal. Only one tube was salvaged. We have done timed intercourse, timed intercourse with clomid and gonal. I’ve taken metformin for PCOS. My husband has taken clomid and treatment for retrograde ejaculation. We have done IUI’s, at least 4 HSG’s, countless blood work and sonograms over 3 1/2 years. We have gotten pregnant once that ended in an ectopic pregnancy and now we are hopeful to move forward with IVF or INVOcell.
I don’t have a negative thing to say about the clinic [Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associats]. They are always accommodating, caring and professional. I would say to make sure you listen to the Doctor. My only regret was not initially just jumping into IVF like I was told, and still struggling to get pregnant over 3 years later. Listen to your plan, follow protocol, and keep the faith!
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Chantilis is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate. He is willing to tell you his honest opinion about your specific diagnosis and treatment. He has excellent bedside manner. When we decided to look into fertility treatments, I was 34. I had previously had my tubes tied and been remarried to my husband who has no children. We decided to move forward with Dr. Chantilis after hearing rave reviews from my obgyn of 20 years. He gave us his honest opinion to move forward with IVF, as not to waste unnecessary time and money. He was right all along.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Listen and follow through with his fertility plan for your specific diagnosis.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Every time I had an appointment with Dr.Chantilis he was very kind and personable. His staff is very kind and helpful.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I’ve had a tubal reversal. Only one tube was salvaged. We have done timed intercourse, timed intercourse with clomid and gonal. I’ve taken metformin for PCOS. My husband has taken clomid and treatment for retrograde ejaculation. We have done IUI’s, at least 4 HSG’s, countless blood work and sonograms over 3 1/2 years. We have gotten pregnant once that ended in an ectopic pregnancy and now we are hopeful to move forward with IVF or INVOcell.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Holly)
Always kind and helpful. Same day results and returned calls. Very thorough and compassionate.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I don’t have a negative thing to say about the clinic. They are always accommodating, caring and professional. I would say to make sure you listen to the Doctor. My only regret was not initially just jumping into IVF like I was told, and still struggling to get pregnant over 3 years later. Listen to your plan, follow protocol, and keep the faith!
Describe Samuel Chantilis's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
They elect to transfer one embryo unless there are other serious factors.
Samuel Chantilis
4 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2017 - 2019, Unknown Success
Age 31 - 33
1 Egg Freezing
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
Dr. Lee is very intelligent and knows what she is doing. She is an expert in the field and is aggressive with doing treatments, especially when you express a need or desire to do a next step. However, she lacks a bit with the bed side manner and seems like she doesn’t love the social part of the treatment process.... I felt like she didn’t take the infertility very seriously at first and just kept saying it will happen with minor treatments for almost a year before moving on.
Love the nurses [at Dallas-Forth Worth Fertility Associates]! They were helpful and compassionate and understanding even when I was emotionally breaking down....Dr. Lee is very intelligent and knows what she is doing. She is an expert in the field and is aggressive with doing treatments, especially when you express a need or desire to do a next step. However, she lacks a bit with the bed side manner and seems like she doesn’t love the social part of the treatment process.
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Lee is very intelligent and knows what she is doing. She is an expert in the field and is aggressive with doing treatments, especially when you express a need or desire to do a next step. However, she lacks a bit with the bed side manner and seems like she doesn’t love the social part of the treatment process.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Ask questions and tell her what you want. Know that she might not be the mushy lovey dovey doctor that doubles as a therapist. She is only there to treat you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
I felt like she didn’t take the infertility very seriously at first and just kept saying it will happen with minor treatments for almost a year before moving on. Also, it felt like she had one foot out the door with most (difficult) conversations and she had somewhere else to be. I felt like she was trying to be sweet, but just was super busy and ready to get to the next thing or patient.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We did 1 cycle times intercourse and clomid, 3 cycles of TI, with clomid and gonal F. I am unexplained, so there is no known reason so she started “small”. Then we moved in to iuI with clomid and gonal F. Three times. Then Ivf with birth control, then freeze all, then first FeT ended chemical. Did ERA test after between FET 1 and 2. All good. FET worked, saw the heartbeat. Heartbeat stopped for no known reason when I saw my OB.l at 8+5. 3rd FET she added in lovenox and baby aspirin I’m thinking there may be an unknown clotting disorder, but all loss panels were negative. She did RPL blood work after 1st chemical. I’m currently 4 weeks pregnant.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Love the nurses! They were helpful and compassionate and understanding even when I was emotionally breaking down.
