Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
[Dr. Spirtos] is always honest and makes sure I have realistic expectations at each visit. I always feel prepared for whatever needs to happen...Sometimes [he] may not appear to have the best bedside manner. Give him a chance and you’ll see that he is the right doctor to help aid your journey! He truly is smart, caring, and eager to help..[he] is practical with his patients in regards to transfers, both fresh and frozen and how many is safe and effective. There are a lot of factors that go into embryo selection and I know he will weigh pros and cons on whether he would suggest to transfer a single embryo
The clinic itself [at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center] is located in an old building and the interior is quite outdated. The people who make up the clinic are what makes the clinic what it is. Appointments are great and hours are good...The office is always clean, and the equipment is kept up with. They do not have the modern digital advances that most OBGYN offices currently have, as Dr. Spirtos does all of his work on paper rather than an eHealth system. Even then, there is never an issue with communication or transportation of data and information to and from other clinics.
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
My experience with Dr. Spirtos has been nothing short of enjoyable. As tough as this journey can be, having him as a doctor is what gets me through. He is always honest and makes sure I have realistic expectations at each visit. I always feel prepared for whatever needs to happen, knowing I have his full support along the way. My relationship with Dr. Spirtos is unique in that I have been seeing him and his delightful office staff nearly daily for the past three years. The banter is great, the care and attention to us patients is lovely, and it is just a welcoming place to be. Good doctors are hard to come by, but if you want a doctor who is truly on your team…you’ll always find that with Dr. Spirtos.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
A very honest piece of advice for new patients. Keep an open mind. Sometimes Dr. Spirtos may not appear to have the best bedside manner. Give him a chance and you’ll see that he is the right doctor to help aid your journey! He truly is smart, caring, and eager to help. You won’t be disappointed in getting to know him and his staff throughout the length of your journey no matter how long or short it may be!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Dr. Spirtos truly becomes a part of your family while going through the process. Each and every patient is important and given utmost attention to their wants and needs, while doing all in his power to help families achieve their dreams. He is empathetic and supportive, all while being honest and respectful with all possible treatments and outcomes.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I initially started seeing Dr. Spirtos after randomly getting my period in January 2021 after not having a single period in over three years!! My husband and I knew we would struggle getting pregnant due to my diagnosis of PCOS when I was younger. Right away we started pretty modestly and did a few cycles of clomid with timed intercourse. I believe we did a few that way, and quickly moved on to clomid with IUI and trigger shot. We used pregnyl 10,000iu for that. I struggled to get pregnant the entire first year with this protocol. Some cycles we would add estrogen supplements, or even progesterone suppositories, all to no avail. After about a year or so we decided to switch to letrozole instead of the clomid. While I did respond slightly better, in having multiple follicles, I still did not get pregnant. Last May 2022, I got pregnant on my first hybrid cycle of letrozole and follistim with IUI. I also took estrogen and progesterone suppositories starting the day after IUI continuing on until knowing if it was successful or not. I did end up pregnant then, but sadly miscarried a few weeks in. After that, due to my PCOS and a tough miscarriage my body refused to level out and I ended up on birth control for a few months. Once we were ready to begin again, I had lost 75lbs, hoping the lower BMI could potentially help my odds, we resumed injection cycles with IUI. I was not ready to move onto IVF quite yet after the loss. A few more failed cycles with the same protocol happened, and I ultimately recently progressed to doing IVF. A few months ago everything looked right in my body for me to move ahead with the IVF process. It is tough for me because with the PCOS there is a higher chance of OHSS. My injections were always starting with lupron, 10iu, followed by follistim when ready. For follistim I always started at either 75iu or 150iu. I never got higher than that. Earlier on, I would only produce 1-3 follicles, for IUI, and still did not have success. With this current and most recent cycle, I ended with only 2 mature follicles and around 6 juvenile follicles. My cycle for egg retrieval was cancelled and we switched to a double IUI. I currently have two days to find out if it was successful but due to my track record, it is looking highly unlikely. Pending outcome of this cycle, we will be taking birth control again to calm my ovaries, and starting IVF on a hybrid protocol with higher doses of follistim in the new year. We are hoping that the higher dose will increase my follicle count since my hormone levels do not indicate threats of OHSS at the doses used before.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Sandra and Theresa are the sunshine and rainbows of the office. The way they take care of the patients is very motherly and loving, and always try to keep the energy light and airy. They go out of their ways to lend an ear or to offer advice or to find you the best deals on your medications! They are very informative and have no problem walking you through your schedule or even how to do your injections. They are always the first ones we see, and they make sure the entire appointment is smooth and efficient! Those two women treat everybody like family and it brings a sense of support while you go through the process. It is so needed and appreciated by every one of their patients.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
