Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory LGBTQ+ care.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ+ care.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
She [Dr. Thompson] is an expert in finding immunologic conditions and treating them as part if the IVF treatment plan...will dig deep to find the root of the fertility problem. During my treatment cycles, I always had every questions answered and if not the same day she would always try and reply as prompt as possible. Knowing my case with Diminished Ovarian reserve, she was very honest on my third attempt after my second had failed before embryo transfer that our second option was a donated embryo...
Part of our IVF team was Marta Montenegro the fertility nutritionist of the group. The two of them are a dynamic duo and gave me the confidence and medical assistance I needed in order to move positively towards my third IVF round....All medications will need to be purchased from SMP pharmacy as that is where you be getting all IVF meds...My IVF coordinator Bianca Hernandez was exceptional and a very good communicator. She always did her best to try and respond in a timely manner and I had no problems with her at all...
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson is very knowledgeable in the field of Reproductive Medicine specializing in Infertility. She has over 28+ years of experience and is known for working with invasive and severe IVF cases. She is an expert in finding immunologic conditions and treating them as part if the IVF treatment plan. I have no weaknesses to say as my professional and humanitarian experience as a patient was always positive, assertive, and valid.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I recommend before your initial visit to come in with your partner or spouse. The Doctor will ask "How long have you been trying to conceive" and with this question be as clear as water. It is imperative you discuss with your provider all medical history on both sides and if previous labs were drawn bring them to the initial visit. Chances are your provider may ask to check your ovaries just to have an initial diagnostic before ordering all fertility panel tests on both sides. The IVF coordinator will ask you and your partner to draw labs for SEMA 4 DNA panel unless the patient is using donor sperm. The woman would be the one running the DNA test before any IVF cycle begins. It is Imperative you discuss with your provider if you have any allergies to contraceptives as most IVF cycles begin with contractive suppression to the ovaries to initiate menstruation sooner. If you are allergic as myself, your provider may opt to start a Direct stimulation cycle with your period naturally when it lands on the 28-29th day of your cycle. Ask which fertility drugs would your Doctor prescribe, which doses and for how long more or less would you be undergoing stimulation. A stimulation cycle can be anywhere between 10-14 days and a trigger shot before Egg retrieval. It is very important to ask what are the side effects of these fertility Gondrophins and LH medications as every person is different. I had no reactions but bloating but every female body is different. What are the clinics success rates ? and How many cycles would you plan to undergo if not plan to preserve embryos for the near future.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Kimberly A. Thompson is one of the best Doctors of the IVFMD team that specializes in severe IVF cases and will dig deep to find the root of the fertility problem. During my treatment cycles, I always had every questions answered and if not the same day she would always try and reply as prompt as possible. Knowing my case with Diminished Ovarian reserve, she was very honest on my third attempt after my second had failed before embryo transfer that our second option was a donated embryo. We were counseled before treatment and knew our chance was all in the hands of the Lord. Dr. Thompson informed us all honestly she would do everything she could to help us conceive. Part of our IVF team was Marta Montenegro the fertility nutritionist of the group. The two of them are a dynamic duo and gave me the confidence and medical assistance I needed in order to move positively towards my third IVF round.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Yes, Both my protocols with Dr. Thompson were high doses due to my DOR diagnosis. I was prescribed Menopur, Gonal-F 300 IU, Cetrotide, and Novarell trigger shot the night before my Egg retrieval. All medications will need to be purchased from SMP pharmacy as that is where you be getting all IVF meds. My transfer was a fresh one performed with a day five embryo. Due to my DOR diagnosis our embryos were not tested as the Doctor recommended not to affect the embryos we had because of my ovarian condition. The best embryo was selected by the embryologist. On the day of transfer, I was instructed to drink about 32 OZ of water and bring in my estrace pill and Crinone (progesterone supplementation) after the procedure had been completed. The medications were to be continued for 10 days straight with a baby aspirin until a positive pregnancy test in blood ran at the clinic.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Darillis Ramos )
My IVF coordinator Bianca Hernandez was exceptional and a very good communicator. She always did her best to try and respond in a timely manner and I had no problems with her at all. I got to know her along our fertility journey and she was always very compassionate. Dr. Thompson's nurse Darillis, is very direct. She is not very compassionate via email and can be a bit dry in personality but that could just be her persona. As a nurse, she is very clear and always responds in a timely manner.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
IVFMD has excellent nurses and phebotomists. The part that I would be very clear and concise with is the financial department. Ask for every record and receipt and before starting a cycle, you will be asked to pay the full cycle before stimulation or use IVF insurance if applicable. Ask because not all plans are accepted. They work with the Prelude network so find out which IVF insurance plan is accepted. They also offer financial plans to asss with your IVF needs. Find out their interest rate before investing in that type of plan. The financials department with Analis and Daymis are great and they are very helpful but above them check everything in your record because they can make mistakes in financial packages. Note: IVF cycles after the first attempt only get a 10% subsequent discount if you are a grandfathered patient.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
We paid between our Three cycles with Dr. Palmerola at first and then the last two at IVFMD with Doctor Thompson anywhere between $80,000-$100,000 rough estimate possibly including the nutritionist which the medical insurance does not cover and all visits are out of pocket. Well worth the nutirionist visits. The team will orient you with meal plans, supplements that are organic and free of chemicals. They are the top of the line products to help you bring home a baby!
Describe Kimberly Thompson's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Thompson gave us the advice not to test the embryos on the third attempt as in the second IVF stim cycle my medication doses were very high and we lost our embryo in the IVF lab. My body did not respond well to a very high stim so for my third attempt the first round cycle was used to initiate the third IVF cycle of stimulation.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Yes, Only once If I can recall before starting my third attempt I had to fight my way out of having the assigned IVF coordinator the lab wanted me to have. I had to get my Doctor and also the coordinator I wanted involved in order to have her be in charge of my schedule. Ask if they have changed IVF protocols before starting. I remember I needed a PAP test before cycle stimulation and all preliminary tests ran before cycle start.
Her [Dr. Ellen Wood's] strengths: completely straight shooter, explains everything as many times as you need to understand, answers all the questions you bring to her, will take the time to speak with you the phone or answer your emails if you want to deal with her directly and aren't satisfied with a nurse or coordinator. Her weaknesses: She could be a little warmer, but her competence and communication is more important to me and outweighs that.
[IVFMD's] Strengths: they have multiple offices so if you travel you can have make your appointments for blood-work and ultrasounds in a clinic that is the most convenient even if your doctor is out of another clinic. They have an on-call after hours phone line that is responsive, the staff is always kind and professional in their attitudes even if you are upset with them or about something. Weaknesses: Sometimes one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I've had a couple incidents where appointments for tests were made in a way that made it difficult for me as someone who travels to them, when those appointments could have been consolidated. Once I was told I could come up for 2 tests and when I got there they told me they never do those tests on the same day.
How was your experience with Ellen Wood at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Her strengths: completely straight shooter, explains everything as many times as you need to understand, answers all the questions you bring to her, will take the time to speak with you the phone or answer your emails if you want to deal with her directly and aren't satisfied with a nurse or coordinator.
Her weaknesses: She could be a little warmer, but her competence and communication is more important to me and outweighs that.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Ellen Wood at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Write down all of your questions, ask her to slow down and explain something if you don't understand, she will do it. With her and any doctor and staff, pay attention to the details of your treatment. These clinics are busy and things can be missed. I have been the one to follow-up on a lot of the aspects of my treatment. For example: if the doctor mentions a test I should have, I cannot assume that the appointment for that test has been scheduled. Also, I travel for treatments from hours away so I have to make sure that we consolidate tests in as few appointments as possible. They will not remember to do that for you every time and as a new patient it can be frustrating because you don't know what to expect. In subsequent cycles, you should have a better idea of what is involved and make sure that you are paying attention to your treatment and staying on top of everything.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Ellen Wood at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Wood is very blunt and and not particularly delicate but that's ok with me, although if I could have a slightly warmer bedside manner it would be nice. However, it's good to have a straight shooter and not be given false expectations. She seems very competent and has always taken the time to answer all of my questions, which I tend to have a lot of. In that way, she makes me feel human. Now, the clinic is very very busy and that has sometimes made me feel like a number. More than a few times I felt like my coordinator couldn't get back to me when I leave voicemails or emails and that makes me feel like a number. I should say though, that when she does get back to me, she's has more of the bedside manner that Dr. Wood maybe lacks although I don't think her information is always totally accurate and thats when I realize I prefer competence to bedside manner. I had one failed cycle last year, a cancelled cycle last month and am in the middle of a new cycle now. I was told my cycle was cancelled over a voicemail on a Sunday evening and I didn't think that was good. The news is too big and upsetting to get without at least a conversation with my coordinator. I have let them know that I was upset about that and they seem to understand, I think the had to do with my determining appointment being over the weekend (which I think they should have made for the next day, a Monday, for that very reason). I think overall, I find that I have to assert myself a lot to make sure I get the attention I need to feel human. I haven't been to another clinic, I imagine you always have to be your own advocate in that way but of course, I don't know.