Describe Karen Lee's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
She was very adamant about transferring one.
Karen Lee
3 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
4 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016 - 2018, Unsuccessful
Age 33 - 35
Male Factor
Income $200K - $499K
1st of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Surrogacy With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Thomas always was patient with the abundance of questions I brought into her office. Even if I repeated questions, she answered and summarized what was important and what I couldn't control and/or worry about...I came to Dr. Thomas without a uterus. My ovaries responded very quickly to the protocol she provided...truly felt the care radiating from Dr. Thomas throughout each phase of our IVF cycles and FETs. She was our biggest cheerleader and continues to be even though after two IVF cycles and two failed transfers we've switched doctors. I do all of my monitoring at Dr. Thomas' office and often call her and visit with her to get her second opinion and thoughts on any fertility-related decisions my husband and I make.
Blood draw nurses, especially Shari, and sonographers were sweet, patient, thoughtful and never made me feel uncomfortable during the course of their exams [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates]. The only frustration I ever felt with this clinic was dealing with the third party/donor nurse Deborah. During our FET with our GC, Deborah was very quick and business minded not taking a lot of time on the phone and seemingly impatient when asked questions...Very welcoming front office. You'll always see the same faces and the familiarity and consistency is nice and comforting. Never had to wait for an extended period of time for appointments. Billing and check-out stations were always quick and prepared. Felt recognized and acknowledged by a majority of the employees.
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Mika Thomas looks at the big picture and also the granular details associated with IVF and the gestational carrier component my husband and I encountered. After two failed FET with the same GC at Dr. Thomas' practice and my husband and I making the decision to switch clinics, I still visit her office to have her review my current GC and any cycle questions that I have. She treats me with the same compassion, care, concern and courtesy as if I was still her patient. In each scenario where my husband and I to make a big decision, Dr. Thomas always provided two to three options. When asked, she always told me what she would advise her sister to do. This heartfelt and compassionate nature of Dr. Thomas allowed us to continually trust her. Dr. Thomas was always available for a brief (or extended) chat. Often times I'd be getting blood drawn at a separate station and she would peek her head in to check on me. She always asked about my husband when he couldn't attend appointments and constantly asked about my best friend's pregnancies and now children after I referred her as a consult. I know without a doubt that Dr. Thomas is rooting for my husband and I to have a biological child through IVF and surrogacy.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Ask as many questions as you feel necessary! Dr. Thomas always was patient with the abundance of questions I brought into her office. Even if I repeated questions, she answered and summarized what was important and what I couldn't control and/or worry about.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
The entire office starting with the receptionists, to nurses, embryologists, Dr. Thomas, and everyone in between was incredibly polite, patient, and responsive. My husband and I truly felt the care radiating from Dr. Thomas throughout each phase of our IVF cycles and FETs. She was our biggest cheerleader and continues to be even though after two IVF cycles and two failed transfers we've switched doctors. I do all of my monitoring at Dr. Thomas' office and often call her and visit with her to get her second opinion and thoughts on any fertility-related decisions my husband and I make.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I came to Dr. Thomas without a uterus. My ovaries responded very quickly to the protocol she provided. Cycle 1: 2 weeks BC, menopur and gonal-f and lupron trigger Cycle 2: Lupron priming, BC, menopur & FSH and then Ganirelix mid STIM
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Shari)
Blood draw nurses, especially Shari, and sonographers were sweet, patient, thoughtful and never made me feel uncomfortable during the course of their exams. The only frustration I ever felt with this clinic was dealing with the third party/donor nurse Deborah. During our FET with our GC, Deborah was very quick and business minded not taking a lot of time on the phone and seemingly impatient when asked questions.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Very welcoming front office. You'll always see the same faces and the familiarity and consistency is nice and comforting. Never had to wait for an extended period of time for appointments. Billing and check-out stations were always quick and prepared. Felt recognized and acknowledged by a majority of the employees.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
2016 fees Consult fee $225 - portion covered by insurance Semen analysis - $90 Semen specimen and sperm cryo - $475 IVF cycle (freeze) including all blood & u/s - $4,250 Lab fees including ICSI ($1,340) - $6,940 total Separate: Meds - $6,500 approx Genetic testing (outside of clinic) - $2,125
Mika Thomas
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018, Unsuccessful
Age 36
Male Factor
Income $200K - $499K
Business Executive
Only Doc Seen
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
He [Dr. Chantilis] seems to have a wealth of experience which we appreciate. But it doesn’t feel like he knows us well or is interested in getting to know us. After our first cycle failed, he did give us a generous discount which we greatly appreciated. Overall, he seems very busy and rushed during the few office appointments we’ve had with him.... The experience hasn’t felt very personal. It feels so clinical. We’ve been through 2 cycles now and haven’t achieved the results we’re hoping for.
