Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
Dr Thornton is one of my favorite doctors. He was so compassionate and honestly tried his best to give me a child. We had success on our first try with him but it ended in a second trimester loss. Since that loss I had 2 failed transfers and my surrogate had an 8 week miscarriage with no heartbeat. Unfortunately after 4 transfers with no baby we need to move on...He will try his very best to give you a baby. He’s honestly really cares.
The [Global Fertility and Genetics] clinic is a boutique type clinic. They specialize with the Asian population coming over to the US. I had paid out of pocket costs for most of my treatment totaling $45,000. They do not give any cash discounts or military discount like all the other clinics I had gone to. The clinic would not reimburse me for their error on the medication discrepancy. I had emailed four times asking to speak with HR and they never responded. Their prices constantly were changing with no warning. The price for a transfer had gone up $500 within 6 months (mid year) and I never got a notice. I honestly would not go back and would not recommend anyone to the clinic.
How was your experience with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Dr Thornton is one of my favorite doctors. He was so compassionate and honestly tried his best to give me a child. We had success on our first try with him but it ended in a second trimester loss. Since that loss I had 2 failed transfers and my surrogate had an 8 week miscarriage with no heartbeat. Unfortunately after 4 transfers with no baby we need to move on.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
He will try his very best to give you a baby. He’s honestly really cares.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
The nurses and doctors always knew who I was when I walked into the office. They called and emailed me by name. When I walked into the office with my husband or mom Dr Thornton would hug us.
Describe the protocols Melvin Thornton used in your cycles at Global Fertility and Genetics and their degree of success.
My lining didn’t cooperate after our second trimester loss but he always tried to add in estrogen. The lining grew after additional estrogen. However, I wish he would have tried a natural cycle to see if my body can do it by itself since we knew it wasn’t reacting to estrogen.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics. (Assigned nurse: Maria)
The nursing staff in the beginning were on top of everything. However, on my 5th egg retrieval they gave me a wrong dosage for a drug that I had to pay out of pocket for. I had emailed three times to verify the dosage as it didn’t seem right and they confirmed it was correct. The day before retrieval when they were telling me to take my last shot the dosage was different. I then emailed saying this isn’t the dose I was taking. I was taking 10units instead of 100units so very different dosages. I was so annoyed.
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
The clinic is a boutique type clinic. They specialize with the Asian population coming over to the US. I had paid out of pocket costs for most of my treatment totaling $45,000. They do not give any cash discounts or military discount like all the other clinics I had gone to. The clinic would not reimburse me for their error on the medication discrepancy. I had emailed four times asking to speak with HR and they never responded. Their prices constantly were changing with no warning. The price for a transfer had gone up $500 within 6 months (mid year) and I never got a notice. I honestly would not go back and would not recommend anyone to the clinic.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Global Fertility and Genetics.
When I did monitoring appointments at the office it was always quick and on the scheduled time. However, living in California and traveling multiple times to NY for monitoring was too much. I ended up doing monitoring in my state and just traveled for the procedures.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics.
We paid out of pocket for majority of the treatment and surrogacy. We paid over $45,000. They never gave any cash discount or military discount. I ended up getting a job just for the insurance. But billing still tried to charge me for testing even though insurance covered it.
Describe Melvin Thornton's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Global Fertility and Genetics.
I’m a very petite person who immune issues. I also don’t make many embryos so we couldn’t afford to transfer more than one embryo in the result of losing two. I also can’t carry more than 2 babies so if an embryo split we would need to do fetal reduction.
What specific things went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost paperwork
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics.
You need to double check everything with this clinic. As a patient I shouldn’t need to double check medication dosages to make sure I’m getting the correct dose. Even when I did double check three times they said it was correct but the day before retrieval wrote a different dose. This was a critical drug to help egg quality on my 5th retrieval and now I will never know if it worked or could have yielded more embryos.
When I first began to see Dr. Zeitoun, I did feel like I was number for the first few months. When we initially did our consult, he was quick to look at my medical information and just proceed to examine me. I felt as if I had to force my questions in real quick before we moved on. However, I realized he was just a doctor that was very direct. And when you needed more time from him you just needed to let him know and he would make the time for you. He gave me hope again since I was already 40 and had a low AMH.
The great thing about this clinic [Global Fertility and Genetics] is that it is open during evening hours. They are aware that many couples work and it is hard to take off as much as would be needed during the cycles so they are only open during the evening hours. However, at times, it's hard to get through to them quickly on the days the office are not open. But they will get back to you. It just won't be immediate sometimes.... The nursing staff is great at the office. All the nurses know everyone by name and doeos their best to help you.
