Kindbody - San Francisco

2 doctors work here

Rated 4.3
Strongly recommend: 6%Neutral: 6%Don't recommend: 89%4.3
6% strongly recommend
9 reviews

Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.

Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.


Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.

Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.

Billing Department
Billing Department

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.

Nursing Team
Nursing Team

Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.


Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory LGBTQ+ care.

Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ+ care.

Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.

For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.

CDC Success Rates

This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.

For more information please see our FAQs.

Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.

Annual Cycles
National Avg
This Clinic
National Avg

Available Resources

Genetic counseling
Genetic counseling
Acupuncture is not offered
Acupuncture is not offered
Mental health counseling
Mental health counseling
Nutrition counseling
Nutrition counseling
Administration of shots
Administration of shots
Coordinating at-home nursing is not offered
Coordinating at-home nursing is not offered
Selling medication
Selling medication
Providing backup medication
Providing backup medication

This clinic has 1 office

San Francisco
88 Sutter St
San Francisco, CA 94104

9 patient reviews


This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2023, Unsuccessful
Age 39
South Asian
Income $200K - $499K
Nurse or HC Services
1st of 3 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
From the first video consultation to the first appointment in person, Dr. Alvarez spoke to me so condescendingly. He seemed pretentious every time I met with him...The whole time I felt like I wasn't heard, ignored, and they both down-played my pain...I stuck with him because I saw reviews that he was compassionate. I didn't get that...I was just a paycheck to him. He was condescending and pretentious. He seemed annoyed with me every time I talked to him and I couldn't understand why.
they [Kindbody - San Francisco] seem organized. Everything feels clean when you walk in. great ambiance. They need to work on communication with each other. Details of what I wanted or didn't want weren't relayed to the doctor. If they were, then he [Dr. Alvarez] just didn't care...Nurses and coordinators are great. Great communication with me, however they need to work on communication with each other...Scheduling between portal and in person. I was told by my nurse through my portal that appointments were set. However, when I came in, they had to squeeze me in.
How was your experience with Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
This isn't my first time going through fertility treatments. I've had success with another amazing fertility specialist. From the first video consultation to the first appointment in person, Dr. Alvarez spoke to me so condescendingly. He seemed pretentious every time I met with him - which was just one video consult and one time in person for a saline sonogram. Honestly, I wasn't sure why I got bad vibes from him, but I stuck with him because his reviews said he was compassionate and to the point. However with me, he was condescending, annoyed and pretentious. For my first in-person appointment, I came in for bloodwork and an ultrasound to see how follicle count was. I told everyone through my patient portal and on my initial diagnostic follicle count appointment that I didn't want to do a saline sonogram. During the second appointment, I was under the impression everyone already communicated that I just wanted to evaluate my uterus and not do a saline sonogram. I was told that Dr. Alvarez still wanted to do it. The assistant told Dr. Alvarez that I had questions and his response so rudely was, "Why? What questions does she even have?" I wanted to explain that I had an HSG done previously and I didn't want a saline sonogram done - even if it was over a year. I also wanted to tell him that I know the procedure hurts and I wasn't prepared for it. He came into my room irritated and explained to me in a condescending tone why he wanted me to do a saline sonogram, explained that the HSG hurts more, then ended his explanation with, "But it's all up to you, but I would just recommend it. But it's up to you, whatever you want to do." I told him again that I didn't want to do it and he left the room irritated. I could feel his eyes rolling back as he was leaving. I felt pressured to do the test with the way he talked to me. So, when he came back, I told him I would do it. So, he cleans me with iodine as you would a pap smear and opens my cervix with the speculum - which is in fact, PAINFUL. He opens the cervix and inserts the catheter. The catheter falls out after initial push of saline - painful. He asks his assistant for another catheter and she asks if he wants iodine again. He just says no and reinserts the speculum to reopen my cervix - more pain. Does the saline with the sonogram and again... PAINFUL. All the while just keeps repeating that the HSG is more painful. He repeated himself so much that his assistant started to repeat what he was saying as if it was going to make what I felt hurt less. The whole time I felt like I wasn't heard, ignored, and they both down-played my pain. First of all, pain is subjective. How is he - a man with no fallopian tubes and ovaries - going to tell me that I am not or should not feel pain. 1) I was medicated for my HSG because my first fertility specialist was amazing and considerate. 