Dr. Davenport has always treated me more than a patient. He speaks in ways that comforts you even with bad news. Every appointment, he is always greeting me and wants to know how I am doing emotionally before we start any procedure or ultrasound...has always been honest with me about what's going on. We came up with a IUI game plan together and we discussed each step... communicated as best he could to me but I will forever appreciate the way he communicated with my husband, as he watched me coming in and out of consciousness.
office [Huntsville Reproductive Medicine] is really good about working with you for payment plans...The clinic is in the perfect location. It's in Downtown Huntsville so you have plenty of things to do in between appointments or procedures but you are also 5 minutes from Huntsville Hospital. I've never waited more than 15 minutes to be called back (and that's usually because I'm early to appointments)... She always has such a bubbly personality but, like Dr. D, she is very aware of the emotions. Everyone in the office is like that ( Liz and Brie). They celebrate the good with me and then can change gears to be there for me during the bad. No one rushes you out the door because they're extremely busy.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport has always been honest with me about what's going on. We came up with a IUI game plan together and we discussed each step. Like I mentioned before, he is always checking to see how I'm feeling. After my chemical pregnancy, I found out the next month we were pregnant. At 6 weeks, we found out we were losing the baby so we had a D&C scheduled. What turned into a routine procedure turned bad within hours. Dr. D was rushed back to the hospital because I had an unknown ectopic pregnancy that had ruptured my right Fallopian tube. Dr. D communicated as best he could to me but I will forever appreciate the way he communicated with my husband, as he watched me coming in and out of consciousness. The way other doctor's talked to him or me was completely different on a whole different emotional level.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Don't be afraid to tell him how you are truly feeling about anything related to a procedure, blood work, etc. He will stop and listen to every concern or doubt you have.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport has always treated me more than a patient. He speaks in ways that comforts you even with bad news. Every appointment, he is always greeting me and wants to know how I am doing emotionally before we start any procedure or ultrasound.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
My first IUI Dr. Davenport only used Clomid. I came in 2-3 times for blood work and ultrasounds to check progression. This was a negative pregnancy test. The second IUi, we continued the Clomid but we added in the trigger shot. I think I took the shot 36 hours before the IUI. *don't remember* This IUI resulted in a chemical pregnancy. We are in our third IUI cycle now and just finished my last 100 mg (I think) of Clomid yesterday. I will find out Friday if a trigger shot or anything else is needed.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Kendra )
Kendra is amazing. She always has such a bubbly personality but, like Dr. D, she is very aware of the emotions. Everyone in the office is like that ( Liz and Brie). They celebrate the good with me and then can change gears to be there for me during the bad. No one rushes you out the door because they're extremely busy.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
The clinic is in the perfect location. It's in Downtown Huntsville so you have plenty of things to do in between appointments or procedures but you are also 5 minutes from Huntsville Hospital. I've never waited more than 15 minutes to be called back (and that's usually because I'm early to appointments).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
I know my appointments are about a $35 copay but the IUI procedures are not covered by my current insurance. I think it cost $200-$300 each IUI. Dr. Davenport's office is really good about working with you for payment plans.
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
We have gone through the IVF consult but I never asked about multiple embryo transfer. I don't think I'm in need to transfer more than 1 embryo and I would personally like to stick with 1.
I feel like initially [Dr. Brett Davenport] cares...first Dr to listen to me and diagnosed my endometriosis...when I started having questions he would get frustrated and shut down and just started shrugging...our last visit was just completely the opposite of the first.
[At Fertility Institute of North Alabama] Kendra was amazing. She explained everything thoroughly. She is a true map and I enjoyed talking to her when I could...front staff are hard workers but I had to call 4 times to ask when we were getting our $1000 deposit back...
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
The first initial visit I was on cloud 9 after I met him. He was informative, compassionate, and set a game plan for us. 2nd appt went great we set up surgery to see if I had endometriosis. In that appt he informed if endo was found I would probably have a timeline of up to 6 months to get pregnant,before the endo grew back. makes perfect sense. surgery day comes we have a serious talk about if my tubes are compromised what I would want done. I told him if he needs to take them that is ok. I trusted his judgement because if he thinks they are too damaged what good are they going to do just chilling my body? my husband gets a call after surgery the dr informed him I have stage 2 endo, my right tube did have a lot of scar tissue and was not open but it could have been pinched off from the endo so maybe it will heal after surgery, cool right? well I got a follow up call and it was totally different and this is when the care started turning in the negative. he told me where my endo was and it seemed like he was hesitant so I asked him what do you think is the next best step? he passively aggressively says. I kept your tube because yall said yall wanted to try naturally.I was caught of guard. it went from being friendly to awkward fast. I cannot STAND when someone is passive aggressive especially when it isnt warranted. like go get therapy and figure issues but dont be putting them on me just because you cant communicate correctly and wish washy with your decisions. no one needs that in a dr. he said your right tube is blocked the endo is going to come back and with amh numbers he would go with ivf. he goes how about we have an office visit to discuss it. so me and my husband are just confused at this point because what happened with we have 6 months? so we have that appt and hubby ask his question about what they talked about and he gave him the benefit of the doubt. he said their was a kid screaming in the lobby so maybe i misunderstood you and explains what he heard. Dr d SHRUGS...and doesn't answer his question. so I was like ok that answers that...I guess. So we can't afford ivf we even started a fundraiser selling shirts. so I message the nurse and let her know hey unfortunately we aren't going to be unable to afford ivf, who do I need to continue my care with concerning my endometriosis? the nurse responds with you can do timed intercourse with medicine or iui. Hold the front door we just had an hour convo with the dr saying it would be risky to do on our own. so I'm confused. so we have ANOTHER appt with him and he is just aggravated you can tell from his answers and his body language. he is very easy to read. so my husband leads the convo and goes we just want to know why it went from this to this. again with the shrugging. I asked if there is a way to see if my tubes are open he goes yea there is through hsg it is painful though....OK well having an ectopic will be painful (wth) and that was kind of blown over. so basically a whole lot of nothing was said with a lot of shrugging. which for a dr you need to learn to be direct and explain things better. our last visit was just completely the opposite of the first. I think it is really important to give the Dr's and office staff respect and we gave them that but I didn't feel it back. it was once you started asking for verification or to understand what the dr was talking about, you were being difficult. So I am now getting a second opinion from another Dr and hopefully they can be direct and not shrug their shoulders and passive aggressive like a child.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
don't ask a lot of questions. They keepcrepeating to always ask them questions but I guess there is a limit to it.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
