Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory LGBTQ+ care.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent LGBTQ+ care.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
Dr. Stein knows what he's doing...Initially, he was very confident that we would be able to conceive. His confidence fell a little bit when we realized that I wasn't reacting to the injections the way I should have been...During our second IVF cycle, Dr. Stein adjusted the protocol and we retrieved 8 eggs...We were able to achieve pregnancy (despite being told that the embryo was B- to C grade
RMA has been around for a long time. They have a lot of facilities around the state and a knowledgeable staff. That was important to me since I was giving them so much of my time and money. Unfortunately because it's such a big practice, you're sometimes treated more like a number. You don't get a ton of personalized care (although staff did begin to remember my name towards the end). Sometimes I wished that I went to a smaller clinic, but ultimately we achieved our goal of getting pregnant, so I can't complain.
How was your experience with Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
Dr. Stein knows what he's doing. He'll be the first to tell you that he has over 24 years of experience and that's important when you're trusting someone with so much money (and your sanity as well). Initially, he was very confident that we would be able to conceive. His confidence fell a little bit when we realized that I wasn't reacting to the injections the way I should have been. Our first IVF cycle ended up getting cancelled before retrieval as I was not producing enough eggs. During our second IVF cycle, Dr. Stein adjusted the protocol and we retrieved 8 eggs. 6 were mature and 3 made it to blast. Of those 3. 2 tested PGS normal and we transferred 1 embryo in late Spring. We were able to achieve pregnancy (despite being told that the embryo was B- to C grade). The IVF process was pretty difficult, but I'm thankful that RMA was able to help me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
Don't be afraid to ask questions or express concerns. He always did his best to respond. We had some issues that came up and he personally made sure they were resolved.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
I kind of felt like I was in a farm/factory. The doctor will just look at your chart really quickly and come into the room to monitor you. I understand that this the case with most fertility clinics since there are SOOO many patients that are going through similar struggles.
Describe the protocols Daniel Stein used in your cycles at RMA of New York and their degree of success.
Our first cycle with Dr. Stein was supposed to be an IUI cycle. He decided to use injectable medications (Menopur) as we didn't have much luck with oral ones. The IUI ended up getting cancelled when I produced too many follicles. Dr. Stein didn't want to risk conceiving multiples and I was disappointed, but understood.
Our second cycle with him was IVF. Unfortunately that cycle resulted in too few follicles growing, so we cancelled that one as well as we didn't see a point in doing a retrieval for only 2 eggs. It was devastating to know that I wasn't responding properly to the medications. We went ahead and did an IUI in the hopes that one of the 2 eggs would get fertilized. That cycle resulted in a chemical pregnancy.
Prior to our final cycle with Dr. Stein, he decided to adjust the protocol since I was a poor responder. He added Lupron and took out Gonal F. I injected about 6 vials of Menopur per day which resulted in 8 eggs post retrieval. (6 of them mature).
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of New York.
The nursing staff was pretty good. Initially the nurses responded quickly to my emails and questions. Towards the end of my time at RMA, I noticed that the nurses weren't as quick to answer emails.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
RMA has been around for a long time. They have a lot of facilities around the state and a knowledgeable staff. That was important to me since I was giving them so much of my time and money. Unfortunately because it's such a big practice, you're sometimes treated more like a number. You don't get a ton of personalized care (although staff did begin to remember my name towards the end). Sometimes I wished that I went to a smaller clinic, but ultimately we achieved our goal of getting pregnant, so I can't complain.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at RMA of New York.
Monitoring appointments were simple. It was on a first come-first serve basis. Now that Covid 19 is an issue, that's no longer a case. You can request a time to come in for monitoring hours and they will usually honor that time.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Daniel Stein at RMA of New York.
We were lucky that our insured covered most costs for all cycles. We had to pay out of pocket for ICSI and for PGS Testing which costs around $3,000 total.
Describe Daniel Stein's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of New York.
Dr. Stein believes that elective single embryo transfer will yield the best results and reduce risks to mother and baby.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of New York?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of New York.
On the week that I was supposed to receive the medication for my second IVF cycle, my IVF coordinator was on vacation, so my medication was not ordered in a timely manner. I had to make some phone calls and do a little bit of complaining, but was resolved (mostly due to my diligence).