2) Dr. Alvarez literally HAS NO FALLOPIAN TUBES. He cannot just keep repeating himself to downplay the pain I was feeling. I guess he thought if he repeated himself enough, I would believe the pain I was feeling didn't exist. That is TERRIBLE bedside manner. TERRIBLE. So, just to recap in the first time meeting him in person he was: condescending, pretentious, annoyed, irritated, and downplayed my pain (you know, because he's done this test himself with his fallopian tubes). He also didn't re-sterilize/clean me again prior to second insertion. I was in pain walking all the way back to the parking garage and then bleeding an in pain for a week and a half. A WEEK AND A HALF. Of course, not a concern to him because he feels pain for other people, so he would know best about how you feel with your pain. I started with him end of May, I am just starting stims this October. Of course, I know we wait for cycles, but literally barely ever heard from him. I was supposed to wait for him after he got back from vacation to start stims, but I literally kept thinking to myself, if this is how he treats me now, how will I feel for the rest of my IVF journey with him? I ended up switching doctors and thank God because it is like night and day. She actually laughs with me and is very kind. I actually feel happy and hopeful that this cycle will work. I stuck with him because I saw reviews that he was compassionate. I didn't get that. I thought maybe he didn't like me and was just rude because I wasn't LGTBQ. Regardless, he had terrible bedside manner and lack of communication. I honestly just felt like another number and another paycheck to him. In conclusion, if you don't have good vibes with your fertility specialist, they barely answer your questions, not willing to hear you out (because it's literally your body), speak to you condescendingly and treat you like a number and a paycheck, then I'd suggest to go to someone else.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
He might be more nicer to you if you're LGTBQ. Otherwise, I'd probably stay away from him. I wouldn't recommend him to anyone I know. If your gut tells you he's talking to you condescendingly, then your gut is right.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
I was just a paycheck to him. He was condescending and pretentious. He seemed annoyed with me every time I talked to him and I couldn't understand why.
Describe the protocols Juan Alvarez used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
Only went as far as diagnostics with him. He recommended supplements, that's about it.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Nurses and coordinators are great. Great communication with me, however they need to work on communication with each other
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
I feel calm and they seem organized. Everything feels clean when you walk in. great ambiance. They need to work on communication with each other. Details of what I wanted or didn't want weren't relayed to the doctor. If they were, then he just didn't care.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Everything I ever paid were just co-payments. My insurance covers all procedures.
What specific things went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lost appointments
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Scheduling between portal and in person. I was told by my nurse through my portal that appointments were set. However, when I came in, they had to squeeze me in.
Juan Alvarez
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
1 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
1 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021 - 2022, Unsuccessful
Age 43 - 44
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $100K - $199K
3rd of 3 Docs
6 IUI With Other Docs
Donor Sperm
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Dr. Westphal (Kindbody, Silicon Valley) was very kind, albeit abrupt at times. She was eventually willing to try alternate approaches but we lost a few cycles negotiating/advocating for what ended up being necessary treatment...Have a list of questions prepared for each visit, she has very little time...6 Clomid cycles, a few requiring a double dose, one layered in Letrizole (unsuccessfully)...
High turnover and burnout of existing staff [Kindbody San Francisco] has really diminished my support for this clinic...The replacement staff is very green (new/young in their careers) and will need time to see if they can come up to speed...Billing was a constant issue with me being double charged for 6mo before we were able to sort and reconcile cash pay, insurance billing, resulting charges...
How was your experience with Lynn Westphal at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr. Westphal (Kindbody, Silicon Valley) was very kind, albeit abrupt at times. She was eventually willing to try alternate approaches but we lost a few cycles negotiating/advocating for what ended up being necessary treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Lynn Westphal at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Have a list of questions prepared for each visit, she has very little time.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Lynn Westphal at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Nursing staff was extraordinarily kind helping me process prior fertility trauma and understand the process and options
Describe the protocols Lynn Westphal used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
6 Clomid cycles, a few requiring a double dose, one layered in Letrizole (unsuccessfully)
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco. (Assigned nurse: Erica)
