Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
Dr. Moruzzi is a meticulous and thorough doctor. Wait times are sometimes long in his office, but that's usually because he spends time actually reviewing your individual case and discussing latest results or next steps with you. It's definitely best to get prescriptions ordered when you are speaking / meeting with him directly as it can be challenging to get ahold of him when he's with other patients.
...the [Olympia Women's Health] clinic has limited staff. This can sometimes contribute to a slight wait beyond your scheduled appointment time. The quality of the staff and the care they provide is exceptional...Dr. Moruzzi and his staff have intently listened to our desired outcomes and, while making sure we are aware of alternatives, have recommended and pursued courses of treatment that they believe give us the best chance of success given our preferred options.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Dr. Moruzzi is a meticulous and thorough doctor. Wait times are sometimes long in his office, but that's usually because he spends time actually reviewing your individual case and discussing latest results or next steps with you. It's definitely best to get prescriptions ordered when you are speaking / meeting with him directly as it can be challenging to get ahold of him when he's with other patients.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Be patient, but be prepared. It may also be helpful to take notes since Dr. Moruzzi has a wealth of experience but also keeps up with current research.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Dr. Moruzzi and his staff have intently listened to our desired outcomes and, while making sure we are aware of alternatives, have recommended and pursued courses of treatment that they believe give us the best chance of success given our preferred options.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
Dr. Moruzzi uses practices that have been correlated with positive results, especially when there is little or no additional cost and no downside. For example, he advises (in office) rest after procedures like IUI and will have you use the patient room you are in while he sees his next appointment in another room. He doesn't necessarily recommend practices or procedures that would have an additional cost if they haven't been shown to increase chances of successful conception or implantation.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
Dr. Moruzzi often has a mixture of experienced nurses and those who are relatively new to the practice. Even though the number of nurses and other staff isn't large, there is always at least one experienced nurse available. All have been very helpful and professional. It's especially interesting as a patient to hear why things may be done a certain way as this is being explained to newer staff.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
As mentioned previously, the clinic has limited staff. This can sometimes contribute to a slight wait beyond your scheduled appointment time. The quality of the staff and the care they provide is exceptional.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
Dr. Moruzzi's costs are significantly less than other high-profile clinics in the Puget Sound region. Dr. Moruzzi recommends two back-to-back IUI procedures, and offers a discount on the second procedure. Semen collection and processing are included in this cost, unlike some other clinics. IVF is very affordable.
What specific things went wrong at Olympia Women's Health?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Olympia Women's Health.
Dr. Moruzzi is fond of writing paper prescriptions, although he is happy to send electronic prescriptions as well. It may be helpful to ask him to do the second of these during your patient visit if prescriptions are needed from a specialty pharmacy -- like those who fill IVF stimulation meds -- who may not accept paper scripts or if using a medication that is less common.
I appreciated [Dr. James Moruzzi] his professionalism, compassion, and knowledge...He’s come in at odd hours or cut his lunch breaks short to try and help us grow our family so he really does his best to help every patient as best he can...First round of medications needed adjusted for first IUI to be done. No pregnancy obtained that cycle. Next cycle started out with the last dosage instead of starting out lower again
[nurses of Olympia Women's Health] Professional, friendly, competent & knowledgable. Any questions I’ve had after my appointment have been answered promptly...I felt like a priority every time I had my appointment or called with questions. An additional doctor and an online patient portal would be very nice upgrades at some point. Billing has always been straight forward & easy to deal with.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
I appreciated his professionalism, compassion, and knowledge. With him coming highly recommended there is always the risk he will be running late because of the patient load. He’s come in at odd hours or cut his lunch breaks short to try and help us grow our family so he really does his best to help every patient as best he can.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Write your questions down to ask one at a time or through an e-mail. Be patient with delays as they are usually other patients getting their questions answered as well.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Staff remembered my name & were friendly when I had to bring my child with me.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
First round of medications needed adjusted for first IUI to be done. No pregnancy obtained that cycle. Next cycle started out with the last dosage instead of starting out lower again. Pregnancy was obtained after attentive follicular monitoring via ultrasounds. Progesterone suppositories were prescribed. Progesterone levels were slow to rise while hcg rose fast initially. Weekly blood tests to track hcg & progesterone followed. Results usually were reviewed by phone call the same day!! Progesterone plateaued then began dropping, followed by a missed miscarriage. Confirmed by usd. Each appointments medical procedures had a nurse or nursing student present which was nice. Getting to hear knowledge & training passed onto a new wave of staff is reassuring to hear explanations.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
Professional, friendly, competent & knowledgable. Any questions I’ve had after my appointment have been answered promptly. I enjoy that the staff enjoys chatting with each other as well as patients. I’ve been to clinics where I noticed patients were just treated like “charts” because of how busy the clinics were. Glad that’s not how the nursing staff is at this clinic.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
I felt like a priority every time I had my appointment or called with questions. An additional doctor and an online patient portal would be very nice upgrades at some point. Billing has always been straight forward & easy to deal with.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
Cost seemed very affordable. With staff recommending additional ways to find medications at reasonable prices nearby & having financial planning pamphlets available to help explain costs.
