Ratings of 1 indicate that a clinic was poorly operated.
Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well.
Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic.
Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments.
Billing Department
Billing Department
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department.
Nursing Team
Nursing Team
Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team.
Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.
Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients.
For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results.
CDC Success Rates
This is the most recent data from the CDC. The CDC cautions that it should not be used to compare doctors and clinics. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs.
For more information please see our FAQs.
Where you see a “?” on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable.
She's [Dr. DiPaola] very compassionate and very human. She she doesn't act like some robot or like you are just some number to her. She goes out of her way to call you just to make sure that you're okay and see how things are going and what you wanted to do for your next step. During this pandemic of covid-19 I have had a televisit with her over the phone which was wonderful. I cannot express more how grateful I am of her. it's not everyday you find someone that you're comfortable with that is as compassionate and understanding is she is.
You walk in, waiting room to the left.. receptionist to the right. They [Your Family Fertility] always greet you at the door with a warm and welcoming smile. Dr.DiPaola is ALWAYS happy and excited. Which makes you feel super welcomed. But when conversation can get a little deep or emotional, she is right there next to you to tell you that everything is going to be ok.
How was your experience with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Dr. Krystene DiPaola is a wonderful person. she made my husband and I feel very comfortable and very welcomed at her new practice that she opened recently. she takes the time to talk to you face-to-face and explains everything thoroughly so you're not confused. She's very compassionate and very human. She she doesn't act like some robot or like you are just some number to her. She goes out of her way to call you just to make sure that you're okay and see how things are going and what you wanted to do for your next step. During this pandemic of covid-19 I have had a televisit with her over the phone which was wonderful. I cannot express more how grateful I am of her. it's not everyday you find someone that you're comfortable with that is as compassionate and understanding is she is.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
She knows what she's doing. She's very knowledgeable, very understanding, very compassionate. She takes the time to speak to you one-on-one just to make sure that you understand everything 100%. And it doesn't matter if you asked her a thousand questions even if it's the same question over and over again. She's still going to answer it. Because she knows that thie can be a confusing and crucial time and she's there to help.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
I feel like a human while I'm under the care of Dr Krystene DiPaola because she acts like a human. She doesn't make me feel weak or diminished just because I suffer from infertility. You can tell that she feels for each and every patient including myself side-by-side with my partner. she takes the time to talk to you fully, make sure you understand everything that she says, and does not get upset or irritated if you keep asking questions even if they're the same thing over and over again. Out of the blue she will call you just to check up on you make sure you're doing okay and I think that's huge.
Describe the protocols Krystene DiPaola used in your cycles at Your Family Fertility and their degree of success.
Due to the infertility and being diagnosed with PCOS, Dr.DiPaola recently prescribed me to Clomid, and I'm currently on my first cycle. I take 50 mg twice a day for 5 days. As of right now I'm on my last day to take it. we have not seen any results yet other than the symptoms that you received from the medication. My symptoms include hot flashes and extreme mood swings.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Your Family Fertility. (Assigned nurse: Anne)
Anne is one of the nurses at Dr.DiPaolas office. She's very kind and understanding and calls you as well to make sure everything is okay. She is very knowledgeable and if you leave her a message she always calls you back.
Describe your experience with Your Family Fertility.
This clinic is on the newer side. Very clean! You walk in, waiting room to the left.. receptionist to the right. They always greet you at the door with a warm and welcoming smile. Dr.DiPaola is ALWAYS happy and excited. Which makes you feel super welcomed. But when conversation can get a little deep or emotional, she is right there next to you to tell you that everything is going to be ok.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility.
At first I had a high-deductible plan when I first started seeing Dr DiPaola.. the initial consultation was $175. Every appointment after that was $75. She wanted to schedule me originally for an hsg exam at a facility but the out of pocket expense was extremely hefty. So my significant other spoke about everything and we decided since we already didn't want to do anything out of wedlock due to personal beliefs we were going to wait until we got married to go further with treatment planning.
now that I am married and I'm under my husband's health insurance visits are much cheaper and the hsg exam is now covered. The medication that I was prescribed was on the cheaper side. It luckily was covered and was only $7. Which was wonderful news!
Dr. Diapola is so caring and genuine, she makes sure she answers any questions you have an wants to make sure you understand everything and all of your options. She will always remember your name and remembers any personal details you share with her...During my retrieval, I was monitored closely to prevent OHSS and Dr. Diapola included a "down regulation" with Ganirelix after retrieval to further assist in preventing OHSS
The [Your Family Fertility] clinic is small and busy- but the entire staff is amazing. I really liked having an all-female staff, it made me feel so much more comfortable. When I left, they were starting to phase in additional ultrasound technicians which I thought was great. Previously almost all of my ultrasounds were done by Dr. Diapola which was great I had such close access to my doctor, but you could tell they were starting to get busy enough to need additional help.
