Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory LGBTQ+ care.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ+ care.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
[Dr. Grant Schmidt] listened to me and helped me think through decisions...always listened patiently and helped me figure out which approach would work...was never pushed into anything...AFC was low on Day 3, so I was glad to get 20 eggs, 10 fertilized, 5 high quality blasts+2 low quality blasts
[Ohio Reproductive Medicine] are very friendly, appointments generally run on time. Billing takes a little while through insurance but they are happy to share your statements with you...Meghan was great...IVF nursing staff are separate and they were amazing too...communicated really well and explained why I was taking each drug
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
He listened to me and helped me think through decisions. I really like to read the literature and was reading multiple articles a day to try and figure out what would be the best approach. He always listened patiently and helped me figure out which approach would work and which wouldnt. I was never pushed into anything that I didnt feel mentally prepared for. Some doctors are special in how they meet each patient where they are and I think Dr. Schmidt is extra special. He could have made stronger recommendations for certain things, but he never did. So I felt empowered in the care that I received and could take ownership of the outcome (regardless of what it was).
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dont be afraid to read journal articles and try to understand the process and advocate for yourself. Dr. Schmidt is kind, caring and compassionate. He wants to help you in this journey.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
From the first meeting, I felt that Dr. Schmidt cared about me and wanted to help me conceive.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
GonalF + menopur, Cetrotide once the follicles were a certain size (day5), LH+HCG trigger based on ultrasound/ estrogen 2203 followed by a planned egg retreival. My AMH was 1.1. My AFC was low on Day 3, so I was glad to get 20 eggs, 10 fertilized, 5 high quality blasts+2 low quality blasts. We decided not to PGT test (even though I was 39yr) because it didnt seem to affect live birth rate in randomized trials. For the frozen embryo transfer cycles, we did ultrasound monitoring till there was a lead follicle, HCG trigger and transfer. Checked progesterone day after transfer and did endometrin suppositories 200mg. Both transfers followed the same protocol, except dose of progesterone was increased to 400mg a day for the second transfer. First transfer was a blighted ovum - used cytotec. Second seems to be growing so far (in second trimester).
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Meghan)
Meghan was great. The IVF nursing staff are separate and they were amazing too. If they hadnt told me to pay for Gonal F out of pocket, I would have run out of my infertility insurance benefits before the egg retreival. I love that they shared that information with me. They also communicated really well and explained why I was taking each drug. The training videos were a great resource too and I felt confident in following the protocol.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
They are very friendly, appointments generally run on time.
Billing takes a little while through insurance but they are happy to share your statements with you so you can keep track. You may have to keep track of your pre-authorizations and keep track of the everything that needs to be completed before cycle start. They want everything ready 15-20 days before the cycle start.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I used my insurance. The Gonal F out of pocket was $4500. With all my copays, the diagnostics and egg retreival cost: ~$3500. Each embryo transfer + scans/meds = ~$600
Describe Grant Schmidt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We did single embryo transfer only.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Rossi is a kind and caring doctor that understands how hard this is for her patients...is also honest and willing to tell us the truth about things...second FET resulted in pregnancy and healthy birth...is responsive to requests like "will you please do my next appointment instead of the on call person?"
[Ohio Reproductive Medicine] is still working on some things like straightening out the front desk and making things clear to patients...hated the billing process and the transparency on billing...a lot of changes in the nursing staff, but our current nursing experience is positive. Mostly I just interact with them via phone.
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi is a kind and caring doctor that understands how hard this is for her patients. She genuinely cares about what is happening with us and meeting our needs. She has been our doctor for so long and every time we are able to interact with her we both feel at ease and happy. She is also honest and willing to tell us the truth about things, even if they are not the best news for her. I think it's always important to ask questions of your doctor so many of our conversations happened because I asked. I am forever grateful to Dr. Rossi.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Choose Rossi and ask for her to be there for you. She is responsive to requests like "will you please do my next appointment instead of the on call person?"
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi makes us feel like family and truly cares for us and listens to all of our needs and concerns. I will never forget her kindness and guidance through our struggles and her celebrating our successes.
Describe the protocols Brooke Rossi used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
For IUIs, we began with unmedicated and I struggled some at first to note my ovulation window. One of the first IUIs resulted in a chemical pregnancy so we proceeded with IUI unmedicated for a few more tries, changed sperm donor, then went to medicated when it was not working. One medicated was just Clomid, one was with trigger and Clomid. After the 7th did not work, Rossi counseled us to move on to IVF. I did a traditional medicated IVF egg retrieval and tried a fresh transfer that did not work. The next cycle was medicate - birth control month, all of the shots (PIO, trigger) and that resulted in pregnancy and healthy birth. When we came back for our second child, Rossi advised moving to a more natural cycle with some letrozole, a trigger and progesterone suppositories through 10 weeks pregnant. That second FET resulted in pregnancy and healthy birth. After a year, I began again and third FET with the same protocol and it was a negative pregnancy test. Our follow up meeting from that cycle was that since embryos were untested it was likely the embryo. I am currently pregnant after my fourth frozen embryo transfer with the same protocol.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Over the years there has been a lot of changes in the nursing staff, but our current nursing experience is positive. Mostly I just interact with them via phone.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic is still working on some things like straightening out the front desk and making things clear to patients. We have seen improvements in a lot of this recently but in the past we struggled with sometimes sitting in the waiting room and the doctor not being informed we were sitting there. We've also really hated the billing process and the transparency on billing. They only give paper copies and have no electronic system to understand bills. It feels like I just always owe money but it is not very connected to the deposit or treatment. During one transfer staff said congratulations to us after that just felt really wrong in tone, but others staff were more "good lucK" and positive and that was a much better feeling. I had many IUIs and they're always done by the on call doctor and I don't love the rest of the doctors as much as mine so that was not my favorite. That said, we will stay and sing all the praises of ORM because Dr. Rossi is THAT excellent and wonderful. I recommend it all the time, because she is there.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I've blacked this out, but I think $500ish per IUI, $8000 plus meds for IVF, $3000 for FET, and now I'm on insurance so future FETs have been coinsurance around $1000 all included.
Describe Brooke Rossi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Dr. Rossi will not transfer multiple embryos.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Lost paperwork
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We were left in a waiting room for an appointment once. We had to resubmit paperwork for embryo transport one time. We had some issues with embryo data from the previous embryologist - which was not the clinic and things have changed in the last 5 years.
Brooke Rossi
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
LGBTQ+ Care5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Londra always makes sure my questions are answered. She speaks to me by name and she is very attentive to my needs. She explains treatments and recommendations thoroughly and eases my mind when worried about outcomes...She always makes sure were on the same page before we're done speaking and that my questions are answered. My very first appointment she came in with tears in her eyes and I've seen her like that a handful of times since. She's very compassionate and empathetic. She's also been very thorough in my treatment plans and testing thus far.
New Patient Advice
The IVF nursing team [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] is amazing. They do drop the ball every now and then but it is quickly remedied upon a phone call. Dr. Londras nursing staff is hit and miss. When I first started with the clinic I had a nurse who was great! She then went on to being an IVF coordinator. The nurse(s) that took over for her is getting better but I usually call her with my lab results and updates to schedule my next steps rather than vice versa...If you're IVF, don't try to be the first person there for morning blood work, and expect a long wait on a Monday. The lab is same day results. Itsba contract company/third party so enroll in their EHR system to see your results as well. Sometimes you'll have to wait a few days to get your ultrasound and lab work added to your portal so ask questions at your appointment if you're curious. Also, make sure you have the receptionists extension in case you need it.
Clinic Errors
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
She's very direct but can be hard to understand if she talks quickly due to her accent. However, I dont see that as a weakness or drawback. She always makes sure were on the same page before we're done speaking and that my questions are answered. My very first appointment she came in with tears in her eyes and I've seen her like that a handful of times since. She's very compassionate and empathetic. She's also been very thorough in my treatment plans and testing thus far.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Listen carefully and don't be afraid to ask questions and voice your concerns.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra always makes sure my questions are answered. She speaks to me by name and she is very attentive to my needs. She explains treatments and recommendations thoroughly and eases my mind when worried about outcomes.
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I did 3 medicated IUIs with her and one medicated timed intercourse cycle. Letrozole was used 3-7 with cycle monitoring and a trigger shot. Sperm samples were given the day of IUIs and we always went over the sample specifics prior to each IUI. Booster shots were administered 7dpiui as I have an allergy to progesterone suppositories. Letrozole is better for patients with endometriosis and I was previously unresponsive to both Clomid and Femara/Letrozole. These resulted in no pregnancies.