Both Robin and Erica were wonderful, experienced, well informed, kind, helpful, lots of time. Due to recent turnover (Erica went back to school and Robin moved into clinical/surgical support not patient care) their nursing staff is fragmented. Several other Kindbody clinics have provided experienced nurses, for cross coverage, the new nurse Christina is terrible (not experienced, not supportive, unaware of patient stories), recent cycles have had no continuity with a different nurse each visit attempting to answer questions and telling me someone would follow up later.
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
High turnover and burnout of existing staff has really diminished my support for this clinic. My favorite people have left or been reassigned. The replacement staff is very green (new/young in their careers) and will need time to see if they can come up to speed.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Lynn Westphal at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Billing was a constant issue with me being double charged for 6mo before we were able to sort and reconcile cash pay, insurance billing, resulting charges.
What specific things went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
Lynn Westphal
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
3 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
3 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020 - 2021, 2 Eggs Frozen
Age 36 - 37
2 Egg Freezing
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
East Asian
South Asian
Income $200K - $499K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Foyouzi was very caring and because my first egg freezing cycle resulted in zero eggs, she knew my situation was dire...patiently answered my questions through Kindbody's portal, and sometimes called me late in her day to explain...During the 1st egg freezing cycle she asked if I wanted to stop midway since there were few follicles, but I wanted to go through with it in case we could get any viable eggs.
The entire Kindbody support staff was always very kind. Everyone I encountered - the front desk, the phlebotomists, Erica the PA, the sonographers,... I looked forward to my appointments because people were supportive and every appointment was a step forward in my journey. One of the clinic's strengths are that there are multiple locations.
How was your experience with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr. Foyouzi and I knew I had DOR and a very low follicle count. During the 1st egg freezing cycle she asked if I wanted to stop midway since there were few follicles, but I wanted to go through with it in case we could get any viable eggs. In the end I didn't get any viable eggs from the first cycle. Since I purchased 3 egg freezing cycles upfront, I continued on to my 2nd egg freezing cycle, of course knowing the risks. I had so many questions before and during the 2nd cycle about what we could do to increase my chances and Dr. Foyouzi patiently answered my questions through Kindbody's portal, and sometimes called me late in her day to explain. At the end of the 2nd egg freezing cycle I had 3 eggs on the day of retrieval and 2 were viable and frozen down. From that 2nd egg freezing cycle, I actually found out I was pregnant! They tell you not to have sex during these cycles and obviously this is why, haha. Kindbody asked me to come in for an ultrasound that Dr. Foyouzi administered. She was ecstatic about the pregnancy, but I was not as (back then) my partner was not on board and I was not planning to raise a child by myself. I cried to her at the ultrasound appointment since I was actually considering to abort it. Dr. Foyouzi told me that of course it was fully my choice what I wanted to do, but she said that she wanted to have kids, however now at her age she could not have them and regrets it. She saw it as a miracle for me, and it really is since I have stage 4 endometriosis and DOR. She had little hope that the egg freezing we were doing would amount to anything, and it was clear... I only had 2 viable eggs. The chances were really slim. After my talk with Dr. Foyouzi and a nurse (Angela) at Kindbody, I decided to go through with the pregnancy. It was really the compassion that Dr. Foyouzi and Angela showed that made me change my mind. They made me realize that women are stronger than we know, and that we could make it happen if we wanted it.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Ask a lot of questions! She will do her best to answer them.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr. Foyouzi was very caring and because my first egg freezing cycle resulted in zero eggs, she knew my situation was dire. She and others at Kindbody discussed how to do my 2nd egg freezing cycle based on my DOR.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco. (Assigned nurse: Angela)
Angela was the nurse assigned to me at Kindbody. On her first week, I had my egg retrieval and she sat and waited with me to be picked up after the retrieval. She was always very attentive and compassionate. After my retrieval, I still didn't get my period within the 2 weeks as expected. I messaged Kindbody and Angela asked me to come in for bloodwork to be done. The same day she called me to deliver the surprising news that I was actually pregnant. I was not planning to have a child at the time, and definitely not by myself so the news was really hard to deal with. I came in to Kindbody for an ultrasound and caught up with Angela. I had a heart-to-heart talk with her and she told me about her story of being a mom and how unexpected things happened in her journey. But, she was able to move on and she told me that I could do it alone if I wanted to. I saw how strong she was and after that visit, I knew I could also be a single mom and handle this pregnancy. Thank you, Angela!!
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