How was your experience with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Dr. Diapola was fantastic to work with- she is very caring and genuine and pays close attention to details. She explains everything in an easy-to-understand way and makes sure you are aware of your chances of success as well as any negative outcomes that could arise. I cannot recommend her enough!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Come prepared with questions! She is willing to answer anything. If you have any sort of hesitation or reservation about a treatment option speak up and she will be more than willing to explain or investigate alternative options for you.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Dr. Diapola is so caring and genuine, she makes sure she answers any questions you have an wants to make sure you understand everything and all of your options. She will always remember your name and remembers any personal details you share with her!
Describe the protocols Krystene DiPaola used in your cycles at Your Family Fertility and their degree of success.
I have PCOS and am an over-responder. Because of this, we decided to forego IUI with injectables (due to chance of multiples, as in more than 3) and move straight to IVF. During my retrieval, I was monitored closely to prevent OHSS and Dr. Diapola included a "down regulation" with Ganirelix after retrieval to further assist in preventing OHSS. I also did not respond to Ovidrel so she was sure to trigger me with 10,000IU of Novarel in each subsequent cycle after this discovery.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Your Family Fertility. (Assigned nurse: Anne)
The nursing staff is great!
Describe your experience with Your Family Fertility.
The clinic is small and busy- but the entire staff is amazing. I really liked having an all-female staff, it made me feel so much more comfortable. When I left, they were starting to phase in additional ultrasound technicians which I thought was great. Previously almost all of my ultrasounds were done by Dr. Diapola which was great I had such close access to my doctor, but you could tell they were starting to get busy enough to need additional help.
I feel as though I was brushed off because of my weight, and because I wasn't an IVF patient at the time. Everything constantly felt rushed and little testing was done before treatment. I only saw the doctor [Krystene DiPaola] a few times but each time was very rushed and I felt like I couldn't ask questions...3 cycles timed intercourse with ovulation induction, 2 IUI cycles. No pregnancies. No extra meds to support chances. Way too many monitoring appointments
The clinic [at Your Family Fertility] is owned by the doctor, so everything applies about feeling like a number. Absolutely just trying to make as much money as possible. Also they grew too fast to accommodate everyone comfortably...I was waiting on an HCG result on a Friday and was never called with results. Did not get them until Monday...Nursing staff and US techs were great. Office ran smoothly, all testing was done in a comfortable setting..
How was your experience with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
I feel as though I was brushed off because of my weight, and because I wasn't an IVF patient at the time. Everything constantly felt rushed and little testing was done before treatment. I only saw the doctor a few times but each time was very rushed and I felt like I couldn't ask questions.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Be prepared to feel like a number. Advocate for yourself
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Every appointment felt completely rushed. I felt like since I wasn't an IVF patient, they didn't really care how my cycles went. Since I wasn't bringing in the big money.
Describe the protocols Krystene DiPaola used in your cycles at Your Family Fertility and their degree of success.
3 cycles timed intercourse with ovulation induction, 2 IUI cycles. No pregnancies. No extra meds to support chances. Way too many monitoring appointments. Not necessary to monitor every other day during a cycle.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Your Family Fertility.
Nursing staff and US techs were great. Office ran smoothly, all testing was done in a comfortable setting
Describe your experience with Your Family Fertility.
The clinic is owned by the doctor, so everything applies about feeling like a number. Absolutely just trying to make as much money as possible. Also they grew too fast to accommodate everyone comfortably.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility.
I had some insurance coverage at the time, so.it was all deductible and copays
What specific things went wrong at Your Family Fertility?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Your Family Fertility.
I was waiting on an HCG result on a Friday and was never called with results. Did not get them until Monday
Every step of this difficult process was made easier with the kindness and compassion [Dr. DiPaola] gives each patient (and their significant other). She was very knowledgeable and adjusted treatment slightly each cycle to improve results...main goal for my IUI was to increase egg quantity and size. With that in mind, she adjusted medication when needed and had frequent ultrasounds from day 3- IUI to monitor.
The office [at Your Family Fertility] is small, so there are only a few staff at this point. Each appt, you will become known personally by the staff, everyone from billing to the office staff. I have the utmost respect for the staff...Dr Dipaola and the entire office make time for me, everytime I had a question. They called me and checked in along each cycle, beyond appointments. They are so compassionate when they call with negative news
How was your experience with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Every step of this difficult process was made easier with the kindness and compassion Dr Dipaola gives each patient (and their significant other). She was very knowledgeable and adjusted treatment slightly each cycle to improve results.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Choose her over any other dr in the area!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Krystene DiPaola at Your Family Fertility?
Dr Dipaola and the entire office make time for me, everytime I had a question. They called me and checked in along each cycle, beyond appointments. They are so compassionate when they call with negative news.
Describe the protocols Krystene DiPaola used in your cycles at Your Family Fertility and their degree of success.
Dr. Dipaola's main goal for my IUI was to increase egg quantity and size. With that in mind, she adjusted medication when needed and had frequent ultrasounds from day 3- IUI to monitor.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Your Family Fertility. (Assigned nurse: Anne)
Anne is a complete professional and pays close attention to the details of my cycle specifics.
Describe your experience with Your Family Fertility.
The office is small, so there are only a few staff at this point. Each appt, you will become known personally by the staff, everyone from billing to the office staff. I have the utmost respect for the staff.