At another point, a nurse sent someone else's prescription to a random pharmacy under my name. I notified them immediately and they apologized.
Dr. Sekhon was very informative and easy to talk to. She was very blunt and straight to the point. She made sure to answer all of my questions and never made me feel stupid for asking them. I felt as though I was receiving quality care throughout the entire experience...don't expect to see the doctor for more than three minutes at a time as this practice is extremely busy. if you don't mind minimal interaction with your doctor, then this is the correct avenue, however, if you want to spend a substantial amount of time with your doctor at each visit and constantly need explanation as to each step then go with a doctor in a smaller practice
RMA has A LOT of patients so you will likely not feel like a unique flower there. on the upside, they have done this A LOT and they know exactly what they're doing. they don't need to second guess your treatment strategy because they essentially have an algorithm that they're working off of so they know just how to approach your particular situation...you don't always get the one on one care that you expect when you pay 20k for treatment...don't expect to see the doctor for more than three minutes at a time...it was evident that the nursing staff was extremely busy and did not really have the time to be attentive and provide exceptional one on one care,
How was your experience with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Dr. Sekhon was very informative and easy to talk to. She was very blunt and straight to the point. She made sure to answer all of my questions and never made me feel stupid for asking them. I felt as though I was receiving quality care throughout the entire experience.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
don't expect to see the doctor for more than three minutes at a time as this practice is extremely busy. if you don't mind minimal interaction with your doctor, then this is the correct avenue, however, if you want to spend a substantial amount of time with your doctor at each visit and constantly need explanation as to each step then go with a doctor in a smaller practice
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
RMA is extremely busy and its understandable that you don't always get the one on one care that you expect when you pay 20k for treatment
Describe the protocols Lucky Sekhon used in your cycles at RMA of New York and their degree of success.
Dr. Sekhon was very careful to ensure that everything went according to plan and may have been overly cautious, sometimes requiring that I come in daily for monitoring. I prefer to be overly cautious and I did not mind this one bit. I like the fact that the treatment plan was so comprehensive and created after hundreds of patients - Dr. Sekhon knows exactly what needs to be done
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of New York.
it was evident that the nursing staff was extremely busy and did not really have the time to be attentive and provide exceptional one on one care, but that was fine because I was in a rush most mornings when I was there and didn't feel the need to stop and chat for an extended period of time
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
RMA has A LOT of patients so you will likely not feel like a unique flower there. on the upside, they have done this A LOT and they know exactly what they're doing. they don't need to second guess your treatment strategy because they essentially have an algorithm that they're working off of so they know just how to approach your particular situation
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at RMA of New York.
you had to arrive before 9 am or they literally would make you leave and return the next day. sometimes you need to know what your blood levels are that day and you cannot wait one more day to do so - that was really annoying. sometimes I had to run there to make it to the 9 am cutoff. Also, it was about an hour wait every time.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of New York?
Lost paperwork
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of New York.
The clinic isn't run that well. They make mistakes and they're not very hospitable, but its nothing I cant tolerate. for example, my husband provided a sample and a few months later, was told that they don't have a sample from him. they eventually found it but it seemed like they either misplaced the paperwork or someone on the team didn't input the information correctly into their system
He [Dr. Benjamin Sandler] told me to try with a single embryo transfer because he was confident it would be successful...I have met Dr. Sandler only twice. Regardless, I got the results I was promised on our initial consult visit so I am not upset...Maybe Dr. Sandler's involvement would've been more present if the 1st round of IVF would've been unsuccessful, but luckily I will never know...On our initial consult he told me I was the ideal candidate for IVF and that I will leave his office pregnant in a matter of couple of weeks. He was right. We started with the medication to prepare for egg retrieval which I was on for about 10 days, on the first cycle day after my initial visit (talk about not wasting any time). I was put on progesterone as well to make sure the lining was prepared to keep the pregnancy.
During the lab hours and constant blood draws there were always many different nurses working [at RMA of New York], I think I never saw the same nurse twice during my time there...Very efficient scheduling, we started our treatment two weeks after our initial consult. A lot of staff to help with the amount of patients so no long wait times. The lab testing in the morning had a good system in place on a 1st come- 1st serve basis. It was a clean environment. Be prepared to wait with A LOT of women especially during lab times, it was mind blowing to see how many women actually go through fertility treatments. It is difficult to feel important.