Describe the protocols Ellen Wood used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
My first treatment protocol was with follistim and menapur to stimulate ovulation. I did not produce lot of eggs and they even almost cancelled my treatment the first cycle but we ended up with 6 eggs from 4 follicles, 4 fertilized and 2 embryos made it to day 5 for transfer. We were more aggressive in the 2nd cycle and used a different protocol to try to get more eggs. We switched to Low Dose Ovidrel and Gonal -f. Dr. Wood explained that different meds could better my cycle or make the outcome worse and everyone responds differently. Unfortunately I was unresponsive and she wonder's if my Gonal-f was compromised somehow (it has to stay at a certain temperature or can be rendered ineffective.) There's no way knowing though. That cycle was cancelled. It is one month later and we are trying again with the same medicines as my first protocol, Menapur and Follistim but she has doubled the doses. Instead of injections only in the morning, I do them in the morning as well as the evening. Hopefully, since I at least responded to those medications before, the bigger dosages will help me produce more eggs.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Yvonne Martinez)
I've been frustrated with my coordinator. At times I felt she was annoyed with me and all of my questions. I actually ended letting her know I felt that way and she assured me it wasn't the case. She's made a couple mistakes that have upset me. The nurses have all been helpful and compassionate. I should say that Yvonne is also compassionate and I liker her as a person but I feel like I really have to stay on top of her and double check information she gives me. It can be difficult to reach her.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Strengths: they have multiple offices so if you travel you can have make your appointments for blood-work and ultrasounds in a clinic that is the most convenient even if your doctor is out of another clinic. They have an on-call after hours phone line that is responsive, the staff is always kind and professional in their attitudes even if you are upset with them or about something.
Weaknesses: Sometimes one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I've had a couple incidents where appointments for tests were made in a way that made it difficult for me as someone who travels to them, when those appointments could have been consolidated. Once I was told I could come up for 2 tests and when I got there they told me they never do those tests on the same day. They ended up making an exception but that information hadn't been communicated to me so that I cold plan for it.
There has also been a mistake made with my husband's sperm back up. I actually can't remember exactly but I remember hi being very upset, I think they misplaced paperwork. Also, for day of transfer my husband had to wait a very long time for someone to come and retrieve his sample and he was really worried that it might be damaged from the wait time.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Ellen Wood at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I don't know specifics, I think I block them out. But everything is very expensive. I do remember thinking on multiple occasions that for the money I am spending I want better communication.
Describe Ellen Wood's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
She recommended that we transfer my only 2 embryos as they were untested and I am of "advanced maternal age"
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Failed to order appropriate test
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The biggest issues for me have been not calling me with results or answers to my calls or emails, being told to cancel a cycle over voicemail with no one to discuss it with until I insisted, appointments have been mucked up in the past, paperwork on my husband's sperm storage has been mishandled or misplaced (I don't recall specifically) my coordinator has forgotten (I think) to call in a script although she says she did and they just didn't;t receive it. And she also called in the incorrect script for a bundle quote with WINfertility and they cannot change a quote by removing one item, we ended up figuring it out but it was stressful and upsetting and she has given me information that has conflicted with what the doctor has told me as well has with what WINfertility has told me. I'm starting to get upset re-remembering all of this, AHH!
[Dr. Katherine Palmerola] conducts a comprehensive consultation: she personally takes the time to ask about our profession, hobbies and family, medical history, makes notes, performs the physical examination herself, and also the ultrasound. So she has a complete understanding of the patient as a human being...the doctor is empathetic and offers words of encouragement. To be honest, before meeting her, I only wanted to know her diagnostic approach and the cost of treatment to go and find the most economical option. But now, I have so much confidence in her that I can't see myself seeking treatment from anyone else
The [IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] clinic has an excellent location, easy parking, and access. The facilities are comfortable and offer amenities such as Wi-Fi. However, I must say that the waiting times in the waiting room for any procedure are extremely long. If you have a consultation or a laboratory appointment, the wait is at least one hour, regardless of having an appointment. During the wait, you can hear many patients complaining about the wait. The finance department has been transparent so far
How was your experience with Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
The doctor is brilliant. She has an impressive expertise in her field. In the first consultation, she confidently diagnosed me with PCOS and adenomyosis, helping me understand many of the symptoms that have been with me throughout my life and that no one else had been able to diagnose during my annual medical appointments. This completely changed my life and immediately led to a shift in my habits and lifestyle, something I should have done many years ago with the right guidance. Furthermore, the doctor is empathetic and offers words of encouragement. To be honest, before meeting her, I only wanted to know her diagnostic approach and the cost of treatment to go and find the most economical option. But now, I have so much confidence in her that I can't see myself seeking treatment from anyone else
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
My advice would be to communicate all your doubts to the doctor, open up about your medical history, and make the most of every second in the consultation with her because she is an open book
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
With the advancements in technology, I feel that all the details of medical history are filled out by the patient in a digital format, and the doctor during the consultation only has time to review very specific aspects of the diagnosis. Dr P, on the other hand, conducts a comprehensive consultation: she personally takes the time to ask about our profession, hobbies and family, medical history, makes notes, performs the physical examination herself, and also the ultrasound. So she has a complete understanding of the patient as a human being
Describe the protocols Katherine Palmerola used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We are still in the diagnostic phase, we have an appointment with the fertility specialist urologist to address the improvement of my husband's sperm fragmentation. However, she has already informed us that we are candidates for IVF
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
They are always very respectful and perform their duties accurately. However, it's noticeable that they are overloaded with work because they always seem to be in a rush. For instance, once we went to have a blood sample taken from my husband, and we were missing an order for a semen analysis for him that they forgot to give us in the first place. It was quite challenging to get a nurse to provide us with that order. One nurse said she was too busy, another was finishing her shift, and the rest of the staff appeared quite occupied. We felt like we were bothering them, but it was something that we needed. We had to wait a long time for someone to become available and listen to our request
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The clinic has an excellent location, easy parking, and access. The facilities are comfortable and offer amenities such as Wi-Fi. However, I must say that the waiting times in the waiting room for any procedure are extremely long. If you have a consultation or a laboratory appointment, the wait is at least one hour, regardless of having an appointment. During the wait, you can hear many patients complaining about the wait. The finance department has been transparent so far
Describe the costs associated with your care under Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
First appointment plus sonogram: $500
Follow up appointment $200
IVF cost estimated provided by clinic: $19500
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to order appropriate test
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
We were getting done all the tests that the doctor had ordered, and my husband had a laboratory appointment at the clinic. We took the opportunity to request an order for a semen analysis that they had initially forgotten to provide. Asking for it while at the clinic was quite challenging (as explained in a previous point). In the end, they told us they would upload the order to the medical portal, and they did so. The issue was that they ordered a simple semen analysis, and my husband needed a comprehensive one because he had a problem with the sperm morphology. Obviously, we did not know there was a difference and ended up getting the wrong test and no morphology was reported, which cost us both time and money.
Dr. Palmerola cares deeply about her work and it shows. She's extremely thorough, always there to answer a question, and very personable. She made us feel comfortable the whole way through even though logistically our IVF cycle was a bit of a challenge...always responsive, and friendly... only does single embryo transfers...Our reciprocal IVF cycle came out to about $18000...
The entire staff at IVFMD is a bit of a mess. You have to chase them down for even the most basic information, forms, etc. You can't rely on them to stay on top of things, you are really on your own. Despite being a clinic that offers very time-sensitive procedures, it can (and often does) all go off course because of failures of the administrative staff...a bit of a factory, and a disorganized one at that...
How was your experience with Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Palmerola cares deeply about her work and it shows. She's extremely thorough, always there to answer a question, and very personable. She made us feel comfortable the whole way through even though logistically our IVF cycle was a bit of a challenge.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Ask questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Palmerola was always responsive, and friendly.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The entire staff at IVFMD is a bit of a mess. You have to chase them down for even the most basic information, forms, etc. You can't rely on them to stay on top of things, you are really on your own. Despite being a clinic that offers very time-sensitive procedures, it can (and often does) all go off course because of failures of the administrative staff.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Palmerola is wonderful but IVFMD is a bit of a factory, and a disorganized one at that. You need to stay completely on top of the medicines you need, etc., because the nursing and administrative staff will absolutely drop the ball. They will write you the wrong prescriptions, forget to send your prescriptions, forget to verify your benefits with your insurance, the works. If you have any questions, be prepared to be on hold for 20 to 30 minutes, and sometimes longer. You will have to chase them down for every last thing and it really adds stress to an already stressful process.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Katherine Palmerola at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Our reciprocal IVF cycle came out to about $18000
Describe Katherine Palmerola's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I believe the clinic where Dr. Palmerola practices only does single embryo transfers.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost paperwork
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Canceled a cycle due to clinic error
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
You cannot rely on the administrative staff at all, and you are at their mercy.
The first time I met Dr. Eisermann, I was in the stirrups covered with a paper blanket awaiting a biopsy of my uterine lining. Dr. Eisermann strolled in and started asking questions about who had referred me to his practice, since I was doing outside monitoring with IVFMD. When he heard who my primary IVF physician was, at a competing practice, he immediately said, "When you have nothing good to say, better not to say anything at all." I felt shamed as I respect my previous doctor, and I felt myself becoming defensive.
Many things would go wrong or were not smooth [at IVFMD]. For example, about a half of the time the clinic would misplace me in their paperwork, and not know where I physically was...don't expect there to be any coordination or competence among the billing staff. You will have to ask multiple people the same question over and over again for them to do simple things like, check your insurance eligibility. They will stick you twice with needles because they can't get it right the first time. They will lose track of you in the office. They will lose your papers. I had multiple ultrasounds at this clinic and it wasn't until a doctor did an ultrasound that they found a fibroid - and for that I am thankful. But it makes you wonder - what did they miss in all the prior visits? What quality care am I receiving?
How was your experience with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
The first time I met Dr. Eisermann, I was in the stirrups covered with a paper blanket awaiting a biopsy of my uterine lining. Dr. Eisermann strolled in and started asking questions about who had referred me to his practice, since I was doing outside monitoring with IVFMD. When he heard who my primary IVF physician was, at a competing practice, he immediately said, "When you have nothing good to say, better not to say anything at all." I felt shamed as I respect my previous doctor, and I felt myself becoming defensive. While half un-clothed. He also warned me that the course of action I was taking was not what he would have done for me - in fact, he made me feel like I was making the wrong decision. He was negative about whether I should do a transfer. On a separate occasion, I asked Dr. Eisermann if he would be interested in lobbying the government for expanded fertility benefits. He gave me an emphatic no, because opening IVF to more coverage and more physicians would dilute the quality of care he would be able to give because he would have more competition. In my book, more competition drives quality, because then you have to start comparing clinics based on their results.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I would strongly recommend against it. I would go in with eyes wide open and attempt to see what the incentives are at play for him. He is not in this business to help you grow your family. He's in this business to grow his bank account, and it shows.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
This office is terribly run. The balls are dropped left and right, and customer service is non-existent. This practice couldn't recognize when I was in the office -they would call me to ask me to come up when I am sitting in the waiting room.