The clinic itself is located in an old building and the interior is quite outdated. The people who make up the clinic are what makes the clinic what it is. Appointments are great and hours are good for those who do work throughout the week as well. The office is always clean, and the equipment is kept up with. They do not have the modern digital advances that most OBGYN offices currently have, as Dr. Spirtos does all of his work on paper rather than an eHealth system. Even then, there is never an issue with communication or transportation of data and information to and from other clinics.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
I am a self pay patient. At this clinic, some bloodwork can be done on site for 95$/test, or can be sent out to a lab facility. I pay 495 per IUI, and IVF would be close to 10,000$ with the added costs of medications and potential embryo biopsies. Each appointment or ultrasound is 200$. My medication prices vary depending on what I need that particular month.
Birth control - 17.00$
Folic acid - 9.00$
Folbic - 7.00$
Pre natal - 65.00$
Estrogen - 15.00$
Progesterone suppositories - 70.00$
Pregnyl - 85.00$
Letrozole - 18.00$
Clomid - 14.00$
Lupron - 190.00$
Follistim - 240.00$
I am sure I am missing some, but this is overall what I pay, subject to change depending on pharmacy it comes from.
I also take supplements such as 81mg aspirin add estrogen when needed.
Describe Nicholas Spirtos's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
I know that Dr. Spirtos is practical with his patients in regards to transfers, both fresh and frozen and how many is safe and effective. There are a lot of factors that go into embryo selection and I know he will weigh pros and cons on whether he would suggest to transfer a single embryo or if multiples would potentially provide a different outcome.
Dr. Spirtos told me that I either needed to do IVF to get pregnant, or I needed to get a laparoscopy to diagnose and remove the possible endo. Month 5 I took off from treatment and am seeing an OB for a second opinion on the endo and potentially move forward with the surgery should the OB find the "nubs" Dr. Spirtos felt during my pelvic exam...Although direct, he explained everything in detail as to what was going on with me and my body. He sympathized with our agony and really made it a goal to get us pregnant under his care.
The entire staff at this clinic [Northeast Ohio Fertility Center] is next to none. They are amazingly wonderful and supportive. They cry with you. They understand the emotions around the issue. They've been my biggest cheerleaders in times of darkness...Usually if I have a negative HCG test they don't call. I still would like a call either way. Out of my 4 HCG bloodwork tests they've only called me once - on the first one. It's kind of like they don't want to "deliver the bad news" but I'd rather be told than feel like I've been forgotten...IUI: $395 each Trigger shot: $100 (single dose) Progesterone suppositories: $110 (couple months worth) Clomid: $11
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Overall it's been a good experience. I do, however, wish he would've explained that the endometriosis he thinks I have should be treated first. I feel like we continued with 3 IUI attempts before he told us the endo was creating a "hostile environment." I think I would have approached treatment differently had I known it was such a huge issue. I was under the impression the IUIs would still work and give us as much a chance as a normal fertile couple. Overall, he has taken the time to explain what steps need to be done. Although I feel like IVF was pushed on us as "the best option" at each appointment, he did offer many other alternatives to help with our fertility issue. He CARES to get you pregnant, but leaves the option up to you to figure out what next steps you want to take. No pressure, except "IVF as the cure all for everything," which I don't think is necessarily true.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Be prepared to not be babied. He is direct with his approach, and he gives a "these are your options" and it's "up to you what you want to do" type of appointment. He doesn't sugarcoat. My best advice - break the ice with a joke. That really made my first couple appointments go better and really made me feel more comfortable with him.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Although direct, he explained everything in detail as to what was going on with me and my body. He sympathized with our agony and really made it a goal to get us pregnant under his care.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We did a non-medicated, natural IUI during our first month. It was a failed cycle.
