Dr. Peck has a very good bedside manner and when you met with her I never felt rushed and she answered my questions. My concern is that I never felt like the whole overall process was explained to me just the next step each time. I would have preferred an overview before we started as it felt at times like the team was gatekeeping information from me...she was very kind but she left a lot of the contact to her nurse which at times was fine but for some news I would have preferred to speak to my doctor directly
The [HRC Fertility] clinic almost always saw me on time when I came in for an appointment and the staff was generally very friendly. We we kept waiting for our initial appointment for some time but after that we only had one issue with scheduling. My contact in the billing department was a dream to work with! He always got back to me with a phone call...Dr. Peck has a very good bedside manner and when you met with her I never felt rushed and she answered my questions
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
When we met with Dr. Peck or spoke with her she was very kind but she left a lot of the contact to her nurse which at times was fine but for some news I would have preferred to speak to my doctor directly. I don't feel like she fully informed me of the chances we had with our first round of egg retrieval - perhaps she was trying to keep things positive - but that would have influenced some of the financial decisions we made (not paying for a package up front of services we may not ever get to use). I mentioned something about finances once and she indicated that she thought most people had insurance and she didn't really handle that. I understand that's not her job but I would have preferred some more insight from her about what we should have pre-paid or not.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Ask for an overview of the entire process before you get started so you know what's next. We were told about extra things halfway through the process that I would have liked to known ahead of time.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck has a very good bedside manner and when you met with her I never felt rushed and she answered my questions. My concern is that I never felt like the whole overall process was explained to me just the next step each time. I would have preferred an overview before we started as it felt at times like the team was gatekeeping information from me.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
The protocol was pretty straight forward and the first round included Follistim and Menopur. She added ominitrope for the second retrieval. There was never any discussion with us about whether we wanted to be more aggressive or try different medications.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jennifer Montoya)
Our coordinator was always very nice but she definitely made the experience frustrating. First, she took some time to get back to us and we'd have to follow up with questions after a few days. When I had more detailed questions she would often get confused and use terms that were not right for where we were in the process (such as using egg and embryo interchangeably) which led to extreme panic on my end. If I numbered and asked questions very clearly then I'd usually get a better response (a few days later). She did not provide us with an emergency number to reach her at - which I didn't even realize until I met with another nurse a day she was out and their email had an after hours phone number. This did become an issue several month later when she scheduled my partner for an early appointment and no one knew or was at the office. She would call us about embryo results and never asked if I was in a private place (I'd be at my office) or ask I wanted to wait until I was with my husband to get results - which I would have preferred. She also deferred to me for all questions, scheduling, etc. even if it was just for my husband. She was very nice throughout the process and would apologize when she made a mistake.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
The clinic almost always saw me on time when I came in for an appointment and the staff was generally very friendly. We we kept waiting for our initial appointment for some time but after that we only had one issue with scheduling. My contact in the billing department was a dream to work with! He always got back to me with a phone call and followed up with an email and even called once when someone in a different department made a mistake to try and smooth things over. I understand I'm paying them a lot of money and they should have good customer service skills but this guy went above and beyond for us on several occasions and really had compassion for what patients were going through.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
We did the "Dream Package" for $30,000 in 2022, then another retrieval for $22,000 in 2022 (including PGT testing). We've paid approximately another $13,000 for IVF of donor eggs (which were $15,000).
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
We've not transferred any embryos yet but my understanding is that Dr. Peck will only transfer one embryo at at time.
What specific things went wrong at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Lost appointments
Describe the specific things that went wrong at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
My husband had an appointment to give a semen sample for insemination into a donor egg and we were told to be there at 6:30 AM. The office was closed and we had no emergency number to reach anyone, We went to the surgery center that's associated with them and no one was there either. The procedure was then delayed several weeks and it was very upsetting.
After switching to Dr. Alison Peck it was a huge sigh of relief because I felt like we had someone who was really rooting for us. Our consultation was pretty basic just getting all of the information down but from there we saw her at every appointment. She was very detailed in everything she saw in ultrasounds, possible risks and just making sure we had all the information needed to make each decision moving forward.
I really love that everything is in one office here [at HRC Fertility]. I would say the only slight weakness was the response time from billing. They did get back to us and after that one time we haven’t had problems since...The staff has been so helpful and our nurse Ariana is absolutely amazing. She answers every question and had a super quick response time...
