Dr. Wambach has been through infertility herself and she really gets it...was kind, empathetic, understanding, and respected my wishes and perspective...did a mock cycle with ERA and found out that I had endometriosis...hysteroscopy and removed many small polyps...then implanted and I had a successful pregnancy at 40
[Reproductive Partners Medical Group] is great...they are very busy...reasonable expectations so I didn’t get upset when I had to wait a long time to be seen or see another doctor that day...nursing staff was great! I didn’t have any bad experiences...
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is the very best fertility doctor out there in my opinion. I have recommended her to everyone going through fertility treatments or needing them. She has had success where other fertility doctors have failed in numerous people I know.
She is thoughtful, compassionate, super intelligent, and informed on all the latest fertility research. She’s also extremely dedicated and really cares about the results. She will be very thorough and also think outside the box. She also listens to her patients. She respects your decisions and cares about your feelings and opinions.
This journey is hard and it can take an emotional and physical toll. I couldn’t imagine going through it with any other doctor. Dr. Wambach not only gave me one daughter and another that I’m currently in my second trimester with, but she was supportive, flexible, caring, and went above and beyond every step of the way.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
With any fertility journey with any doctor, you must do your research and ask good questions. Knowledge is power!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach has been through infertility herself and she really gets it. Every step of the way, she was kind, empathetic, understanding, and respected my wishes and perspective.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We did two rounds of IVF. The first one produced one embryo that was untested. We then found out that my husband had DNA fragmentation. I highly recommend getting this test done to rule this out as a first step. Once we treated that, we did the second round and had 3 embryos and two were genetically ok. We then did a mock cycle with ERA and found out that I had endometriosis. I was then treated for endometriosis with Lupron. I also did a hysteroscopy and removed many small polyps that didn’t show on a saline sonogram. We then implanted and I had a successful pregnancy at 40. Then 4 years later, I did another hysteroscopy and removed more polyps. I did an unmedicated implantation and am currently in my second trimester.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
The nursing staff was great! I didn’t have any bad experiences.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
This clinic is great. I also recommend Dr. Huang. He’s also really good and caring.
One thing about this clinic is they’re very sought after, especially Dr. Wambach. That means they are very busy. The sensitivity of their work coupled with the volume, is probably overwhelming to everyone there. I went in having reasonable expectations so I didn’t get upset when I had to wait a long time to be seen or see another doctor that day.
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I did the research on single vs multiple embryo transfer so there was never any doubt about wanting a single transfer.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Positives: Dr. Wambach was warm, friendly, and empathetic, with a caring bedside manner. She is very emotionally invested in her patients having success, and cried when my egg retrieval failed. I appreciate that she genuinely cares so much about her patients. I also appreciate that she does the ultrasounds herself (instead of having ultrasound techs do the ultrasounds) whenever she is working in the office
The [Reproductive Partners Medical Group] clinic is also extremely busy almost all of the time and wait is usually very long...The nurses and clinic as a whole were extremely disorganized. They all share a workload, so messages through the portal and voicemail are responded to by whoever gets to it first, and you're communicating with what seems like a dozen different people. And since you don't have an assigned nurse, and your doctor doesn't have a specific clinical group or group of nurses, the result is that no one is ultimately responsible for getting things done and no one is held accountable when mistakes are made.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Positives: Dr. Wambach was warm, friendly, and empathetic, with a caring bedside manner. She is very emotionally invested in her patients having success, and cried when my egg retrieval failed. I appreciate that she genuinely cares so much about her patients. I also appreciate that she does the ultrasounds herself (instead of having ultrasound techs do the ultrasounds) whenever she is working in the office, and that she has a gentle ultrasound technique and never caused me pain during ultrasounds like some of the other doctors did. And it's nice not having to have ultrasounds with a dozen different people and knowing that as long as your doctor is in the office, they will do the ultrasound themselves.
Cons: Before the cycle started I expressed concern that my stress levels were extremely high, since I was not only dealing with infertility, but also chronic pain and severely limited mobility due to my pain, plus a number of other very stressful life events. I told her I was breaking down crying almost every day, was severely depressed, and concerned that going through an egg retrieval cycle would cause me even more pain which would be very difficult to get through since you can't take pain medication during IVF, plus cause even higher stress levels, which might negatively affect my egg quality. I also expressed concern that I was on high doses of NSAIDs at the time, and asked whether that could negatively affect my egg quality too.