Throughout the course of bloodwork, Dr. Spirtos found out I had an auto-immune disorder, Hashimoto's Disease and hypothyroidism. I would not have known otherwise if it wasn't for him. With that being said, I had already started my first medicated cycle with Clomid. We stopped that cycle's IUI because I needed to get an ultrasound on my thyroid to rule out any further issues. We still tried to conceive the "old fashioned way" with Clomid only, but it was a negative cycle in month 2.
Month 3, we did a full Clomid, trigger shot, IUI cycle. It failed. I started taking supplements/vitamins for my thyroid (selenium, zinc, B1, magnesium) and I also went gluten-free and caffeine free.
Month 4, we did a full Clomid, trigger shot, IUI cycle. It failed. I was devastated. Dr. Spirtos told me that I either needed to do IVF to get pregnant, or I needed to get a laparoscopy to diagnose and remove the possible endo.
Month 5 I took off from treatment and am seeing an OB for a second opinion on the endo and potentially move forward with the surgery should the OB find the "nubs" Dr. Spirtos felt during my pelvic exam.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center. (Assigned nurse: Theresa)
The entire staff at this clinic is next to none. They are amazingly wonderful and supportive. They cry with you. They understand the emotions around the issue. They've been my biggest cheerleaders in times of darkness. What clinic is open 7 days a week? This one. They care about their patients on every level.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
This clinic is open 7 days a week and does all procedures in-house including egg retrieval and IVF, among all other things. That's really nice that it's a one stop shop without being a formal hospital setting.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
All out of pocket costs as my insurance only covered clomid:
IUI: $395 each
Trigger shot: $100 (single dose)
Progesterone suppositories: $110 (couple months worth)
Clomid: $11 (for 5 pills with insurance)
IVF: $8,995
Injectables for IVF: $2,400
Each in-house blood draw was $95
My insurance covered ultrasounds.injec
What specific things went wrong at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Usually if I have a negative HCG test they don't call. I still would like a call either way. Out of my 4 HCG bloodwork tests they've only called me once - on the first one. It's kind of like they don't want to "deliver the bad news" but I'd rather be told than feel like I've been forgotten.
If you are looking for a doctor who sugar coats things then he [Dr. Spirtos] won’t be the right doctor for you. Having said that he is by no means cold hearted and just wants to be as clear as possible and his delivery is in a kind way. He has never had bad bedside manners he has always been very kind and professional.... Our first IUI he had me on menopur and bravelle and trigger shot that ended in a negative 2nd IUI he had me take birth control and then after that it was Lupron
They [Northeast Ohio Fertility Ctr] are very friendly,welcoming, caring and they really just want to help you achieve your goals. I would absolutely recommend anyone to go to dr. Spirtos and his staff. The only downside I can think of is for Financing for IVF they only go through one company. I wish they would have more options with that.... The lady’s I dealt with the most were Theresa and Sandra and I absolutely adore them. They always take the time to answer any questions or concerns
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
If you are looking for a doctor who sugar coats things then he won’t be the right doctor for you. Having said that he is by no means cold hearted and just wants to be as clear as possible and his delivery is in a kind way. He has never had bad bedside manners he has always been very kind and professional. At the end of the day he is on you’re side and wants to help his patients make their dreams come true.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Don’t go by the bad reviews you see. Not every doctor is for everyone. Give him a chance. I seen some bad reviews and I took the chance and never once have I experienced any of the bad things that have been said about him.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Dr. Spirtos and his staff treated us very well anytime we needed something all we had to do was call and we would get a response right away. They never forgot our names and our story. They are all very compassionate with everyone that I have seen.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
Our first IUI he had me on menopur and bravelle and trigger shot that ended in a negative 2nd IUI he had me take birth control and then after that it was Lupron and then menopur and bravelle along with the trigger shot. That was Successful but ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks five days. All my other IUIs he had me on was the same as the 2nd IUI minus the menopur and bravelle because he had me on Follistim all ended negative and the other treatments have been taking clomid days 4-7 I do believe plus trigger shot and all ended negative.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
The lady’s I dealt with the most were Theresa and Sandra and I absolutely adore them. They always take the time to answer any questions or concerns that I have had. It’s not about money to this doctor and staff they are so welcoming and warm.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
They are very friendly,welcoming, caring and they really just want to help you achieve your goals. I would absolutely recommend anyone to go to dr. Spirtos and his staff. The only downside I can think of is for Financing for IVF they only go through one company. I wish they would have more options with that.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Every visit for co-pay is $96.00 plus whatever the ultrasound and blood work cost and that is billed later and as of now I owe them around 1,200. One IUI cost I do believe 375 and my injectables were about 1,400.