How was your experience with Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Dr Zeitoun is a very straightforward and direct doctor. Some may consider him to be cold but I realized that once you tell him your needs and he realizes what kind of patient you are he will still be direct but he is compassionate. In the beginning, I felt like he just checked my prognosis and sent me on my way. When I asked him for more detail the next go around, he provided it and explained he didn't go into detail any further because those were routine check-ups to make sure my insides were healthy. And his administrator was the one that handled the details after the doctor saw you.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
If you need someone to be extremely heartwarming and compassionate, then he may not be for you. But if you want someone to tell you the reality of the situation and not sugarcoat it for you, then Dr Zeitoun is for you. He is about trying to find a solution for you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
When I first began to see Dr. Zeitoun, I did feel like I was number for the first few months. When we initially did our consult, he was quick to look at my medical information and just proceed to examine me. I felt as if I had to force my questions in real quick before we moved on. However, I realized he was just a doctor that was very direct. And when you needed more time from him you just needed to let him know and he would make the time for you. He gave me hope again since I was already 40 and had a low AMH. He didn't even mention that. He said just said "let's get you pregnant."
Describe the protocols Khaled Zeitoun used in your cycles at Global Fertility and Genetics and their degree of success.
For my treatment, we went for an antagonist protocol. He had me on menopur (150 iu) and Gonal (300 iu) to begin my stim cycle and then added Cetrotide and Ovidrel. With my second IVF cycle, he added the Lupron trigger shot on top of the Ovidrel. He spaced them about an hour from each other. When asked why he was adding this, he explained that it would help with rest of the eggs to mature. Therefore, possessing more egg to retrieve. Which is what happened in my case. My first cycle, I only had 2 eggs (I did get pregnant but miscarried). For my second and third cycles, I had significantly more to retrieve (between 7 and 9).
Describe your experience with your nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics. (Assigned nurse: Afaf)
The nursing staff is great at the office. All the nurses know everyone by name and doeos their best to help you. However, I'd like to call out my care coordinator (administrator) , Afaf. That is my life saver. Because of Dr Zeitoun's directness (and at times rushed), she actually is the person that "translates" everything to you. She is as knowledgeable about everything as Dr Zeitoun is. She goes over every detail of your care and cycle. I developed a close rapport with her so she knows the ins and outs of my care and knows what my expectations and worries are. She will show you how to do your injections at home, call you with any updates with your cycle, provide with you sound recommendations for what's best for you on how to proceed and gives you hope. I don't think I could get through each cycle without her. Afaf has become my go-to person and my advocate in the office. She makes my experience less stressful during a stressful time.
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
The great thing about this clinic is that it is open during evening hours. They are aware that many couples work and it is hard to take off as much as would be needed during the cycles so they are only open during the evening hours. However, at times, it's hard to get through to them quickly on the days the office are not open. But they will get back to you. It just won't be immediate sometimes.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Global Fertility and Genetics.
My monitoring appointments were quite simple. As long as it was within the office hours (unless it needed immediate attention then Dr Zeitoun would go in to see you), you could pick the time most convenient for you.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics.
I had fertility insurance for my first few cycles, so don't remember the exact costs. But Dr Zeitoun worked with a reproductive center to perform the egg retrievals and transfer. Patients are not billed separately from the center and doctor. When you are billed, the egg retrieval and transfer are grouped together and you only have to pay one bill. It also includes the anesthesiologist. I was once billed by the anesthesiologist separately and Dr Zeitoun made sure his office credited me the amount since it was taken out of my fertility insurance.
Describe Khaled Zeitoun's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Global Fertility and Genetics.
Because of my age and low AMH, Dr. Zeitoun felt it more appropriate to do multiple embryo transfer. Since the likelihood of me having many good eggs was low, he felt that it would not be effective to just transfer a single embryo. He did educate on the possible risks of multiple embryo transfers and how best to handle them.
Overall I have had a positive experience with Dr. Kuokkanen...When I first began treatment with her we had a very thorough consultation, during which she outlined a series of diagnostic procedures and tests in layman’s terms. She me feel cared for and that I was in good hands. After that consultation communication has been a little spotty. She seems to rely heavily on nursing to communicate most aspects of treatment, which I hear is common at other practices. That said, I have been able to reach her by phone to discuss my treatment plan after leaving messages with nurses.
You have to be proactive about managing your appointments here [Global Fertility & Genetics]. The clinic staff seem a bit stressed and don’t call with appointment reminders. Sometimes they are not great about returning phone calls or emails... Juany [nurse] is extremely kind, patient, and thorough. It seems like the doctor relies on her to run the ship, including being a touchpoint for patients about medication, signing legal paperwork, walking patients through treatment plans, and scheduling visits. She is lovely to talk to and I get the sense that she cares deeply about helping patients. Communication has been a bit inconsistent though, and I have learned days after emailing the general nursing email address that no one received my questions. This has been a consistent part of my experience. Everyone is amazing in person, but as soon as I leave I'm not sure if I'll be able to connect with nursing or the doctor within the next few days.