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
I was very hesitant to switch clinics because we were very comfortable where we were at but we felt like we weren’t getting any where and we never saw the same dr at that office. After switching to Dr. Alison Peck it was a huge sigh of relief because I felt like we had someone who was really rooting for us. Our consultation was pretty basic just getting all of the information down but from there we saw her at every appointment. She was very detailed in everything she saw in ultrasounds, possible risks and just making sure we had all the information needed to make each decision moving forward. We are doing reciprocal ivf so my wife went through the egg retrieval. It went really well and Dr. Peck even held my wife’s hand going into the procedure! I don’t know any Dr who would provide that type care and compassion to an overwhelming situation like that. It was very much appreciated. We are still in the middle of a cycle but I tell my wife after almost every appointment that I am so glad we switched clinics.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even if you think of some after the appointment. She is really good at painting a whole picture and not just sugar coating things.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
She took the time to get to know us and what our goals were.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
After our baseline blood work we started meds for my wife’s egg retrieval. As we went in for the blood work and ultrasounds leading up to the retrieval she changed the dose of menopur and one other to help us get the most out of our retrieval
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Ariana)
The staff has been so helpful and our nurse Ariana is absolutely amazing. She answers every question and had a super quick response time. She has never made me feel like any of my questions were stupid and even follows up after appointments or procedures just to see how we are doing. I feel so lucky to have these 2 people on our team as we try and have the family we have been trying so hard for.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
I really love that everything is in one office here. I would say the only slight weakness was the response time from billing. They did get back to us and after that one time we haven’t had problems since.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Our egg retrieval with medication was about $18,000. I don’t remember exactly the amount of genetic testing but all together I think it was around $24,000 including the transfer. Give it take a little
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
After we had our embryos genetically tested we only had one normal embryo but if I remember correctly she was open to transferring more than one embryo. We just haven’t reached that point yet.
The protocol we were on didn't feel specific to my body and she [Dr. Peck] often seemed unsure of what to do. Anything and everything that COULD work she would throw at us, ranging from a mock cycle to an intralipid infusion...she would often appear angry or annoyed if we asked too many questions....I truly felt like I was being experimented on there. I'm not convinced she is up to date on the latest research and I'm not even sure she cares too much about results outside of how it might affect her numbers...
We had 3 nurses throughout our year and a half at HRC, which is part of the problem. The turnover rate there is very frequent. So just when we would get used to one, someone else would take over. The first and last were truly wonderful. The one in the middle made me stressed and angry during a process when I should be as relaxed as possible....
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck seems like a really nice person and I'd trust her with our child. But I wouldn't trust her to create one. I truly felt like I was being experimented on there. I'm not convinced she is up to date on the latest research and I'm not even sure she cares too much about results outside of how it might affect her numbers. My experience at my next fertility clinic with our next doctor was like night and day.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Her bedside manner isn't great, which would be totally fine if her results were. Unfortunately that wasn't the case in our situation. We felt like so much time and money was wasted with her conservative approach, not to mention how much my body went through unnecessarily. Do your research and don't just talk to a friend who had success with her. See what the experience has been like for patients overall.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
The protocol we were on didn't feel specific to my body and she often seemed unsure of what to do. Anything and everything that COULD work she would throw at us, ranging from a mock cycle to an intralipid infusion. When we had difficult results, a nurse would call instead of her, and she would often appear angry or annoyed if we asked too many questions.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
The first round of egg retrievals/embryo creation, we wound up with zero healthy embryos. Yet not much was changed for round two (which resulted in 2 healthy ones, but neither transfer worked). And I know now from my experience at the next clinic that she was overmedicating me. She also didn't monitor me at all once I started injections for the transfer, whereas at my next clinic, the doctor had me come in so he could adjust the medication if necessary. She seemed utterly baffled why I wasn't getting pregnant, and threw a lot at the wall to see what would stick as a result (acupuncture day of transfer, intrillipid inufusion day of transfer, mock cycles to improve results, etc.). Nothing worked and everything was more costly and took more time. She'll tell you that she said we didn't need to do any of those things, but when a doctor tells you that something COULD work, you are so desperate and don't want any regrets that you'll try anything. But I want a doctor who KNOWS what will likely work. Not someone who is guessing.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jessica, Chrystie, and one I can't remember who isn't there anymore)
We had 3 nurses throughout our year and a half at HRC, which is part of the problem. The turnover rate there is very frequent. So just when we would get used to one, someone else would take over. The first and last were truly wonderful. The one in the middle made me stressed and angry during a process when I should be as relaxed as possible. I'm guessing she was fired because others felt similarly.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
There is too much turnover there. Just when you start to connect with someone, they leave. Overall I was not impressed. Two of the nurses assigned to our doctor were really wonderful, but a big part of feeling grateful for their warmth and compassion is that our doctor seemed to lack it.