The front office and billing team [DFW Fertility Associates] are so unorganized. Billing issues aren’t clear or consistent. Also, a prescription was also mishandled and given to me nearly 2 months late. Not sure if that’s a nursing issue or not. On the other hand, I think the lab staff does a good job....With my initial blood work, it turned out I needed thyroid medication. These tests were complete and results were available in April. But I wasn’t given the results until June. Apparently my results were lost or there was a miscommunication amongst the staff.
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
He seems to have a wealth of experience which we appreciate. But it doesn’t feel like he knows us well or is interested in getting to know us. After our first cycle failed, he did give us a generous discount which we greatly appreciated. Overall, he seems very busy and rushed during the few office appointments we’ve had with him.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Expect chaos and unorganization from the front office and billing team.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
The experience hasn’t felt very personal. It feels so clinical. We’ve been through 2 cycles now and haven’t achieved the results we’re hoping for. It doesn’t feel like the level of care or drug protocol has been customized for me and my issues. The office also has operational and organizational issues that make the experience confusing and frustrating.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
First cycle was Menopur, Gonal F and Cetrotide and we only retrieved 2 eggs. None of the eggs made it to Day 5 and it was a failed cycle. Second cycle was Menopur, Gonal F and Lupron and 11 eggs were retrieved. We had 5 embryos on Day 5 but only 1 was normal after PGS testing.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Holly Womack)
Holly is great. She’s sweet, compassionate and always returns my calls or emails in a timely manner. We are cash payers so I feel like she looks for the best prices for our meds which we greatly appreciate.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
The front office and billing team are so unorganized. Billing issues aren’t clear or consistent. Also, a prescription was also mishandled and given to me nearly 2 months late. Not sure if that’s a nursing issue or not. On the other hand, I think the lab staff does a good job.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Our first cycle was $20K. Our second cycle was closer to $10K because we received a generous discount because our first cycle failed and we didn’t retrieve nearly as many eggs as expected. The doctor wasn’t sure why that happened and an answer was never provided.
Describe Samuel Chantilis's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
I’m happy with single embryo transfer. No issues or concerns with that.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lost results
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
With my initial blood work, it turned out I needed thyroid medication. These tests were complete and results were available in April. But I wasn’t given the results until June. Apparently my results were lost or there was a miscommunication amongst the staff. My nurse wasn’t sure what happened. I’ve also been given conflicting information a couple of times about billing - the cost of our cycle as well as the cost of a post cycle follow up visit. Operationally, there are quite a few challenges.
Samuel Chantilis
2 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
4 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
3 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
3 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2017 - 2018, Unsuccessful
Age 31 - 32
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Income $200K - $499K
Only Doc Seen
During cycles I felt like a number. However after my third miscarriage, when I had to undergo a D&C procedure that didn't go as planned, she was very involved and personally reached out to me a number of times to ensure I was recovering properly. ... Dr. Thomas is very honest, which can be a good thing. She sees things from a science perspective, which I guess she is trained to do. During my first cycle, she tried letrozole, it didn't work well, so we added more and changed my treatment each cycle.
There are a lot of doctors, nurses, billing coordinators, etc. at the clinic [Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Assoc]. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes I never know who I'm going to talk to. I always saw the same 2 sonographers, which I really appreciated. ... Once I received someone else's blood results. It was my first beta HCG for that pregnancy. The result seemed high considering it was the first HCG and 10 DPO. I challenged why it would be so high, but was brushed off. The office called back hours later informing me the results were someone's else's
How was your experience with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Thomas is very honest, which can be a good thing. She sees things from a science perspective, which I guess she is trained to do. During my first cycle, she tried letrozole, it didn't work well, so we added more and changed my treatment each cycle. I felt like we were always trying something new, which was nice on one hand but why didn't we try that in the beginning? I am frustrated 'new' ideas were coming out every month, but nothing about my cycles really ever changed.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Do your own research. Ask about trying things you've read about or heard your friends try. Challenge her to mix up the treatment cycles.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
During cycles I felt like a number. However after my third miscarriage, when I had to undergo a D&C procedure that didn't go as planned, she was very involved and personally reached out to me a number of times to ensure I was recovering properly.