IVF began shortly after the last failed IUI. I was on the antagonist protocol: Gonal F started CD3. I stimmed for 14 days, used Cetrotide for 7 and triggered with Novarel and Lupron Trigger. I did not proceed with PGS testing. My meds were increased a few days into stimming as I was slowly responding. 4 five-day blastocysts came from this retrevial cycle. A fresh transfer was done and PIO was also used. One embryo was transferred and resulted in a pregnancy. However, it was an early miscarriage (approximately 7 weeks)/ chemical pregnancy as it was not seen on an ultrasound, only confirmed by betas. After a new cycle started we did a GEEP protocol: 28 active birth control pills, a bleed, 30 days lupron, delestrogen shots twice a week 2 weeks before transfer, and PIO beginning the week before transfer. This transfer was unsuccessful. It was done to suppress ovulation and medicinally manipulate the cycle to give the best environment for an embryo. After that cycle Dr. Londra recommended a endometrial biopsy (scratch) in an unmedicated cycle. That was completed and normal. We are now in the middle of a "natural" FET cycle: Letrozole 3-7, a trigger, and PIO. We will transfer one embryo as Dr. Londra and ORM recommend against transferring multiple embryos due to the risks of multiple pregnancies.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The IVF nursing team is amazing. They do drop the ball every now and then but it is quickly remedied upon a phone call. Dr. Londras nursing staff is hit and miss. When I first started with the clinic I had a nurse who was great! She then went on to being an IVF coordinator. The nurse(s) that took over for her is getting better but I usually call her with my lab results and updates to schedule my next steps rather than vice versa.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
If you're IVF, don't try to be the first person there for morning blood work, and expect a long wait on a Monday. The lab is same day results. Itsba contract company/third party so enroll in their EHR system to see your results as well. Sometimes you'll have to wait a few days to get your ultrasound and lab work added to your portal so ask questions at your appointment if you're curious. Also, make sure you have the receptionists extension in case you need it.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
For IVF its first come first serve. So, women who started their cycles on the weekend makes for a crazy and hectic Monday. The rest of the week isn't so bad but can be a little time consuming.
For IUIs it was a scheduled time slot rather than the hour or so designated strictly to IVF patients.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Costs varied by insurance coverage so it would be hard to dictate. General range with my coverage for IUI was around $400 per cycle including meds, labs, and insemination. IVF was too involved but ran around $5,000 including all meds, ultrasounds, surgery, preservation, etc. FET was around $400-$900 depending on the protocol with meds. Out of pocket is reasonable as well. The clinic has a price list.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
As previously stated, results are sometimes delayed on being reported to you. If you enroll in the EHR system with the lab company this is avoided.
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
At the initial consult she [Dr. Elizabeth Kennard] told me I was healthy, looked great, my husbands sperm count looked great and there should be no issues. Our first IUI with her she didn’t say anything to me, was very ruff with the procedure. I had questions after and she told me to talk to the nurse. VERY VERY cold!!!! She did not discuss my husbands numbers at the IUI or give me any information al at.
This clinic [Ohio Reproductive Med] did not run ANY tests on me. No blood work done at all!! The clinic I went to after this one did annintial ultrasound and they did blood work and it turned out I have a low ovarian reserve and my husband has motility and morphology issues! This would have been important to know going into the 3 IUIs. I could have saved myself $2000 by skipping IUI and going straight into IVf
How was your experience with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Again, she was very very very cold. She never had time for me or time to answer any questions. I saw her with my first IUI but the two after that I saw different doctor each time, who didn’t know my case or my treatment plan. I was sad leaving there everytime because I felt like I didn’t know what was happening and each time I had a failed IUI I was even more depressed because I didn’t think anything was wrong with me
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Do not go there and do not see her.Very cold and doesn’t care about getting you pregnant
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
At the initial consult she told me I was healthy, looked great, my husbands sperm count looked great and there should be no issues. Our first IUI with her she didn’t say anything to me, was very ruff with the procedure. I had questions after and she told me to talk to the nurse. VERY VERY cold!!!! She did not discuss my husbands numbers at the IUI or give me any information al at.
Describe the protocols Elizabeth Kennard used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
She told me IUI would work, after 3 failed ones, I had another consult Because I couldn’t get her to answer questions in the office. She told me about IUI with IVF meds and then IVF. She never discussed anything else. Gave me a packet and told me to look into it.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Nurse gave me information on how to get a discount on medicine for IVF which I really liked but when I called her to tell her I started my period after the failed IUIs and asked why or asked about taking naproxen she was very very cold to me. And told me I might never know why I can’t get pregnant in a sassy voice. When in this profession, I expect a lot of compassion
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Clinic is set up weird and can get lost easily. They are cheaper than the other clinic in Ohio which is a strength, however, they are less organized, their lab is terrible and I have several friends who have lost all their embryos there. They have lower success rates than the other clinic in Columbus too.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
My insurance covered some of the office visits, co-pay $30, the ultrasounds were $149 each time after insurance, the IUIs were $381 each, the MSG proceedure was $200 after insurance. I did not do IVF here but the packet stated meds ranged from 3k-6k and the screenings were $1000 and labs were $1000, $7186 IVF other
Describe Elizabeth Kennard's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Told me they would only allow 1 embryo transfer at a time but didn’t tell me why this was the case. I knew friends who went here who hd multiple but they told me I would only be allowed to have 1 at a time transferred
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
This clinic did not run ANY tests on me. No blood work done at all!! The clinic I went to after this one did annintial ultrasound and they did blood work and it turned out I have a low ovarian reserve and my husband has motility and morphology issues! This would have been important to know going into the 3 IUIs. I could have saved myself $2000 by skipping IUI and going straight into IVf
Elizabeth Kennard
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness1 of 5
Compassion1 of 5
Explained risks1 of 5
Adaptability1 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Schmidt was very warm and welcoming...bedside manner was great...We had to constantly suggest protocols that were a more "aggressive approach" rather than continuing the same minimal interventions...experienced three total losses with ORM and was told to again on our same procotol we used last time
had to work with the billing deptartment [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] several times my treatment was coded incorrectly when submitted to insurance...elt our medical team failed to provide crucial information related to our treatment options...lack of empathy and convenyance of crucial information led to our decision to leave this clinic
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Schmidt was very optimstic for our situation but after suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss, we wanted to more aggressive treatment options as the emotional and physical toll was too much. We had to constantly suggest protocols that were a more "aggressive approach" rather than continuing the same minimal interventions but expecting different outcomes.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
If you have recurrent pregnancy loss, seek treatment elsewhere. While Dr. Schmidt was clearly very knowledgable for infertility, we felt his treatment of RPL was just to continue to keep trying to concieve and eventually we would have a healthy pregnancy. This outlook / treatment plan was not supportive of emotional toll losses have on you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Schmidt was very warm and welcoming. His bedside manner was great.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We concieved easily without intervention so progesterone support was introduced first. After another loss, we did 2 medicated cycles with trigger shot, timed intercourse and support meds after ovulation. We experienced three total losses with ORM and was told to again on our same procotol we used last time. We felt our whole fertility background was not taken into account. We had 6 total miscarriages. We asked about moving onto IVF multiple times and he made it seem like a overzealous option that was not necessary yet.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Communication via the direct nurse email was great and quick. I quickly learned leaving phone call messages resulted in longer return times and opted to communicate via emails for the most streamlined communication.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I had to work with the billing deptartment several times my treatment was coded incorrectly when submitted to insurance. I had bad experiences with both billing and records as they were not prompt in resolving requests. During one of my final visits, I had to pick up "at home miscarriage collection kit" from the front desk. It was clearly labeled as such but when I was handed the bag was told "Here is your goodie bag" from the front desk lady. This was utterly crushing to have a employee in a fertility clinic be completely oblivious and crass.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
My treatment was covered by insurance as it was diagnostic in nature. We opted to go elsewhere to pursue IVF due to numerous issues with ORM.
Describe Grant Schmidt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Our Dr made no promises which we appreciated. However, he always reminded us that he was optimistic it would work out. In the end, we left this practice as we needed a more blunt and realistic approach for our treatment rather than just optimism.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I was offered 3 management options following a miscarraige and told to take the weekend to think about our options. I called the next business day after my appointment confirming the miscarraige requesting a D&C. I was then told that option could not be scheduled for 10 additional days as my Dr was on vacation. I requested if anyone else was available and was told no. This information of the extensive delay was not at all relayed during our appt the previous day and would have greatly impacted our decision making. I felt our medical team failed to provide crucial information related to our treatment options. We felt completely discarded after I was sent to miscarry at home being told it would be "like a period". The lack of empathy and convenyance of crucial information led to our decision to leave this clinic.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity5 of 5
Communication3 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Compassion3 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Rossi was patient, caring and always took time to answer any questions, present all the options and listen to me as the patient. She personally called to check in within me on multiple occasions...In my experience, [she] tends to go the least invasive and cost effective routes first. However, depending on your appetite for treatment and financial situation, there may be other options that increase your chances of success.
It's a very nice, new, clean facility [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine]. The staff is pleasant and courteous. The communication from the clinic could use some improvement. They changed locations and offered little communication on how this would effect embryo storage, care, etc. I also had issues with the billing department that took numerous phone calls and months of back and forth to resolve
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi is a kind, compassionate and trustworthy provider. She always took the time to answer any questions and explain procedures and next steps. She was open and willing to listen to me as the patient. For example, I had an embryo that was a 5 day embryo that looked just okay but they weren't sure if it would make it to freeze and I had asked to try to transfer it and she was very open and receptive to the idea. She did not dismiss it but did honestly communicate expectations on success and did transfer it.
She also went out of her way to check in with me on multiple occasions. She called me personally when we had to pause treatment during COVID to talk to me and see how I was handling it. I also had complications with one of my pregnancies and when she found out, she called to check in. Just overall very caring and treated you like an individual.
She is also conscious of cost for her patients, which is admirable.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Ask for all the options. In my experience, Dr. Rossi tends to go the least invasive and cost effective routes first. However, depending on your appetite for treatment and financial situation, there may be other options that increase your chances of success.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi was patient, caring and always took time to answer any questions, present all the options and listen to me as the patient. She personally called to check in within me on multiple occasions.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Communication and responsiveness varied and did improve from when I first started going to the clinic
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
It's a very nice, new, clean facility. The staff is pleasant and courteous.