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
It was never discussed in detail but she did eSET on us both times. I have no objections to that. She did a multiple embryo transfer for our friends who ended up having twins. I'm sure either could work.
Dr. Peck was very thorough with her visits with us and always made sure we understood every step of our process, she was compassionate, patient, understanding, and knowledgeable... I liked that she never pushed for a particular agenda with our treatment, she always provided information and let us (my husband and I) consult with each other and make our choices. I like that Dr. Peck is so patient, compassionate, and shares our triumphs us with which makes us feel like we are a team, instead feeling like it's us vs doctors. I've been very happy with her level of care during out IVF process which we are still in the middle of, we look forward to the next steps in our journey with Dr. Peck as our guide.
Our Care Coordinator [at HRC] is very thorough with our consultations with us and helps to further educate us on our process. She always promptly responds to my emails when I have questions and I appreciated that more than anything, she was always available...The clinic employs friendly staff who are available to answer questions, provide information, and go the extra mile to work with our insurance carrier. We appreciated the billing department's staff advocating for us with our insurance carrier and even providing invoices that they don't usually provide so that my husband and I could be reimburse through our insurance company for certain treatment procedures.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
From the beginning of our process with Dr. Peck she has always taken the time to explain all information, including risks, and encouraged us to make our decisions regarding our treatment based on the information she provided. I liked that she never pushed for a particular agenda with our treatment, she always provided information and let us (my husband and I) consult with each other and make our choices. I like that Dr. Peck is so patient, compassionate, and shares our triumphs us with which makes us feel like we are a team, instead feeling like it's us vs doctors. I've been very happy with her level of care during out IVF process which we are still in the middle of, we look forward to the next steps in our journey with Dr. Peck as our guide.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Share any concerns you may have about treatment or your process with Dr. Peck so that she may provide you with information and knowledge to make the possible decision for you and your partner.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck was very thorough with her visits with us and always made sure we understood every step of our process, she was compassionate, patient, understanding, and knowledgeable.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
During our egg retrieval Dr. Peck adjusted possible dates and dosages of medications based on the growth of our follicles during the time I was taking stimulation medication. Towards the end of our cycle Dr. Peck monitored our progress very closely by having me do daily ultrasounds and blood draws. She took the time to explain the reason for my feeling so much discomfort and overall pain (high number of follicles developing), she explained the reasons for the delay during my egg retrieval and explained the benefits of waiting longer for egg retrieval (waiting until most of the follicles reached full maturity). We appreciated the close attention paid to our progress during our egg retrieval. During the day of our egg retrieval she came in and spoke to me and told me what to expect and even after the procedure she came in and provided us with our results and I truly appreciated her answering questions despite being very busy and treating multiple patients including ourselves.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kimberly Solis)
Our Care Coordinator is very thorough with our consultations with us and helps to further educate us on our process. She always promptly responds to my emails when I have questions and I appreciated that more than anything, she was always available. During the time when we ordering our stimulation medications she went above and beyond to help our insurance cover the medications by writing a letter of medical necessity on our behalf very quickly and our medications were approved which was a huge help financially for us. We appreciate Kimberly sharing her own personal experiences with the treatments we were going through and telling me what to expect during the process.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
The clinic employs friendly staff who are available to answer questions, provide information, and go the extra mile to work with our insurance carrier. We appreciated the billing department's staff advocating for us with our insurance carrier and even providing invoices that they don't usually provide so that my husband and I could be reimburse through our insurance company for certain treatment procedures.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Embryo testing, PICSI, genetic counseling, and stimulation medications.