How was your experience with Benjamin Sandler at RMA of New York?
We were blessed with our miracle baby on our 1st IVF attempt, so I am very grateful for the expertise of RMA and Dr.Sandler. However, I feel if this would've been a 3rd or 4th attempt which often is the reality for fertility patients I would've felt neglected and just like one of many. Maybe Dr. Sandler's involvement would've been more present if the 1st round of IVF would've been unsuccessful, but luckily I will never know.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Benjamin Sandler at RMA of New York?
Be prepared to not see him much :-)
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Benjamin Sandler at RMA of New York?
The clinic is very busy, and during the entire process and countless visits I have met Dr. Sandler only twice. Regardless, I got the results I was promised on our initial consult visit so I am not upset.
Describe the protocols Benjamin Sandler used in your cycles at RMA of New York and their degree of success.
On our initial consult he told me I was the ideal candidate for IVF and that I will leave his office pregnant in a matter of couple of weeks. He was right. We started with the medication to prepare for egg retrieval which I was on for about 10 days, on the first cycle day after my initial visit (talk about not wasting any time). I was put on progesterone as well to make sure the lining was prepared to keep the pregnancy.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of New York.
During the lab hours and constant blood draws there were always many different nurses working, I think I never saw the same nurse twice during my time there.
I wish I remember the nurse who was getting me ready for my egg retrieval, she was the kindest soul who made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry because I was so nervous. She told me everything would be fine and she was right.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
Very efficient scheduling, we started our treatment two weeks after our initial consult. A lot of staff to help with the amount of patients so no long wait times.
The lab testing in the morning had a good system in place on a 1st come- 1st serve basis.
It was a clean environment.
Be prepared to wait with A LOT of women especially during lab times, it was mind blowing to see how many women actually go through fertility treatments. It is difficult to feel important.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Benjamin Sandler at RMA of New York.
We paid roughly $5,000(mainly for medication) the rest was covered by insurance.
Describe Benjamin Sandler's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of New York.
He told me to try with a single embryo transfer because he was confident it would be successful.
[Dr. Daniel Stein] he's very direct. i never got a diagnosis, but i also never pushed him about why that might be. I'm not sure he could pick me out of a lineup, but I trusted he was making the right recommendations given our situation...if you want a lot of handholding go elsewhere. If you're okay with no-nonsense, he's your guy.
[RMA of New York] It's a factory. they're organized and efficient, but for the most part you're not an individual. They're very organized and it's clear their systems are data driven. I was lucky not to have too many setbacks - and none that were terribly upsetting - so my experience was probably pretty straight forward (so far!)...[nurses are] Always happy to answer even the lamest of questions. Very understanding and compassionate.
How was your experience with Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
he's very direct. i never got a diagnosis, but i also never pushed him about why that might be. I'm not sure he could pick me out of a lineup, but I trusted he was making the right recommendations given our situation.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
if you want a lot of handholding go elsewhere. If you're okay with no-nonsense, he's your guy.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Daniel Stein at RMA of New York?
The practice is a well-run factory, but clearly a factory. I don't require a lot of hand holding, so I didn't push it that much, but it still felt like only the nurses knew me from anyone else. They are fantastic.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of New York. (Assigned nurse: Eliza)
Always happy to answer even the lamest of questions. Very understanding and compassionate.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
It's a factory. they're organized and efficient, but for the most part you're not an individual. They're very organized and it's clear their systems are data driven. I was lucky not to have too many setbacks - and none that were terribly upsetting - so my experience was probably pretty straight forward (so far!).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Daniel Stein at RMA of New York.
IFV was $21K. IUIs were covered by my insurance, so copays were a couple hundred bucks for 4 cycles
Dr. Jackson-Bey was a wonderful doctor...was warm and professional...took the time to answer all of our questions...made us feel heard and supported...first transfer failed, no suggestions were made to change the protocol...told me that she did not think that endo was my issue...agreed to try an endo protocol for my next transfer...next transfer was successful
One potential downside with RMA [of New York]...they are very by the book...not very open to trying or suggesting anything out the box if your have unexplained infertility...They were excellent- caring, competent and personable... finance department is a bit of a mess, but they do a good job with insurance
How was your experience with Tia Jackson-Bey at RMA of New York?