I feel like initially he cares and I am happy he was the first Dr to listen to me and diagnosed my endometriosis, however, I felt like when I started having questions he would get frustrated and shut down and just started shrugging. which I found very unprofessional.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
We initially got a whole bunch of blood work done which was perfect. my hubby had a sperms analysis. I found out I have a genetic mutation pai 4g/5g that makes me susceptible to blood clots were had a saline ultrasound. he thought he saw a septum. I was never told ever that I had a septum so we did have a hysteroscopy done. they did find a lesions in my endometrial walls and we did laproscopy to determine if I had endo do to the symptoms I was having. I was very pleased with the thorough care when it came to this.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Kendra)
Kendra was amazing. She explained everything thoroughly. She is a true map and I enjoyed talking to her when I could.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I think their strength is in their initial visit and work ups. the front staff are hard workers but I had to call 4 times to ask when we were getting our $1000 deposit back. it took my husband calling to get it back and they deposited it right then and there. I think the dr weakness is he doesn't know how to communicate. I get shyness but as a dr you need to have enough back bone to explain things to a patient and give your opinion. I don't expect a dr to make a decision for me,but you have the medical degree and should be able to explain things so that i can put it together and come up with a decision myself.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I met my deductible for the year. so u didn't have a copay to make. I did have to pay for vitamin d testing because of my insurance. 150 for sperms analysis. I will say even though my deductible and out of pocket was met the office protocol is for any surgery They need a deposit to put you on the waiting list. We had to pay $1000 iui I think was around 450. ivf the estimation was 20,000
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
just having the front desk tell me once insurance goes through we would get our refund. I even checked and they said yea it looks like it went through but made it seems like they were getting everything prepared. i mentioned wanting the money back each time I talked to them. Then dr davenport's wishy washiness
Dr. Davenport recommended doing an exploratory hysteroscopy for a “uterine septum”...inquired if we could just repeat imaging to see if the tissue was in fact a septum, he seemed to be offended and just told me to call when I had my next cycle...felt as though he wanted to profit off of a procedure and did not want to do what was best for my reproductive health
Strengths [of Fertility Institute of North Alabama]...friendly staff...Highly recommend getting copies of office visit notes because even if you only saw the Nurse Practitioner they will bill you as if you saw Dr. Davenport and state that the procedures were performed by him
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
My previous fertility specialist’s office closed so I chose to establish with FINA. I saw Dr. Davenport twice, both for consults, and had 1 additional office visit to do labs and a saline infused ultrasound. On the initial visit I was neither pleased or displeased, it seemed we were going to repeat oral ovulation induction meds with timed intercourse as I had done for previous cycles but he recommended a saline US to get more images of my uterus. On my consult following the US, he expressed concern regarding “extra tissue” that could be a uterine septum and recommended surgery to remove this. Considering I had already had extensive imaging done that never showed a septum, I was very much shocked and not receptive to doing a procedure. When I questioned him about this and inquired if we could just repeat imaging to see if the tissue was in fact a septum, he seemed to be offended and just told me to call when I had my next cycle (the whole reason I established with their office is due to irregular cycles). After doing further research I went to another providers office, this provider did not see a septum on the ultrasound images but had a MRI ordered to be thorough. Dr. Davenport never mentioned this as an option I’m assuming because he did not want another provider/radiologist to interpret the images and not agree with his diagnosis/ recommendation for surgery. I very much felt as though he wanted to profit off of a procedure and did not want to do what was best for my reproductive health. I wish someone had told me these things prior to me attending their office but I am glad I listened to myself and got another opinion because it could have affected my ability to conceive.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
I would recommend establishing with Alabama Fertility instead of FINA/Dr. Davenport.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport recommended doing an exploratory hysteroscopy for a “uterine septum” that was never seen by another provider on 4D US. Rather than following up with MRI to confirm or deny diagnosis he recommended surgery.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
I did not do any cycles with Dr. Davenport because I did not want to proceed with the procedure he recommended prior to doing ovulation induction meds.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I had limited experience with the nursing staff but they were very difficult to get in contact with on the phone. I would call with questions regarding my cycle and plan of care and would not receive a call back for hours later.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Strengths- friendly staff, and they know how to make MONEY! Not in it for healthcare, they are there to bill you to the max for every visit. Highly recommend getting copies of office visit notes because even if you only saw the Nurse Practitioner they will bill you as if you saw Dr. Davenport and state that the procedures were performed by him.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Every consult visit was $40 copay, thankfully I have gap insurance which helped to reduce costs.
Communication could be better but [Dr. Davenport] is willing to answer all questions. He is very compassionate, but can be a little more hopeful than realistic, getting your hopes up with his positivity. It’s comforting, but can set you up to be let down...I have DOR and used a standard antagonist protocol for my IVF cycle. I seemed to respond well, but less than half of the number of follicles produced eggs and only one of them was quality.
Costs [at Fertility Institute of North America] seem to be in line with the average in the state of AL...Small clinic, but it’s not difficult to get appointments. Small weakness in that there is really only one nurse and she has all the knowledge and can be hard to get in touch with. She gets back to you...The staff is really warm and caring...I have DOR and used a standard antagonist protocol for my IVF cycle. I seemed to respond well, but less than half of the number of follicles produced eggs and only one of them was quality.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Communication could be better but is willing to answer all questions. He is very compassionate, but can be a little more hopeful than realistic, getting your hopes up with his positivity. It’s comforting, but can set you up to be let down.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Ask all the questions, take his positivity with a grain of salt. Be cautiously hopeful/manage expectations. This all depends on your diagnosis too of course!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
The staff is really warm and caring. Dr. D really seems to want success for his patients. However, I do feel it’s about numbers in some instances.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
I have DOR and used a standard antagonist protocol for my IVF cycle. I seemed to respond well, but less than half of the number of follicles produced eggs and only one of them was quality.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Kendra)
Nursing and staff is top notch. My only complaint is there is one true Nurse and she is so busy it is hard to get in touch with her in a timely manner when something is important. She does get back to you, it just might be several hours. I wish there was a junior nurse to handle some of her workload.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Small clinic, but it’s not difficult to get appointments. Small weakness in that there is really only one nurse and she has all the knowledge and can be hard to get in touch with. She gets back to you.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Costs seem to be in line with the average in the state of AL.