Describe James Moruzzi (OB/GYN)'s approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Olympia Women's Health.
All in all, Dr. Moruzzi is a great Dr. We are just upset with how out our luck has been when it comes to treatments...He wanted to get as many eggs as we could. I developed ohss so had to freeze the embryos and transfer the next month. The next round we did the ganirelix cycle. He said that we would try for a less amount of eggs to hope for better quality...My ovaries were again over stimulated so had to freeze our one and only embryo and do an fet the following month.
The first 3 cycles [at Olympia Women's Health] ended in a negative pregnancy test. Our 4th round we did get a strong positive but ended around 6 weeks in a miscarriage...The Great thing about it being small is you feel at home and very much personal. The con of that is the wait time. I've mostly been in the back room which feels very stiff and cold but it's the room they do all the procedures in. The other two rooms are comfy and warm. They are kid friendly with books and puzzles and there is free WiFi which can make the wait time easier. The clinics prices are also way less than others surrounding. I'm talking like a half of other fertility clinics.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
My husband and I do love Dr. Moruzzi. We have been going to him for a couple years now. Seems like we have done every procedure having to do with IVF but unfortunately have not been successful. Our last transfer with donor embryos ended not too long ago with a miscarriage. Dr. Moruzzi is very busy, we have had to wait for hours( not an exaggeration) to get in just for a quick ultrasound. That part can be quite frustrating. Our first two rounds were our own embryos but had to do two different egg retrievals. Both did not seem to work and the second one was very odd. The day we triggered we had 8 perfect follicles but he ended up only retrieving one egg and ended it with it must have been a technical error. I thought possible with two trigger shots but who knows. All in all, Dr. Moruzzi is a great Dr. We are just upset with how out our luck has been when it comes to treatments.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Make sure to plan accordingly with wait times. Be prepared to wait a long time.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
I really like Dr. Moruzzi but would sometimes have to wait hours to get in and see him. When I would call with a question he sometimes acted like I didn't have the right to do that or I was exaggerating. He ended our consultation with the only thing I can guarantee is that it's expensive.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
Our first round we did a long ivf treatment. Started with birth control then lupron,Lots of menopur, gonal f and we did one trigger shot. He wanted to get as many eggs as we could. I developed ohss so had to freeze the embryos and transfer the next month. The next round we did the ganirelix cycle. He said that we would try for a less amount of eggs to hope for better quality It was for a shorter time but also used lupron, menopur and more gonal f than before. My ovaries were again over stimulated so had to freeze our one and only embryo and do an fet the following month. The third and fourth rounds we used donor embryos so just had to prep for an fet. I did a month before birth control with an overlap of lupron, started on 4 estrodiol pills along with 1 patch everyday until I had three on and would remove the one from day 1 and so on. 7 days before the transfer we would start our progesterone in oil injections IM. The first 3 cycles ended in a negative pregnancy test. Our 4th round we did get a strong positive but ended around 6 weeks in a miscarriage.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
Sylvia Is amazing!!! When we first started there seemed to be a lot of over turn but Sylvia and Sandy have been great with me. The front desk lady is great too.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
The clinic is fairly old and small. The Great thing about it being small is you feel at home and very much personal. The con of that is the wait time. I've mostly been in the back room which feels very stiff and cold but it's the room they do all the procedures in. The other two rooms are comfy and warm. They are kid friendly with books and puzzles and there is free WiFi which can make the wait time easier. The clinics prices are also way less than others surrounding. I'm talking like a half of other fertility clinics.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
Just for treatments alone, not including medications, we have spent close to $20,000.