Describe the protocols Juergen Eisermann used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I did not do a cycle with this physician. I did outside monitoring here.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I have been to this clinic about 12 times for outside monitoring. Each time except once it was a terrible experience. Many things would go wrong or were not smooth. For example, about a half of the time the clinic would misplace me in their paperwork, and not know where I physically was. This typically happened when the front desk staff didn't tell the nurses that I was there, and the nurses wouldn't bother to walk 5 feet (or call out) to me in the waiting area behind the admin desk that I was there. Multiple times the nurses would have trouble finding a vein, call my veins "wiggly" or "weak". In my previous IVF clinic this NEVER happened, and I have been there 100+ times for blood. Moreover, and this might just be one thing, every single person working in this clinic has inch-long plastic, decorated fingernails. How is it even possible to put on gloves when this is the case? Also, the nurses would only inconsistently checked my identity when drawing blood. This clinic under-hires and under-pays its nursing staff, so you don't get the best in class service that your dollar should buy. IVF MD does this because the owners take home more at the end of the day.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The only strength is the location in South Miami. Every other aspect of this experience is terrible. Let's start at the beginning. You have to pay for valet parking but they don't park your car (covid). The space is small and cramped and decorated with paisleys from the 80s. This does not bother me, but it does make you wonder - I spend more money on this clinic than I spend at Disney World. Why is this tiny space so terribly maintained? Makes you wonder where all the money goes. Next, don't expect there to be any coordination or competence among the billing staff. You will have to ask multiple people the same question over and over again for them to do simple things like, check your insurance eligibility. They will stick you twice with needles because they can't get it right the first time. They will lose track of you in the office. They will lose your papers. I had multiple ultrasounds at this clinic and it wasn't until a doctor did an ultrasound that they found a fibroid - and for that I am thankful. But it makes you wonder - what did they miss in all the prior visits? What quality care am I receiving?
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
This clinic bills $600 for a simple blood draw and ultrasound. I didn't do a cycle here but can't imagine a the full price. Suffice to say that the copay for a fibroid removal surgery was more than my egg retrieval in NYC.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Lost paperwork
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Lost results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I had most ultrasounds go smoothly and a fibroid was missed week over week. I was informed after blood was drawn that I would receive the results the next day because my "appointment was too late." This clinic could have afforded a blood processing machine decades ago. They didn't prioritize patient experience because they had little competition, and few patients can actually go to different clinics and compare service. As a Miami native, I wish Miami could do better here.
Stim cycle [with Dr. Roseff] was done using Follistim, Ganirelix, Menopur, Growth Hormone, and HCG for the trigger shot. This produced 14 eggs, 9 of which fertilized, and 5 of which were normal after PGT-A...treats his patients like humans, for sure. He remembers family details about his patients, and tailors each couples treatment plan specifically to them based on their needs and wishes (no "cookie-cutter" IVF here!). He called after-hours to check on how we were doing post transfer, and he and his staff were always there to support us through thick and thin.
we had access to help 24/7/365 during our treatment [with IVFMD South Florida]. Beyond that, the two offices we went to (Boca and Cooper City) are among the best-run doctor’s offices we have ever been to -- the longest we waited past our appointment time was 20 minutes, and that happened only twice during our whole course of treatment (both were ultrasounds on holiday weekends). Normally appointments start on-time or even early (if you show up promptly 15 minutes ahead of time, as you’ll be asked to).
How was your experience with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Roseff had us both do more thorough testing than any other provider we went to, and then developed an individualized treatment plan for us based on our specific fertility issues. This saved us considerable emotional and financial stress. He is deeply knowledgeable of his field, can explain it at a high or low level, is always keeping up-to-date with the latest treatment innovations (as he says "The way we do things today is different than how we did them 6 months ago; this field is ALWAYS evolving!", and totally up-front and honest when providing you with the information you need to help him make the best possible treatment decision for you. He was always genuinely looking out for our best interests (medically, emotionally, and financially), and was very much rooting for us throughout our time with him. He always made himself available for questions and ensured they were satisfactorily answered, and he never rushed us through a visit. After our FET he called us (after-hours!) to check in and see how we were doing!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Listen to him carefully, and follow his instructions to the letter! Just trust him!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Roseff treats his patients like humans, for sure. He remembers family details about his patients, and tailors each couples treatment plan specifically to them based on their needs and wishes (no "cookie-cutter" IVF here!). He called after-hours to check on how we were doing post transfer, and he and his staff were always there to support us through thick and thin.
Describe the protocols Scott Roseff used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Stim cycle was done using Follistim, Ganirelix, Menopur, Growth Hormone, and HCG for the trigger shot. This produced 14 eggs, 9 of which fertilized, and 5 of which were normal after PGT-A. FET cycle was done with Lupron, followed by Vivelle, Estrace, Progesterone Capsules, and Progesterone injections. One FET cycle with a single embryo resulted in a pregnancy (currently 12 weeks).
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kristi)
Everyone was very kind, caring and understanding. Many members of the staff have gone through IVF themselves, so they fully appreciate what you are going through. Having healthcare providers that have experience as a patient with the things you are going through is very valuable. They helped us with big things and little things - from suggestions of alternative injection sites, to dealing with mental anguish of implantation spotting.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The Boca office is not a full-service office, so you will need to go to Cooper City, Jupiter, or Miami (patients get to choose their preferred location) for egg retrieval and implantation or for ultrasounds on weekends/holidays. This, however, is not a draw-back because it also means we had access to help 24/7/365 during our treatment. Beyond that, the two offices we went to (Boca and Cooper City) are among the best-run doctor’s offices we have ever been to -- the longest we waited past our appointment time was 20 minutes, and that happened only twice during our whole course of treatment (both were ultrasounds on holiday weekends). Normally appointments start on-time or even early (if you show up promptly 15 minutes ahead of time, as you’ll be asked to).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
$11k for stim cycle, $8k for transfer, not including meds or testing costs.
Describe Scott Roseff's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Roseff only does single embryo transfers due to the high success rate they have with their FET protocol.
Dr. Thompson is invested in my road to motherhood. She prays with you and dances for good luck. She believes that it only takes one no mater what the odds are. In my case diminished ovarian reserve. But at the same time, in a caring manner she gives you odds and your chances and is very clear...When something doesn’t go according to plan, she picks up the phone and calls me herself...My first ivf try was turned iui because I only had 2 mature follicles
The earliest appointment [at IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] is 7am . If you are lucky to get that appointment you still won’t make it to work by 8...the staff does try to work with you as much as humanly possible. Discuss treatment with your doctor and know exactly what you will need. Finance is a different department...the doctor does tailor treatment for your unique experience
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson is invested in my road to motherhood. She prays with you and dances for good luck. She believes that it only takes one no mater what the odds are. In my case diminished ovarian reserve. But at the same time, in a caring manner she gives you odds and your chances and is very clear.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Be sincere up front. What you have already done, tried, what hasn’t worked. And what you are not willing to do. Be transparent from the beginning.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson really knows my case. When something doesn’t go according to plan, she picks up the phone and calls me herself.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Dr. Thompson discovered that my vitamin d was extremely low. She placed me in a plan of 10,000 mm a day to raise it. She also discovered a polyp right where an embryo would need to attach. She performed the procedure to have it removed.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
All of the nurses have a specific role. They all perform their duties well and with professionalism. Of course over time you develop a relationship with some of the staff.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The earliest appointment is 7am . If you are lucky to get that appointment you still won’t make it to work by 8.
Be prepared to miss work. There are lots of appointments. However, the staff does try to work with you as much as humanly possible. Discuss treatment with your doctor and know exactly what you will need. Finance is a different department. Get all of the information from your doctor so you can make the best decision when picking a package. The care really is amazing. I don’t feel like a number. I the doctor does tailor treatment for your unique experience.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
It depends on the cycle and the package you choose.
Ivf package approx - 18,000
Iui approx - a few thousand
Describe Kimberly Thompson's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
My first ivf try was turned iui because I only had 2 mature follicles.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Two tests my vitamin d and my husband’s semen analysis I had to call and follow up to receive the results.
Dr. Bustillo was amazing from the second we sat down in her office. She thoroughly explained where we were at, our next options, and what may be the potential outcomes. She is very direct and blunt which I love. Some may need to look beyond this and understand she is very experienced and has been doing this for years...She makes sure to explain what the best course of treatment to take and why.
All the nurses at IVFMD have been sensitive and have very supportive. They have been able to answer any of my questions / concerns. Throughout all my visits for ultrasounds & procedures they have made it easy and comforting...Each IUI treatment was $1,400 [including ultrasounds, medicines & treatment]. The IVF quote recently obtained for Fresh IVF direct to Frozen embryo transfer was $16,618 [excluding medication and preliminary tests] . Medication may range between $4,000-6,000, per quote obtained. So all in, each IVF cycle would average approx. $22,600 [excluding preliminary test].
How was your experience with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Bustillo was amazing from the second we sat down in her office. She thoroughly explained where we were at, our next options, and what may be the potential outcomes. She is very direct and blunt which I love. Some may need to look beyond this and understand she is very experienced and has been doing this for years.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
She is very direct and blunt . Some may need to look beyond this and understand she is very experienced and has been doing this for years.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Bustillo along all the staff at IVFMD are kind, understanding and patient. What I appreciate most about Dr. Bustillo is how clear and straight-forward she is. She makes sure to explain what the best course of treatment to take and why. I really felt she took their time to get to know my productive needs.