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
My Dr prefers eSET
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
There was some miscommunication among the staff regarding the multi-cycle package I purchased and continued treatment. It was resolved satisfactorily, though it caused some emotional turmoil.
Dr. Davenport has shared with us that he recommends only transferring one embryo vs. multiple because of the risks involved. He, however, said he would transfer multiple if we requested. ... Dr. Davenport is a very patient, intelligent and compassionate doctor. From the moment my husband and I met him, we both felt at ease and like he was the doctor we were supposed to see. I appreciated his concern for my health, getting to the root of the infertility issues we were experiencing and educating us on the process of IVF, why it would be our route for conceiving and assured us that he and his staff would be with us every step of the way.
The clinic is so warm and inviting and this was a big positive for me because going into a fertility clinic you want to feel at ease. Everyone from the receptionist is very friendly, professional and welcoming. You feel right at home at FINA (Fertility Institute of North Alabama). ... My nurse has been amazingly attentive and informative thus far. She has been a big help from the beginning in explaining things that were going to take place. Kendra is a great communicator and I'm looking forward to having her by our side through the IVF journey.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport is a very patient, intelligent and compassionate doctor. From the moment my husband and I met him, we both felt at ease and like he was the doctor we were supposed to see. I appreciated his concern for my health, getting to the root of the infertility issues we were experiencing and educating us on the process of IVF, why it would be our route for conceiving and assured us that he and his staff would be with us every step of the way.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Don't be nervous, don't be afraid to ask whatever question comes to your mind no matter how silly it may sound.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport treated me and my husband like a human rather than a number. He was completely opposite of a previous doctor I saw. His warmth, his care and his desire to help put me at ease and assured me that I was in the right place. His first concern was my health and getting to the root of the infertility issues we were having. He walked us through all the possible outcomes, including what he expected - which was tubal damage and the need to have my tubes removed. Dr. Davenport and his staff have been supportive thus far, they have been so informative and have made our treatment thus far a lot more comfortable than expected.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
In my treatment thus far, Dr. Davenport started with the saline ultrasound to get a good look at my uterus and what he could see of my tubes. He suspected tubal damage and possible fibriods and recommended the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures to determine what was going on. He told me that the procedure could result in having my tubes removed as he suspected hydrosalpinx. After these procedures he spoke with me and my husband about IVF as our next route. We have not begun IVF yet, we are scheduled to begin in October.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Kendra)
My nurse has been amazingly attentive and informative thus far. She has been a big help from the beginning in explaining things that were going to take place. Kendra is a great communicator and I'm looking forward to having her by our side through the IVF journey.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The clinic is so warm and inviting and this was a big positive for me because going into a fertility clinic you want to feel at ease. Everyone from the receptionist is very friendly, professional and welcoming. You feel right at home at FINA (Fertility Institute of North Alabama).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I do not recall the cost of the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures as they were 100% covered by my insurance. The IVF will be roughly $18,000-22,000, including up to 3 cycles and medication. My insurance does not cover this and we are having to get a loan for the total cost.
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Dr. Davenport has shared with us that he recommends only transferring one embryo vs. multiple because of the risks involved. He, however, said he would transfer multiple if we requested.
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I was given a specific time for my procedure via email but was contacted on the morning of the procedure to inform me of the correct time as the time I was given was incorrect. Luckily I made it on time and Dr. D apologized for the mix-up. This was the only conflicting information I was given.
[Dr. Davenport] will ask how you are doing before jumping right into the exam or procedure for the day. You can tell he genuinely cares about his patients and getting the results his patients want.... The first time with Dr. Davenport, we did Clomid with timed intercourse for 6 months and then moved up to Clomid, an Ovidrel shot, and an IUI. After 2 months, I was pregnant. Now we are trying for our 2nd child and unfortunately it's not going as well.
The clinic [Fertility Institute of North Alabama] is a bit small but I know he's looking for a new building. But even though it is small, the clinic is capable of most fertility options. If the equipment isn't there, the doctor has a setup in a near-by city to attend to his patients accordingly.... They are all very personable and caring. They will laugh with you if that's what you need to do or cry with you. When asked questions about the procedures and medicines, if they don't know the answer, they will find out the answer for you.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport is very knowledgeable and while he can appear to be socially shy, he has worked on that in the past few years. He will ask how you are doing before jumping right into the exam or procedure for the day. You can tell he genuinely cares about his patients and getting the results his patients want.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Meet him. Have a consultation. He will show you how knowledgeable and caring he is.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
The office and nurses know my name and ask me how I'm doing every month. They remember certain details that we previously talked about. The office environment is very personable.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
The first time with Dr. Davenport, we did Clomid with timed intercourse for 6 months and then moved up to Clomid, an Ovidrel shot, and an IUI. After 2 months, I was pregnant. Now we are trying for our 2nd child and unfortunately it's not going as well. We have had IUIs monthly with clomid and the Ovidrel shot but no luck. I truly think it's my diet and stress levels. I need to talk with him about it.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Kendra)
They are all very personable and caring. They will laugh with you if that's what you need to do or cry with you. When asked questions about the procedures and medicines, if they don't know the answer, they will find out the answer for you. Many times I have received phone calls after their office has closed for the day just so they can answer my questions.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The clinic is a bit small but I know he's looking for a new building. But even though it is small, the clinic is capable of most fertility options. If the equipment isn't there, the doctor has a setup in a near-by city to attend to his patients accordingly.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Because of my insurance, each visit co-pay is $40. Clomid runs from $40-$80 depending on if the pharmacy has coupons. The Ovidrel shot can run from $120-$200, again depending on coupons at the pharmacy. Each IUI costs $350, I believe.