What specific things went wrong at Olympia Women's Health?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Olympia Women's Health.
Due to the amount of patients that are seen there, there have been multiple times that I did not receive important phone calls with results of blood work. With IVF there are so many moving pieces that with every test done things can change with frequency or amount of medications. I would call many times the following day being told I would get a call back but did not. With all the hormones and emotions going thru me during this time it sometimes made me feel as though my case wasn't as important. I know that wasn't the case, I just think maybe they need someone just to call either results.
He [Dr. Moruzzi] is kind of an odd ball, but he is very smart and seems to know what he is doing and is comfortable with reaching out to other providers as needed. He will give you all the time you need and never rushes you...I do feel like he could or should communicate better on what may or may not actually be wrong with you or what we should try differently. He is caring and compassionate and will answer any questions you have.
The clinic [Olympia] will see you after hours and on the weekends. That is a huge plus. It is very outdated and may not have the newest technology. There is a new embryologist that seems VERY helpful...team is very busy so sometimes you do not feel like a super priority but overall if you are patient, they give you the same respect when it's your turn...Long waiting times, at least an hour after your apt which was hard for us as we lived 3hrs away. Misplaced paperwork, which was found.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He is kind of an odd ball, but he is very smart and seems to know what he is doing and is comfortable with reaching out to other providers as needed. He will give you all the time you need and never rushes you.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Be patient. Yes, you will have to wait for your turn and it may be over an hour wait but when it comes your time, you are not in any hurry. Ask anything and everything you want. Trust that he knows what he is doing and has your back. Be proactive in your own care. He likes that and it feels good to know he is ok with that as well.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
I was definitely treated more like a human. He was compassionate in his own way, you could tell he really did care about wanting to get to the outcome of "pregnancy". His team is very busy so sometimes you do not feel like a super priority but overall if you are patient, they give you the same respect when it's your turn. I do feel like he could or should communicate better on what may or may not actually be wrong with you or what we should try differently. He is caring and compassionate and will answer any questions you have.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
I was first put on a mini lupron does protocal due to having 3 previous pregnancy and births without complications and had a tubal ligation. I was stimming well and it looked like the first round that about 9 follicles looked like would be great eggs retrieved and some little ones that could possibly turn out good as well. As it turns out we only got 2 eggs. I was using Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirellex and 10,000un hcg. Which ended with no transwer of eggs. Only 1 grew to day 5 and then stopped. He only will transfer blasts and no freezing eggs. I guess if you have extra they just don't use them? I never got told the answer or asked. Second round we used more Gonal f, same dose menopur and used lupron, also 10,000un hcg and ovidrel, along with a double bevual for retrieval. (Which btw, you are awake for retrieval, but he drugs you up pretty good but let me tell you.. NOT GOOD ENOUGH) I would scream an cry each time I had them done. I'm terrified to do another one but will if it means I will bring a baby into this world. Anyways, that retrieval we got 6 eggs, and the follicles looked like we may have been looking at at least 10 with small ones possible. All 6 fertilized and we made it with 2, 5 day blasts transfered. We never really got a definite answer of if we had a third or not, but the embryologist had said the other couple had petered out. Unsure of what that means considering it's not a "they stopped growing". Anyways, 9 days after transfer we got a negative hcg blood test. Dr called later that evening to tell us he was very sad and knows I am fertile but we could make an apt for a conference for figuring something out as he did not know what went wrong at this time and was just too sad to think.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
Silvia was great! She was always very helpful and compassionate. The rest of the team didn't seem to know what was going on and not always helpful.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
The clinic will see you after hours and on the weekends. That is a huge plus. It is very outdated and may not have the newest technology. There is a new embryologist that seems VERY helpful. Good to have fresh eyes.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
He is probably THE MOST AFFORDABLE FOUND! It is a $5,000 deposit that covers ultrasounds, retrieval and transfer and care for embryos. You have to pay for your meds, he will send to a local place which is more expensive or out of the country to save cost. We had insurance coverage so we did the local meds. You get $500 off your next deposit if you go another round. Which made our second round for trying $4,500. You do get some of your money back if it is not used. I believe our first round we got back $1,000 because we did not make it to transfer.