The entire Kindbody support staff was always very kind. Everyone I encountered - the front desk, the phlebotomists, Erica the PA, the sonographers,... I looked forward to my appointments because people were supportive and every appointment was a step forward in my journey. One of the clinic's strengths are that there are multiple locations. I was going to be traveling during one of my egg freezing cycles and they contacted the Kindbody location in NJ to schedule a blood draw there for me. My work trip was cancelled so I never had to go to the Kindbody in NJ, but I was glad they could arrange for that. Also, now that I've moved to Mountain View, CA, there is a Kindbody location in Los Altos that I will go to moving forward since I have one more egg freezing cycle to go. I also like that they are transparent with pricing. This is how it should be! They have it on their website. I don't understand why others don't have it this way. I'm kind of scratching my head to come up with a weakness of Kindbody. They have expanded quickly in the last few years, but they are utilizing economies of scale. I haven't encountered issues yet, and I hope it continues that way! For new patients - if there are ever any questions, most communication is done through the Kindbody portal. They also have an app that is useful for making appointments and for messaging. One downside of Kindbody and the app is that not all of the detailed information about my egg freezing cycles were released immediately. For example, they recorded the # of follicles counted at each ultrasound however I never saw that # in any of my records. I think even to this day the information is difficult to find.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Monitoring appointments were really efficient and always done in the mornings. They squeezed me in when they were able to based on their patient load.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco.
All costs are listed on Kindbody's website.
Nastaran Foyouzi
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
4 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021, 11 Eggs Frozen
Age 38
1 Egg Freezing
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
I met the doctor [Dr. Nastaran Foyouzi] on the day of retrieval. She was very warm during pre-op. During post-op, she brought up the question of why I was freezing eggs instead of embryos. I felt that wasn't the appropriate time to talk to me about that as obviously we couldn't change course at that point for the cycle. I had talked to the physician's assistant about this previously, so I felt it was a poor choice to bring this up as I was just recovering from the procedure.
The [Kindbody San Francisco] clinic is very clean and aesthetically pleasing. I mainly chose it because it offers a very affordable egg freezing cycle... They made my partner and I feel welcome (we are LGBTQ) and my partner was able to come back with me for all my appointments which was huge for us...Angela was my nurse and she was amazing. She was very maternal and I felt like she was taking good care of me.
How was your experience with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
I believe the doctor is very competent and warm and set our minds at ease before the procedure. As I mentioned previously, my main complaint is that she broached a complicated subject matter that had already been discussed with the physician's assistant with my partner and me during post-op. It didn't feel like a good time and it felt like she was putting a damper on what we had just achieved with the retrieval by saying we should have frozen embryos instead, which wasn't an option for us at that point. I also think that I was started off on too high a dose of gonadotropins given my fertility. I'm coming to the fertility clinic as an LGBTQ person, not as a person with infertility. At the first monitoring appointment, they saw that some eggs were growing quite big, so they lowered my dose of medication, but I think we may have gotten a bigger cohort of eggs if I had been started on a more moderate dose.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Research the medication protocols to make sure the protocol given seems appropriate for you, given your age, fertility markers, and any diagnoses you have.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
I met the doctor on the day of retrieval. She was very warm during pre-op. During post-op, she brought up the question of why I was freezing eggs instead of embryos. I felt that wasn't the appropriate time to talk to me about that as obviously we couldn't change course at that point for the cycle. I had talked to the physician's assistant about this previously, so I felt it was a poor choice to bring this up as I was just recovering from the procedure.
Describe the protocols Nastaran Foyouzi used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
I did an egg freezing cycle and they chose a Luteal start for me. I believe they chose this due to my age (38 y.o.) and trying to get the most eggs possible. It was an agonist protocol, I believe, as I was started on Menopur (75 units) and Gonal-F (175 units). At the first monitoring appointment, they saw that some of the eggs were growing quickly and larger than the rest, so they lowered my dose of Gonal-F slightly (I'm not sure by how much). I never took an antagonist like Cetrotide, although they did have me buy that and I had it on hand. I was only stimulated for 8 days and then triggered the next night. The trigger was Novarel (5,000) and they had me do a Gonal-F booster of 450 units with the trigger. My stimulation period was on the shorter side (only 8 days) because the lead follicles were getting too large and they didn't want them to become too mature for retrieval. I originally had an AFC for the cycle of 21, but only 14 eggs were retrieved because the rest were too small. Of the 14 retrieved, 11 were mature.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco. (Assigned nurse: Angela Cheung)