Describe the protocols Maria Bustillo used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Treatment is currently ongoing. However, when we first went under Dr. Bustillo's care in 2018 she advised that IUI would be the best next treatment. My husband and I were not ready for this at that point in time. Fast forward a year later, we were back with Dr. Bustillo, ready for her care. We used: Femara [2.5mg], Ovidrel [250mcg/0.5ml] and followed by IUI. In between the medications I would go in to get ultrasounds performed to see the growth of my follicles and lining. As these were unsuccessful for us, Dr. Bustillo has advised we change our course of treatments to IVF. Given i) high costs and ii) the current economic conditions with COVID, all treatment has been placed on paused.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
All the nurses at IVFMD have been sensitive and have very supportive. They have been able to answer any of my questions / concerns. Throughout all my visits for ultrasounds & procedures they have made it easy and comforting.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Highly recommend this clinic for anyone struggling with infertility. Everyone from the front desk staff to the Doctors are very knowledgeable, organized and compassionate. You will not feel like another number here.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Each IUI treatment was $1,400 [including ultrasounds, medicines & treatment]. The IVF quote recently obtained for Fresh IVF direct to Frozen embryo transfer was $16,618 [excluding medication and preliminary tests] . Medication may range between $4,000-6,000, per quote obtained. So all in, each IVF cycle would average approx. $22,600 [excluding preliminary test].
She [Dr. Kimberly Thompson] has been doing this for over 20 years...she chose my plan based on the blood work done, my weight and my PCOS...We are both male and female factor infertility, so my husband needs to have TESE done at the same time as I undergo the egg retrieval. Now that COVID-19 is running rampid, my stims were canceled because the urologist cannot perform elective surgery...
[nurse of IVFMD] is very nice and helpful...Doctors visits are covered by my insurance; I just pay my copay...The IVF with ICSI is going to be about 16k, give or take a few hundred. Every transfer after the first is $5,699...The biggest weakness of this practice is that the calls go to an operator in another location and there's not direct number to the front desk...
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson is very sweet. She is always smiling. I trust her completely in this process. She is honest, but soft with her delivery. She is very detailed in her explanations. We actually never "shopped around" for different doctors. She was recommended by the urologist and once we met her we were very pleased with the recommendation and never looked back. Her appointments do run behind, but I am okay with it because I know when it is my turn she won't be rushing through anything. She gives every patient the attention they need.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Clear your day for the first visit with her (or every one if possible). She runs behind, but more than anything I say this because it is a lot of information to process. She gives you options, brings up things you my not have thought about. She is very thorough. She's a wonderful doctor; you'll see!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I am really glad that my husband and I chose IVFMD and Dr. Thompson for our IVF. Dr. Thompson is such a nice person. It is obvious she enjoys what she does and is very knowledgeable. She has been doing this for over 20 years. She is a cheerful person. Some time she has to break bad news to patients, but she always lays out all the options and seems to have genuine hope for the individuals in her voice. My husband and I have had hour long appointments in her office where she is simply explaining things to us on our level, so that we are clear of everything. I really appreciate this. We are both male and female factor infertility, so my husband needs to have TESE done at the same time as I undergo the egg retrieval. Now that COVID-19 is running rampid, my stims were canceled because the urologist cannot perform elective surgery in the hospital he works out of. Dr. Thompson called me herself to break the news to me. That was very kind.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I have not started medicine, but she told me she chose my plan based on the blood work done, my weight and my PCOS. She explained that she also has a back up plan for if the medication doesn't show her enough progress with my eggs as the stims goes on.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Sasha, then Nereida)
Sasha is very sweet. She has worked there very long, so she knows a lot. She remembers me and things about me that I'm surprised by knowing how many patients go through there. It's impressive. Everyone else is very nice and helpful too.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
All the front desk girls are very helpful, very empathetic, and easy to deal with. I am really happy about that, since most communication is through them. The biggest weakness of this practice is that the calls go to an operator in another location and there's not direct number to the front desk. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get a hold of the front desk. When calling for my doctors nurse it is a recording, but the nurse calls back within a few hours every time. It's just always a back and forth with that office and the phone system, but that is because it's so busy there.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Doctors visits are covered by my insurance; I just pay my copay. Some blood work can be done there for convenience purposes, but its $75. I buy vitamins and supplements there and it costs less than outside of the office. The IVF with ICSI is going to be about 16k, give or take a few hundred. Every transfer after the first is $5,699.
Describe Kimberly Thompson's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I am 33. She said she will only transfer one embryo at a time.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Just failed to call in a prescription, but this is not a big deal.
Dr Thompson is the real deal. Her knowledge on every situation that came up in my journey as well as her ability to explain it to my husband and I so we understood and could make the best choices are beyond compare. We absolutely love her. After my unfortunate miscarriage she called us to see how we were dealing with things and scheduled every lab work imaginable to see what could have led to it so we could prevent another one down the road. It feels like family every time we see her. She’s made an anxious and very overwhelming time in our lives very pleasant. We love her!
She [nurse at IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] was super organized, kept me updated on every change, was always available by phone or email with any questions and was really friendly and helpful. We were super impressed with her!...Total cost for egg retrieval, PGS testing, embryo freezing and transfer were about $19,000. This didn’t include the medicines which I paid for separately at SMP Pharmacy.
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr Thompson is the real deal. Her knowledge on every situation that came up in my journey as well as her ability to explain it to my husband and I so we understood and could make the best choices are beyond compare. We absolutely love her. After my unfortunate miscarriage she called us to see how we were dealing with things and scheduled every lab work imaginable to see what could have led to it so we could prevent another one down the road. It feels like family every time we see her. She’s made an anxious and very overwhelming time in our lives very pleasant. We love her!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Book her quickly. The word of mouth referrals this doctor gets is incredible. I was referred to her by my sister who had a few friends recommending her to each other. Bring all your questions - she will answer them with details and with grace.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr Thompson’s bedside manner is beyond amazing. I feel like I’ve known her forever. If you want to feel like your Dr truly cares about you as a person and will go into every detail to get you your results, Dr Thompson is it.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I can’t remember specific details on treatment strategies but we used Gonal-F, Menopur and a combo HCG + Lupron trigger.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Bianca Hernandez)
She is fantastic. I am lucky to have been assigned to her. She was super organized, kept me updated on every change, was always available by phone or email with any questions and was really friendly and helpful. We were super impressed with her!
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
A major strength of this clinic is that everyone is really friendly. They all seem to work really well together on managing patients’ cases. They celebrate your successes with you and also share in your sad times. I look forward to seeing everyone when I go to my appointments.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Total cost for egg retrieval, PGS testing, embryo freezing and transfer were about $19,000. This didn’t include the medicines which I paid for separately at SMP Pharmacy.
With doctor Soto he immediately knew that my case shouldn’t have been this hard and, ran some more tests and made a proper transfer cycle for me. The first try with doctor Soto was a success...Doctor Soto showed care, compassion, I never ever felt like I am bothering him with anything....
This clinic [IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] was so highly organized I never had to follow up on anything and everything was automatic...They would always call to check up on me after every procedure, medicine was always ordered and delivered immediately. When I had a problem at night, the on call service was so extremely helpful...
How was your experience with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Doctor Soto is honestly the most amazing doctor I have ever had. After being in care of another physician about a year and a half ago at 27 years old, perfectly healthy with unexplained infertility I finally felt like I am In great hands. With my previous doctor my transfers kept on failing and I had to keep pushing new ideas on her with her refusing to take any innovative steps. With doctor Soto he immediately knew that my case shouldn’t have been this hard and, ran some more tests and made a proper transfer cycle for me. The first try with doctor Soto was a success after my four PGS normal embryos that were wasted in failed transfers at the previous colic
and I am currently 14 weeks pregnant. His abilities are absolutely incredible and after my previous care I realized that I should never settle. Doctor Soto showed care, compassion, I never ever felt like I am bothering him with anything and was a true angel. I am so eternally grateful and my biggest regret is that I didn’t find him sooner. Thank you for my miracle baby!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Be open about everything, don’t be afraid to ask questions. He will not judge or make you feel bad about wanting things done a certain way.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Doctor Soto heard every concern of mine without pushing agendas or making me feel like I was bothering him in any way which was completely different to my previous experience with another doctor.
Describe the protocols Enrique Soto used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I’ve had three failed transfers at my previous clinic. One was a medicated transfer which failed and I knew it was wrong for my body to my reaction since second attempt failed due to breakthrough bleeding. I then had to advocate for natural transfer which resulted in a miscarriage. Afterwards I did I again with two PGS normal embryos and it was negative. Then finally I switched and went to doctor Soto and he agreed natural cycle is the way to go, I was put on letrozole and we monitored ovulation and after my trigger shot we transferred after 7 days. My previous clinic did it after 6 which clearly was wrong. I also was tested for estrogen levels after the transfer which were e tre my low and I never was tested for that at the previous clinic as I was told it’s not necessary since it’s a natural transfer. I started with estrogen patches and pills and continued my progesterone suppositories.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jessica Hernandez)
Jessica was always there for me to answer all my questions even though at times I wasn’t easy because of my horrible previous experience and failures. She never judged me for my freak out moments and always calmed me down
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
This clinic was so highly organized I never had to follow up on anything and everything was automatic. At my previous clinic I constantly had to follow up on everything and this was so refreshing ! They would always call to check up on me after every procedure, medicine was always ordered and delivered immediately. When I had a problem at night, the on call service was so extremely helpful.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I don’t remember the costs
Describe Enrique Soto's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Thompson and her staff were so kind, always answering my (many) questions and making me feel safe and secure throughout the entire egg freezing process. She explained the process in great detail and the possible outcomes. Everything went exactly as scheduled. I was told to buy exactly the amount of drugs I needed, so I didn't have to overpay for drugs I wasn't using (I've heard this happens a lot with egg freezing). I am in my very late 30's and have PCOS, and thought maybe this was going to be a waste of time, but the regimen they put me on was perfect for me and we got plenty of eggs out.