Describe James Moruzzi (OB/GYN)'s approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Olympia Women's Health.
I was not educated of the tradeoffs but only that he would put two in no matter what and that it would be possible for twins. We were ok with that considering well now we know, it didon't work in the first place so I'm glad two were put in for more of a chance.
What specific things went wrong at Olympia Women's Health?
Lost paperwork
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Olympia Women's Health.
Long waiting times, at least an hour after your apt which was hard for us as we lived 3hrs away. Misplaced paperwork, which was found. Also insurance paperwork that was not filled put and sent in, or missing information. Replacement staff not being adiquate at all.
Dr. Moruzzi is a very matter of fact man. He states the facts and is very scientific about it. This can come across as cold, but he knows his research and will also try what is best for you. Having him run super late for appointments didnget very frustrating....We did 2 IUI’s with clinic first. We went this route first because I was ovulating on my own and all other labs were normal. I do have endometriosis and since I was ovulating and had 1 miscarriage before treatments he felt this was the best start.
The cost [Olympia Women's Health] was amazing! It is one of the reasons we dealt with the long wait times....Strengths would be the full time nurses and the fact that I see my doctor every time. He reviews all results with you. He also does his on scans, transfers, egg retrievals, IUI’s etc. The nurses are there to assist and do blood draws. The billing department, which is one person, is a mess. After several attempts she still could t get my insurance information correct.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Dr. Moruzzi is a very matter of fact man. He states the facts and is very scientific about it. This can come across as cold, but he knows his research and will also try what is best for you. Having him run super late for appointments didnget very frustrating. I had to keep telling myself that this is what I must do for a chance at a baby. You will want record what he is saying to you at every visit because he can mumble and expects you to understand. He can rush you, especially if he is behind. Do not feel guilty for asking questions during your appointment. This time is for you and you should get your questions answered. He does his best to find the best quality drugs for the lowest prices.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Be patient with him. He is very good, but is very busy and behind schedule. Bring reading material or a tablet with something to watch.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He runs two practices. His OB practice during day hours and fertility in the evening. Since he is the only doctor you will have a long wait time. That is where I felt more like a number, but he is a one man show and I understand.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
We did 2 IUI’s with clinic first. We went this route first because I was ovulating on my own and all other labs were normal. I do have endometriosis and since I was ovulating and had 1 miscarriage before treatments he felt this was the best start. They didn’t work. The commodity gave me cysts so we took some time off and then went to injections and IUI. Those did not work. When we met with him after the last failure he offered 3 more IUI’s but we pushed for IVF. we again took some time off and began IVF a couple months later. I progressed better than he thought and we did Egg retrieval after only 8 days of stims. We got 6 high quality eggs that all became embryos. By day 3 we had 4 left and by day 5 we had 2. We transferred both that resulted in a singleton pregnancy and birth of our daughter.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
The full time nursing staff was great! However he will use nursing students at night and they aren’t always the best with bedside manner or knowing what is going on.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
Strengths would be the full time nurses and the fact that I see my doctor every time. He reviews all results with you. He also does his on scans, transfers, egg retrievals, IUI’s etc. The nurses are there to assist and do blood draws. The billing department, which is one person, is a mess. After several attempts she still could t get my insurance information correct. I even stood there with her while she inputted the new info AND STILL somehow got it wrong.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
The cost was amazing! It is one of the reasons we dealt with the long wait times. If we went somewhere else we would not be able to afford IVF.
What specific things went wrong at Olympia Women's Health?
Lost paperwork
Failed to call with results
Lost results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Olympia Women's Health.
Billing was a nightmare. When I would go in for my HCG test I would not get a call back. The only time they called me was when it was positive. But they are suppose to call no matter what.
He [Dr. Moruzzi] was great! Very knowledgeable. The only issue I had is that I wasn't put under for egg retrieval. This part was absolutely miserable. This is the only reason I changed clinics. Almost everything else that was done was good. The only other issue is the wait time. Sometimes, I would wait 3 hours for an appointment...Make sure you have time when you go for an appointment.. you will NEVER be just in and out...I was on 75 of menopur, 225 of gonal-f...
The only issue I had [with Olympia Women's Health] is that I wasn't put under for egg retrieval. This part was absolutely miserable. This is the only reason I changed clinics. Almost everything else that was done was good. The only other issue is the wait time. Sometimes, I would wait 3 hours for an appointment...Sylvia [nurse] is so great! She would almost always draw my blood on the first poke. She was always so nice as well....