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Initially she [Dr. Alison Peck] was thorough and supportive but we found out that despite Pgd testing I had an embryo with dmd because apparently both my X chromosomes were affected which we didn’t know before so eventually had to abort. After this we felt her attitude changed and practically refused to do another transfer. This made us feel like a failed statistic which was disappointing after the great treatment before that. She has very limited knowledge and understanding of genetics. These days she has completely changed her tone with us which has really brought my hopes down about being able to have a baby.
Lots of different costs [at HRC] that you don’t get clarity on and extra costs that apparently are out of pocket that you get surprised with. Billing Dept always seemed to be confused...I think the finance Dept has too many complicated paperwork and it’s impossible to understand the costings. The rest of the staff are easy. The nursing staff are great. The acupuncturist is great. It is a very diverse clinic. They have a lot of tests and the process has many steps.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Initially she was thorough and supportive but we found out that despite Pgd testing I had an embryo with dmd because apparently both my X chromosomes were affected which we didn’t know before so eventually had to abort. After this we felt her attitude changed and practically refused to do another transfer. This made us feel like a failed statistic which was disappointing after the great treatment before that. She has very limited knowledge and understanding of genetics. These days she has completely changed her tone with us which has really brought my hopes down about being able to have a baby.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
I don’t have any since each case is different
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
The nurses and staff were friendly
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I can’t remember all the technicals but dr peck put me on the pill and then regulated the timings and medications accordingly. During this period I came in for regular blood tests and had a few acupuncture sessions. She checked my uterus regularly. The general treatment was good. I had the karyotype testing done.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kimberley )
The care staff and Kimberley are excellent. Kimberley is really warm and responds very quickly on email.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
I think the finance Dept has too many complicated paperwork and it’s impossible to understand the costings. The rest of the staff are easy. The nursing staff are great. The acupuncturist is great. It is a very diverse clinic. They have a lot of tests and the process has many steps.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Lots of different costs that you don’t get clarity on and extra costs that apparently are out of pocket that you get surprised with. Billing Dept always seemed to be confused.
Dr. Peck never wasted my time with multiple IUIs or rounds of clomid. She was honest about my chances instead of just going through the motions. Dr. Peck took the time to explain the entire situation and provide honest feedback.... She was candid about our results and helpful with recommendations. She also took the time to qualify us for an IVF study, which may be helpful for us.... Dr. Peck originally recommended medicated cycles for anovulation.
HRC-Encino is warm and inviting. Every time I call, I am quickly transferred to where I need to be. They’re honest about their costs. Also, they call with results on time! My only complaint is expensive parking.... Kimberly is Dr. Peck’s nurse and is amazing! She will email me back about a nervous last minute question at 10pm on a weeknight! Shanise is another nurse who is the only person to get my vein on a first try. She’s also very friendly and nice to speak to
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr Peck took time to ensure I received the care I needed and received the answers for the questions I asked. She was candid about our results and helpful with recommendations. She also took the time to qualify us for an IVF study, which may be helpful for us.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Dr. Peck is very sweet, but honest.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck never wasted my time with multiple IUIs or rounds of clomid. She was honest about my chances instead of just going through the motions. Dr. Peck took the time to explain the entire situation and provide honest feedback.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Dr. Peck originally recommended medicated cycles for anovulation. She also urged a semen sample and HSG prior to treatment. I’m so grateful that she did because I also have a blocked tube/my husband has poor morphology, motility, and DNA fragminatation. Knowing these results, she recommended IVF to save us time and money. Moreso, she recommended us to an IVF clinical trial, which will hopefully save us more money.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kimberly and Shanise)
Kimberly is Dr. Peck’s nurse and is amazing! She will email me back about a nervous last minute question at 10pm on a weeknight! Shanise is another nurse who is the only person to get my vein on a first try. She’s also very friendly and nice to speak to, which is very important. Currently, she is assisting with having me join a clinical study. She’s amazing at answering all my pressing questions, being open about what is needed for me to do, and flexible with her scheduling!
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
HRC-Encino is warm and inviting. Every time I call, I am quickly transferred to where I need to be. They’re honest about their costs. Also, they call with results on time! My only complaint is expensive parking.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
We are a female/female couple and that was never an issue...We were with Dr Peck through 4 IUIs (the first 2 negative, 3rd miscarriage, 4th was an ectopic pregnancy) and our successful IVF cycle. She was the one that gave us updates (good and bad) and we saw her at every appointment. She was patient with us and answered all our questions. She gave us options in our treatment and explained both the positive and negative of pursuing different plans. Throughout the whole process, she was supportive and caring. I cried the day I "graduated" from the fertility clinic because I really felt like they were my family during the time we were there.