Angela was my nurse and she was amazing. She was very maternal and I felt like she was taking good care of me. She was very responsive and called me on the weekend, at night, etc. I could reach her and the team at any time with questions. She gave me really good advice for avoiding OHSS in terms of diet and electrolytes. I was a little concerned afterwards that I was still bloated for many days, but when I contacted them, she told me it would be relieved after my period, which it was. I would have liked to have known that ahead of time, though.
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
The clinic is very clean and aesthetically pleasing. I mainly chose it because it offers a very affordable egg freezing cycle. The coordinator helped me a lot with getting the most affordable medications as well, which I really appreciated. She sent my prescription to several pharmacies so I could get different quotes. They made my partner and I feel welcome (we are LGBTQ) and my partner was able to come back with me for all my appointments which was huge for us. My mom also got to come back with me at one of my monitoring appointments! They were easy to get in contact with and all the pricing was very straightforward. I went back recently for an OBGYN visit recently and they were running about 15 minutes behind. I had to reschedule my appointment. But outside of that experience, they were always on time and fast during the egg freezing cycle.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco.
The egg freezing cycle was about $7,000. The medications, which I qualified for discounts for, were under $2,000.
Describe Nastaran Foyouzi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Kindbody - San Francisco.
I didn't do any embryo transfer.
Nastaran Foyouzi
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021, Unsuccessful
Age 38
Poor Egg Quality
Income $200K - $499K
2nd of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Doesn't Recommend
Dr.Foyouzi was incredibly caring, knowledgeable, warm and communicative...was the only reason we stayed with Kindbody. She explained to us her thinkin and was willing to adjust the protocol as needed...expertise, availability and warmth somewhat made up for all the inaccuracies in billing, clin ops and the portal.
Our overall experience with Kindbody clinic was really bad...The people we had interacted with in person were wonderful but the billing team was horrendous and incredibly difficult to deal with...portal tends to be very inaccurate...You need to always double check and triple check the dosage on portal vs with the team. This was an unnecessary and stressful burden.
How was your experience with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr. Foyouzi and Angela was the only reason we stayed with Kindbody. She explained to us her thinkin and was willing to adjust the protocol as needed. Their expertise, availability and warmth somewhat made up for all the inaccuracies in billing, clin ops and the portal.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr.Foyouzi was incredibly caring, knowledgeable, warm and communicative
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco. (Assigned nurse: Angela Cheung)
Angela was always available and there to answer and clarify questions.
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
Our overall experience with Kindbody clinic was really bad. So just to clarify. The people we had interacted with in person were wonderful but the billing team was horrendous and incredibly difficult to deal with. They were trying to charge me 4500 USD for a PGT-A that we didn't do. They kept emailing me until I had told them to just check with the clinical team to verify that I did not get PGT-A for an embryo. They then adjusted the charge to 1900 because they realized they overcharged me with my office visits. If you chose kindbody, you need to always double check charges and compare it with your insurance company. They also submitted the wrong approval to our insurance company. Also their portal tends to be very inaccurate and doesn't follow the actual instructions and dosage given by the nursing team. You need to always double check and triple check the dosage on portal vs with the team. This was an unnecessary and stressful burden.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Costs are reasonable and affordable
What specific things went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco?
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Canceled a cycle due to clinic error
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Here are specific examples of what went wrong if people want to see 1) Discrepancies in Medication Instructions - We experienced several discrepancies in instructions between Portal vs. Medical Instructions. One of these discrepancies led to confusion on instructions for the initial Frozen Embryo transfer that resulted in its cancellation. In person instructions: I was told to take Endometrin on Thursday 12/9 Portal instructions: Take Endometrin on 12/7. Outcome: I messaged kindbody to double check why I was getting two different instructions andthe nurse on call clarified the correct start date was 12/9. Messaged instructions: I was told to take Progesterone in oil 1x per day Portal instructions: Take it 3x per day. Outcome: Angela responded and said to take progesterone in oil 1x per day and then sent a message for someone to correct the portal dashboard message. Messaged instructions: I was cleared to take 200 mg Utogestran Portal instructions: Take 100 mg endometrin. Outcome: I messaged the Kindbody team, who consulted Dr. Foyouzi. They responded with an instruction to take 1 