The communication from the clinic could use some improvement. They changed locations and offered little communication on how this would effect embryo storage, care, etc.
I also had issues with the billing department that took numerous phone calls and months of back and forth to resolve
Describe Brooke Rossi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Dr. Rossi was very passionate about only transferring a single embryo at a time since I was relatively young and hadn't had multiple failed transfers yet to indicate multiple embryos were warranted. She also explained the risks of multiple embryos.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to call with results
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The correct prescription was once not sent to the pharmacy but Dr. Rossi quickly fixed it.
There was little communication when the clinic changed locations.
Brooke Rossi
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Kennard is very detailed and thorough. She can get a little too technical in her descriptions, but every time I feel like someone is too technical, all I have to do is ask and she is glad to clear up any confusion. She gives all the pros and cons, and is upfront with costs, predictions, and potential responses to treatment...she had just a very direct delivery, but in a way that was still kind and warm.
Everyone [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] is very nice and always willing to help out. If you have questions about anything at all, give them a call and ask. I would avoid using their portal for questions, it is the only thing I find not user friendly. I am unable to send messages from there to my clinic or staff. However every time you call, they will get you an answer or call you right back...Dr. Kennard is very detailed and thorough. She can get a little too technical in her descriptions, but every time I feel like someone is too technical, all I have to do is ask and she is glad to clear up any confusion. She gives all the pros and cons, and is upfront with costs, predictions, and potential responses to treatment.
How was your experience with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Kennard is very detailed and thorough. She can get a little too technical in her descriptions, but every time I feel like someone is too technical, all I have to do is ask and she is glad to clear up any confusion. She gives all the pros and cons, and is upfront with costs, predictions, and potential responses to treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Go in with an open mind, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. All of the information you are given upfront may feel like drinking from the fire hose, but she is always happy to slow down and go over things more than once. There also may be more than one way to treat your symptoms or situation, don’t be afraid to hear all the options she gives you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
I felt like a human because she had just a very direct delivery, but in a way that was still kind and warm. She gave me the pros and cons and really tailored my treatment to my specific medical needs and diagnosis's.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The nursing staff is kind, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable. They always make the appointments less stressful and more relaxed. They take the extra time to do right by their patients. For example: one Friday I called to see if there was an update on my blood work. I didn’t expect to hear back because it was 5-10 minutes before their phones lines closed. The nurse took the extra time out of her day to call me back and let me know everything was normal and they would call with more information on Monday, she just didn’t want me going all weekend with no news or updates.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
As I stated before, go in with an open mind and ask questions. Everyone is very nice and always willing to help out. If you have questions about anything at all, give them a call and ask. I would avoid using their portal for questions, it is the only thing I find not user friendly. I am unable to send messages from there to my clinic or staff. However every time you call, they will get you an answer or call you right back.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
$500 per IUI session - not including donor sperm
About $125-150 per labs drawn
Not sure for ultrasound yet, I don’t have that bill.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I haven’t had anything specific go wrong, more of a misunderstanding of the process I was going to be going through and how that would work for ultrasound and IUI.
Elizabeth Kennard
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Brooke Rossi is absolutely AMAZING...She was very gentle, caring and honest. She would let me know her thoughts and she would listen to my concerns. She included my thoughts when selecting my treatment plan and she was emphatic. She was so awesome that once my son was born I came to the clinic so she could meet him in person...she empathized with me throughout my treatment and was focused on trying to figure out the best treatment plan for my care.
My overall experience with ORM was Great! I would definitely go back to try for baby number 2. The clinic is very clean, organized and overall caring. I especially like the new clinic. I will say I think some of the nursing staff could be more personable and friendly. I also think the front desk could be more friendly in the past some of the staff seemed unfriendly. I just want everyone to remember most families are coming to be seen due to a need and/or want to expand their family and we all just want to be treated nice. The medical assistants at the office have always been nice and sweet.
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Brooke Rossi is absolutely AMAZING. When my previous physician at the clinic retired I couldn't have selected a better replacement. She was very gentle, caring and honest. She would let me know her thoughts and she would listen to my concerns. She included my thoughts when selecting my treatment plan and she was emphatic. She was so awesome that once my son was born I came to the clinic so she could meet him in person!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Be honest and open with her because she will be receptive to your concerns.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi was extremely personable and caring. I felt that she empathized with me throughout my treatment and was focused on trying to figure out the best treatment plan for my care.
Describe the protocols Brooke Rossi used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I completed several different treatment plans and I don't remember the exact names. For several treatments plan I took the estrace pills, and progesterone injection. I also have taken delestrogren/E2V injection and prometrium. My last transfer that was successful I completed an immune protocol including gonadotropin (hcg), pepcid, prednisone, lupron and vaginal progesterone.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Mackenzie at one point)
Now I will say I didn't always feel that the nursing staff was always emphatic. There a few times I was actually crying on the phone from my negative test results and I don't think the nurse was very responsive. I felt like she was just doing her job to let me know it was negative. I think the nursing staff could be nicer.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
My overall experience with ORM was Great! I would definitely go back to try for baby number 2. The clinic is very clean, organized and overall caring. I especially like the new clinic. I will say I think some of the nursing staff could be more personable and friendly. I also think the front desk could be more friendly in the past some of the staff seemed unfriendly. I just want everyone to remember most families are coming to be seen due to a need and/or want to expand their family and we all just want to be treated nice. The medical assistants at the office have always been nice and sweet.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I did several rounds of treatment and unfortunately I am unable to provide exact cost but we spent around $15,000.
Describe Brooke Rossi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Initially, I was okay with only transferring one embryo but as my attempts were continuing to be unsuccessful I did advocate for myself. So if I remember correctly my last two transfers were with two embryo's.
Brooke Rossi
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Londra was a breath of fresh air. She listened to every thing I said and truly cared about me as a human. She is warm, kind, smart, and goes above and beyond. I couldn’t ask for anyone better through such a delicate and emotional process as infertility and loss...Her kindness and willingness to get to the bottom of my infertility was everything to me...She is kind and intelligent - and most of all compassionate. A perfect combination for such a huge process
[Ohio Reproductive Medicine is] Clean, friendly, inviting, and kind. 10/10 in my book...The only weakness here could be a wait time. But that never bothered me. I think they manage a large clientele really well...In my experience it was a little less expensive here at ORM. But the best part truly was the transparency of costs...Dr. Londra was a breath of fresh air. She listened to every thing I said and truly cared about me as a human. She is warm, kind, smart, and goes above and beyond. I couldn’t ask for anyone better through such a delicate and emotional process as infertility and loss
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra was able to accommodate my distance to the clinic and we had many FaceTime visits before needing to come into the clinic. She helped me move my embryos from my previous clinic and tested me for everything I was worried about until we found the correct answer. I now have a beautiful healthy baby girl and I mentally thank dr Londra every single day for my daughter. Her kindness and willingness to get to the bottom of my infertility was everything to me. I will be seeing her for all my future (hopeful) children. She is kind and intelligent - and most of all compassionate. A perfect combination for such a huge process
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
She knows what to do. She knows what to look for. She has your best interest at heart. Trust Dr Londra. She is wonderful
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
After working with a previous clinic that treated me like a walking dollar sign, Dr. Londra was a breath of fresh air. She listened to every thing I said and truly cared about me as a human. She is warm, kind, smart, and goes above and beyond. I couldn’t ask for anyone better through such a delicate and emotional process as infertility and loss
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
She looked through my past clinic notes and found the same problems as I did. She redid my ERA biopsy and found my previous clinic had indeed given me a uterine infection leaving my uterus inhospitable for each of my transfers. And why I wasn’t staying pregnant. She also listened to me about how I felt on all the other medication and how I did need progesterone (previous miscarriage from other clinic) and she took me off of all the steroids and other heavy medication. We tried a natural transfer cycle after a few weeks of doxycycline to treat my uterus. I had progesterone pills, 1 hcg injection and a timed transfer with progesterone monitoring. It worked perfectly. She really listened and came up with the best plan.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We got lost a little bit with communication. But each time I needed to call to clarity I got exactly what I needed. So overall I have no complaints
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Clean, friendly, inviting, and kind. 10/10 in my book. It’s 100000 percent different from my previous clinic that forgot about me existing 99% of the time. The only weakness here could be a wait time. But that never bothered me. I think they manage a large clientele really well
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Costs are comparable to other facilities. In my experience it was a little less expensive here at ORM. But the best part truly was the transparency of costs
Describe Laura Londra's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
1 embryo at a time was both our preference
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Londra always listened to my concerns and addressed them head-on. She never dismissed my concerns or rushed me through an appointment. She has a fairly warm bedside manner and makes every effort to make you feel comfortable. She made me feel confident in the process despite it being very scary...I had the antagonist protocol due to an overabundance of eggs. She was very concerned about ovarian hyperstimulation and took every measure to ensure I avoided it...
[at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] Even though you have a preferred doctor, it's unlikely they will be the one to do the majority of the procedures. Only 2 doctors work a week, so based on your cycle you may never actually see your doctor for the big procedures like IUI, egg retrieval or transfers. Wait times can also be rather discouraging. Even when you have an appointment, you will still have to wait 30-60 minutes before seeing the doctor...
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra always listened to my concerns and addressed them head-on. She never dismissed my concerns or rushed me through an appointment. She has a fairly warm bedside manner and makes every effort to make you feel comfortable. She made me feel confident in the process despite it being very scary.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Her accent can be challenging to understand at times. Don't be afraid to ask her to repeat herself or spell a word out. I had to do that several times and she was patient when asking for clarification.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra always listened to my concerns and took time to answer my questions. She never dismissed my concerns. She also made an effort to call me during the difficult conversations, i.e. blastocysts totals & PGT test results. I trusted her through the entire process.