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He was great! Very knowledgeable. The only issue I had is that I wasn't put under for egg retrieval. This part was absolutely miserable. This is the only reason I changed clinics. Almost everything else that was done was good. The only other issue is the wait time. Sometimes, I would wait 3 hours for an appointment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Make sure you have time when you go for an appointment.. you will NEVER be just in and out.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He was absolutely amazing. He was always super busy but always took his time talking to my husband and I.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
I know I was on 75 of menopur, 225 of gonal-f.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Olympia Women's Health. (Assigned nurse: Sylvia )
Sylvia is so great! She would almost always draw my blood on the first poke. She was always so nice as well.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
Strength is the price is pretty affordable. Weakness is the wait time for any procedure or appointment. Repeating what I previously said is come with plenty of time. You will never be in and out. Best time is 8am to get blood draws.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
$6000 for the IVF alone. Then all testing, blood work, meds, etc.
Describe James Moruzzi (OB/GYN)'s approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Olympia Women's Health.
Dr. Moruzzi has amazing bedside manner. He explains everything and makes your feelings and opinions worth talking about. He is a very busy man with so many patients, so at times the wait to see him is very long...Famara for 5 days and check follicle size at cd 10-14. IUI day after positive ovulation test. Menopur and Gonal-F were used on my 4th/5th IUI cycle. Progesterone in oil used after IUI.
Set a good amount of extra time aside when you have an appointment [at Olympia Women's Health]. The wait is very long and sometimes annoying. Other times you are seen right away...$250 an iui without medication expense. $150 consultation fee...[nurses are] Amazing and knowledgeable women who have great bedside manner...Dr. Moruzzi is very personable, but at times I had to wait for over an hour to be seen.
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Dr. Moruzzi has amazing bedside manner. He explains everything and makes your feelings and opinions worth talking about. He is a very busy man with so many patients, so at times the wait to see him is very long.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Listen to his advise he is a very intelligent man.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Dr. Moruzzi is very personable, but at times I had to wait for over an hour to be seen.
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
Famara for 5 days and check follicle size at cd 10-14. IUI day after positive ovulation test.
Menopur and Gonal-F were used on my 4th/5th IUI cycle. Progesterone in oil used after IUI.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
Amazing and knowledgeable women who have great bedside manner.
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
Set a good amount of extra time aside when you have an appointment. The wait is very long and sometimes annoying. Other times you are seen right away.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
$250 an iui without medication expense. $150 consultation fee.
[Dr. James Moruzzi] is very direct and straight to the point. His goal is to get women pregnant...We jumped straight into IUI’s. The two failed and he wanted to look more into what could be going on with me...He goes out of his way and spends extra time figuring out solutions...He doesn’t give up and keeps moving forward if it fails.
[Olympia Women's Health] are a small staff and go above and beyond for as many patients as they have. They do a great job. They are helpful, they find you answers and always check on you. They care and communicate well...[Dr. James Moruzzi] is very direct and straight to the point. His goal is to get women pregnant...
How was your experience with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He is very direct and straight to the point. His goal is to get women pregnant. He is smart and very intelligent. He knows his stuff. He walks you thru all of what is next and what should work. He doesn’t give up and keeps moving forward if it fails.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
Trust him. Trust his process. It will happen
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health?
He genuinely wants to get me pregnant. He goes out of his way and spends extra time figuring out solutions to make that happen
Describe the protocols James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) used in your cycles at Olympia Women's Health and their degree of success.
We jumped straight into IUI’s. The two failed and he wanted to look more into what could be going on with me. So we did some tests and got me on fremara which helps me better ovulate and was put on progesterone.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Olympia Women's Health.
They are loving friendly and always willing to help
Describe your experience with Olympia Women's Health.
They are a small staff and go above and beyond for as many patients as they have. They do a great job. They are helpful, they find you answers and always check on you. They care and communicate well.
Describe the costs associated with your care under James Moruzzi (OB/GYN) at Olympia Women's Health.
IUI - $400 times 2
Sperm freeze -$300 times 3
Ultra sounds $120 each times 3
A test I did $150
Progesterone test $58
HCG - $58
Sperm test -$150
Consult -$200
HSG -$250