The moment Dr. Davenport walked into that exam room, I felt a sense of hope and calmness...He really cared about my mental health during the process...When we had 2 failed IUIs, he never once tried rushing me into any other procedures. He wanted me to be mentally and emotionally ready. He was by far the most caring doctor I've been to.
[Fertility Institute of North Alabama] was very clean and very homey feeling. I always felt welcomed there by every staff member...the staff knew my husband and I by name...treated us like we were part of their team. The communication between them to us was more than outstanding...The nursing staff was just as caring as Dr. Davenport himself...Always there to motivate you to not give up.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
There I was sitting in a fertility specialist exam room waiting on Dr. Davenport; a scared and helpless 27 year old holding her husband's hand wondering why we weren't good enough to have a child of our own together. I was nervous, embarrassed, and emotionally exhausted. The moment Dr. Davenport walked into that exam room, I felt a sense of hope and calmness. Davenport introduced himself and told us a little bit about him to help us feel moe at ease before we talked to him about why we were sitting in his office. While explaining our goals and consulting about the best treatment to begin first, he never once rushed us or over talked us. He was so patient and so understanding. When we were given the news that my husband's sperm count and motility was low, we were confused and honestly.. heartbroken. He comforted us and assured us that our dream of being parents together wasn't over. He gave us hope and he gave me something to begin looking forward to. He was very thorough with explaining what our first and next step would be for treatments. When we had 2 failed IUIs, he never once tried rushing me into any other procedures. He wanted me to be mentally and emotionally ready. He was by far the most caring doctor I've been to.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Always go in to every appointment with an open mind. Mentally and emotionally be ready for what you've dreamed of for so long, to not happen quickly overnight. It is a process that takes time. Never give up!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport was very knowledgeable, caring, and patient during our process of the IUIs. Every failed IUI that my husband and I had, his first question to me as the wife was, "Tell me how you're feeling and if you're okay." He sat with me and comforted me as I just cried and cried. He really cared about my mental health during the process. He never tried to rush us into anything that my mental health couldn't handle.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
Our first treatment strategy was a saline ultrasound to check and make sure I had no tube blockages or cysts on my ovaries along with blood work to check all of my levels. Once it was determine that I had no issues on the ultrasound, ovulated on my own, and all bloodwork came back at the levels needed, we moved forward to a non-medicated IUI the first time. While advising my husband to take Lcarnitine vitamins to help with sperm count and motility. When the first IUI failed, he performed another ultrasound and determined that nothing with my body had changed, so we done a medicated IUI the next round with Letrozole and a trigger shot to be able to fully time my ovulation.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The nursing staff was just as caring as Dr. Davenport himself. They were always giving you a warm welcome on what you felt like was the end of the world. Always there to motivate you to not give up.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The clinic had nothing but strengths. It was very clean and very homey feeling. I always felt welcomed there by every staff member. After I consultation, the staff knew my husband and I by name moving forward. They treated us like we were part of their team. The communication between them to us was more than outstanding.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Our health insurance did not cover any fertility procedures, so everything was paid out of pocket. We paid $350 for the IUI alone. To move forward to IVF, it would costly nearly $17,000.
We did rounds of femara because of anovulation due to endometriosis [protocol with Dr. Davenport]. We also did an SIS and HSG to determine if my tubes were open. After these treatments I conceived!...was very sensitive about my ethical concerns regarding IVF. If we needed to go this route I would definitely trust him to respect my wishes...He was considerate of my comfort level through various tests.
Kara [nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine] was absolutely amazing and encouraging about my results, giving me good things to try even if my results were discouraging...It’s very up to date, well decorated and modern. It’s smaller and feels more personal. Very ample parking on site that is free. They have ultrasound machines and a nurse ready to do blood draws (you’ll get those often!)...My doctor also found less costly alternative medications when possible. (Such as bonjesta for 30 dollars.)
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr Davenport treats not only your reproductive system, but the whole patient. He’s very well informed and compassionate for how you’re doing with treatments. He and his whole staff are so encouraging, they feel like family.
During one test I was having a lot of pain and trying to hide it. He stopped right away and asked me to be honest about my pain level. For the next test he prescribed pain medication so I would be much more comfortable.
He is also very supportive of the research I did for my own care instead of disregarding my thoughts. It made me feel very in control of my care.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Research your treatment options so you can be more proactive in your own care.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
He was considerate of my comfort level through various tests.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
We did rounds of femara because of anovulation due to endometriosis.
We also did an SIS and HSG to determine if my tubes were open.
After these treatments I conceived!
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Kara)
Kara was absolutely amazing and encouraging about my results, giving me good things to try even if my results were discouraging.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
It’s very up to date, well decorated and modern. It’s smaller and feels more personal.
Very ample parking on site that is free.
They have ultrasound machines and a nurse ready to do blood draws (you’ll get those often!)
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Costs vary greatly due to insurance.
My doctor also found less costly alternative medications when possible. (Such as bonjesta for 30 dollars.)
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Doctor Davenport was very sensitive about my ethical concerns regarding IVF. If we needed to go this route I would definitely trust him to respect my wishes.
We had a great experience the first time around (and amazing results), and when he [Dr. Brett Davenport] moved to his own clinic, he went to bat for us to help is get custody of our embryos. He absolutely has gone above and beyond what I would have expected of him. As we're trying again, he has made sure everything will go smoothly so that we don't have any of the struggles we had to get to our last transfer.