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I had the antagonist protocol due to an overabundance of eggs. She was very concerned about ovarian hyperstimulation and took every measure to ensure I avoided it. We were able to harvest 21 eggs and 14 were mature. Of the 14, 7 matured without ICSI. Of the 7, only 2 blastocysts made it to day 7, which was disheartening. She reassured us that those numbers are still well within the normal range. We had hoped for more. The 2 blastocysts were sent for PGT testing and 1 came back normal and the other abnormal. All blastocysts were frozen due to me not being a candidate for a fresh transfer. She wanted my body to rest and allow hormones to get back to normal before transfer. We transferred 1 embryo 2 months later and it took! Currently 9 weeks pregnant.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
There are a variety of nurses based on where you are in your protocol. Some are more friendly than others, but overall each nurse was responsive to my questions.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Even though you have a preferred doctor, it's unlikely they will be the one to do the majority of the procedures. Only 2 doctors work a week, so based on your cycle you may never actually see your doctor for the big procedures like IUI, egg retrieval or transfers. Wait times can also be rather discouraging. Even when you have an appointment, you will still have to wait 30-60 minutes before seeing the doctor. What they are strong at is pushing people through the door. They have a high patient volume and know their stuff.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I sometimes had to wait 30-60 minutes before I could be seen for my monitoring appointments. That was frustrating, but they do see a lot of people. I always made sure my morning work schedule was open, so I didn't have conflicts.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
IVF - 10K (no insurance)
IUI - 1,500 (no insurance)
medicated cycles - $600-$800 each (partial insurance coverage)
Describe Laura Londra's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I only wanted to transfer 1 embryo, so her approach was aligned with my needs.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
There were a few times that scheduled appointments were forgotten and protocols weren't updated with me over long holiday weekends. I had to make a guess on medication after a positive pregnancy test since I didn't receive any updates on the protocol.
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Schmidt has great bedside manner and doesn’t make you feel like just a number. He makes sure to take the time to talk to you about all options and possibilities and is willing to answer any and all questions you have...he was adamant on single embryo transfer...He lets you decide how aggressive and how fast you want to be with treatment. He is very optimistic, but realistic in his approach
The [ORM] nursing staff does communicate and get back with you in a timely manner. You just need to leave a voicemail every time you call and wait for them to call you back...I have found that people are fairly easy to get a hold of at the clinic. Wait times haven’t been bad. I even got called back earlier than expected for one of my IUI procedures. They try to collect payment amounts at the front desk a lot, which I don’t mind. It just catches my off guard sometimes.
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
I completely trust Dr. Schmidt in my treatment. He lets you decide how aggressive and how fast you want to be with treatment. He is very optimistic, but realistic in his approach. Dr. Schmidt makes sure that his patients are comfortable and has great bedside manner.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Come with a list of questions and ask everything you can when you have a consult. You can see another provider at your visits and may not have a lot of time to ask questions then.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Schmidt has great bedside manner and doesn’t make you feel like just a number. He makes sure to take the time to talk to you about all options and possibilities and is willing to answer any and all questions you have.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Four IUIs with letrozole. One IUI with gonadotropins that was canceled. Currently waiting to start IVF.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The nursing staff does communicate and get back with you in a timely manner. You just need to leave a voicemail every time you call and wait for them to call you back.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I have found that people are fairly easy to get a hold of at the clinic. Wait times haven’t been bad. I even got called back earlier than expected for one of my IUI procedures. They try to collect payment amounts at the front desk a lot, which I don’t mind. It just catches my off guard sometimes.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Cost information is provided up front. IUI procedures are about $440 without insurance. That excluded ultrasounds and medications. We were quoted $12,000 for IVF with ICSI, excluding meds and lab work
Describe Grant Schmidt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We discussed single embryo transfer when the time comes and he was adamant on single embryo transfer.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Laura Londra is fine. She is nice but she does not explain any of the treatment, procedure, or next steps. I had no idea that my US were transvaginal which was surprising. I had no idea when to draw my progesterone levels or take a pregnancy test. She is not counsel me on the side effects of HCG and does not understand insurance coverage at all...Letrozole + hcg shot, did not get pregnant; will be switching clinics because of her staff...
My insurance covers majority of the costs associated with infertility. The costs I incurred [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] were related to her staff not using the appropriate channels and requesting I pay out of pocket for the costs...They do not explain anything to you - cost of treatment, cost of copay, how to injection yourself, when to get your lab tests done, when to take a pregnancy test, etc They are not compassionate - when my RN failed to send my hcg injection during my cycle, her response to be was "Just have sex and see if it works"...
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Laura Londra is fine. She is nice but she does not explain any of the treatment, procedure, or next steps. I had no idea that my US were transvaginal which was surprising. I had no idea when to draw my progesterone levels or take a pregnancy test. She is not counsel me on the side effects of HCG and does not understand insurance coverage at all.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
If you don't have time to explain this stuff to your patients. At least get better reading material or staff.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Her team failed to send my hcg injection prior to my planned cycle and it was too late to send it to my pharmacy. When I had discovered this information, I was extremely distraught and the RN told me "I could just have sex the natural way and see if it works".
They failed to tell me when to get my progesterone levels drawn, when to take my pregnancy test and also did not explain that any of the US I was receiving were transvaginal.
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Letrozole + hcg shot, did not get pregnant; will be switching clinics because of her staff
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Heidi)
Her RN seems like she does not like her job and she is there for the paycheck. She was not compassionate. Did not explain anything to me and is disorganized.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
They do not explain anything to you - cost of treatment, cost of copay, how to injection yourself, when to get your lab tests done, when to take a pregnancy test, etc
They are not compassionate - when my RN failed to send my hcg injection during my cycle, her response to be was "Just have sex and see if it works".
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
My insurance covers majority of the costs associated with infertility. The costs I incurred were related to her staff not using the appropriate channels and requesting I pay out of pocket for the costs.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to call with results
Failed to order appropriate test
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
They required me to use their preferred pharmacy to fill my medications and pay out of pocket for my medication. They insisted my insurance would not cover the medication and it was cheaper for me to use their pharmacy. I requested they send the prescription anyway; my out of pocket cost was $115, my insurance copay was $30.
The RN told me she didn't want to send to my preferred pharmacy because she didn't want to do the prior authorization.
The RN also failed to fax my infertility registry forms to Aetna so I could be registered for the infertility program. I am lucky that my employer has great infertility coverage but I feel like this clinic is trying to get me to pay out of pocket so they can make a profit.
Laura Londra
Humanity1 of 5
Communication1 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness3 of 5
Compassion3 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Londra is very empathetic and wants her patients to succeed. The only “weakness” would be communication but only because she has a small accent. Sometimes you have to have her repeat things. Her strengths would really be that she is thorough in explanation and actually shows she cares...In each IUI treatment we used letrozole as opposed to clomid because it is supposed to have higher results. We also used the trigger shot in each procedure. I would see her around day 10 to get an estimate as to when the trigger was needed to then do the insemination. On the last cycle, to increase my growth and count in follicles, she added injectables to the regiment. Each attempt, there was 3 total, was unsuccessful. Eventually, with the low number of samples I have left and a low AMH, it was determined that IVF would be the best way to go.
Arrive a little early to get checked in [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine]. Strengths: clean environment and friendly staff. Weakness: The location is a little difficult to find the first time but it is conveniently located next to a sperm/collection center. Parking can be bad during prime hours...Everyone has always been so caring and empathetic to my situation especially Dr. Londra...The nursing staff was never really the same. They would typically show me my room and then page Dr. Londra. I can say that I have not had an unpleasant experience at the clinic.
Clinic Errors
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra is very empathetic and wants her patients to succeed. The only “weakness” would be communication but only because she has a small accent. Sometimes you have to have her repeat things.
Her strengths would really be that she is thorough in explanation and actually shows she cares.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Be patient with her. She can be a bit hard to understand in a hurry.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Everyone has always been so caring and empathetic to my situation especially Dr. Londra
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
In each IUI treatment we used letrozole as opposed to clomid because it is supposed to have higher results. We also used the trigger shot in each procedure. I would see her around day 10 to get an estimate as to when the trigger was needed to then do the insemination. On the last cycle, to increase my growth and count in follicles, she added injectables to the regiment. Each attempt, there was 3 total, was unsuccessful. Eventually, with the low number of samples I have left and a low AMH, it was determined that IVF would be the best way to go.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Sally but now Andrea)
When I started the process Sally was my nurse coordinator. She was sweet, empathetic, compassionate and responsive. After Sally retired, Andrea became the new coordinator. Andrea has all the same characteristics as Sally and an amazing amount of patience when it comes to answering my 20 questions. The nursing staff was never really the same. They would typically show me my room and then page Dr. Londra. I can say that I have not had an unpleasant experience at the clinic.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Arrive a little early to get checked in.
Strengths: clean environment and friendly staff.
Weakness: The location is a little difficult to find the first time but it is conveniently located next to a sperm/collection center. Parking can be bad during prime hours.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
It costs $383 per IUI attempt. It ran me $30 each time to visit Londra. Clomid was like $4 the trigger shot was $100. Injectables were $900 but I applied for and received a discount code for 75% off my shots.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I have had blood draws completed that I was not called about right away. I had to contact them to find out the information.