I only have strengths to mention as I was content throughout the entire process [at IVFMD]. I didn't have to wait too long, everything went as planned, the staff is kind and receptive. I would highly recommend this practice and Dr. Thompson to anyone with fertility concerns...I was given great instructions on how to self inject and went in every other day during treatment to have an ultrasound and get my blood taken. I felt safe and at ease throughout the entire process...[nursing staff] Makes you feel important and responds to all questions quickly and clearly...Dr. Thompson and her staff were so kind, always answering my (many) questions and making me feel safe and secure throughout the entire egg freezing process. She explained the process in great detail and the possible outcomes. Everything went exactly as scheduled. I was told to buy exactly the amount of drugs I needed, so I didn't have to overpay for drugs I wasn't using (I've heard this happens a lot with egg freezing). I am in my very late 30's and have PCOS, and thought maybe this was going to be a waste of time, but the regimen they put me on was perfect for me and we got plenty of eggs out.
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I don't have anything negative to say at all. The entire experience surpassed by expectations. I am so happy and grateful for Dr. Thompson and the entire staff at IVFMD. From the start, I was hesitant about the egg retrieval process as I am in my very late 30's and have PCOS. Dr. Thompson explained to me the possible outcomes and the realistic future of what occurs later when and if the eggs are used. She was honest, kind and extremely knowledgeable. I felt comfortable throughout the entire process and was very happy with the results.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Listen to your doctor and do as she reccommends
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson and her staff were so kind, always answering my (many) questions and making me feel safe and secure throughout the entire egg freezing process. She explained the process in great detail and the possible outcomes. Everything went exactly as scheduled. I was told to buy exactly the amount of drugs I needed, so I didn't have to overpay for drugs I wasn't using (I've heard this happens a lot with egg freezing). I am in my very late 30's and have PCOS, and thought maybe this was going to be a waste of time, but the regimen they put me on was perfect for me and we got plenty of eggs out.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I was given great instructions on how to self inject and went in every other day during treatment to have an ultrasound and get my blood taken. I felt safe and at ease throughout the entire process
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Adriana )
Makes you feel important and responds to all questions quickly and clearly
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I only have strengths to mention as I was content throughout the entire process. I didn't have to wait too long, everything went as planned, the staff is kind and receptive. I would highly recommend this practice and Dr. Thompson to anyone with fertility concerns.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I paid about $3500 in meds and $6000 in doctor costs. About $9500 total.
I was pleasantly surprised with the level of care and communication that I had with Dr Eisermann and his IVF Coordinator Jodi. They were great and always answered my questions and never made me feel inferior. Dr. Eisermann also had excellent bedside manner and made his best to make me feel at ease and as if he really truly cares...He was very honest with us from the very beginning about the low success rate we could expect if we used my own eggs due to my diminished ovarian reserve. He never made us feel rushed or pressured into choosing any specific treatment or protocol. He also worked very well with my local doctor when it came to making all of the arrangements for my treatment and deciding what would work best for me based on my particular case. On the day of the embryo transfer, he was very kind and gentle and was very comforting. I felt a little rushed, but I think that's just because he is so used to doing the procedure. But he spoke with my husband both before and after the transfer, making sure we had no questions for him and to give us his best wishes for a positive pregnancy.
Because of my endometriosis, I was put on a month of oral birth control and about three weeks of Lupron prior to embryo transfer [at IVFMD South Florida]...They [nurses] communicated well and always answered my questions in a timely manner...The IVF transfer alone was about $10,000.00 The medication and monitoring was paid separately (and the purchasing of donor eggs). All that other stuff was about another $15,000.00
How was your experience with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
He has been doing this for a very long time and is therefore very knowledgeable. He was very honest with us from the very beginning about the low success rate we could expect if we used my own eggs due to my diminished ovarian reserve. He never made us feel rushed or pressured into choosing any specific treatment or protocol. He also worked very well with my local doctor when it came to making all of the arrangements for my treatment and deciding what would work best for me based on my particular case. On the day of the embryo transfer, he was very kind and gentle and was very comforting. I felt a little rushed, but I think that's just because he is so used to doing the procedure. But he spoke with my husband both before and after the transfer, making sure we had no questions for him and to give us his best wishes for a positive pregnancy.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
You won't be speaking directly with him most of the time, so its best to be patient with his staff who will do most of the liaising with patients.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
After a not so great experience with the assistant staff for another doctor within the same clinic, I was pleasantly surprised with the level of care and communication that I had with Dr Eisermann and his IVF Coordinator Jodi. They were great and always answered my questions and never made me feel inferior. Dr. Eisermann also had excellent bedside manner and made his best to make me feel at ease and as if he really truly cares.
Describe the protocols Juergen Eisermann used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
He had all of our information from tests and stuff done with previous doctors, so the only other things we had to do was repeat a sperm analysis and get immunological blood work on me. The blood work showed that I had antiphosolipids so he added an anti-coagulant medication to my regimen on the day of transfer. Because of my endometriosis, I was put on a month of oral birth control and about three weeks of Lupron prior to embryo transfer. I've also been given progesterone support via PIO injections and vaginal suppositories, and I've been taking estrogen orally, vaginally and with patches. So far everything looks good, we will be having our Beta HCG later this week.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
They were all very good. They communicated well and always answered my questions in a timely manner. I also felt very confident in them and felt secure in knowing that my concerns or questions were actually making it back to the doctor and they weren't just using their own discretion on what was necessary and what wasn't, which was a relief since I didn't get that experience with some other staff members at a different clinic.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
It is very nice and clean. The downsides are that parking is difficult if you do not use Valet Parking, and sometimes the wait can be long (and the waiting room gets a little crowded sometimes). Also billing can sometimes be a bit time consuming. Another thing I liked was, that because I am an international patient, I had to order a lot of my medication and they were very accomodating with receiving the packages on my behalf and storing them for me until such time as I was able to collect them.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The IVF transfer alone was about $10,000.00 The medication and monitoring was paid separately (and the purchasing of donor eggs). All that other stuff was about another $15,000.00
I constantly had to remind him [Dr. Scott Roseff] of my case specifics each time. He also rushes us out of the consolations that we wait over a month to go to...will refer you to their labs, nutritionists, acupuncturist, sell you supplements and close to a year later they will actually start to discuss IVF...we did an IUI with Letrozole. We did lupron, menopure, gonadropin, and human growth hormone during stimulations for about10 days. We go two eggs retrieved which turned into 2 embryos. We did PGT testing on embryos
when you actually go through the protocols [at IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] you realize you are just a number and they are practicing on you and some don't even know your case they don't communicate with other doctors and nurses and you get lost in the shuffle of the practice. No personal one on one attention...[nurse] Didn't really seemed like she knew what she was doing...$10,000 for testing $800 for IUI $13,000 for stimulation cycle $8,000 for medications
How was your experience with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Roseff angrily dismissed us as patients after our last consultation didn't go so well. He clearly didn't want to hurt his IVF stats. He is a clever salesperson, because he will go online while you are in his office and show you the stats of his practice that they are number 1 in the state. Although he claims that he understands everyone wants a baby yesterday, his actions as a doctor speak differently. In our initial tests, it came up low thyroid & vitamin D, yet he made us wait over a month & half after the bloodwork was performed to let us know the results and to be put on thyroid medication and vitamin D. Thats a whole cycle down the drain of just waiting for them. There are other examples where he waisted time in our cycle. He makes you wait a month to get test results rather than calling with the results if it means you need to start a medication because your thyroid is low. Dr. Roseff, after all the testing, he will not make another appointment with you until you visit his nutritionist . They make you drive all the way down to miami to meet with a woman named Martha to tell you what supplements to take and then never speak about the supplements or follow up on how its going with the supplements since the the hike he made me take all the way down south Miami. There is a lot of red tape. Then when we tried to leave his practice for another local Dr who seemed to be a little quicker in his treatment practices, Dr. Roseff ended up trashing the Dr. and sort of scaring us into leaving his practice for that other Dr. Dr. Roseff also likes to sell tons and tons of testing to you and he never reviews in thorough the results of the test or what the point of the test was. Its like he makes money on all the tests. Little things too, such as constantly forgetting my medical allergies to latex at every appointment became frustrating. And since Dr. Roseff himself will not perform the IUI or Egg Retrieval other doctors in the practice will perform procedures on you and they fail to read patient notes its like they all don't communicate with one another, so my one of my procedures the Dr wasn't familiar with my anatomy and actually needed to do a ultrasounds guided. I got stuck with another Dr. who had a very poor bedside manner and was extremely mean to me. Overall, Dr. Roseff although had great reviews and is why went to him to begin with, I think that he has been around for a while and has probably had successes, but its more like a factory with a lot of red tape. There is also a lot of new medical research that Dr. Roseff is failing to institute in their practice, such as using 500 IU of HCG for a uterine wash prior to the embryo transfer to jump start the implantation process. Another concern I had was the inositol powder they are prescribing to every patient. Inositol powder actually counters egg support and should only taken if you have PCOS. They have made a lot of mistakes with our case, and time that ticks away is priceless for us. After dismissing us, we decided to go with a practice who has one to one patient care.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I wish that I had the advice that I am about to give. I would have a whole year of my life back. Expect to be treated more as a statistical number than anything else. These doctors are not the owners of the practice which means there will be no sense of urgency, or catering to individual needs. They will refer you to their labs, nutritionists, acupuncturist, sell you supplements and close to a year later they will actually start to discuss IVF.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Each time we would say what our goal was in our journey, He would say that we were not the only patient who has this goal. He basically grouped us together with the masses and didn't look at our specific case. We barely ever saw him, he doesn't practice medicine on me as a patient, he only reviews our charts, and yet he never remembers our own specifics to our case. I constantly had to remind him of my case specifics each time. He also rushes us out of the consolations that we wait over a month to go to.