Describe the protocols Mika Thomas used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
I only taken letrozole for oral meds, first starting with 2.5 mg then up to 5 mg. I only grew one follicle with letrozole each cycle (5). After insisting we try something more aggressive to get more than one follicle, she added gonal-f. My first cycle on gonal-f +letrozole was pretty low dose, and again resulted in one follicle. My second cycle on gonal-f +letrozole was more than double the dosage than the first but again resulted in one follicle.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Leah, Kelly, Julia )
I felt there was a revolving door/Rolodex of nurses. When I started seeing Dr. Thomas, I had a nurse named Julia. Abruptly she left, I had to ask why I was talking to a new nurse, she didn't even introduce herself and explain she'd be my nurse going forward. About 75% of the time I hear from my 'primary' nurse, now Leah. The other times, I hear from someone random that I've never talked to before that I'm not convinced as read my file or knows what is going on with my case.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
There are a lot of doctors, nurses, billing coordinators, etc. at the clinic. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes I never know who I'm going to talk to. I always saw the same 2 sonographers, which I really appreciated. I had to visit the clinic once on the weekend for monitoring, my nurse/doc wasn't on call, so I saw a different nurse. It was convenient that the clinic was open on the weekend, I understand the practice is designed to allow the doctors/nurses to rotate who is on call. Dr. Thomas performed my IUI herself. I didn't do IFV, but it is my understand that she would perform all her related IFV procedures. Dr. Thomas performed my D&C. She also saw her for all my follow up appointments related to that.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Mika Thomas at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
My office visits and procedures were covered by insurance. I paid for shots out of pocket.
What specific things went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
  • Lost results
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Once I received someone else's blood results. It was my first beta HCG for that pregnancy. The result seemed high considering it was the first HCG and 10 DPO. I challenged why it would be so high, but was brushed off. The office called back hours later informing me the results were someone's else's and mine were lower (but still high enough to be considered a pregnancy). I asked how this happened and wasn't given a clear answer. It made me skeptical for my subsequent blood results.
Mika Thomas
3 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
4 of 5
3 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
3 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018, Unsuccessful
Age 33
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
Don’t expect to see the doctor [Dr. Samuel Chantilis] every appointment (I came from another fertility clinic in another city where I saw the doctor every single appointment/sonogram, etc and this was an adjustment for me but now I know this seems to be the norm with other REs in DFW. Ask questions if you don’t understand something, you have to advocate for yourself.... We tried two cycles of timed inter course with Femara which I wanted to move straight to IUI; of course those weren’t successful and the first IUI he added injectable med, and second IUI cycle, added another day or two of the injectable.
The nurses [at DFW Fertility Associates- Dallas] are very kind, as well as the somographers, however it is usually a rushed appointment, with them frequently being 15-20 minutes late. Unless you request an appt with the doctor, you will not see him at routine sono appointments, and IUIs on the weekends have been done by the doctor on call.... Communication/organization could be improved. Sometimes the room they think is ready is occupied, typically always running 15-20 mins late but this may be the norm. I think they do a good job of scheduling appointments but sometimes asking for information on procedures seems like they don’t want to provide it to you
How was your experience with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
He seems extremely knowledgeable. At the very beginning, I had my consultation rescheduled by their office two or three times, which was disappointing to me since I had to wait a month to get in. However I will say Dr C called me after hours each time to apologize and tell me about a surgery that had to be scheduled in place of my appointment and I thought it was very nice of him to do.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Don’t expect to see the doctor every appointment (I came from another fertility clinic in another city where I saw the doctor every single appointment/sonogram, etc and this was an adjustment for me but now I know this seems to be the norm with other REs in DFW. Ask questions if you don’t understand something, you have to advocate for yourself.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
The nurses are very kind, as well as the somographers, however it is usually a rushed appointment, with them frequently being 15-20 minutes late. Unless you request an appt with the doctor, you will not see him at routine sono appointments, and IUIs on the weekends have been done by the doctor on call.