I love the way he [Dr. Nicholas Spirtos] treated my husband and I...he’s very to the point but not in a rude way which I think is amazing because when you’re going through treatment for so long you just want to get to the point. He is very accommodating... we are doing medicated IUI and if that does not work our next step is IVF... there is no sugarcoating but also very professional
they [Northeast Ohio Fertility Center] take their time they explain everything in detail...anytime you have a question you can call them and they won’t rush you off the phone and they make sure that you completely understand everything that happened in your appointment...sometimes you have to wait but that’s expected because they do not rush you out of their office... they [nurses] are very compassionate caring super nice and very informative and all-around great people
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Dr. Spirtos is an amazing fertility doctor he knows what he’s doing he’s very knowledgeable that great bedside manner’s he’s very to the point but not in a rude way which I think is amazing because when you’re going through treatment for so long you just want to get to the point. He is very accommodating and at the end the day his goal is to make your dreams come true .
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
My piece of advice would be if you really want a child need to go see Dr. Spirtos .
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
I love the way he treated my husband and I. He is Ginuwine but also very to the point there is no sugarcoating but also very professional his main goal at the end of the day is to make our dreams come true in the we haven’t been able to get pregnant to term yet I still have all the faith in the world in him and that’s why we continue to go see him. He knows what he’s doing and is very knowledgeable in great bedside manner’s.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
We first tried medicated IUI. Or injectables were Menopourand, Bravelle and ovidrill I can’t remember what the dosage were but that cycle for IUIdid not work so He switched up the medication a little bit put me on birth control then I had you take shots of Lupron and the other medications that I listed above and it worked but unfortunately at 11 weeks and five days I had a missed miscarriage then our next round months and months later I decided I want to try in unmedicated IUI because of Financial reasons which did not work. So now we are back years later and we are on our journey again and we are doing medicated IUI and if that does not work our next step is IVF. And I have all the faith in the world and Dr. Spirtos.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Did you ladies that I deal with on a daily when I get there or Sandra and Teresa they are very compassionate caring super nice and very informative and all-around great people and they don’t make you feel like a Nother number they make you feel like you matter. did you ladies that I deal with on a daily when I go there or Sandra and Teresa they are very compassionate caring super nice very informative and all-around great people and they don’t make you feel like a number they make you feel like you matter.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
I absolutely love Dr. Spirtos office sometimes you have to wait but that’s expected because they do not rush you out of their office they take their time they explain everything in detail in anytime you have a question you can call them and they won’t rush you off the phone and they make sure that you completely understand everything that happened in your appointment. I absolutely love Dr. Spirtos office sometimes you have to wait but that’s expected because they do not rush you out of their office they take their time they explain everything in detail in anytime you have a question you can call them and they won’t rush you off the phone and they make sure that you completely understand everything that happened in your appointment
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
I must say from everything that I have researched Dr. Spirtos is the cheapest around he has a package bundle for IVF for a little under $9000 and I think that’s amazing and when your bills come in for our I must say from everything that I have researched Dr. Spirtos is the cheapest around he has a package bundle for IVF for a little under $9000 and I think that’s amazing and For IUI it cost is 375 per IUI why I believe
Describe Nicholas Spirtos's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
He [Dr. Nicholas Spirtos] does have a sense of humor but he is a no BS type of Doctor...He is a straight shooter. He is not going to tell you what you want to hear. He is going to tell you the truth. He is very knowledgeable and through. He makes his decisions based on the progress of your specific cycle. He is confident....Dr. Spirtos believed the previous doctors did not push my cycle enough. He used Lupron first. Then we began gonal
Strengths [of Northeast Ohio Fertility Center] are everyone is on the same page and are Cheering for you. They are supportive and experienced. It's not really a weakness but they teach medical students which can sometimes be a little uncomfortable....It was around 12,000 for everything for one cycle....[The nurses] are great. They check in on me at every visit. They are knowledgeable and are very familiar with Dr. Spirtos' protocols.