How was your experience with Satu Kuokkanen at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Overall I have had a positive experience with Dr. Kuokkanen. As a newbie in this area, it was important to me to find a doctor who made me feel confident. I wanted someone to painstakingly explain everything in terms I could understand, and help me get to the bottom of my fertility issues. When I first began treatment with her we had a very thorough consultation, during which she outlined a series of diagnostic procedures and tests in layman’s terms. She me feel cared for and that I was in good hands. After that consultation communication has been a little spotty. She seems to rely heavily on nursing to communicate most aspects of treatment, which I hear is common at other practices. That said, I have been able to reach her by phone to discuss my treatment plan after leaving messages with nurses.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Satu Kuokkanen at Global Fertility and Genetics?
You have to be proactive about managing your appointments here. The clinic staff seem a bit stressed and don’t call with appointment reminders. Sometimes they are not great about returning phone calls or emails.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Satu Kuokkanen at Global Fertility and Genetics?
This practice recently opened, and most aspects appear to be thoughtfully considered. In particular, the bright, welcoming waiting areas with comfortable furniture and friendly staff instantly made me feel at ease. From my previous provider I had grown accustomed to being ignored or receiving vague responses to questions via a confusing patient portal. So I was shocked that Juany, the nursing director at Global Fertility, was routinely available by phone after normal business hours to patiently explain aspects of my treatment to me, or plan out my following visit. She has been a calming presence throughout our experience.
Describe the protocols Satu Kuokkanen used in your cycles at Global Fertility and Genetics and their degree of success.
After we determined that I have one blocked tube using HSG and a follow-up MRI, I opted to try IUI with Clomid. The doctor suggested this approach given my age (34) and norma ovarian reserve, though she did warn that success rates with IUI were low. I tried one round that was unsuccessful, and felt discouraged. I had previously had 3 rounds of monitored Clomid cycles with my previous doctor without success. Dr. Kuokkanen suggested that the blocked tube could potentially limit IUI success if follicles developed on the blocked side, and suggested that we might consider IVF as a next step. We are going to try our first cycle in a few months.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics. (Assigned nurse: Juany Rodriguez)
As mentioned, Juany is extremely kind, patient, and thorough. It seems like the doctor relies on her to run the ship, including being a touchpoint for patients about medication, signing legal paperwork, walking patients through treatment plans, and scheduling visits. She is lovely to talk to and I get the sense that she cares deeply about helping patients.
Communication has been a bit inconsistent though, and I have learned days after emailing the general nursing email address that no one received my questions. This has been a consistent part of my experience. Everyone is amazing in person, but as soon as I leave I'm not sure if I'll be able to connect with nursing or the doctor within the next few days.
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
Strengths: The facility itself is beautiful--new, clean, and comfortable. The nurses are incredibly nice and accommodating. I trust Dr. Kuokkanen's expertise and thoroughness. I have her complete attention when we meet, and have been able to reach her on the phone several times to ask questions about treatment.
Weaknesses: I feel like I have to be my own advocate perhaps more than I was expecting. They don't do appointment reminders or confirmations, so I have to keep track myself. Communication is inconsistent, so I often need to follow-up several times before I can reach the nursing department.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Satu Kuokkanen at Global Fertility and Genetics.
$600 for IUI (medication and procedure)
$13,000 for IVF with fresh transfer (single embryo) plus $5,500 for medication
Describe Satu Kuokkanen's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Global Fertility and Genetics.
My doctor only does single embryo transfers in the majority of younger patients who have high-quality embryos. I feel relieved about the lower risk of multiples but also apprehensive that a single embryo won’t implant.
What specific things went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Lost appointments
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics.
I scheduled a meeting with my doctor to discuss discontinuing IUI and moving on to IVF, and I believe the nurses forgot my appointment or accidentally scheduled me for the following day. I was able to make the appointment but had to move around a few meetings to make it work.
That said, I was glad with the final outcome. I had a full hour with my doctor to discuss the ins and outs of IVF. They really do care about patients here, but just seem a bit overwhelmed.
[Dr. Zeitoun is] clever, witty and straightforward, but definitely not the warmest doctor who will hold your hand throughout the process. He doesn't think supplements help with egg quality and said bluntly, "If you have five embryos, I'd put all five back into you because there's a 5% chance that any of them will make it after age 40."...Don't expect a warm and fuzzy experience...asked me if I spoke English during the embryo transfer. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he had mistaken me for one of his other patients (there was a Chinese woman before me who didn't speak English).