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Our initial meeting with Dr. Williams was very interactive and he was attentive. He sat down with us and asked us questions and reviewed our options...Initially we started with Clomid and had scheduled intercourse. We tried it multiple times and unfortunately I did not ovulate and then we had male factor infertility and treatment plans had to be postponed to consider other options.
I left multiple messages and she [nurse of Ohio Reproductive Medicine] seemed to always find the time to get back to me...The only slight weakness is I had a small issue with billing and I informed them I wanted them to bill my insurance first for my ultrasound before I had to pay out of pocket. They agreed and it was worked out...My IUI cost around $275.00 and my ultrasound prior to my IUI was not covered by my insurance so that cost $345.00
How was your experience with Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Williams was very open and honest about our treatment options. He wanted to assist us to the best of his ability in order for us to expand our family. Unfortunately before our initial IUI, Dr. Williams was set to retire and he did not perform our first IUI. We had to select another doctor, Dr. Brooke-Rossi and she has been great!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
To ask as many questions as possible and take notes. Obtain a good understanding of the entire process.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Our initial meeting with Dr. Williams was very interactive and he was attentive. He sat down with us and asked us questions and reviewed our options.
Describe the protocols Steven Williams (retired) used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Initially we started with Clomid and had scheduled intercourse. We tried it multiple times and unfortunately I did not ovulate and then we had male factor infertility and treatment plans had to be postponed to consider other options.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Lindsey)
LINDSEY was great and very attentive. I left multiple messages and she seemed to always find the time to get back to me.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic is great and my experience has been very positive. The clinic is very attentive and is knowledgeable. The only slight weakness is I had a small issue with billing and I informed them I wanted them to bill my insurance first for my ultrasound before I had to pay out of pocket. They agreed and it was worked out.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
My cost will be different then most because my insurance doesn’t cover fertility treatment. My IUI cost around $275.00 and my ultrasound prior to my IUI was not covered by my insurance so that cost $345.00. I also paid a significant amount of money for my fertility medications.
Steven Williams (retired)
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Rossi treated me like a real person with emotions and feelings...She calls to explain her process, understands my concerns and talks them out with me...she is always up for trying new ideas and giving me her honest option of the stage we are at...We have done only single embryo transfers, but the possibility of multiple embryo transfers has been considered since we have had multiple failures.
The [Ohio Reproductive Medicine] clinic itself does treat people like a number. Monitoring is not done by appointment and done as a cattle call. While it might allow for quicker service, it doesn't allow for a lot of questions if you are seen by someone who is not your doctor. Their app system is really flawed as well. It doesn't allow for replying to messages. So if you don't understand something, you have to call and leave a message. Then they will respond via the app and you have to call back again. Not very user friendly.
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi's compassion for her patiences is a huge strength. We have had multiple complications and set back which have been crushing but we have felt confident that she is looking to find different method and exploring all options with us.
She knows that because of my complications, I have been more uncomfortable with being treated by multiple doctors and does what she can to make sure she is the one that sees me whenever possible.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Be your own advocate and do your research.
Dr. Rossi will listen and work through things with you, but you have to speak up.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi treated me like a real person with emotions and feelings, which was 100% different from how I felt when I was seeing Dr. Williams.
She calls to explain her process, understands my concerns and talks them out with me. We have had a long difficult road and she is always up for trying new ideas and giving me her honest option of the stage we are at.
While we unfortunately still have not gotten pregnant, I feel like we are in this together and she understands our frustration.
Describe the protocols Brooke Rossi used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Due to the complications from my first retrieval Dr. Rossi set me on a plan that worked with our schedule and to avoid unnecessary pain and another failed painful transfer.
She made sure that I would be put under for the retrieval, and made the injection schedule compatible with my work schedule.
We have done 3 frozen medicated transfers and one fresh transfer. All of which failed to implant.
We did multiple testing, saline ultrasound, uterine biopsy, bloodwork all coming back positive.
We decided to try a natural cycle to see if I respond better. First cycle was canceled because I didn't respond to the Femera. Second Cycle was put back on Clomid which I was responding to, but the cycle was canceled due to COVID
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Mackenzie)
I have been lucky enough to have Mackenzie as my nurse with my previous doctor and then she was promoted to IVF coordinator shortly after I switched doctors.
She has compassion and understanding. She has helped me understand the processes and has always been compassionate since she has been with me since the beginning.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic itself does treat people like a number. Monitoring is not done by appointment and done as a cattle call. While it might allow for quicker service, it doesn't allow for a lot of questions if you are seen by someone who is not your doctor.
Their app system is really flawed as well. It doesn't allow for replying to messages. So if you don't understand something, you have to call and leave a message. Then they will respond via the app and you have to call back again. Not very user friendly.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
It's a cattle call. They tell you to be there at 8, but that's only if you want to wait forever. There is normally a line at the door around 6:45am, if the lab techs are there early you can get your bloodwork done around 7.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The retrieval was around 15,000 before insurance, transfers were around 4,000. They do not offer a cash discount which I don't agree with. They will give insurance companies a 40% discount off their rates but not people willing to pay cash on the spot
Describe Brooke Rossi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We have done only single embryo transfers, but the possibility of multiple embryo transfers has been considered since we have had multiple failures.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call with results
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Failed to consider drug intolerance
Scheduled the wrong procedure
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
A lot of the issues were from the first doctor at the clinic I saw. He constantly forgot who we were and tried to schedule us for different procedures than what we needed.
Lab concerns were from their outdated system of faxed results from outside labs. I get my labs from a hospital that they use and they offer a great online system, but unless the doctor is looking for the results you have to wait a long time for the faxed
Brooke Rossi
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
[Dr. Grant Schmidt] always calls my husband and I by our names, shakes our hand, and has a conversation to connect with us on a personal level...is knowledgeable, explains procedures and testing, and adjusts the course of treatment based on previous cycle’s outcomes. We have no health coverage for infertility, and after two stim cycles and one failed IUI, he recommended we start saving for IVF. We appreciate his honesty...
The clinic [Ohio Reproductive Medicine] staff are kind and professional. Clinic and clinic bathrooms are always clean. They have very organized processes for their lab/US/appointments so just be sure to pay attention to which waiting room/where to go for your appointment...They communicate via phone and then follow up with a letter/info on the patient portal. This is helpful to go back to if I ever forget any of the info. The portal tracks each cycle with lab results/US results...Each Ultrasound was roughly 350? Our initial deposit for IVF was $9,300 (not including meds or anesthesia for egg retrieval ($875))
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
We love Dr Schmidt. Though we are still in the process of working to grow our family, we know we can trust him. He cares us about us as people. He is knowledgeable, explains procedures and testing, and adjusts the course of treatment based on previous cycle’s outcomes. We have no health coverage for infertility, and after two stim cycles and one failed IUI, he recommended we start saving for IVF. We appreciate his honesty and look forward to continuing on this journey with Dr Schmidt by our side!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
I always come with a list of questions (either in my head or written in my phone). Because he connects on a personal level, sometimes the conversation gets away from me and i forget to ask all my questions!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
When speaking with Dr Schmidt for our initial consultation and each subsequent appointment, he always calls my husband and I by our names, shakes our hand, and has a conversation to connect with us on a personal level. No matter if the visit has a positive or negative outcome, we feel as though he truly cares about us and wants to help us grow our family.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Upon our initial infertility consult, i was mid-cycle. So we started the next cycle with a round of Letrozole, timed intercourse, and trigger injection. Moved into first cycle of ovarian stimulation, timed intercourse, and trigger injection. Next cycle was our first IUI— ovarian stimulation (higher dose than before) and trigger. Was slightly overstimulated this cycle which resulted in leftover cysts for the next cycle. We did just letrozole the next cycle to “chase away the cysts” in pre for our planned IUI the next month. Had just begun letrozole and ovarian stimulation meds (only one day of injections) when our cycle was canceled due to COVID19 concerns.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Johanna )
Dr Schmidt’s nursing team is great. They communicate via phone and then follow up with a letter/info on the patient portal. This is helpful to go back to if I ever forget any of the info. The portal tracks each cycle with lab results/US results, which takes the pressure off of the patient who has likely been tracking everything on our own.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic staff are kind and professional. Clinic and clinic bathrooms are always clean. They have very organized processes for their lab/US/appointments so just be sure to pay attention to which waiting room/where to go for your appointment.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Each Ultrasound was roughly 350?
Our initial deposit for IVF was $9,300 (not including meds or anesthesia for egg retrieval ($875))
Grant Schmidt
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Schmidt said that yes, our odds were higher with IVF, but unless we wanted to spend more money quickly he also felt confident that an IUI would be successful. He suggested we do 3-4 IUIs before looking into more invasive procedures, such as IFV...He suggested doing single embryo transfers and freezing and additional embryos for future cycles as FET have a higher success rate....
[Ohio Reproductive Medicine] was able to get us an appointment very quickly. Overall, most of the nursing staff was very enraging and helpful. Our IUI cycle was canceled in the middle due to COVID-19, due to the lab closing being out of their control. They were not able to to the insemination but did help us to change the IUI to timed intercourse...