The clinic staff [at HRC Encino] is helpful and the front desk staff friendly. I never had any issues with billing. They were always friendly when helping me and I was never caught off guard with unknown charges. Scheduling was easy and as flexible as timed fertility treatments allow. The clinic hosts information sessions that you can attend and meet the doctors. Several clinics in the area host these. I would recommend attending. We were able to rule out another clinic based on attending one. The actual office is nice and the atmosphere pleasant. Parking was never an issue; they have a garage, metered street spaces and free parking on a side street.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr Peck felt like family to us throughout the course of our treatments. We are a female/female couple and that was never an issue. My wife has no inclination to be a gestational carrier; we mentioned that at our initial meeting and even though I had a few health issues, she never brought it up as an option. (Small back story: We had a meeting with another RE before we found Dr Peck and without getting any health history from either of us, he look at us and said he chose my wife to be the carrier. We mentioned that she was not comfortable with that and was a carrier for a genetic issue. He just said he would use my eggs but she would carry. Needless to say, we didn't see him again.) This experience made my wife extremely uncomfortable but Dr Peck was very respectful and we never felt pressured to do anything we were not comfortable doing. She treated my wife as an equal partner in our fertility journey. We were with Dr Peck through 4 IUIs (the first 2 negative, 3rd miscarriage, 4th was an ectopic pregnancy) and our successful IVF cycle. She was the one that gave us updates (good and bad) and we saw her at every appointment. She was patient with us and answered all our questions. She gave us options in our treatment and explained both the positive and negative of pursuing different plans. Throughout the whole process, she was supportive and caring. I cried the day I "graduated" from the fertility clinic because I really felt like they were my family during the time we were there.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
If you don't understand something or have additional questions, speak up and ask her about it. She's really good at explaining how different meds work and the pros and cons of different techniques. She's also realistic with presenting your chance of conceiving. I never felt like we were doing treatments that were unnecessary or wouldn't help us increase our chances of conception.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr Peck seemed to really care about us. She personally called with results of lab work and was very good at delivering the news (good or bad) in a very caring and professional manner. When things didn't go as planned, she took the time to make sure we were ok.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Jennie Tran)
Jennie was great. We saw her every visit after seeing Dr Peck. She would answer any additional questions that we forgot to bring up with Dr Peck. She also handled scheduling of appointments with us. We did a lot of communicating through email if anything came up between appointments. She was great about helping me figure out if any of my symptoms were significant (or not) and letting me know when to come in for further evaluation.
The rest of the medical staff was wonderful as well. The clinic does on site blood draws and everyone was always kind and very professional.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
The clinic staff is helpful and the front desk staff friendly. I never had any issues with billing. They were always friendly when helping me and I was never caught off guard with unknown charges. Scheduling was easy and as flexible as timed fertility treatments allow. The clinic hosts information sessions that you can attend and meet the doctors. Several clinics in the area host these. I would recommend attending. We were able to rule out another clinic based on attending one. The actual office is nice and the atmosphere pleasant. Parking was never an issue; they have a garage, metered street spaces and free parking on a side street.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
It was comparable to other clinic's costs for fertility treatment in the Los Angeles area. They also provided discounted programs if you qualify (refund program, purchase of multiple ivf rounds for a discount, etc). They let you know about the programs but don't pressure you to use them.
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Dr Peck preferred to do a single embryo transfer but was open to transferring more. We just wanted a healthy pregnancy so pre-transfer day we decided a single transfer would be our approach. On the day of the transfer, we only had 2 embryos that were viable that had tested fine through pgs. We were going to transfer just one but the other one's quality wasn't high enough to survive the freezing process. After talking with Dr Peck, we decided to transfer both. Our end result was a single healthy baby.
Dr. Peck was wonderful. She was honest about what she knew and didn't know. She was kind and compassionate and I am sure this care will continue throughout our treatment. She was very detailed in our first consultation and evenjhough I forgot most of it, she always was willing to explain it again. She never promised me how many eggs she could retrieve but honest it would be low. She made sure my expectations were realistic at all times.