x 200mg Utogestran that morning. After inserting the Utogestran, I then received another call telling me not to take Utogestran any more, but by that point it was too late. Since I had already taken it, I was advised to not take any more and to switch to progesterone in oil every day from the next day. Portal Instructions: 1 x 50mg/day. The full dosage instruction of 50mg (1ML) was only visible when clicking on the notes section of the dashboard or looking at the full messages sent by the nurse in a different section of the portal, but was not listed on the dashboard message to acknowledge instructions. Outcome: As the syringe had a marked scale from 1-3, my husband assumed that a 50mg dose must correspond to 0.5 ML on the scale. This led to me getting half the dosage I needed and therefore a canceled transfer. Second egg retrieval. Dashboard instructions: Take 375 IU of Folistim In person instructions on Friday prior: 300 IU of Folistim Resolution: I messaged through the portal and it was clarified that the correct dose was 300 IU Medical Billing - Incorrect insurance authorizations and charge for a procedure we did not do. After waiting a week for the medical billing team to submit preauthorization for a second cycle, I received a call from WIN fertility (my insurance) saying I was approved for embryo freezing instead of a second IVF cycle. I called Kindbody to inform them of this mistake. They corrected it the next day and after repeated calls to WIN Fertility to fast track the application I was able to get an approval for a second IVF cycle, but was barely able to get drugs delivered in time. I received a message from billing charging us 4500 USD for a PGT in October that was not performed or authorized. I was contacted by three different people asking me to authorize the charge to my credit card. It required 4 emails and 2 left voicemails to those 3 different people before this was finally corrected and the charge removed. The insurance preapproval form to WINFertility should have been submitted Thursday 23 December, but was not submitted until Tues 28 Dec. Outcome: This resulted in a delayed shipping of the time sensitive Prometrium and Ovidrel prescriptions. After multiple lengthy and stressful calls back and forth between WINFertility and Optum Rx, during which they at first refused to transfer the prescription since the drugs were already in transit, the Prometrium prescription was ultimately able to be switched to our local Walgreens. Ovidrel had to be borrowed from Kindbody and replaced when it finally arrived at our home address.
Nastaran Foyouzi
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
1 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020, Unsuccessful
Age 30
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $200K - $499K
1st of 2 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
She [Dr. Foyouzi] had a great bedside manner and was very invested in our journey...She would call me personally to give us updates on our fertilization/embryo growth progress. She also spoke with colleagues outside the clinic to talk about my endo and to get their opinions on my protocol. Honestly, we probably would have stuck with her if she was at a different clinic...
They [Kindbody San Francisco] have a whatsapp where you can actually just message your nurse which is great. She [nurse] always found me some MDR coupons to use fro medication too, which was so nice...We were starting to get pushed to egg donation after only 2 cycles, which felt a little fast. They never recommended any supplements or helpful ideas, just to cut down my stress and see a therapist to help with anxiety...
How was your experience with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
She was lovely. Really invested in us. She would call me personally to give us updates on our fertilization/embryo growth progress. She also spoke with colleagues outside the clinic to talk about my endo and to get their opinions on my protocol. Honestly, we probably would have stuck with her if she was at a different clinic.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
She's great. But if she's still at Kindbody, pass.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco?
She had a great bedside manner and was very invested in our journey. I talked to her on the phone many times, and I like that she called me personally. We have since switched clinics to have access to a proven lab. We never made any good, tested, day 5 blasts. Our gripes lie primarily with the Kindbody company (so much miscommunication) and practices themselves. We are also concerned that they don't release their lab numbers. We also had a big issue with the embryologist, who thought it was a good idea to message me directly and straight up tell me "something must be wrong with my eggs because your husbands sperm are fine" in a REALLY thoughtless email. The receptionist also let my husbands sperm sit untouched on the front desk for over an hour before our second retreival. We expressed our discomfort with that and were just told "oh it's fine." Super strange and off putting.
Describe the protocols Nastaran Foyouzi used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
Menopur + Follistim the first round, added HGH the second time, with a lupron start. She wanted to calm my endo before stimulation.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Kindbody - San Francisco. (Assigned nurse: Rachel Wiley )
Rachel was wonderful. They have a whatsapp where you can actually just message your nurse which is great. She always found me some MDR coupons to use fro medication too, which was so nice.
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