I absolutely love his new staff [at Fertility Institute of N AL]. They're so much easier to communicate with and I really like that I know everyone in the office.... My husband has low motility, low morphology, and low count, so we went straight to ivf. He was on clomid and novarel for 6 months the first time. I had a cycle with follistim because that is what my insurance would cover. We had great success with a twin pregnancy. When we went back for an FET, I did injectibles and estrogen and progesterone. Neither of our two remaining embryos stuck. This time around, my husband isn't doing the clomid and novarel, we're just going to go ahead and do icsi. I'm going to be on the same meds as last time because it obviously worked.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
We had a great experience the first time around (and amazing results), and when he moved to his own clinic, he went to bat for us to help is get custody of our embryos. He absolutely has gone above and beyond what I would have expected of him. As we're trying again, he has made sure everything will go smoothly so that we don't have any of the struggles we had to get to our last transfer.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
He can move fast, so sometimes, you have to ask him to slow down. I'm good with it because I did so much research on my own before we got to this point and we've done it all before.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
He is so proactive and knows my history without me having to remind him. He is personable and wants to be sure that we're ok with every step along the way.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
My husband has low motility, low morphology, and low count, so we went straight to ivf. He was on clomid and novarel for 6 months the first time. I had a cycle with follistim because that is what my insurance would cover. We had great success with a twin pregnancy. When we went back for an FET, I did injectibles and estrogen and progesterone. Neither of our two remaining embryos stuck. This time around, my husband isn't doing the clomid and novarel, we're just going to go ahead and do icsi. I'm going to be on the same meds as last time because it obviously worked.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Darcy)
I absolutely love his new staff. They're so much easier to communicate with and I really like that I know everyone in the office.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
He is contracting with ovation fertility in Nashville until his office is complete, but I think I prefer this office. They are right next to the hospital. Going to a small clinic for monitoring and then going to the larger one for retrievals and transfers is very appealing to me.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
My insurance covers meds, testing, and monitoring. Our cycle plan (3 retrievals and 3 transfers) will be about 17k.
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
He was willing to go ahead and transfer two embryos because we wanted to. He said if we chose to do pgs this time around, he would not transfer two.
Dr. Davenport cares deeply about his patients. I always felt like I was his only patient. I underwent two surgeries during my treatment and each time he prayed before surgery and personally called the day after each one to check on me. He felt our disappointment each time we weren’t pregnant and was overjoyed when we finally got pregnant... It was bittersweet being released from his care when I was 9 week pregnant. I felt he truly cared about me and always took the time to explain each step of the process in a way that my husband and I could understand. He even personally called when lab results were late and after surgery. Dr. Davenport made our infertility journey more bareable.
Dr. Davenport opened his clinic about a year ago. They are working on getting the kinks out of a new practice but overall, the practice and its employees are phenomenal. It was easy to get early appointments (7 AM) and they even came in on a Saturday morning for an IUI...The nursing staff was invested in my journey. I felt liked they truly cared and were always available to answer questions.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Davenport. It was bittersweet being released from his care when I was 9 week pregnant. I felt he truly cared about me and always took the time to explain each step of the process in a way that my husband and I could understand. He even personally called when lab results were late and after surgery. Dr. Davenport made our infertility journey more bareable.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Choose him as your doctor. He is a knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate physician.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Dr. Davenport cares deeply about his patients. I always felt like I was his only patient. I underwent two surgeries during my treatment and each time he prayed before surgery and personally called the day after each one to check on me. He felt our disappointment each time we weren’t pregnant and was overjoyed when we finally got pregnant.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
We used Femara prior to IUI’s. This was unsuccessful. I had surgery to remove Endometriosis but did not get pregnant as a result. Also, I had a Tubal Cannulation to unblock my tubes and within a few months, I was pregnant.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The nursing staff was invested in my journey. I felt liked they truly cared and were always available to answer questions.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Dr. Davenport opened his clinic about a year ago. They are working on getting the kinks out of a new practice but overall, the practice and its employees are phenomenal. It was easy to get early appointments (7 AM) and they even came in on a Saturday morning for an IUI.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
My care under Dr. Davenport was 100% covered by my insurance.
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Failed to call with results
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
The nurse forgot to call with lab results one time.
You mainly see the nurses who are all very personable and caring. However, whenever there seems to be something wrong Dr. Davenport always came in (he did 3 of my 6 IUIs). He also made time to sit down and talk with us whenever we asked. He also made the calls when the news wasn't good, he never made the nurses deliver bad news...Dr. Davenport is very caring. He always asks how you are doing, and then says "ok, and how are you REALLY doing emotionally". He always explains things well, a
As a new patient I was shocked of how busy they [Hunt Repro Med] were! Although the waiting room always seems full, they never keep you waiting too long. It is very easy to setup appointments and pay. The clinic is very well kept and clean...I have worked with many of the nurses (Chelsea, Joan, Jennifer and Brittany who draws the blood) and they are all amazing! They all make you feel like you are their only patient and so compassionate. Chelsea is my nurse and she is fantastic at explaining anything I don't understand. She is also very responsive, she always calls or emails me back quickly.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport is very caring. He always asks how you are doing, and then says "ok, and how are you REALLY doing emotionally". He always explains things well, and does put it in simpler terms when I don't understand. He has now left the practice, and unfortunately I did not get any feedback from him on our failed IVF.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
If you don't understand just ASK, he will find a way for you to understand. Also even though he is a doctor he doesn't know what your body feels, so if something feels off (I ovulated early on 3 cycles), call and tell your nurse, they will listen and adjust if needed.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
You mainly see the nurses who are all very personable and caring. However, whenever there seems to be something wrong Dr. Davenport always came in (he did 3 of my 6 IUIs). He also made time to sit down and talk with us whenever we asked. He also made the calls when the news wasn't good, he never made the nurses deliver bad news.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
I was 28, and my husband and I had been trying for 1 year. He put me on 50mg of clomid and did my 1st IUI. We did 3 IUI's, then decided to do the laparoscopy to see if I had Endometriosis. He wasn't expecting that I would have it (even though I showed many of the signs), but I did....everywhere so he removed it. We then tried 3 more IUI's, and then opted for IVF. Since I always ovulated more than one egg with Clomid we went conservative with the dosage of Gonal-F (150units) and Menopur (75units), but that only produced 4 follicles so we opted to do an IUI instead.
My second round at IVF we started with 300 units of Gonal-F (lowered to 200 units half way trough) and 75 units of Menopur. I produced 8 follicles this time, and we retrieved 6 mature eggs. 5 fertilized, but 3 stalled at day 3. We implanted both embryos on day 5, but unfortunately they failed.