Dr. Jackson-Bey was a wonderful doctor. She was warm and professional, and took the time to answer all of our questions, and made us feel heard and supported.
One potential downside with RMA in general in my experience, is that they are very by the book, and are not very open to trying or suggesting anything out the box if your have unexplained infertility. When my first transfer failed, no suggestions were made to change the protocol for the next transfer or retrieval. I did my own research, and spoke to Dr. Jackson-Bey about concerns I had about endometriosis. Dr. Jackson-Bey told me that she did not think that endo was my issue, but to her credit, she listened to me, and agreed to try an endo protocol for my next transfer. The next transfer was successful, which may or may not be because of the new protocol, but regardless, we felt heard and appreciated that Dr. Jackson-Bey allowed us to advocate for ourselves.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Tia Jackson-Bey at RMA of New York?
Advocate for yourself if you have any concerns or suggestions- she will listen if it is within reason
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Tia Jackson-Bey at RMA of New York?
She was warm and caring, took the time to speak with us to explain any procedure, or answer any questions we had, never made us feel like she was in a rush
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of New York. (Assigned nurse: Nayelyn)
They were excellent- caring, competent and personable
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
The finance department is a bit of a mess, but they do a good job with insurance. They somehow got my insurance to cover most of my IUIs despite not having fertility coverage.
They have very early monitoring hours, and it is usually very quick
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at RMA of New York.
It was generally quick. You had to schedule a time, but if you showed up early/late it usually wasnt an issue
Describe Tia Jackson-Bey's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of New York.
I was not offered a multiple embryo transfer- I don't think RMA does them
Dr. Sekhon is very knowledgeable and knows how to explain complex procedures in a straightforward manner without being condescending. As someone who works extensively with data, I appreciated her having numbers and statistics for me whenever I asked for them. She answered my many questions over the phone and via email. When it was time to deliver bad news, she called me personally outside of business hours, which I appreciated. Dr. Sekhon was always there with a plan and next steps, which helps you keep going during such a stressful and difficult time.
There are multiple [RMA of New York] offices. The wait can be a bit long if you're not one of the first patients there for monitoring. Downtown office was closed on the weekends so it was bit of a long commute for me if I needed monitoring on a Sat or Sun...The nurses were all very nice and efficient. However, I sometimes needed to call for information/results or to request that my prescription be sent to the pharmacy.
How was your experience with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Dr. Sekhon is very knowledgeable and knows how to explain complex procedures in a straightforward manner without being condescending. As someone who works extensively with data, I appreciated her having numbers and statistics for me whenever I asked for them. She answered my many questions over the phone and via email. When it was time to deliver bad news, she called me personally outside of business hours, which I appreciated. Dr. Sekhon was always there with a plan and next steps, which helps you keep going during such a stressful and difficult time.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Research and ask questions, but don't get ahead of yourself. I found myself researching topics that ultimately weren't applicable to me.
Describe the protocols Lucky Sekhon used in your cycles at RMA of New York and their degree of success.
I did a couple TI and IUI cycles. I then did two rounds of IVF. The first round resulted in no viable embryos while the second one was successful (had a daughter after the first FET).
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at RMA of New York.
The nurses were all very nice and efficient. However, I sometimes needed to call for information/results or to request that my prescription be sent to the pharmacy.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
There are multiple offices. The wait can be a bit long if you're not one of the first patients there for monitoring. Downtown office was closed on the weekends so it was bit of a long commute for me if I needed monitoring on a Sat or Sun.
Describe Lucky Sekhon's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at RMA of New York.
Dr. Sekhon suggested a freeze all cycle, PGT-A and single embryo transfer.
What specific things went wrong at RMA of New York?
Dr. Copperman was warm and personable, but also very direct and factual. I appreciated that he discussed data and probability to give us accurate expectations. He came across as very knowledgeable and trustworthy...You will mostly interact with [his] assistants, but they are all excellent. There were some times when Dr. Copperman did contact me directly, though, and that was appreciated.