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Schmidt was able to connect with us on after the first appointment and made us feel like more than a number. When we left our first appointment, we knew we wanted to do an IUI about 3 months out. As we left his office he said he looked forward to seeing us soon but hopefully that wouldn't be necessary. This comment had a last effect on my husband and I, as you could tell he didn't want to have to preform an IUI and was hopefully that we could naturally conceive.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
He is a very nice guy, but does not always act like a "dr." He cussed a few times which made my husband and I more comfortable. Made him feel like a real person not just a dr.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Our first consult with ORM was to get a second opinion on what other clinics had been telling us. We sat down with Dr. Schmidt in his office not an exam room which made things more relaxed and allowed to have a conversation rather than feeling like an exam. He asked alot of questions to fully understand what we have gone through and to help us best choose our next steps. He spoke in easy to understand terms and never talked above our knowledge level. My husband and I are both college graduates but other fertility drs have talked in very clinical terms that we did not understand and we left more confused than when we got there, that was not the case with Dr. Schmidt!
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Dr. Schmidt said that yes, our odds were higher with IVF, but unless we wanted to spend more money quickly he also felt confident that an IUI would be successful. He suggested we do 3-4 IUIs before looking into more invasive procedures, such as IFV.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
ORM was able to get us an appointment very quickly. Overall, most of the nursing staff was very enraging and helpful. Our IUI cycle was canceled in the middle due to COVID-19, due to the lab closing being out of their control. They were not able to to the insemination but did help us to change the IUI to timed intercourse.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We have not yet received a bill from ORM.
Describe Grant Schmidt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
He informed us that ASRM does not encourage multiple embryo transfer and it only increases your likelihood of pregnancy by 1-2%. He suggested doing single embryo transfers and freezing and additional embryos for future cycles as FET have a higher success rate.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Rossi was upbeat and positive upon meeting us. She not only looked at ways to better my personal chances (suggesting to check my vit. d levels), but to also look at my fiance and give him ideas and vitamins to try and help better his health as well...[she] went over the pros and cons and we decided to go through at least a couple IUI'S before surgery
Everyone in the clinic [Ohio Reproductive Medicine] is friendly. If you have questions and leave a message they get back to you the same day. I previously had one slight issue with miscommunication amongst nurses. Other than that it has been a pleasent experience. The complex is located next to a pharmacy...You do not want to be ignorant in the fertility process so ask as many questions as possible.
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi was upbeat and positive upon meeting us. She not only looked at ways to better my personal chances (suggesting to check my vit. d levels), but to also look at my fiance and give him ideas and vitamins to try and help better his health as well. During our meeting we were pretty determined to do the laparoscopy. Doctor Rossi went over the pros and cons and we decided to go through at least a couple IUI'S before surgery. Unfortunately the CoVid virus has put a hold on our process.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
You do not want to be ignorant in the fertility process so ask as many questions as possible.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
On our first visit we definitely felt like humans rather than a number. We had several questions that she was willing to help us with. After several failed treatments of Clomid and injections we were thinking about surgery. Dr. Rossi talked us out of surgery and strongly encouraged we try IUI's first.
Describe the protocols Brooke Rossi used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We recently transitioned to Dr.Rossi as our previous doctor retired. Our treatment plan is to continue taking the Clomid and wait for a positive ovulation test at that time we will start the IUI process after which I will take medicine for 12 days after and begin taking pregnancy tests. She also tested my vit D levels and they were extremely low so I take one pill a week of 50,000 units of vit D. The COvid virus has put our process on hold.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Everyone in the clinic is friendly. If you have questions and leave a message they get back to you the same day. I previously had one slight issue with miscommunication amongst nurses. Other than that it has been a pleasent experience. The complex is located next to a pharmacy you can pick up your shots and also next to a sperm
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Brooke Rossi
Humanity4 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
She worked with me on making sure there were corrections made on my second IVF cycle to make sure it would be a successful outcome. She is personable and explains things thoroughly and makes sure all your questions are answered...Dr. Londra is very compassionate and wants to see her patients succeed. I did two rounds of Letrozole with [her and], two IUIs and two IVF cycles...
[the ORM nurses] always answered your questions in person at apts. or via the portal. There were a few mishaps with the apt scheduling but it all worked out...very organized especially during covid. Some of the staff could be a little more cheerful. Overall everyone was very nice and helpful...I think we have spent overall 16,500.00 we are lucky we got some reprevial with insurance but paid a bulk of our procedures out of pocket
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra is very compassionate and wants to see her patients succeed. I did two rounds of Letrozole with Dr. Londra, two IUIs and two IVF cycles with Dr. Londra with our current IVF cycle being successful. She worked with me on making sure there were corrections made on my second IVF cycle to make sure it would be a successful outcome. She is personable and explains things thoroughly and makes sure all your questions are answered.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
To make sure you speak up and ask questions if you don't understand one of your protocols.She is always willing to explain to make sure you understand.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
With Dr. Londra I felt like she gave me her undivided attention. She is very caring. I know at the clinic they have to move at a fast pace but I never felt rushed with Dr. Londra or with any of the other doctors I saw.
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Our first IVF cycle failed because many of my eggs were not mature enough so for the second IVF cycle she had me stay on the Gonal F and Cetrotide a bit longer making sure my follicles were larger to make for the best outcome. Thankfully our outcome has ended with me being 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant as of today.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
nursing staff was great! They always answered your questions in person at apts. or via the portal. There were a few mishaps with the apt scheduling but it all worked out.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
very organized especially during covid. Some of the staff could be a little more cheerful. Overall everyone was very nice and helpful. Make sure to always ask questions if you don't understand something sometimes i think everyone is moving at a fast past and some information can forgotten.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I think we have spent overall 16,500.00 we are lucky we got some reprevial with insurance but paid a bulk of our procedures out of pocket. This includes, Letrozole, 2 IUIs and 2 IVF cycles.
Describe Laura Londra's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We stuck with eSET. My doctor recommended eSET as my embryo was strong and healthy.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Lost appointments
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I had a few apt. times that were scheduled wrong or sent to me for a certain time in the portal message but on the daily schedule chart was for a different time. I ended up showing up an hour late to one apt. I looked back at my portal message and the time listed on the message did not match the daily scheduled time. All turned out ok.
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
She [Dr. Londra] used Antagonist protocol on me as Lupron protocol wasn't working well in my first cycle due to dominant follicle and the cycle was canceled. But she changed the protocol to antagonist and used Follistim, Menopur and Genirelix. This worked for me since I had diminished ovarian reserve...There were few times when the clinic assigned me to other doctors but when I asked for Dr. Londra, she came right away even when she wasn't on call that day. She treated me like human and not like any other patient...For us she recommended single embryo transfer and we did that...
We did two ivf cycles so it was around $25000...Ohio Reproductive is a very good clinic with pretty good doctors mostly. I didn't have a good experience with Dr. Kennard though but all other doctors are very good. All the nurses and technicians have been wonderful to me. Strength - They have good facilities, Dr. Londra and Dr. William was awesome. Weakness - They don't have a direct call number, every call goes to voicemail and sometimes it is frustrating.
How was your experience with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra was always available. There were few times when the clinic assigned me to other doctors but when I asked for Dr. Londra, she came right away even when she wasn't on call that day. She treated me like human and not like any other patient.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
She is very respondent to any question. So please feel free to ask all the questions and options you have in your mind.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Londra is an absolute angel. She worked patiently with empathy that lot of others don't have sometimes. She was kind enough to call me when I had a miscarriage. Her compassion and kindness was enough to give me hope when I needed it the most. We are 7 week pregnant and moving to my Gynecologist.
Describe the protocols Laura Londra used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
She used Antagonist protocol on me as Lupron protocol wasn't working well in my first cycle due to dominant follicle and the cycle was canceled. But she changed the protocol to antagonist and used Follistim, Menopur and Genirelix. This worked for me since I had diminished ovarian reserve.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
McKenzie was very helpful all the time. She helped coordinate all the communication with the doctor.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Ohio Reproductive is a very good clinic with pretty good doctors mostly. I didn't have a good experience with Dr. Kennard though but all other doctors are very good. All the nurses and technicians have been wonderful to me.
Strength - They have good facilities, Dr. Londra and Dr. William was awesome.
Weakness - They don't have a direct call number, every call goes to voicemail and sometimes it is frustrating.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Laura Londra at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We did two ivf cycles so it was around $25000
Describe Laura Londra's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
For us she recommended single embryo transfer and we did that.
Laura Londra
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
I do feel Dr Kennard is smart and professional but I don’t feel a lot of personal attention will be done on your case unless you push for it. She is a straight to the point type...I saw her for my consult and maybe one IUI but never any follow up from her...Dr Kennard does not usually prescribe progesterone but the IUI performing doctor was going to prescribe it for me.
I think the clinic [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine] was average and appropriate. I don’t feel that there was anything spectacular nor was there anything terribly wrong. It was fine for what I needed it for. I feel that it probably operates similar to other clinics and I never really had to wait long...The nursing staff was amazing. Very prompt in their returned phone calls. Knowledgeable.
How was your experience with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
I was very excited for my first appointment with Dr Kennard as her credentials and experience are amazing. During our first consult she was professional. She did set up a plan for me to start femara and an HSG. Although she highly pushed for me to start IVF instead because of my uterine anomaly. I was told my labs looked good. I was never told any labs were abnormal when in actuality my AMH level was elevated indicating PCOS. Knowing that we could have discussed starting metformin. So I was disappointed knowing that was missed. I do feel Dr Kennard is smart and professional but I don’t feel a lot of personal attention will be done on your case unless you push for it. She is a straight to the point type of Doctor when you speak to her. She does not seem to be the type to hold your hand and coddle you. I saw her for my consult and maybe one IUI but never any follow up from her. Every time I called to ask a question through one of the nurses I was told Dr Kennard was on vacation. I heard that on 3 different occasions. Maybe if I was doing IVF I would have gotten more attention as that requires more but I was in the beginning of my infertility adventure and needing/wanting more answers. I did not feel I received the attention I wanted.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Make sure you ask questions and advocate for yourself. If you want the attention make sure you reach out for it.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
I did not feel that I received personalized care. I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility when in actuality I had a uterine anomaly that may have played a role and later come to find out by my GYN that I had a large uterine fibroid and another RE diagnosed me with PCOS due to my AMH lab result from a lab that Dr Kennard ordered and received 9 months earlier. That made me feel that she was not really following my case.