Describe the protocols Samuel Chantilis used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
We tried two cycles of timed inter course with Femara which I wanted to move straight to IUI; of course those weren’t successful and the first IUI he added injectable med, and second IUI cycle, added another day or two of the injectable.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Holly)
They are extremely busy however they always call back if they do not answer the phone in a very short amount of time. They are all very nice.
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Communication/organization could be improved. Sometimes the room they think is ready is occupied, typically always running 15-20 mins late but this may be the norm. I think they do a good job of scheduling appointments but sometimes asking for information on procedures seems like they don’t want to provide it to you
Describe the costs associated with your care under Samuel Chantilis at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
IUI $950 plus any meds which can be another $500-600
Describe Samuel Chantilis's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
Samuel Chantilis
3 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
3 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
4 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
4 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2017 - 2018, Unsuccessful
Age 38 - 39
Male Factor
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr Lee was great to always say hello when she spotted me in the clinic. I felt like she closely followed my case and discussed it closely with the other nursers and embryologists in the clinic. She was always willing to answer my questions and spend time with us, during and after our cycles...She also communicated great with us during our IVF treatments. In our wrap up appointments for failed cycled, she gave us insight into the documentation and discussions with her staff about why we had failed and gave us choices on next steps. She was great to guide us through each cycle.
I felt like the embryologists [at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates] did a good job of informing me of our progress. Typically on weekends I wasn't able to get as much information and sometimes the reports seemed hurried. The lab worked closely with my doctor to help identify any potential issues...Both sonographers that I saw were fantastic. They can quickly count eggs and help position my legs so it's not as uncomfortable as the process progresses. In the lab, the nurses and staff were so great too!
How was your experience with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr. Lee is very knowledgeable and that shows in her care. We felt like she set expectations and gave us the facts. She also communicated great with us during our IVF treatments. In our wrap up appointments for failed cycled, she gave us insight into the documentation and discussions with her staff about why we had failed and gave us choices on next steps. She was great to guide us through each cycle.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Come with a list of questions. She will help you work through your questions and provide the best answers she can.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates?
Dr Lee was great to always say hello when she spotted me in the clinic. I felt like she closely followed my case and discussed it closely with the other nursers and embryologists in the clinic. She was always willing to answer my questions and spend time with us, during and after our cycles.
Describe the protocols Karen Lee used in your cycles at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates and their degree of success.
During my IUIs I took Clomid (the lowest dose) and my husband donated at the clinic. During one IVF cycle I took Gonal-F, Menupure, Pregnyl, and one other med that I can't remember. During my second cycle I took the same meds, but use Lupron instead. We were hoping to get more mature eggs on the second cycle. I tend to have lots of eggs and only about half of them mature. Both cycles worked out very similar - so we concluded that the drugs didn't make much of a difference in my case. I reacted very well to the drugs, we are just struggling to get a healthy embroy. Currently we aren't sure the cause of unhealthy embroys.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates. (Assigned nurse: Katie)
The nursing staff, ultrasound techs, and phlebotomist are just wonderful. They are all very skilled and compassionate. My primary nurse, Katie was so helpful with answering questions, giving me calendars, and guiding me through the entire process. My favorite phlebotomist, Diane was so sweet. Blood draws got harder for me as the stimulation went on and she was great to pick places that would bruise less and wrap my arm gently. Both sonographers that I saw were fantastic. They can quickly count eggs and help position my legs so it's not as uncomfortable as the process progresses. In the lab, the nurses and staff were so great too!
Describe your experience with Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
It was so helpful to have the clinic on sight with the doctors. The ease of this was very helpful during our IVF cycles. I felt like the embryologists did a good job of informing me of our progress. Typically on weekends I wasn't able to get as much information and sometimes the reports seemed hurried. The lab worked closely with my doctor to help identify any potential issues.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Karen Lee at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates.
We are blessed to have insurance coverage. We did not use this for our IUIs and they each ran under $1000. For IVF our first cycle was covered entirely, so we were out our deductibles. For our second cycle, drugs were not covered, so we paid the cost of drugs and our deductible was met, so we paid our percentage.
Karen Lee
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

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