She [RMA of NY nurse] was super warm and personable and was always very responsive when I had questions...I underwent IVF in March/April 2020, at the height of the pandemic. I was super nervous and stressed, but the clinic was very organized and responsive and definitely put me at ease. Luckily, despite the stress, I had a successful transfer.
How was your experience with Alan Copperman at RMA of New York?
Dr. Copperman was warm and personable, but also very direct and factual. I appreciated that he discussed data and probability to give us accurate expectations. He came across as very knowledgeable and trustworthy.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alan Copperman at RMA of New York?
You will mostly interact with Dr. Copperman’s assistants, but they are all excellent. There were some times when Dr. Copperman did contact me directly, though, and that was appreciated.
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of New York. (Assigned nurse: Jordyn Banks)
Our coordinator Samantha was fabulous! She was super warm and personable and was always very responsive when I had questions. The nurse Jordyn Banks was also great.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
I underwent IVF in March/April 2020, at the height of the pandemic. I was super nervous and stressed, but the clinic was very organized and responsive and definitely put me at ease. Luckily, despite the stress, I had a successful transfer.
[Dr. Sekhon has] Excellent bedside manners, positive attitude, Seems very confident in the treatment plan, made me feel very well taken care of. Unfortunately monitoring visits don’t allow much time for discussions, but in my Zoom appointments the doctor went over everything in detail...Book consults separately from monitoring visits as mornings are very busy and doctor doesn’t have much time
[at RMA of New York] I was a bit disappointing in the service level now compared to 5 years ago when I first started seeing them. Phone lines were sooo busy, I got incorrect information from the telephone operator/nurse (nothing serious just concerning opening hours), I had to call back to get the information already requested....
How was your experience with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Excellent bedside manners, positive attitude, Seems very confident in the treatment plan, made me feel very well taken care of.
Unfortunately monitoring visits don’t allow much time for discussions, but in my Zoom appointments the doctor went over everything in detail.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Book consults separately from monitoring visits as mornings are very busy and doctor doesn’t have much time
Describe your experience with your nurse at RMA of New York. (Assigned nurse: Jennifer Needle)
Friendly and detail oriented
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
I was a bit disappointing in the service level now compared to 5 years ago when I first started seeing them.
Phone lines were sooo busy, I got incorrect information from the telephone operator/nurse (nothing serious just concerning opening hours), I had to call back to get the information already requested
What specific things went wrong at RMA of New York?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost appointments
Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at RMA of New York.
I saw Dr Stein before I switched to Dr Sekhon. I was not pleased with his bedside manners and his coordinator. She called in wrong prescriptions to my pharmacy which resulted in me having to wait on line to reach her (coordinators don’t have a direct line which makes communication very hard).
She also never sent me the treatment protocol after I asked 4 times for it.
Dr. Lucky [Sekhon] was very responsive and always gave me time to ask any questions...was really great - made me feel comfortable and at ease. I would highly recommend her! She was very responsive and explained everything really well. The best part was her being available for any questions via email...If you can, try to see Dr. Lucky for all your monitoring appointments - she's really great!
The clinic [RMA of New York] is very busy and there are a lot of patients. But, if you get there on time, it's usually not too bad of a wait time. The doctors are all different and you'll probably see someone different each appointment but they're all nice...Dr. Lucky [Sekhon] was very responsive and always gave me time to ask any questions...was really great - made me feel comfortable and at ease. I would highly recommend her! She was very responsive and explained everything really well. The best part was her being available for any questions via email...If you can, try to see Dr. Lucky for all your monitoring appointments - she's really great!
How was your experience with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Dr. Lucky was really great - made me feel comfortable and at ease. I would highly recommend her! She was very responsive and explained everything really well. The best part was her being available for any questions via email.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
If you can, try to see Dr. Lucky for all your monitoring appointments - she's really great!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Lucky Sekhon at RMA of New York?
Dr. Lucky was very responsive and always gave me time to ask any questions.
Describe your experience with RMA of New York.
The clinic is very busy and there are a lot of patients. But, if you get there on time, it's usually not too bad of a wait time. The doctors are all different and you'll probably see someone different each appointment but they're all nice.