HRC has it down. They are busy somedays and manage to get everyone it. When I was coming in every other day for my cycle appointment I was never waiting a Long time. Everything was very efficient. I am excited to continue my fertility journey here...First IVF retrieval cycle was $27K. My medication alone was 12K, This did not include transfer.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck was wonderful. She was honest about what she knew and didn't know. She was kind and compassionate and I am sure this care will continue throughout our treatment. She was very detailed in our first consultation and evenjhough I forgot most of it, she always was willing to explain it again. She never promised me how many eggs she could retrieve but honest it would be low. She made sure my expectations were realistic at all times.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck is great and kind and she will be honest with you throughout the program.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck set realistic expectations from the start of consultation until egg retrieval. She allowed me to ask any questions I needed too and her nurse kept me informed every step of the way.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We used 300 Follistom, 2 Vials Menopur, and Omnitrope. We increased Follistim to 400 halfway through the stimulations cycle and then went to 3 vials of Menopur the last 3 days. We triggered with Pregnyl and Lepron.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Justina )
Everyone at HRC is caring and compassionate.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
HRC has it down. They are busy somedays and manage to get everyone it. When I was coming in every other day for my cycle appointment I was never waiting a Long time. Everything was very efficient. I am excited to continue my fertility journey here.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
First IVF retrieval cycle was $27K. My medication alone was 12K, This did not include transfer.
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Dr. Peck is very friendly, caring, and personable. She listens to your concerns and answers all questions. She uses her best judgement with regards to treatment and timing of transfers etc. She treats you like family!...a good listener and explains everything she is doing. She adjusts the schedule as necessary to guarantee the best outcome. She is very thorough with regards to medication and doesn't jump into any procedures without checking hormone levels or guarantees that machines are working properly.
They [nurses at HRC] were very friendly, kind, understanding and responded to my questions in a timely manner...For two procedures appx $65,000 which included two retrievals and two FET...The clinic is timely with your appointments, the staff is very friendly, clean, and respectful of your time. Parking isn't validated but there is street parking across the street, just pay attention to the days and times where parking is restricted
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck is kind, patient, a good listener and explains everything she is doing. She adjusts the schedule as necessary to guarantee the best outcome. She is very thorough with regards to medication and doesn't jump into any procedures without checking hormone levels or guarantees that machines are working properly.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Don't be afraid to ask questions and advocate for yourself
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Peck is very friendly, caring, and personable. She listens to your concerns and answers all questions. She uses her best judgement with regards to treatment and timing of transfers etc. She treats you like family!
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: 2)
They were very friendly, kind, understanding and responded to my questions in a timely manner
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
The clinic is timely with your appointments, the staff is very friendly, clean, and respectful of your time. Parking isn't validated but there is street parking across the street, just pay attention to the days and times where parking is restricted
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
For two procedures appx $65,000 which included two retrievals and two FET.
Very kind and understanding -Dr Peck also provided the suggestion of acupuncture and supports working with TCM which I appreciate. I was really stressed during the cycle and she helped chill me out. The cycle failed but she was really sensitive and empathetic...
The entire [HRC - West LA] clinic has phenomenal bedside manner - everyone knows your name...The staff is great - very personable and knowledgeable - they also deferred to Dr Peck when appropriate. The clinic is available for questions and they get back to you quickly (same day usually). I never had trouble getting a convenient appointment. The help with the insurance is amazing...
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Very kind and understanding -Dr Peck also provided the suggestion of acupuncture and supports working with TCM which I appreciate. I was really stressed during the cycle and she helped chill me out. The cycle failed but she was really sensitive and empathetic.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
The entire clinic has phenomenal bedside manner - everyone knows your name.
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
It was a very aggressive hormone therapy (low reserve). It seemed like the best option but the hormones were overwhelming. Next round is lower dose of hormones. It's unclear yet if the dosing was too aggressive for my body or not. I had one egg that did not survive retrieval.
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Vera)
The staff is great - very personable and knowledgeable - they also deferred to Dr Peck when appropriate. The clinic is available for questions and they get back to you quickly (same day usually). I never had trouble getting a convenient appointment. The help with the insurance is amazing.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Strengths: very personable, great with insurance
Weaknesses: parking
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Insurance covered most of the retrieval. Approximately $5,000 out of pocket.