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
He is a straight shooter. He is not going to tell you what you want to hear. He is going to tell you the truth. He is very knowledgeable and through. He makes his decisions based on the progress of your specific cycle. He is confident.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
He does have a sense of humor but he is a no BS type of Doctor.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Everyone knows my name and my husbands name. Dr. Spirtos jokes around with us with proper timing. He asks lots of questions and gives us lots of information. He spends time with us - as much as we need.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
I have tried other things before but Dr. Spirtos believed the previous doctors did not push my cycle enough. He used Lupron first. Then we began gonal-f. We had to increase that after nothing was happening on the first ultrasound. We used ovidrel to trigger. Them egg retrieval. 5 days later we completed embryo transfer with using progesterone in oil and endometrin suppositories.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
They are great. They check in on me at every visit. They are knowledgeable and are very familiar with Dr. Spirtos' protocols.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Strengths are everyone is on the same page and are Cheering for you. They are supportive and experienced. It's not really a weakness but they teach medical students which can sometimes be a little uncomfortable.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Some waits were longer than others but for the most part we were in and out.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
It was around 12,000 for everything for one cycle.
He is very hands on with his patients. Every visit we usually went to his office to review what has happened and what was going to happen. He did all the ultrasounds himself...definitely does not have the best “bedside manner” but it never really bothered me. He was straight forward and laid out exactly what was wrong and what he thought your chances of success were, which I appreciated. I did have a few miscarriages while seeing him and I can tell you in that situation he was nothing but compassionate and caring
His staff [at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center] is top notch. They have all been there for years and they are some of the sweetest and caring nursing staffs I have dealt with...Donor cycle was $25,000...It was pretty outdated. At the time it didn’t bother me, I assumed it was saving costs to patients. But after changing clinics I realized it was probably a detriment to my treatment. (Wasn’t doing ultrasound guided IVF in 2015, the other clinic had been doing it for 10+ years. I had an ectopic from an IVF I feel could have been avoided with the ultrasound guidance.)
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Dr. Spirtos definitely does not have the best “bedside manner” but it never really bothered me. He was straight forward and laid out exactly what was wrong and what he thought your chances of success were, which I appreciated. I did have a few miscarriages while seeing him and I can tell you in that situation he was nothing but compassionate and caring.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
He has a dry sense of humor, so go in knowing that and you will be fine. He is very hands on, which is very rare with fertility doctors these days. I always felt that my case mattered and he was working on it
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
He is very hands on with his patients. Every visit we usually went to his office to review what has happened and what was going to happen. He did all the ultrasounds himself and most of the progesterone shots I did
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
His staff is top notch. They have all been there for years and they are some of the sweetest and caring nursing staffs I have dealt with. Top notch
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
It was pretty outdated. At the time it didn’t bother me, I assumed it was saving costs to patients. But after changing clinics I realized it was probably a detriment to my treatment. (Wasn’t doing ultrasound guided IVF in 2015, the other clinic had been doing it for 10+ years. I had an ectopic from an IVF I feel could have been avoided with the ultrasound guidance.)