Describe the protocols Scott Roseff used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I was put on synthroid, vitamin D, vita pearl ( prenatal) inositol powder, coq10, pqq, fish oil, probiotic ultra flora balance, and Alph lipoid acid to start. Then we did an IUI with Letrozole. We did lupron, menopure, gonadropin, and human growth hormone during stimulations for about10 days. We go two eggs retrieved which turned into 2 embryos. We did PGT testing on embryos and they came back normal. Dr. Roseff never allowed us to transfer our embryos.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kristi Rohrbacher)
Not much to say, Didn't really seemed like she knew what she was doing.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
They have a good reputation but when you actually go through the protocols you realize you are just a number and they are practicing on you and some don't even know your case they don't communicate with other doctors and nurses and you get lost in the shuffle of the practice. No personal one on one attention.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
$10,000 for testing
$800 for IUI
$13,000 for stimulation cycle
$8,000 for medications
Describe Scott Roseff's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Roseff never allowed us to transfer our embryos.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
he [Dr. Soto] never ask any of the personal questions that other fertility drs take the time to ask. We totally felt rushed through...the dr failed to review and follow with bloodwork for my TSH, resulted in being over medicated and no one ordered any test until I requested after my 2nd IUI cycle...He didn’t change my protocol even though I asked the nurse since first cycle didn’t work....
Nurse Jessica [at IVFMD Miami] was kind in general, replies to your emails in a timely manner with some exemption that it took a week; also felt she was in a rush and sometimes felt bothered for me asking questions, 2nd IUI I asked for a change in medication or days administered to ask my dr, she advised to maintain same protocol. Once again be your own advocate....
How was your experience with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Soto was a kind and polite doctor. We’ve been on the Infertility route for 7+ years so I’ve learned on the subject throughout the years. I’m very familiar with procedures, medication and options. He explained what treatment will be done in the near future. But he doesn’t ask many questions of you or your partner medical history. He rushed through a bit of our medical history, gave me a prescription for thyroid medication and went on to ultrasound where he found my fibroids;I totally forgot to mentioned and was never ask if had any type of polyps or fibroids, he never ask any of the personal questions that other fertility drs take the time to ask. We totally felt rushed through. Our initial consultation only last 15 minutes. I was shocked. Then my 2nd and last time I saw him was my follow up after all testing. Same impression quick visit and him surprised I could understand everything easily. He thought within a matter of 2 IUI I will be pregnant not the case. He failed to follow up my thyroid medication during my IUI cycles and I was over medicated, my TSH Levels were nonexistent when I requested being checked again for them to lower my medication. I won’t be going back to this dr again. Only reason I stayed there because insurance paid for bloodwork and initial visit. I learned I rather paid all out of pocket.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Have a list of questions, don’t expect him asking a lot of detail questions. Make sure to ask what baseline blood tests will they be do doing. Don’t asume like I did with my thyroid medication. As much as you can ASK Questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I was kindly treated while under their care, but feel the appointment were rush through.
Describe the protocols Enrique Soto used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
On our 1st IUI cycle we used Letrozole 5mg CD3-7 and Trigger shot Ovidrel 250.
2nd IUI Letrozole 5mg CD3-7 and Trigger shot Ovidrel 250.
He didn’t change my protocol even though I asked the nurse since first cycle didn’t work.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jessica)
Nurse Jessica was kind in general, replies to your emails in a timely manner with some exemption that it took a week; also felt she was in a rush and sometimes felt bothered for me asking questions, 2nd IUI I asked for a change in medication or days administered to ask my dr, she advised to maintain same protocol. Once again be your own advocate.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Overall front desk department is good, everyone is very polite and attentive too. Only thing when making your initial appointment make sure to ask if your dr is going on vacation. When I called they booked my appointment never mentioned that after my initial consultation my dr was leaving for a whole month and half. They wanted me to wait 2 whole months to start testing and then my treatments. Anybody who has been on this road waiting is the least you want. All my initial testing were done by another dr in the meantime he came back from vacation.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
CD3 pelvic ultrasound- $216.00
CD3 blood work- $299.00 (includes estradiol, fsh, lh and bhcg)
Baseline ultrasound $186.00
IUI's- $409.00 each (office does 2 IUI's per cycle) includes sperm preparation and insemination. If using a frozen vial, an additional fee of $125.00 for thawing will be charged
Progesterone blood test- $99.00
BHCG pregnancy test- $84.00
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
the dr failed to review and follow with bloodwork for my TSH, resulted in being over medicated and no one ordered any test until I requested after my 2nd IUI cycle.
Dr. Soto has a great bedside manner and is very kind. He provides a lot of detailed information and always allows room for questions and concerns.... He had my husband go see a fertility urologist because our need to do IVF is male factor infertility. He gave us suggestions and advice for increasing my husbands sperm count and for me to increase my egg count and quality....I wasn't made aware of my low egg count until very recently and I have been seeing Dr. Soto for all the initial prep work and procedures for IVF since October.
The entire office staff at IVFMD are so kind, patient, and friendly. Dr. Soto took his time with my husband and I during each appointment, answered all our questions, and provided tons of information in a very kind and calm manner. I truly felt as though he was looking at our case individually and not as another appointment on his schedule.... Very nice clinic facilities, on the higher end with a nice and welcoming waiting room. All office staff are very kind and informative. The only negative is that they usually are running late and I've waited anywhere between 1-2 hours past my appointment time just to be taken in.
How was your experience with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Soto has a great bedside manner and is very kind. He provides a lot of detailed information and always allows room for questions and concerns. I trust him moving forward with our treatment and feel he will be the one to give us our desired outcome of a baby!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Be prepared to wait for appointments in the waiting room, but it's worth it. IVFMD is a great place and so far, so good with Dr. Soto!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
The entire office staff at IVFMD are so kind, patient, and friendly. Dr. Soto took his time with my husband and I during each appointment, answered all our questions, and provided tons of information in a very kind and calm manner. I truly felt as though he was looking at our case individually and not as another appointment on his schedule.
Describe the protocols Enrique Soto used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
He had my husband go see a fertility urologist because our need to do IVF is male factor infertility. He gave us suggestions and advice for increasing my husbands sperm count and for me to increase my egg count and quality.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jessica)
I have little experience with Dr. Soto's nurse, Jessica, so far. My limited interaction with her has been good. She seems nice and informative. I'm sure I will develop a stronger opinion once we start treatment next month.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Very nice clinic facilities, on the higher end with a nice and welcoming waiting room. All office staff are very kind and informative. The only negative is that they usually are running late and I've waited anywhere between 1-2 hours past my appointment time just to be taken in.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
It's estimated to be about $22,000 - $25,000 depending on how much the medications cost for a frozen IVF cycle.
Describe Enrique Soto's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
No experience with this yet.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I wasn't made aware of my low egg count until very recently and I have been seeing Dr. Soto for all the initial prep work and procedures for IVF since October. He just informed me of my low egg count in March and let me know I should lose some weight and to take 2 months to do that (we were planning on starting in March). I was upset he hadn't mentioned any of this at any prior appointments. According to him, the issue was only my husband and I was good to go. Now we are delayed 2 more months so I can get as healthy as can be and make my eggs the best quality.
Dr. Eisermann has been very delicate and understanding throughout my whole process. He explains things slowly and carefully. He takes his time and gives you options. I’ve never felt pressured to do any type of treatment I wasn’t comfortable with.... Sometimes he uses terminology difficult to understand but if you ask him to better explain himself he has no issue doing so. He’s friendly, very smart and kind.
The clinic [IVFMD S Florida Inst for Repro Med] is clean, welcoming and big....The staff remembers your name and are very welcoming. They have pricing options yet can get expensive if you don’t have insurance like me. They main concern I have is flexibility with scheduling. It would be more helpful if they were opened a little later... Dr. Eisermann’s nurse is good but not great. Some issues weren’t not addressed in a timely manner.
How was your experience with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Eisermann is soft spoken and appears to care for his patients. He doesn’t pressure you to do any treatments you aren’t ready for. He explains himself well most of the time. Sometimes he uses terminology difficult to understand but if you ask him to better explain himself he has no issue doing so. He’s friendly, very smart and kind.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Ask questions and what your options are. He will answer.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Eisermann has been very delicate and understanding throughout my whole process. He explains things slowly and carefully. He takes his time and gives you options. I’ve never felt pressured to do any type of treatment I wasn’t comfortable with.
Describe the protocols Juergen Eisermann used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
The process began with taking clomid followed by ovidrel injections. Purpose was to stimulate ovaries to produce eggs and release them. After multiple unsuccessful outcomes, we discovered one of my Fallopian tubes was blocked and the other very narrow. Dr. Eisermann at that point suggested surgery and then performed it on me.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Susel Sanchez RN)
The staff is great! Attentive and helpful. Dr. Eisermann’s nurse is good but not great. Some issues weren’t not addressed in a timely manner.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The clinic is clean, welcoming and big. They have lots of rooms and staff. They have multiple doctors who are women and men that can help with your fertility questions, concerns and needs. The staff remembers your name and are very welcoming. They have pricing options yet can get expensive if you don’t have insurance like me. They main concern I have is flexibility with scheduling. It would be more helpful if they were opened a little later some days out of the week for those who can’t make it before 4pm.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Clomid: about $5-7
Ovidrel injections: $50
Doctor visits: $50-100.00
Blood work: 50-70$
Pap smears: around $100$
Surgery: 100$
The doctor [Dr. Bustillo] spent time looking at my previous failed IVF results at another clinic as well as redoing my blood work more than once.... She also listened to me when I shared my research information and ideas I wanted to implement as part of my prepping. She was open to my ideas and ran extra test.... Her weakness is that she can come off blunt, which I think is not good for first timers who are still very emotional about the process.