[Dr. Alison Peck is] good explaining everything in a very humble and gentle way...She was very warmth, nice and gentle to us. She’s very sweet and she works collaboratively with us...I have no complains with her. She is very nice and warm. She’s honest but gentle, and she is present in every appointment. She has been very good to us and we adore her. She always listens to our concerns...always made us feel welcomed and safe
[The nurses at HRC- Encino are] Warm, always with smiles, and very compassionate...Clean, beautiful, and great staff. They will always help you They treat you well. I understand that some people don’t get the same experience and this is very particular, but they have been very nice to us. From the doctor [Dr. Alison Peck] herself to every team member...good explaining everything in a very humble and gentle way...She was very warmth, nice and gentle to us. She’s very sweet and she works collaboratively with us...I have no complains with her. She is very nice and warm. She’s honest but gentle, and she is present in every appointment. She has been very good to us and we adore her. She always listens to our concerns...always made us feel welcomed and safe
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
I have no complains with her. She is very nice and warm. She’s honest but gentle, and she is present in every appointment. She has been very good to us and we adore her. She always listens to our concerns; she works collaboratively with us and always made us feel welcomed and safe
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Asks every question. She’s good explaining everything in a very humble and gentle way
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
She was very warmth, nice and gentle to us. She’s very sweet and she works collaboratively with us
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I don’t remember very well
For transfer, estradiol. Pio. Endometrium and aspirin
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kimberly )
Warm, always with smiles, and very compassionate
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Clean, beautiful, and great staff. They will always help you
They treat you well. I understand that some people don’t get the same experience and this is very particular, but they have been very nice to us. From the doctor herself to every team member
Describe Alison Peck's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
She gave us options of one or two and both were AA
As a patient of Dr. Peck, I was treated very well with kindness and understanding. Dr. Peck is a very kind and understanding doctor who was always there to answer any questions I had. She would never give up on me and would give me options on what to do next when my first and second embryo transfer failed...Listen to what she tells you and always ask questions...she was very understanding of what I was going through
Everyone [at HRC Fertility] is professional. The staff is very nice and understanding. Always ask questions from your doctor and always consider other alternatives if the first try doesn’t work. I see no weakness from this facility...[nurse] Kimberly was very nice and thoughtful...Just gave them a certain time during the day and they usual accommodate...Listen to what she [Dr. Peck] tells you and always ask questions.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
As a patient of Dr. Peck, I was treated very well with kindness and understanding. Dr. Peck is a very kind and understanding doctor who was always there to answer any questions I had. She would never give up on me and would give me options on what to do next when my first and second embryo transfer failed.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
Listen to what she tells you and always ask questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
More of. Human, she was very understanding of what I was going through
Describe your experience with your nurse at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: Kimberly)
Kimberly was very nice and thoughtful.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Everyone is professional. The staff is very nice and understanding. Always ask questions from your doctor and always consider other alternatives if the first try doesn’t work. I see no weakness from this facility.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
Just gave them a certain time during the day and they usual accommodate.
[Dr. Alison Peck] she was knowledgeable, direct, yet compassionate. She gave you a few options of what she thought was the best course of action. We did an aggressive treatment and it didn't work. However, we talked about different ways to approach the next rounds if we decided to go that route...she and her staff continue to communicate and check in on me
communication at this clinic [HRC Fertility] was good compared to others I went too. They explained the process and you could access communication via email with the staff and doctor.They had early hours and the scheduling was pretty onpoint. you didn't have to wait for hours to get your blood drawn...she [Dr. Peck] was knowledgeable, direct, yet compassionate. She gave you a few options of what she thought was the best course of action.
How was your experience with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
she was knowledgeable, direct, yet compassionate. She gave you a few options of what she thought was the best course of action. We did an aggressive treatment and it didn't work. However, we talked about different ways to approach the next rounds if we decided to go that route.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
be curious. know what you want. discuss the pros and cons of each course of treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?
she and her staff continue to communicate and check in on me
Describe the protocols Alison Peck used in your cycles at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
very aggressive; high dosage.
Describe your experience with HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
communication at this clinic was good compared to others I went too. They explained the process and you could access communication via email with the staff and doctor.They had early hours and the scheduling was pretty onpoint. you didn't have to wait for hours to get your blood drawn.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Alison Peck at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic).
they cost about 15-20K
What specific things went wrong at HRC Fertility (Jinxin Fertility Network clinic)?