Describe the protocols Elizabeth Kennard used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
5mg Femara was used CD 3-7. Never told why those days. Trigger shot HCG 5000 units was done 36hours before IUI. 1 Ultrasound for IUI was done CD 11. No beta no extra ultrasounds. Another doctor that did my IUI prescribed progesterone suppositories the last IUI I had and she told me Dr Kennard does not usually prescribe progesterone but the IUI performing doctor was going to prescribe it for me.
Most of the protocols we used were due to my uterine anomaly. We did not want me to produce a lot of follicles because I would not be able to hold a pregnancy with multiples.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The nursing staff was amazing. Very prompt in their returned phone calls. Knowledgeable. I felt confident that they could guide me and answer my questions Independently. I knew they would get answers for me and I felt at ease that they would have everything handled. I worked many times with Megan and she was awesome.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I think the clinic was average and appropriate. I don’t feel that there was anything spectacular nor was there anything terribly wrong. It was fine for what I needed it for. I feel that it probably operates similar to other clinics and I never really had to wait long.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Elizabeth Kennard at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I was told IVF retrieval would be $12,400 and frozen embryo transfer would be approximately $2000.
IUIs total cost was approximately $600 or a little less. Plus medications. Trigger shot for 10000units was $100. I could use that for two cycles.
Describe Elizabeth Kennard's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We discussed if I was to do ivf Single embryo transfer was all we would ever do, again due to my uterine anomaly
Elizabeth Kennard
Humanity2 of 5
Communication2 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Compassion3 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
He [Dr. Grant Schmidt] was nice and spoke to us candidly and answered all of our questions. But after my diagnostic panel his communication dropped- there was little to no follow up until I reached out and was told he recommends IVF if I would like to have another child. His nurse sent me the packet of info and said to follow up when I’ve reviewed it, there was no discussion with him about why IVF is preferred or what the plan would be.
No one [from ORM] ever contacted me to tell me IVF was the recommendation. I noticed test results from my lab work on the portal and called to find out what the plan was. They supposedly sent me an IVF packet but I never received it...When I started seeing Dr. Schmidt I spoke to a few nurses and I was unclear who to contact. The portal didn’t include a contact for Dr. Schmidt’s nurses so that was unhelpful as well.
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
He was nice and spoke to us candidly and answered all of our questions. But after my diagnostic panel his communication dropped- there was little to no follow up until I reached out and was told he recommends IVF if I would like to have another child. His nurse sent me the packet of info and said to follow up when I’ve reviewed it, there was no discussion with him about why IVF is preferred or what the plan would be. Perhaps that would have come later if I had reached back out but we weren’t financially able to move forward.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Stay on top of communication
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
He was authentic and fairly personable during the consultation itself but all other communication was lacking.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
When I had my first doctor at ORM (who retired), I was assigned to one nurse and given an extension to reach her. When I started seeing Dr. Schmidt I spoke to a few nurses and I was unclear who to contact. The portal didn’t include a contact for Dr. Schmidt’s nurses so that was unhelpful as well. When I called, I’d leave voicemails and different people would call me back and they didn’t seem to have a good grasp on who I was. And they had to send me my IVF packet ‘twice’ because I never received it the first time.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I have heard billing (sometimes months or even years later) is sometimes problematic but haven’t had that issue myself. I think the primary issue is communication- who to talk to, by what method, and what the next steps are.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
We paid for a consultation
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Lost paperwork
Failed to call with results
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
No one ever contacted me to tell me IVF was the recommendation. I noticed test results from my lab work on the portal and called to find out what the plan was. They supposedly sent me an IVF packet but I never received it, so I asked them to send it again and to send an electronic copy so I didn’t need to wait again, they only sent a hard copy.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity3 of 5
Communication3 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion3 of 5
Explained risks3 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
She [Dr. Rossi] gives me realistic hope...When she isn't sure, she tells my why she wasn't sure about something and walks me through her decision-making process. When she is sure, she would explain the medical research behind it. She injects humor when needed, acknowledges my feelings and fears even before I did, has called me personally a number of times for consolation and advice, and has shared recent research she had done on my behalf. The day I was supposed to stop ovarian stimulation meds and do my trigger shot for my first retrieval, I freaked out over how low my estrogen was and calle
I had good experiences with the nursing staff [at Ohio Reproductive Medicine]. My calls were always returned same day (if I called in the morning) or next day (if I called later on). They would upload critical test results same day into my online portal. Recently, they've had turnover in the IVF nurse department and the new ones are more disorganized and lack knowledge (they have to constantly go ask questions). I've had to call more and get more clarification than I did before.
Clinic Errors
How was your experience with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Rossi has been utterly fantastic. She never gives me false hope but helps me feel optimistic at the same time. When she isn't sure, she tells my why she wasn't sure about something and walks me through her decision-making process. When she is sure, she would explain the medical research behind it. She injects humor when needed, acknowledges my feelings and fears even before I did, has called me personally a number of times for consolation and advice, and has shared recent research she had done on my behalf. The day I was supposed to stop ovarian stimulation meds and do my trigger shot for my first retrieval, I freaked out over how low my estrogen was and called the after-hours line. She took the call, listened to my concerns, let me cry, and then actually tweaked my protocol and had me do one more round of shots-which I really think did make a difference for my number of eggs ready! When I had my miscarriage from that cycle, she was so empathetic and professional and really handled it better than I could have imagined. We have had issues with my poor response since then, and she has really collaborated with me every step of the way. I really believe that she will help me get there! Go see her!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Be honest and open about what you want and need-she will listen to you. Trust her judgment but also trust yourself.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
She called me personally when I had a chemical pregnancy my first cycle with her, to answer my many questions, to calm my fears the day before my egg retrieval. She really listened to me when I had questions about my cycle, my meds, when I wanted to try something new, and honestly considers my preferences for treatment. She gives her medical opinion in a way that is respectful and knowledgeable without being dismissive. She has talked to me numerous times on the phone and never rushes me. I feel like she genuinely cared about my results. When I got pregnant from my first IVF cycle and transfer, she was really happy for me. When I was diagnosed with an anembryonic pregnancy, she expressed intense (yet professional) empathy for my situation. She also moved her schedule around so she could personally do my D&C the next day. I couldn't imagine a doctor who treats someone more like a human and an equal in this process. She gives me realistic hope.
Describe the protocols Brooke Rossi used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
When I came to her, I had done two rounds of Clomid with my OBGYN. I was ovulating on my own but had borderline progesterone levels and a shorter luteal phase. Dr. Rossi recommended we do one more round and an HSG. She also did not like my prolactin levels, sent me for an MRI (that my regular endocrinologist had told me was unnecessary), found a prolactinoma, and started cabergoline to treat it. I had a chemical pregnancy that cycle. Because of that, we decided to do a few more medicated rounds and see if the lower prolactin levels would help me get pregnant. I asked to do letrozole out of concern the Clomid was thinning my lining. Dr. Rossi did not have that concern but was happy to oblige. Three rounds did not work. We did a round of letrozole with IUI-no pregnancy. I asked to do a round of injectibles and IUI-Dr. Rossi agreed-no pregnancy. Did a round of letrozole again (I was out of town and couldn't come in for monitoring for the injectibles) and IUI-no pregnancy. Moved straight to IVF. Did three weeks of birth control to calm my ovaries (I was ovulating really early) and then did a microdose lupron protocol with high doses of gonal-f. We upped the gonal f a little after a couple ultrasounds to see follicle growth, and then did egg retrieval. Due to only having 5 mature follicles via ultrasound, Dr. Rossi wanted to plan for a day three transfer. When we got four embryos on Day 1 from my 5 retrieved eggs, she decided that things were looking better than she expected and we should go for a day 5 transfer instead. We did a fresh transfer due to her research that they're more successful in poor responders like myself. One embryo was a grade 1 blast, so we transferred that (one more made it day 6 to freeze), and I got pregnant. At mt 7-week ultrasound, we discovered it was an anembryonic pregnancy and did a D&C the next day. I got my period 4 weeks later, and that cycle we did a saline sonogram to ensure that there was no scarring after the D&C. We did a natural start cycle with microdose lupron and high dose gonal f again. I only developed 2 follicles, so we converted to IUI (no pregnancy). We decided to start oral estrogen priming after IUI to prep for another stim cycle, but I had either 2 giant follicles or 2 cysts at baseline, so we decided to cancel. I asked to try birth control again since it worked the last time, so we did 3 weeks of a low-dose birth control then gonal f and menopur. I only got 3 follicles that time and we decided to convert to IUI again (Dr. Rossi is convinced I can produce better and we shouldn't waste the retrieval from my insurance). That was a bfn. We decided to try an estrogen patch/antagonist priming protocol, and that baseline was good so we moved forward. My cycle just got cancelled due to COVID-19 clinic shut downs, so I'm currently waiting to start back up. I'll come back and update when I start again.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I had good experiences with the nursing staff. My calls were always returned same day (if I called in the morning) or next day (if I called later on). They would upload critical test results same day into my online portal. Recently, they've had turnover in the IVF nurse department and the new ones are more disorganized and lack knowledge (they have to constantly go ask questions). I've had to call more and get more clarification than I did before.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I was able to get in quickly for an eval-I think it was less than a two week wait (but my doctor was also new to the clinic so she was taking new patients). The staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and communicative (in my experience). However, I did have a friend who went to the same clinic who sometimes did not get called back same day, even when she had uncertain test results she needed a nurse to review with her. The doctors do rotate for IUI and IVF transfers, so my doctor did not do my IUIs or my transfer. She did do my egg retrieval and most of my monitoring. When I really wanted her to do my scan when I was worried we'd have to decide to cancel a retrieval for poor response, she saw me personally even though she wasn't on rotation.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic tells people to come starting at 7:30 but people can get in as soon as 7 most days. Bloodwork is first come, first serve and they have 1-2 people doing bloodwork from 7am-12:30pm. Ultrasound monitoring is then done once you have your bloodwork done, though if bloodwork is backed up, they will take people for ultrasound first. I would get there between 7-7:30, and I would never wait longer than 15-20 minutes before being seen. However, most of the time, by the time you get blood drawn, do the US, and see the IVF nurse, you're there for 45-60 min. It was run very efficiently.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brooke Rossi at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I had insurance coverage, so I met my out of pocket expenses and then didn't pay for the rest. So I don't have accurate numbers.