To be blunt, there are no strengths. Kindbody feels like an egg freezing scam, and IVF is an afterthought. They don't release their lab numbers (or they didn't at the time I was there) and I wish we would have known how important the lab is before we spent so much money with no result. On our second round, we weren't given any gradings of our embryos, and I got the WORST message from an embryologist I had never even spoken to before. They left my husband's sperm on the front desk for over an hour before my second retrieval.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nastaran Foyouzi at Kindbody - San Francisco.
We did the two cycle package. We spent about 35k all said and done after medications and embryo testing.
Describe Nastaran Foyouzi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Kindbody - San Francisco.
They only do 1 transfer at a time as a practice, which is what we would choose anyway.
What specific things went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco?
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco.
We never grew any successful day 5 embryos after two rounds. Leaving my husband's sperm out on the counter for so long was really off-putting. There was just a lot of miscommunication. At one point, they sent my trigger instructions that said I should be on antibiotics, but I pointed that out since they hadn't mentioned it and they said "oh good catch, we'll take that out for next time, just ignore it." When we requested they send all of my information and history to CCRM, it took a super long time, and I had to follow up and remind them a bunch. It was just a headache. We were starting to get pushed to egg donation after only 2 cycles, which felt a little fast. They never recommended any supplements or helpful ideas, just to cut down my stress and see a therapist to help with anxiety. We switched clinics to CCRM. I didn't respond super well to my first protocol, so instead of retrieval, we pivoted and did an IUI. It actually worked and I got pregnant with twins. one stopped developing at 9 weeks, and we ended up losing our girl at a little over 20 weeks. I had previa and an abruption, and I bled basically my entire pregnancy. At a certain point, my membranes ruptured and I went into early labor. They have determined none of this was a problem with our daughter, just the placenta. And there was nothing wrong with it, just a really badly placed blood vessel and the fact that she was so low lying. I mention this to say that while I may not have many eggs retrieved per cycle, I can definitely get pregnant. Kindbody said an IUI would be pointless and pushed us to IVF right away.
Nastaran Foyouzi
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
1 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2023, Unsuccessful
Age 32
Poor Egg Quality
Tubal Blockage
South Asian
Income $0 - $49K
Only Doc Seen
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
She [Dr. Geraldine Ekpo] treats us like a number not human . She didn’t respond when we needed to make decisions or how much to buy medicine. She never called to follow up on next treatment. I feel neglected...She used other doctor for egg retrieval . She never came to see me physically...Embroye was not used as it was poor and not as expected...Never called for follow up
They [Kindbody - San Francisco] nursing staff were busy and communicated very late moment and we were scared as if they forgot to prescribe us medication...Money minded mentality is weakness . Cleanliness is strength . They welcome patients and front desk are polite . Their billing department is mess, they try to bill item twice , they charged different than what was quoted
How was your experience with Geraldine Ekpo at Kindbody - San Francisco?
She treats us like a number not human . She didn’t respond when we needed to make decisions or how much to buy medicine. She never called to follow up on next treatment. I feel neglected . All our money was wasted and I feel like depression . We are low income family and no doctor suggests us what to do
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Geraldine Ekpo at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Treat patient like your family member understand their need
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Geraldine Ekpo at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Never called for follow up
Describe the protocols Geraldine Ekpo used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
She used other doctor for egg retrieval . She never came to see me physically
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Kindbody - San Francisco.
They were busy and communicated very late moment and we were scared as if they forgot to prescribe us medication
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
Money minded mentality is weakness . Cleanliness is strength . They welcome patients and front desk are polite . Their billing department is mess, they try to bill item twice , they charged different than what was quoted
Describe the costs associated with your care under Geraldine Ekpo at Kindbody - San Francisco.
About $19000 or more
Describe Geraldine Ekpo's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Embroye was not used as it was poor and not as expected
What specific things went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco?
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Kindbody - San Francisco.
They didn’t plan medication well . I have surplus medicine that was not used
Geraldine Ekpo
2 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
2 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
2 of 5
2 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
3 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2022 - 2024, Unknown Success
Age 39 - 41
2 Embryo Freezing
South Asian
Income $200K - $499K
1st of 2 Docs
IVF With Other Docs
Egg Freezing With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Doesn't Recommend