Dr. Davenport left the practice following my IVF so I never got feedback on what the issue could have been. That was disappointing.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Chelsea)
I have worked with many of the nurses (Chelsea, Joan, Jennifer and Brittany who draws the blood) and they are all amazing! They all make you feel like you are their only patient and so compassionate. Chelsea is my nurse and she is fantastic at explaining anything I don't understand. She is also very responsive, she always calls or emails me back quickly.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
As a new patient I was shocked of how busy they were! Although the waiting room always seems full, they never keep you waiting too long. It is very easy to setup appointments and pay. The clinic is very well kept and clean.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
I had Aetna PPO for all of my IUI's and the each costs $500 with the procedure and medicine. I talked to Dr. Davenport when I was changing insurances and he told me to look for one that covered injectable meds...best advice ever! For the IVF I had BCBS of Alabama Gold and it cost about $8000 for the procedure and I paid only $300 for my meds thanks to his advice. The injectables typically cost $4000.
Dr. Davenport is very caring. He always asks how you are doing, and then says "ok, and how are you REALLY doing emotionally". He always explains things well, and does put it in simpler terms when I don't understand. My first IVF attempt did not go well, I only produced 4 eggs so we cancelled and just did an IUI. This round he changed my dosage and that is all, so time will tell if this adjustment works...
As a new patient [at Hunt Repro Med] I was shocked of how busy they were! Although the waiting room always seems full, they never keep you waiting too long. It is very easy to setup appointments and pay. The clinic is very well kept and clean...I have worked with many of the nurses (Chelsea, Joan, Jennifer and Brittany who draws the blood) and they are all amazing! They all make you feel like you are their only patient and so compassionate. Chelsea is my nurse and she is fantastic at explaining anything I don't understand. She is also very responsive, she always calls or emails me back quickly...
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport is very caring. He always asks how you are doing, and then says "ok, and how are you REALLY doing emotionally". He always explains things well, and does put it in simpler terms when I don't understand. My first IVF attempt did not go well, I only produced 4 eggs so we cancelled and just did an IUI. This round he changed my dosage and that is all, so time will tell if this adjustment works.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
If you don't understand just ASK, he will find a way for you to understand. Also even though he is a doctor he doesn't know what your body feels, so if something feels off (i ovulated early on 3 cycles), call and tell your nurse, they will listen and adjust if needed.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
You mainly see the nurses who are all very personable and caring. However, whenever there seems to be something wrong Dr. Davenport always came in (he did 3 of my 6 IUIs). He also made time to sit down and talk with us whenever we asked. He also made the calls when the news wasn't good, he never made the nurses deliver bad news.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
I was 28, and my husband and I had been trying for 1 year. We had taken a "at home fertility" test, mine came back normal but my husband's did not (Dr. Davenport laughed at this, apparently at home test are NOT reliable for men at all). Turns out my husband it fine and I am the problem. He put be on 50mg of clomid and did my 1st IUI. We did 3 IUI's, then decided to do the laparoscopy to see if I had Endometriosis. He wasn't expecting that I would have it (even though I showed many of the signs), but I did....everywhere so he removed it. We then tried 3 more IUI's, and then opted for IVF. Since I always ovulated more than one egg with Clomid we went conservative with the dosage of Gonal-F (150units) and Menopur (75units), but that only produced 4 follicles so we opted to do an IUI instead.
I will start my next try at IVF next week, and they are starting me with 300 units of Gonal-F and 75 units of Menopur. We will see how this one turns out!
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Chelsea)
I have worked with many of the nurses (Chelsea, Joan, Jennifer and Brittany who draws the blood) and they are all amazing! They all make you feel like you are their only patient and so compassionate. Chelsea is my nurse and she is fantastic at explaining anything I don't understand. She is also very responsive, she always calls or emails me back quickly.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
As a new patient I was shocked of how busy they were! Although the waiting room always seems full, they never keep you waiting too long. It is very easy to setup appointments and pay. The clinic is very well kept and clean.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
I had Aetna PPO for all of my IUI's and the each costs $500 with the procedure and medicine. I talked to Dr. Davenport when I was changing insurances and he told me to look for one that covered injectable meds...best advice ever! For the IVF I had BCBS of Alabama Gold and it cost about $8000 for the procedure and I paid only $300 for my meds thanks to his advice. The injectables typically cost $4000.
Dr. Davenport was compassionate towards my husband and I. He spoke to us, not down to us.... I was a little taken back when Dr. Davenport did not perform the only IUI we did with his office though.... my husband had started taking HCG shots for low sperm morphology. I think I started on birth control or estradiol and then waited until it was closer to ovulation and then they called me and told me to come in and they could do the IUI.... The nurse practitioner and another lady performed the IUI. I was never once told that the doctor does not perform IUIs. I don't know if they expected me to know this or what.
The nursing staff [Huntsville Reproductive Medicine] was great. I recall always having to leave a message, but they would call back pretty quickly. The nurse I remember the most is Jennifer. She was amazing, I hated leaving the clinic specifically because of her.... The main reason we decided to part ways with Dr. Davenport's clinic is because I felt a little manipulated when it came to their payment process. I noticed a charge one day from my card for $80.00 and I called to ask why and they said they automatically take payments out of your account when you have a balance.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
I really liked Dr. Davenport. My husband was a little more apprehensive only because of his age/had not been practicing that long. I thought he was knowledgeable and I liked that he was younger because sometimes younger doctors have fresher insight to new technology and advances. I was a little taken back when Dr. Davenport did not perform the only IUI we did with his office though. It was my first IUI and although I had been told what to expect, I was still anxious and nervous. The nurse practitioner and another lady performed the IUI. I was never once told that the doctor does not perform IUIs. I don't know if they expected me to know this or what.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Ask questions. Ask all questions you have even if you think they are stupid, whether your doctor is Dr. Davenport or a different doctor. Advocate for yourself or it will feel like you are shuffled around or just another number or debit card.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport was compassionate towards my husband and I. He spoke to us, not down to us. He was respectful of our emotions and explained all of our options to us.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
Our first and only IUI with Dr. Davenport was two years ago..I do know my husband had started taking HCG shots for low sperm morphology. I think I started on birth control or estradiol and then waited until it was closer to ovulation and then they called me and told me to come in and they could do the IUI. it was a simple and quick procedure, but I don't believe I was on any medicine (I do not have and trouble with ovulating).