The staff [IVFMD South Florida Institute for Repro Med] is very professional and sweet. Everyone is knowledgable and consistent with their answers. It is very easy to get a hold of the team. I just had to call the appointment line and tell whoever answered know what I needed....Their weaknesses is long wait times for monitoring. Sometimes I had to wait 45hr for my monitoring during the week. The weekends was always quick.
How was your experience with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
I believe she is a doctor for anyone who's done their research and looking for a doctor who is up-to-date with current supplements and other new test. Her weakness is that she can come off blunt, which I think is not good for first timers who are still very emotional about the process. She is a great doctor for anyone who is pass that part and is ready for a doctor to listen to their crazy ideas they found online.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Look past her blunt ways and realize she has been doing this for many many years and has more experience than most doctors. She is up-to-date with the latest so she is ready for your crazy questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. B and nurse Yoselyn from the first appointment made me feel like a human because they tailored my IVF plan to me. The doctor spent time looking at my previous failed IVF results at another clinic as well as redoing my blood work more than once. I really felt she took their time to get to know my productive needs. She also listened to me when I shared my research information and ideas I wanted to implement as part of my prepping. She was open to my ideas and ran extra test. I never felt dismissed by either Dr. B nor nurse Yoselyn.
Describe the protocols Maria Bustillo used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We used: 50 of HGH, 300 of Gonal, 20 of Ovidrel. Then a few days prior to retrieval we added 1 prefilled Cetrotide. Trigger was done on day 9 with 10,000 unit (can't remember the name). It produced 12 follicles with 9 eggs. 5 were good enough to fertilized. 3 fertilized and 2 made it PGS testing. Both came back normal and healthy.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Yoselyn Diaz)
Yoselyn was my main IVF nurse and she is amazing! She answered all my questions and was very detailed in her explanations. I always felt very secure with what I was doing. She really made sure to get to know me and what I needed. All the nurses who did my IVF follicle counts and blood work were all extremely professional and sweet. Great team!
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The staff is very professional and sweet. Everyone is knowledgable and consistent with their answers. It is very easy to get a hold of the team. I just had to call the appointment line and tell whoever answered know what I needed. I either spoke to that person via email/call or left a message and they would call back same day or if it was after 3pm they would call the next day. Their weaknesses is long wait times for monitoring. Sometimes I had to wait 45hr for my monitoring during the week. The weekends was always quick. I love the money back policy, anything you don't use they return. For example, if you didn't make it to retrieval, then you would get the retrieval and transfer money back.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The nurses were quick once you were in, but the wait to get in could take up to 45 minutes. All the nurses were very knowledgeable.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
It is about 18k without meds, PGS or any male factors.
Describe Maria Bustillo's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The doctor is open to both single or two embryos transferred at one time.
He [Dr. Enrique Soto] worked along with my doctor home, so between them they set the best protocol based on my low AMH and endometriosis. I was put on Menopur injections at 75iu once a day and then given a trigger shot 12 hours before first IUI (I had a double IUI). Dr Soto agreed that only 3 IUIs should be done before moving on to IVF so we all agree if this cycle is not successful that’s what will get done.
It [IVF MD SFL- Miami] is usually a very busy clinic so expect to have to wait for a while unless coming in for a simple consultation. They are well-organized and most of the staff is very friendly and helpful. Also the waiting room is very private in a way that’s hard to explain but makes it easier and less awkward when you may not want to speak to other patients which being such a socially awkward person I enjoy
How was your experience with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
He was very gentle but informative. He has excellent bedside manner. Only downside was that he didn’t perform the actual IUI and I did not get to see him before or after. I thought that was a bit strange.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
They are in good hands with him.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
The staff and doctor were kind and friendly and very sensitive.
Describe the protocols Enrique Soto used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
He worked along with my doctor home, so between them they set the best protocol based on my low AMH and endometriosis. I was put on Menopur injections at 75iu once a day and then given a trigger shot 12 hours before first IUI (I had a double IUI). Dr Soto agreed that only 3 IUIs should be done before moving on to IVF so we all agree if this cycle is not successful that’s what will get done.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jessica )
They were all very helpful and informative as well. They were also very attentive when it came to answering my questions or listening to my concerns.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
It is usually a very busy clinic so expect to have to wait for a while unless coming in for a simple consultation. They are well-organized and most of the staff is very friendly and helpful. Also the waiting room is very private in a way that’s hard to explain but makes it easier and less awkward when you may not want to speak to other patients which being such a socially awkward person I enjoy.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Enrique Soto at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I paid for my monitoring and medication at home which was about USD$2,000.00. The actual IUI procedures done with Dr Soto were $409 and I did a double so it was $818 for the two IUIs, plus $110 for the trigger shot and $86 for two weeks worth of progesterone suppositories. So in total I paid $3,014.00 for one IUI cycle.
With each IUI [with Dr. Kimberly Thompson] used Letrozole & Ovidrel trigger shot. One my 2nd IUI I used Progesterone after afterward. On my 3rd IUI I did back-to-back inseminations & used progesterone starting on the day of my first IUI to increase my success. I am now moving on to IVF...takes her time to thoroughly evaluate my history & present me with the best treatment options based on my health. I’ve never felt rushed or been silenced. She is compassionate and understanding, yet honest and realistic.
I did receive a discount on my IVF package [with IVFMD South FLorida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] which was extremely helpful. For a basic IVF cycle with ICSI & assisted hatching, I will pay approx. $12,400, not including the cost of medications. I was referred to a local fertility pharmacy who offers a great discount, as well as mail in rebates from the pharmaceutical companies...My appointments usually run behind schedule, most notably by one hour, but typically 20-30 minutes on average. The front desk staff is very young and not so warm, but always professional. The “triage” staff is friendly. I find that the waiting room is never overcrowded and is an inviting space.
How was your experience with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Thompson takes her time with me & has familiarized herself my prior medical history and past treatments with former fertility specialists. She is very knowledgeable and realistic - never promising a certain outcome. Dr. Thompson presented me with treatment options that prior specialists did not offer. Although these treatments - IUI in particular, were unsuccessful, she encouraged me to pursue these treatments in my best interest and not for her own financial gain. I feel that Dr. T has my best interests in mind and gives me tough love when needed, all the while encouraging me & offering me the best resources available to improve my health before undergoing additional treatments.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Be open & honest
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr.Thompson takes her time to thoroughly evaluate my history & present me with the best treatment options based on my health. I’ve never felt rushed or been silenced. She is compassionate and understanding, yet honest and realistic.
Describe the protocols Kimberly Thompson used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
With each IUI I used Letrozole & Ovidrel trigger shot. One my 2nd IUI I used Progesterone after afterward. On my 3rd IUI I did back-to-back inseminations & used progesterone starting on the day of my first IUI to increase my success. I am
now moving on to IVF.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Sasha, Dr. Thompson’s RN, is amazing. She is personable, knowledgeable, and communicates effectively and efficiently.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
My appointments usually run behind schedule, most notably by one hour, but typically 20-30 minutes on average. The front desk staff is very young and not so warm, but always professional. The “triage” staff is friendly. I find that the waiting room is never overcrowded and is an inviting space.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kimberly Thompson at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I don’t recall specific dollar amounts without going back into my records, but their pricing seems average. I did receive a discount on my IVF package which was extremely helpful. For a basic IVF cycle with ICSI & assisted hatching, I will pay approx. $12,400, not including the cost of medications. I was referred to a local fertility pharmacy who offers a great discount, as well as mail in rebates from the pharmaceutical companies. We did use donor sperm so there were additional costs associated with our IUI cycles, such as sperm thawing and washing, and the costs associated seemed reasonable.
Describe Kimberly Thompson's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
For my upcoming IVF cycle we plan to do eSET, depending on the total number of healthy embryos. On my first failed IVF cycle with a former doctor, I had only two healthy embryos (out of 5) that were viable for transfer on day 5.
He [Dr. Eisermann] discouraged a single transfer. It wasn't really discussed and I was afraid to push for it and lose one. I was ok with it...he helped me conceive my first child via IUI. years later he helped me conceive my second via IVF. He is incredibly smart and friendly. He will tell you the truth and not give you false hopes. He has decades of experience and has seen it all. I think the only complaint I have is that he took too long to try the more aggressive treatment that finally worked.
Problems with Insurance billing [at IVFMD South Florida]. I was erroneously charged for things that were covered...The only weakness is that they should offer counseling of some kind to patients who are really struggling like I was. I happily have my healthy babies and I still hurt from years of fertility struggle...They are generally very nice [nurses]. However, at one point I was getting treatment for months with no success and I was really struggling emotionally. One staff member who had taken some leave saw me and said, "Oh, wow! Why are you still here!?" I know it wasn't intentional but I was so sensitive and it was hurtful.
How was your experience with Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
he helped me conceive my first child via IUI. years later he helped me conceive my second via IVF. He is incredibly smart and friendly. He will tell you the truth and not give you false hopes. He has decades of experience and has seen it all.
I think the only complaint I have is that he took too long to try the more aggressive treatment that finally worked.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
His sense of humor is a little odd but harmless.