Success w/ Doc Not sure
Dr. Mehr leads with research and experience and helps her patients to feel like they are well cared for...personable nature and expert guidance...when my egg retrievals were booked they happened to be when Dr. Mehr was not available...always there to debrief results and provide clarity on all my options
KindBody: Strengths: Communication is good with several options (online portal, phone and emergency text during off hours). Clinics are beautiful. Weakness: Online portal is a little glitchy. Some nurses and nurse practitioners could use training on bedside manner especially working in this niche
How was your experience with Holly Mehr at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Dr. Mehr leads with research and experience and helps her patients to feel like they are well cared for. She takes the edge off such a stressful process through her personable nature and expert guidance. Unfortunately, when my egg retrievals were booked they happened to be when Dr. Mehr was not available, but she was always there to debrief results and provide clarity on all my options. I highly recommend Dr. Mehr for anyone starting or continuing their fertility journey.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Holly Mehr at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Leverage your doctor and ask questions and advocate for yourself as needed. Trust the process!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Holly Mehr at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Navigating IVF and all my other options wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, but Dr. Mehr's expertise, mixed in with a little dry humor and overall perspective made the process way more bearable. Beyond that, my husband and I truly appreciated her genuine care and responsiveness over the couple of years I was in her care at KindBoy. Her willingness to entertain my million questions and concerns, no matter how trivial, never went unnoticed.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Most were amazing, compassionate, knowledgable and had good bedside manner. (This review is for KindBody)
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
This review is for KindBody: Strengths: Communication is good with several options (online portal, phone and emergency text during off hours). Clinics are beautiful. Weakness: Online portal is a little glitchy. Some nurses and nurse practitioners could use training on bedside manner especially working in this niche. Need clinics or places to do bloodwork in the San Fernando Valley area.
Holly Mehr
4 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
2023, Unknown Success
Age 42
1 Egg Freezing
1 Embryo Freezing
Donor Sperm
Poor Egg Quality
East Asian
Income $200K - $499K
2nd of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
1 Egg Freezing With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
[Dr. Juan Alvarez's] Strengths - knowledgeable and addressed the egg quality with supplements...Weakness - not present, there is no connection, it seemed highly mechanical - delays in appts, since he was operating from chicago...standard dosages for egg retrival, the major help I got for additional supplements since I was low on a few
Kindbody has many locations and thus is good as is not personalized, there are limited resources with many patients...a lot of chaos in organizing...process of billing is unpredictable. Nursing team is great but also constantly stressed...very good with egg retrival process and alternate day checkups,
How was your experience with Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Strengths - knowledgeable and addressed the egg quality with supplements Weakness - not present, there is no connection, it seemed highly mechanical - delays in appts, since he was operating from chicago
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco?
Kindbody follows up are very adhoc, esp doctor has been busy and thus more interactions is with nurse, Dr Alvarez is knowledgeable but I was not able to have a deeper connection with him, he was also unavailable for egg retrival and I did not get any communication, Ekpo did the retrival. basically communication in kindbody overall was challenging
Describe the protocols Juan Alvarez used in your cycles at Kindbody - San Francisco and their degree of success.
it was standard dosages for egg retrival, the major help I got for additional supplements since I was low on a few, I personally did more research and used another clinic for additional help with acupuncture etc.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Kindbody - San Francisco.
they were very good with egg retrival process and alternate day checkups, my first experience with pacific ferlity was more dismal, there were no constant checks, and thus the egg quality was very bad and none of 24 eggs developed. Kindbody was lot more open and transparent about my risks at 42
Describe your experience with Kindbody - San Francisco.
Kindbody has many locations and thus is good as reach, but it is not personalized, there are limited resources with many patients and thus a lot of chaos in organizing and process of billing is unpredictable. Nursing team is great but also constantly stressed
Describe the costs associated with your care under Juan Alvarez at Kindbody - San Francisco.
covered partially by insurance, 10k+
Describe Juan Alvarez's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Kindbody - San Francisco.
Alvarez prefers eSET
Juan Alvarez
3 of 5
3 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
4 of 5
4 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
3 of 5
Kindbody - San Francisco
San Francisco
4 of 5
1 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

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