She [nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics] was extraordinarily compassionate and thorough. I corresponded with her the most throughout the cycle in regards to appointments and medication changes...The embryologist, nurses, assistants were all very kind and patient. The clinic is clean, quiet - everything you would need an IVF facility to be. My only gripe was that Dr. Zeitoun asked me if I spoke English during the embryo transfer. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he had mistaken me for one of his other patients (there was a Chinese woman before me who didn't speak English).
How was your experience with Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
He's clever, witty and straightforward, but definitely not the warmest doctor who will hold your hand throughout the process. He doesn't think supplements help with egg quality and said bluntly, "If you have five embryos, I'd put all five back into you because there's a 5% chance that any of them will make it after age 40."
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Don't expect a warm and fuzzy experience.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics?
The nurses at Global Fertility were phenomenal - kind, thorough and extremely helpful with all my questions. I didn't really get to see Dr. Zeitoun as much, but he was honest and upfront about my situation.
Describe the protocols Khaled Zeitoun used in your cycles at Global Fertility and Genetics and their degree of success.
Follistim 300, Menopur 150, Ganirelex, Lupron. Fresh 3-day transfer of 2 eggs.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics. (Assigned nurse: Nurse Leika)
She was extraordinarily compassionate and thorough. I corresponded with her the most throughout the cycle in regards to appointments and medication changes.
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
The embryologist, nurses, assistants were all very kind and patient. The clinic is clean, quiet - everything you would need an IVF facility to be. My only gripe was that Dr. Zeitoun asked me if I spoke English during the embryo transfer. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he had mistaken me for one of his other patients (there was a Chinese woman before me who didn't speak English).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Khaled Zeitoun at Global Fertility and Genetics.
Insurance covered IVF, but it was $15,500 for the cycle. Medication out of pocket was approximately $5,000.
What specific things went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Global Fertility and Genetics.
The nurse forgot to call me with any medication changes and I had to contact her to confirm that my dosage would be the same for the following day.
Dr. Thornton's exemplary care extended beyond professional obligations...kindness and meticulous attention ensured we felt not just attended to, but genuinely cared for...commitment went beyond procedural aspects...fostering a reassuring and supportive healthcare experience.
Global Fertility & Genetics exceeded expectations. Their comprehensive approach, compassionate care, and commitment to our unique journey made us feel supported and confident. Trust their expertise for a positive fertility experience...nursing staff's unwavering dedication...making our treatment journey a collaborative
How was your experience with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Dr. Thornton's exemplary care extended beyond professional obligations; his kindness and meticulous attention ensured we felt not just attended to, but genuinely cared for. His commitment went beyond procedural aspects, creating an atmosphere where the outcome of our treatment became a shared concern, fostering a reassuring and supportive healthcare experience.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
When visiting Dr. Thornton, openly communicate your concerns and health goals. His caring approach thrives on collaboration, ensuring personalized and effective treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Dr Thornton gave me special attention and made me feel like all of my concerns were addressed.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Global Fertility and Genetics.
The nursing staff's unwavering dedication mirrored Dr. Thornton's exceptional care. Their kindness and meticulous attention created a genuine and supportive healthcare environment, making our treatment journey a collaborative and reassuring experience.
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
Global Fertility & Genetics exceeded expectations. Their comprehensive approach, compassionate care, and commitment to our unique journey made us feel supported and confident. Trust their expertise for a positive fertility experience.
[Dr. Melvin Thornton] was a very professional and very experienced doctor...always explained every detail about the process consummate professional with extensive expertise. His thorough explanations ensure patients understand every step of their treatment journey...is very kind, he always gave me a warm hug when meet
[At Global Fertility and Genetics] Exceptional care was provided by Maria. Professional, compassionate, and knowledgeable. Demonstrates excellent clinical skills and empathy towards patients. Consistently goes above and beyond to ensure patient comfort and well-being. A valuable asset to the healthcare team
How was your experience with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
He was a very professional and very experienced doctor, he always explained every detail about the process consummate professional with extensive expertise. His thorough explanations ensure patients understand every step of their treatment journey
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Trust Dr. Thornton's expertise fully. His dedication to thorough explanations and patient understanding ensures the best possible care experience
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Melvin Thornton at Global Fertility and Genetics?
Doctor Thorton is very kind, he always gave me a warm hug when meet
Describe your experience with your nurse at Global Fertility and Genetics. (Assigned nurse: Maria)
Exceptional care was provided by Maria. Professional, compassionate, and knowledgeable. Demonstrates excellent clinical skills and empathy towards patients. Consistently goes above and beyond to ensure patient comfort and well-being. A valuable asset to the healthcare team
Describe your experience with Global Fertility and Genetics.
I recommend this practice to anyone looking. You would be in the care of a Clinic that along with his team gives his patients, the best of care. And hopefully, I can come back someday for another review.
Describe Melvin Thornton's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Global Fertility and Genetics.