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Donor cycle was $25,000
Describe Nicholas Spirtos's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
He explained the risks of a twin pregnancy but was okay proceeding with two embryos given my age and overall health.
I felt like a number because in a way I felt rushed. We talked prices more than health and insemination. ... He’s very rough when touching. He’s very disconnected, doesn’t really make eye contact. He recommends doctors for things those doctors don’t even specialize in. He told me I had a heart murmur and recommended a cardiologist. When I tried to book the appointment the cardiologist said I needed a printed referral, 6 months later I’m still waiting for Spirtos’ referral.
Ask many questions [at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center], know your body. Be prepared, speak up. ... Trust the nurses and secretaries. Also be prepared for all news , bad or good. Have a donor if needed. Prepare yourself for the process. [Nursing Staff] They were polite. They seemed to really care, they were patient. They made me comfortable. ... The costs were very affordable. $329 for artificial insemination.
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
He’s very rough when touching. He’s very disconnected, doesn’t really make eye contact. He recommends doctors for things those doctors don’t even specialize in. He told me I had a heart murmur and recommended a cardiologist. When I tried to book the appointment the cardiologist said I needed a printed referral, 6 months later I’m still waiting for Spirtos’ referral.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Make sure you know everything about your body and health or he’ll send you to a bunch of doctors in the area.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
I felt like a number because in a way I felt rushed. We talked prices more than health and insemination.
Describe the protocols Nicholas Spirtos used in your cycles at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center and their degree of success.
He drew blood and did lab work. I received all my results via mail. That’s all that was done.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
They were polite. They seemed to really care, they were patient. They made me comfortable.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Ask many questions, know your body. Be prepared, speak up. If he’s too rough let him know. Don’t feel Intimidated. Trust the nurses and secretaries. Also be prepared for all news , bad or good. Have a donor if needed. Prepare yourself for the process.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
The costs were very affordable. $329 for artificial insemination.
What specific things went wrong at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
The only thing that went wrong is Dr. Spirtos recommended a cardiologist but never sent him a referral on my behalf. Thus slowing down my fertility/pregnancy process.
I felt at ease knowing the years of experience and wealth of knowledge Dr. Spirtos has. He is , understanding, truly cares about his patients, and extremely thorough. So thorough, in fact, one precautionary procedure he ordered discovered a potential life threatening condition for me that I otherwise would not have known. Fortunately, it was treatable and I was able to continue on with my fertility treatment...He will be upfront and honest with you and will design a personalized plan just for you.
Their [staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center's] greatest strength is their compassion. They all truly care and want you to be successful. They too have many years of experience and can sometimes answer questions on the phone that can help you put your mind at ease. They know you by name. That alone speaks volumes!...Never did I feel like just a number! I could call at anytime and ask questions regarding my procedures or just insurance questions without any problem or hesitation from the staff. Dr. Spritos even personally called to check up on me after an appointment from a specialist he referred me to.
How was your experience with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
I felt at ease knowing the years of experience and wealth of knowledge Dr. Spirtos has. He is , understanding, truly cares about his patients, and extremely thorough. So thorough, in fact, one precautionary procedure he ordered discovered a potential life threatening condition for me that I otherwise would not have known. Fortunately, it was treatable and I was able to continue on with my fertility treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Be patient and trust his knowledge, experience, and God-given talent. He will be upfront and honest with you and will design a personalized plan just for you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center?
Dr. Spirtos and his entire staff showed how much they cared throughout my journey. Never did I feel like just a number! I could call at anytime and ask questions regarding my procedures or just insurance questions without any problem or hesitation from the staff. Dr. Spritos even personally called to check up on me after an appointment from a specialist he referred me to.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Compassionate, patient, and always available to answer questions or just listen.
Describe your experience with Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.
Their greatest strength is their compassion. They all truly care and want you to be successful. They too have many years of experience and can sometimes answer questions on the phone that can help you put your mind at ease. They know you by name. That alone speaks volumes!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nicholas Spirtos at Northeast Ohio Fertility Center.