Describe the protocols Juergen Eisermann used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Since I has unexplained infertility, he started me with timed intercourse. Then he tried ta procedure to clear my tubes. Then he gave me medicine to boost my ovulation and timed intercourse. Then he did IUI . I finally got pregnant after several months of IUIs and I had a healthy baby. Years later I returned and we did another IUI and then an egg retrieval and two IVF cycles to finally have my healthy baby.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
They are generally very nice. However, at one point I was getting treatment for months with no success and I was really struggling emotionally. One staff member who had taken some leave saw me and said, "Oh, wow! Why are you still here!?" I know it wasn't intentional but I was so sensitive and it was hurtful.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Dr. Eisermann has perseverance. If you have any chance of getting pregnant, he will find it. If you don't, he will tell you. The only weakness is that they should offer counseling of some kind to patients who are really struggling like I was. I happily have my healthy babies and I still hurt from years of fertility struggle.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juergen Eisermann at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I was lucky to have great insurance but my out of pocket and copays were still expensive.
Describe Juergen Eisermann's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
He discouraged a single transfer. It wasn't really discussed and I was afraid to push for it and lose one. I was ok with it.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Provided conflicting information
Canceled a cycle due to clinic error
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Problems with Insurance billing. I was erroneously charged for things that were covered.
Dr. McCarthy is fantastic at communicating and relating with her patients. No question no matter how small was ever a dumb question. She has come in after hours to see me and cancelled her entire day to perform emergency surgery on me. Her knowledge and experience is a pristine. She is confident but not overly confident in her abilities...all of my FETs I was on a long lupron protocol in order to give my lining extended time to grow. I was also on viagra for my lining with FETs in addition to the PIO, DelEstrogen, Estrace. Once I became pregnant, I started Triple Progesterone treatment as it has been shown to help those with RPL.
[The nurses at IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine are] Easy to get in touch with, but sometimes difficult to know who to talk to since there wasnt one specific one assigned...Once or twice my calendar did not reflect the changes that Dr. McCarthy and I had personally discussed. The nurse did not update them...We spent around 13 for our fresh cycle not including meds. Meds generally ran 5-6k. For FETs we spent around 5000 plus 3 in meds.
How was your experience with Jenna McCarthy at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. McCarthy is fantastic at communicating and relating with her patients. No question no matter how small was ever a dumb question. She has come in after hours to see me and cancelled her entire day to perform emergency surgery on me. Her knowledge and experience is a pristine. She is confident but not overly confident in her abilities.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Jenna McCarthy at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dont be afraid to ask questions
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Jenna McCarthy at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. McCarthy has always gone out of her way to show personalized care. She has never rushed us, she is available by email and phone, she is prompt in all her responses, she hugs you...need I go on?
Describe the protocols Jenna McCarthy used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I honestly cannot remember my specific protocol for egg retrieval and fresh transfer since it was in early 2014, but I do know all of my FETs I was on a long lupron protocol in order to give my lining extended time to grow. I was also on viagra for my lining with FETs in addition to the PIO, DelEstrogen, Estrace. Once I became pregnant, I started Triple Progesterone treatment as it has been shown to help those with RPL.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Easy to get in touch with, but sometimes difficult to know who to talk to since there wasnt one specific one assigned.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Friendly small clinic feel. Never a very long wait compared to some clinics. Easy to get someone via email or phone. You can always see the same doctor which is wonderful. You also can visit the same location each time.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Jenna McCarthy at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
We spent around 13 for our fresh cycle not including meds. Meds generally ran 5-6k. For FETs we spent around 5000 plus 3 in meds.
What specific things went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
Once or twice my calendar did not reflect the changes that Dr. McCarthy and I had personally discussed. The nurse did not update them.
Dr Gelman used a less aggressive stimulation protocol with me due to my age- 41yrs old (less drugs) than my previous doctor and it seems the protocol was better - we got more embryos with his protocol than with my previous doctor. He also insisted on using the genetic testing on the embryos which we did for two cycles, when all results came back bad, he proposed trying transfer without testing embryos. this is what we're doing right now
The financial team [at IVFMD- S. FL Institute- Miami] seemed a little cold at first. The rest of the team good and accommodating. I felt good during each visit from seeing the phlebotomist to the nurses that were doing my ultrasound.... I worked with WinFertility (their cost was below the cost of the clinic)... Personalized service, nurses knew patients by name. Clinic was accommodating around my schedule/ vacation days. All questions addressed
How was your experience with Kenneth Gelman at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr Gelman is a good doctor. Very thorough and knowledgeable. Did a complete set of tests, more than my previous fertility doctor did. He is for an open dialog, doctor to patient. He will tell you his opinion, proposed a treatment and wants your feedback and open dialog to discuss your thoughts, looks for your agreement and acceptance of the plan. He wants to be sure you understand and agree with what will be done.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Kenneth Gelman at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Do your homework (some reading on the subject) so you can have open discussion with the doctor , ask questions and understand all that's being done. This doctor appreciate your opinion on the subject.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Kenneth Gelman at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Personalized service, nurses knew patients by name. Clinic was accommodating around my schedule/ vacation days. All questions addressed
Describe the protocols Kenneth Gelman used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Dr Gelman used a less aggressive stimulation protocol with me due to my age- 41yrs old (less drugs) than my previous doctor and it seems the protocol was better - we got more embryos with his protocol than with my previous doctor. He also insisted on using the genetic testing on the embryos which we did for two cycles, when all results came back bad, he proposed trying transfer without testing embryos. this is what we're doing right now
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Yvonne)
always made sure I understand the instructions (she was leaving me detailed messages with instructions, repeating info to make sure I understood).
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The financial team seemed a little cold at first. The rest of the team good and accommodating. I felt good during each visit from seeing the phlebotomist to the nurses that were doing my ultrasound.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Kenneth Gelman at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I worked with WinFertility (their cost was below the cost of the clinic).
Describe Kenneth Gelman's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
I believe he follows recommendation by CDC , by age for eSET (for me he agreed to transfer two embryos as Im 41 years old)
Dr. B, treated me like a human because she was very compassionate and sincere. She made sure not to miss a single thing during my plan of care. ... The care, compassion, and sincerity I received from her is like no other. She didn't miss a thing throughout the course of my treatment. Thanks to Dr. B it was made known to me I had PCOS. Thanks to her care and knowledge she provided me the best plan of care to achieve success.
Everyone [IVFMD S FL Inst for Repro Med] is so knowledgeable, organized and compassionate about their work! I did not see nor experience any weakness. ... Yosie, always replied to my calls, emails and concerns. She made everything clear and easy to understand. ... Natasha, was there with her magic touch to always draw my blood. Her hands are magic! ... You are not a number you are a person.
How was your experience with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. B is a Fertility angel sent from above. She will guide you to success and a miracle. The care, compassion, and sincerity I received from her is like no other. She didn't miss a thing throughout the course of my treatment. Thanks to Dr. B it was made known to me I had PCOS. Thanks to her care and knowledge she provided me the best plan of care to achieve success.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Listen and let her guide you! She will not fail you even when all hope is lost.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. B, treated me like a human because she was very compassionate and sincere. She made sure not to miss a single thing during my plan of care.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Yosie, Bianca and Natasha)
Yosie, Bianca and Natasha along with Dr. B are my angels sent from up above!
Yosie, always replied to my calls, emails and concerns. She made everything clear and easy to understand. She provided me positive support and emotional.
Bianca, was always there through out the most important parts of this process. She made every visit for ultrasounds and not to mention my egg retrieval the most pleasant! she is an amazing nurse with extraordinary bedside manners.
Natasha, was there with her magic touch to always draw my blood. Her hands are magic! the best was when she was there to assist Dr. B with my transfer! it was a great day and I'm so glad she was there.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
This clinic is the place to go for anyone struggling with infertility. You are not a number you are a person. Everyone is so knowledgeable, organized and compassionate about their work!
I did not see nor experience any weakness.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Maria Bustillo at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
He adjusted my medications to accommodate my bodies needs...Dr. Roseff, was always available if I needed to speak to him about something. He was very informative and advised us of the risks and benefits throughout the whole process. He was very gentle when he advised us of our results and reasons for non success up until that point...I am currently going through my first cycle with Dr. Roseff. I had 3 previous unsuccessful IUI attempts before coming to him.
The prescreening [at IVFMD South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine] after I had done some tests with another location for myself was $1,500 and my partner was $500. The IVF process was around $23,000. There were a lot of vitamins required to take as well that was probably around 1,500 so far for the both of us...She [nurse] was available at all time for any communication or clarification I needed. She was very organized and laid everything out for is on a calendar. She was on top of my results and what was needed to be done. Very personable and friendly.
How was your experience with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
Dr. Roseff, was always available if I needed to speak to him about something. He was very informative and advised us of the risks and benefits throughout the whole process. He was very gentle when he advised us of our results and reasons for non success up until that point. I have total faith in Dr. Roseff.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
He is very gentle and welcoming.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic)?
very explanatory and informative, gentle and always available.
Describe the protocols Scott Roseff used in your cycles at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I am currently going through my first cycle with Dr. Roseff. I had 3 previous unsuccessful IUI attempts before coming to him. He adjusted my medications to accommodate my bodies needs.
Describe your experience with your nurse at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kristi)
She was available at all time for any communication or clarification I needed. She was very organized and laid everything out for is on a calendar. She was on top of my results and what was needed to be done. Very personable and friendly.
Describe your experience with IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
This clinic is very nice. Its not a huge office but very welcoming. They are all organized and on top of things. They advise you of all the payment costs upfront before you start any cycles. They have the vitamins available they recommend you purchase. They are open early in the morning to take care of things before going to work. The only drawback is the Boca Office isn't open on weekends so if you need a service you have to go to one of their other locations.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Scott Roseff at IVFMD - Miami (Prelude Network clinic).
The prescreening after I had done some tests with another location for myself was $1,500 and my partner was $500. The IVF process was around $23,000. There were a lot of vitamins required to take as well that was probably around 1,500 so far for the both of us.