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Jennifer)
The nursing staff was great. I recall always having to leave a message, but they would call back pretty quickly. The nurse I remember the most is Jennifer. She was amazing, I hated leaving the clinic specifically because of her. She was friendly, supportive, kind, compassionate, understanding, sweet, I could go on and on. I cannot say enough about her.
I have noticed at times at both clinics I've been to that the nursing staff becomes sort of numb to the patients feelings. I feel like they deal with infertility day in and day out and just get used to negatives or bad news that they lose a little compassion.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
The main reason we decided to part ways with Dr. Davenport's clinic is because I felt a little manipulated when it came to their payment process. I noticed a charge one day from my card for $80.00 and I called to ask why and they said they automatically take payments out of your account when you have a balance. You have that option or to give them outright $200.00 to cover any balances. I was angry. I am an adult and pay my bills on time when they are due. I was not happy when they took money out of my account without even a warning. When I called to speak with them about this they did not seem to care because I had signed all the financial forms. I understand I should have read all the info more thoroughly, but I just felt a little tricked. Other than that, I really liked the office as it was right next to my work, the doctor, and the nurse I most frequently encountered. The office was always clean and I never had too long of a wait.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
I believe the IUI was right at $1,000. My husband's HCG shots were about $200 every 3 weeks or so that Dr. Davenport recommended would help with his sperm count. I believe my office visits were about $65.
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
My time going to Dr. Davenport resulted in nothing other than lots of bills...He was very pushy with wanting us to do IUI despite the fact that I was getting pregnant on my own, I just was not able to carry the babies. I wanted more diagnostics to be completed to figure out why I was miscarrying...They pushed for us to do IUIs every month and when I suggested the medication and timed intercourse he said we were wasting our time. They did not do any additional lab or diagnostic tests besides the usual fertility labs of hormone levels.
[Fertility Institute of North Alabama] seem to be more concerned with receiving payments for IUIs than determining what could be causing the infertility problems. I work in the healthcare field and am knowledgeable, but anytime I suggested a test or treatment plan, Dr. Davenport became irritated and would not listen...They did not do any additional lab or diagnostic tests besides the usual fertility labs of hormone levels.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
I had multiple IUIs that were completed by his nurse. I had explained to them that I had previous miscarriages and wanted to figure out why. I was becoming pregnant on my own. They pushed for us to do IUIs every month and when I suggested the medication and timed intercourse he said we were wasting our time. They did not do any additional lab or diagnostic tests besides the usual fertility labs of hormone levels. My time going to Dr. Davenport resulted in nothing other than lots of bills.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Find someone else.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
He was very pushy with wanting us to do IUI despite the fact that I was getting pregnant on my own, I just was not able to carry the babies. I wanted more diagnostics to be completed to figure out why I was miscarrying, he just wanted us to pay for IUIs
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
Medications, timed intercourse, IUIs
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
They seem to be more concerned with receiving payments for IUIs than determining what could be causing the infertility problems. I work in the healthcare field and am knowledgeable, but anytime I suggested a test or treatment plan, Dr. Davenport became irritated and would not listen.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
I remember having to pay fees for IUIs
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
We first saw Dr. Davenport shortly after he joined Huntsville Repro Medicine. He was an excellent listener, very warm and very informative. He gave my husband a hug in the hallway when pregnancy was confirmed! He did some of the ultrasounds himself, and was always super approachable...
The nurses [at Hunt Repro Med] were all absolutely wonderful. Warm and caring, very responsive to messages and questions...Kind staff, very efficient, great at dealing with delicate parents-to-be...Bloodwork and ultrasounds were covered by insurance (subject to copay), I believe the price for the IUI was $350 or so. Does not include meds, which were covered by my insurance (with copay)...
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
We first saw Dr. Davenport shortly after he joined Huntsville Repro Medicine. He was an excellent listener, very warm and very informative. He gave my husband a hug in the hallway when pregnancy was confirmed! He did some of the ultrasounds himself, and was always super approachable.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Call them now!! They want to see you on cycle day 3, so call before your next period for sure.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
His staff is super warm, responsive and caring.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
We'd done two rounds of unmonitored letrozole with my OB/GYN. We met with Dr. Davenport on CD3, and decided to go straight to IUI. I ovulate fine, but we did clomid to be able to control the timing. 1 round of clomid + 1 ovidrel injection to trigger ovulation. First IUI was successful.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Lynn)
The nurses were all absolutely wonderful. Warm and caring, very responsive to messages and questions.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Kind staff, very efficient, great at dealing with delicate parents-to-be.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Bloodwork and ultrasounds were covered by insurance (subject to copay), I believe the price for the IUI was $350 or so. Does not include meds, which were covered by my insurance (with copay)
He acted like everything was my weight. I know I'm over weight but when you only see the dr. Like 3 times in a year and a few months him telling you you're over weight every time kinda upsets me.... He seemed to think that everything that's going on with me is because I'm fat. I did the weight loss stuff lost 56 pounds and yet he still thought I needed to lose more. The doctor I'm seeing now says I shouldn't have any issues because of weight. He's seen too many people 3x my size that were pregnant.
I called [Hunstville Reproductive Medicine] after dr. Davenport left and the new dr. Harper took over asking about a different weight loss program bc the one I was on wasn't working anymore. I never heard back from anyone.... The nursing staff was absolutely amazing. They're the only reason I stayed so long.... The only time I really had to pay was when I saw him which didn't happen often
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
I didn't really care for him. He acted like everything was my weight. I know I'm over weight but when you only see the dr. Like 3 times in a year and a few months him telling you you're over weight every time kinda upsets me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Make sure you aren't fat when you see him. He'll think that's the problem for everything.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
He seemed to think that everything that's going on with me is because I'm fat. I did the weight loss stuff lost 56 pounds and yet he still thought I needed to lose more. The doctor I'm seeing now says I shouldn't have any issues because of weight. He's seen too many people 3x my size that were pregnant.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine. (Assigned nurse: Jennifer then changed to Joan )
The nursing staff was absolutely amazing. They're the only reason I stayed so long.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
The only time I really had to pay was when I saw him which didn't happen often
What specific things went wrong at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
I called after dr. Davenport left and the new dr. Harper took over asking about a different weight loss program bc the one I was on wasn't working anymore. I never heard back from anyone.