Describe Brooke Rossi's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
strong preference for transferring only one embryo, especially at my age (32). She said she would not consider transferring more than one, no matter the results of the retrieval. For my friend at the same clinic at age 38 in January 2020, Dr. Rossi transferred one good-quality blast and one poor-quality blast in a fresh cycle (the poor was unlikely to make it to freeze). My friend got pregnant with a single baby.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
I had a friend who had a low beta after her IVF transfer, and the clinic uploaded the results and did not call her. She called them that same day-no response. She called the next day and they claimed they called, but she never got a message from them. The doctor was very apologetic though.
I haven't had a serious issue with the clinic personally. But I also am not afraid to keep calling until someone calls me back :)
Brooke Rossi
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
Dr. Schmidt is friendly, caring and always has a positive attitude that he can get you pregnant. He's very laid back which can be good and bad. The only negative thing I can say is I wish he was the one doing all monitoring appointments, IUI's and egg retrieval instead of other doctors...Dr. Schmidt preferred a single embryo transfer...I never really got a good diagnosis from him
[Ohio Reproductive Medicine] is very busy and at times you do feel like a number and I wish you could see the same doctor at all appointments...Monitoring appointments were in the mornings starting at 7am and it was first come first serve. Depending on the day, we were lined up outside the door to get in...Some of the nurses were very nice and compassionate and some were not as friendly. They all communicated very well and returned my calls at a reasonable time...IVF was around $7100 plus meds and IUI was $381 plus meds and monitoring
How was your experience with Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Schmidt is friendly, caring and always has a positive attitude that he can get you pregnant. He's very laid back which can be good and bad. The only negative thing I can say is I wish he was the one doing all monitoring appointments, IUI's and egg retrieval instead of other doctors.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Make sure you ask questions and write them down if you have to. Also if there is something you wanted tested on ask him because I can tell he is not a fan of additional testing.
Describe the protocols Grant Schmidt used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I went through numerous treatments with Dr. Schmidt. I never really got a good diagnosis from him but I did have Low AMH and Hypothyroidism. Started out with Letrozole, trigger shot & timed intercourse for 4 cycles which were unsuccessful. Then we moved onto Follistim injections for 2 cycles but I ended up ovulating before doing the trigger shot & timed intercourse so those 2 rounds were unsuccessful. Then we moved onto Letrozole, follistim injections, trigger shot with timed intercourse for 2 cycles which ended up being unsuccessful. Then we did 2 more cycles with the same protocol but adding in IUI but both of those were unsuccessful. Then we moved onto IVF, had 1 cycle cancelled and switched to IUI because I didn't respond well to the meds which were microdose lupron, follistim, & menopur which it ended up being unsuccessful. Then we tried another cycle of IVF and I took Clomid, Follistim, and Trigger shot and ended up having 5 follicles at my last ultrasound scan but when it came time for egg retrieval they only retrieved 2 eggs and they both ended up being immature so it was unsuccessful. I'm positive I ovulated before the egg retrieval and that is why I didn't have a good outcome. I don't think they monitored me as good as they should of. So we switched clinics after this to get a second opinion.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Some of the nurses were very nice and compassionate and some were not as friendly. They all communicated very well and returned my calls at a reasonable time.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
This clinic is very busy and at times you do feel like a number and I wish you could see the same doctor at all appointments but I understand why they do what they do to accommodate everyone. There prices are very reasonable as well compared to other clinics which is a good thing. Overall I had a good experience with them even though I didn't get a success story.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Monitoring appointments were in the mornings starting at 7am and it was first come first serve. Depending on the day, we were lined up outside the door to get in and sometimes it was crazy how many people were there at one time. I always tried to be one of the first ones there so I didn't have to wait as long to get my blood work and ultrasound done.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Grant Schmidt at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
IVF was around $7100 plus meds and IUI was $381 plus meds and monitoring. This is if you don't have insurance coverage.
Describe Grant Schmidt's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Dr. Schmidt preferred a single embryo transfer which was fine with me because that is what I wanted too.
Grant Schmidt
Humanity3 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability4 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)
When going over procedures he [Dr. Williams] explains them fully and tells you what he believes your chances are and why...He is pretty blunt and likes to explain things with pictures. If you don't understand what he is talking about ask him to slow down or even explain it in another way...I meet with him personally every time...had a mishap occur due to neglegince of another staff member. When speaking with Dr. Williams he caught it right away
The clinic [ORM] is clean. The secretary is very friendly and helpful. The online portal is slightly hard to follow. If you want to send an email to someone it goes to an office worker who then sends it to the person you really are trying to get ahold of which is slightly annoying...only issue I have had with the clinic was a miscommunication on a voicemail from an LPN within the office (not my doctor's nurse)
How was your experience with Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Dr. Williams is very concerned with his patients. I had a mishap occur due to neglegince of another staff member. When speaking with Dr. Williams he caught it right away. He completed my exam and determined this issue would not be determintel to our chances this month. We went back to his office so he could get to the bottom of the miscommunication. He addressed it right away with the staff member. I feel as though I am in very capable hands. I meet with him personally every time. His only drawl back would be he not very computer savvy relying on his nurse and other staff members to call with medical updates and such.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
He is pretty blunt and likes to explain things with pictures. If you don't understand what he is talking about ask him to slow down or even explain it in another way.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
When I am with Doctor Williams you can tell he really cares. He recalls previously told information not only about medical things, but life as well. When going over procedures he explains them fully and tells you what he believes your chances are and why. He is big into fist bumping which could go either way, but to me it is more of a personal touch.
Describe the protocols Steven Williams (retired) used in your cycles at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Having pcos makes my periods not as frequent as they should be. My current strategy is to take femera on day three of my period through day seven. Around day ten or so I go in for a ultrasound to check ovulation profession. Based on what he sees there he tells me what day I should take.my pregno (trigger shot). After ovulation I am now taking pregestrone vaginally for two weeks. As we discovered during my last cycle that me progesterone level was at a 7. During this phase I also have blood work done to determine my progesterone levels. We are currently doing times intercourse.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
Dr. Williams nurse is very nice and helpful. However some of the other nurses on staff seem to treat you more like a number. I only specifically had one bad experience and that was with a LPN on staff.
Describe your experience with Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The clinic is clean. The secretary is very friendly and helpful. The online portal is slightly hard to follow. If you want to send an email to someone it goes to an office worker who then sends it to the person you really are trying to get ahold of which is slightly annoying. Although when I did run into an issue and I wanted to make sure it was addressed the person on the other end of the portal had it sent to the people it needed to be sent to and the issue was addressed within 24 hours. They were very understanding and apologetic. The clinic is also conveniently located next door the a compound pharmacy, and across the street from am outpatient surgery center.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Steven Williams (retired) at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
At this phase my insurance is still covering most of the cost. At this point I am responsible for the office copay, my pill medications are covered through insurance with just a $4 fee. The shots are $100 dollars but there is enough in the vial for two months worth. The dye test cost about $260 after insurance. Blood work is free. My insurance covers all things exploratory or towards fixing an underlying issue anything that is specific to fertility such as IVF will not be covered.
What specific things went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)?
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic).
The one and only issue I have had with the clinic was a miscommunication on a voicemail from an LPN within the office (not my doctor's nurse). When the nurse called to give me my progesterone results she informed me that my progesterone was low and that she would be sending in a prescription for pills to be taken after my period ends for two weeks. So I began taking them directly after my period ended. It was not until day ten of my cycle when I was at the doctor's office speaking with my actual doctor that I was supposed to take them after my peak fertility days. The doctor conducted my exam and determined it did not do damage to this cycle and as long as I stopped taking them and started back up when he told me I should be ok. I was pretty upset and worried that something like this might happen to someone else. I sent an email to the patient portal and received an email stating their apologies, and that they plan to use this example in an upcoming training (obviously omitting all the personal details).
Steven Williams (retired)
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Ohio Reproductive Medicine (Boston IVF Network clinic)