Dr. Davenport and his nurses are great with letting me know up front what to expect. He answers all my questions as needed.... Dr. Davenport is great. He's very upfront and blunt about what to expect. He tries to get to the bottom of the issue. He seems to really care about his patients. He thinks through what is the best course of treatment.... Dr. Davenport and his team and very caring. The only downside is it is sometimes hard to reach them by phone as you have to select different options and they sometimes do not answer.
The clinic itself [Huntsville Reproductive Medicine] is small so you are more than just a number. They know you personally. Dr. Davenport and his team and very caring. The only downside is it is sometimes hard to reach them by phone as you have to select different options and they sometimes do not answer....Dr. Davenport and his nurses are great with letting me know up front what to expect.... My insurance covers 80 percent so I do not have to worry about the cost as much.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport is great. He's very upfront and blunt about what to expect. He tries to get to the bottom of the issue. He seems to really care about his patients. He thinks through what is the best course of treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
To not be nervous.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport and his nurses are great with letting me know up front what to expect. He answers all my questions as needed.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
The clinic itself is small so you are more than just a number. They know you personally. Dr. Davenport and his team and very caring. The only downside is it is sometimes hard to reach them by phone as you have to select different options and they sometimes do not answer.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
My insurance covers 80 percent so I do not have to worry about the cost as much.
He [Dr. Davenport] is a busy doctor I get that, I Just wish he would've gotten to know me better and actually reviewed my chart a little better during consultation before getting to the middle of my time with him which is 3mo later and moving my IVF date for late decovered issues that could've been founded before now...Alot of confusion and miscommunication...
Communication [at Fertility Institute of North Alabama] is a huge weakness especially during this tough time in my life, they expect you to have patience and compassion for there time but not the same in return. Alot of confusion and miscommunication happens here often...Don't think I've meet her [nurse] in person just via email and over the phone...They sent a pricing sheet for self pay...
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
He is a busy doctor I get that, I Just wish he would've gotten to know me better and actually reviewed my chart a little better during consultation before getting to the middle of my time with him which is 3mo later and moving my IVF date for late decovered issues that could've been founded before now.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Please know your body prior.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
I'm using insurance they decided to push treatment back 3months.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Fertility Institute of North Alabama and their degree of success.
None yet, to many set back but I can say I heard he was a good doctor via Google Reviews.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Fertility Institute of North Alabama. (Assigned nurse: Kendra)
Don't think I've meet her in person just via email and over the phone
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Communication is a huge weakness especially during this tough time in my life, they expect you to have patience and compassion for there time but not the same in return. Alot of confusion and miscommunication happens here often.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
They sent a pricing sheet for self pay
Describe Brett Davenport's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
He well informed me
What specific things went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Lost appointments
Failed to order appropriate test
Provided conflicting information
Canceled a cycle due to clinic error
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Dr. Davenport would talk with me about a plan or our next steps but then call my husband the next day and change the plans. It would never be communicated to me unless my husband happened to remember to tell me... If you dont have money to pay for their treatments Dr. Davenport seems to be annoyed...He was not personal and was always very pushy. If I had any questions it was like he thought I was questioning him.
Most [staff at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine] were very quiet and would not talk unless they were requesting payment...Very expensive. Wanted to do a 400 dollar seman analysis but couldn't tell us the benefit of having the results...Great location...Does not make you feel comfortable. If you go in and do exactly what is said you'll be fine. Just ask zero questions. If you dont have money to pay for their treatments Dr. Davenport seems to be annoyed.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Dr. Davenport would talk with me about a plan or our next steps but then call my husband the next day and change the plans. It would never be communicated to me unless my husband happened to remember to tell me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
Go in ready to do exactly what he says and wants with no questions or thoughts permitted.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
He was not personal and was always very pushy. If I had any questions it was like he thought I was questioning him.
Describe the protocols Brett Davenport used in your cycles at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine and their degree of success.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Most were very quiet and would not talk unless they were requesting payment.
Describe your experience with Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Great location. Bad staff. Does not make you feel comfortable. If you go in and do exactly what is said you'll be fine. Just ask zero questions. If you dont have money to pay for their treatments Dr. Davenport seems to be annoyed.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine.
Very expensive. Wanted to do a 400 dollar seman analysis but couldn't tell us the benefit of having the results.
What specific things went wrong at Huntsville Reproductive Medicine?
He [Dr. Brett Davenport] and his team are kind and compassionate. They spend time with you and you don’t feel rushed. They seem to truly care about you during this trying time. We are still in the process and they have helped us change course and weigh our options. I feel informed, and supported...busy and only do IVF every other month. So you have to get in on the right schedule or wait two months to do IVF... kind and explain everything
[The staff at Fertility Institute of North Alabama are] kind and compassionate. They spend time with you and you don’t feel rushed. They seem to truly care about you during this trying time. We are still in the process and they have helped us change course and weigh our options. I feel informed, and supported...They [nurses] are very sweet, and are great at getting back to you with answers for any questions you may have...IUI so far we have spent $1000 including testing. Not sure yet what IVF cost will be.
How was your experience with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
He and his team are kind and compassionate. They spend time with you and you don’t feel rushed. They seem to truly care about you during this trying time. We are still in the process and they have helped us change course and weigh our options. I feel informed, and supported.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Come in with good questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama?
Him and his staff are kind and explain everything. They really want to know you and are there for you.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
They are very sweet, and are great at getting back to you with answers for any questions you may have.
Describe your experience with Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
Strength is staff, Dr and location. They are kind and communicate very well. Weakness is they are busy and only do IVF every other month. So you have to get in on the right schedule or wait two months to do IVF.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Brett Davenport at Fertility Institute of North Alabama.
IUI so far we have spent $1000 including testing. Not sure yet what IVF cost will be.