I wanted to wait until I had time to have my back pain treated, and wasn't on the NSAIDs but Dr. Wambach said we really needed to get my eggs out as soon as we can due to my diminished ovarian reserve, and that the NSAIDs don't affect egg quality very much as long as they are stopped by day 7 of ovarian stimulation, and that everyone who goes through IVF has extremely high stress levels. So I went forward with the cycle, which was very painful for me due to having to get to the clinic every other day for 15 days. I had 8 appointments which was much more than I had anticipated, I felt absolutely horrible (physically and emotionally) the entire time, and my stress levels were absolutely through the roof, depsite therapy, meditation, etc.
During the cycle I also expressed concern that my follicles didn't seem to be growing well, but she reassured me that it's ok or even good for them to grow more slowly, so there were only tiny adjustments made to my protocol (raised Gonal by 75 IU 2x only) and she didn't add in Menopur until day 13 of injections. Then my follicles jumped in size from only 2 days of Menopur, I lost the synchronization of my follicles and only ended up with 2 eggs at retrieval, and they were both such terrible quality that they died the first day. I was absolutely devastated, and went into a really serious, deep depression for several months afterwards.
Afterwards I learned from other fertility doctors that NSAIDs can lower egg quality, and so can extremely high stress levels, and so can having such slow growth of follicles, since then the eggs are exposed to the medication for longer which can damage the quality. So now looking back, as much as I liked Dr. Wambach's personality, bedside manner and ultrasound technique, I feel really upset that I wasn't warned that my high stress levels from my pain and the NSAIDs I was on could damage my eggs, and that more adjustments weren't made to my protocol so that I'd only need to stim for 8-10 days, which studies show is the ideal time period for the best egg quality. I was so upset with how the cycle went (as well as many frustrations we had with the clinic and other doctors in the practice) that we switched clinics and doctors.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Firstly, I do not recommend being a passive participant in your fertility care, no matter which clinic you go to or doctor you see. Fertility treatments are extremely physically and emotionally difficult to go through, as well as extremely expensive, and when a cycle fails, it is absolutely devastating. So you really want to maximize your chances of success and minimize how many cycles you have to go through, and that requires being an informed patient. You wouldn't go buy a $25,000 car without thouroughly researching it first, so (even if you have fertility insurance coverage) don't blindly follow whatever protocol your doctor suggests without researching it yourself first. You won't get an in depth, lengthy explanation from any doctor or clinic you see - that's just not how it works.
So I strongly recommend getting multiple opinions from different doctors whenever possible, following other doctors on Instagram to see their tips and joining support groups so you can ask patients with your same age and diagnosis, who have been through many cycles what worked for them and what didn't. And look up studies yourself if you have the time and you're able to understand them - you can use pubmed to do this, that's how I found out that NSAIDs and long exposure to IVF meds can lower egg quality, and a lot of other information. The more you educate yourself the more you will be prepared for your appointments with Dr. Wambach, or ANY other fertility doctor. I also recommend scheduling several 15-30 min telehealth appointments per week for while you're in a treatment cycle.
If you schedule these appointment in advance, as soon as you decide that you're going to do a treatment cycle, it will give you the opportunity to ask Dr. Wambach (or any other fertility dr you decide to go with) questions as the cycle progresses. Dr. Wambach and pretty much every other fertility dr are extremely busy, so if you wait until something happens or goes wrong during your cycle, and then try to schedule an appointment with your dr to talk about it or to ask questions, you probably won't get an appointment for weeks, and by then the entire cycle will be over.
The ultrasounds & bloodwork appointments can't be scheduled until 1-3 days beforehand, but you can set up the telehealth appointments to ask questions weeks in advance, so take advantage of that and have at least 2 appointments per week set up during your treatment cycles, in order to have access to your Dr to express concerns and ask questions. Also, if you aren't happy with how the cycle is going (follicle growth seems too fast, or too slow, not staying synchronized, bad feeling about the outcome, whatever else) express it to Dr. Wambach, and be firm about wanting to adjust your protocol. Don't be afraid to take charge (I would have done so, if I had known that my follicles should really be growing faster - so that circles back to educating yourself before starting).
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is very empathetic. She shared that she went through IVF in order to have her child, so she understands how hard it is. She always asked how I was doing, and she called me several times when I was upset, worried or had doubts. I never felt that she was just in it for the money, I feel that she she cares about her patients.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
For my egg retrieval Dr. Wambach had me do estrogen priming for about 12 days before my period started, which was to sychronize my follicles, since I normally have a big lead follicle very early in my cycle. The estrogen prevents the lead follicle from getting too big compared to the other follicles, so they can hopefully all make it to the retrieval in synch. That part of the protocol worked fine, I had 8 follicles and 6 of them were synchronized by the time I got my period.
Then for the actual stimulation protocol Dr. Wambach had me try what many clinics call "Mini IVF". This is a very low dose of fertility medication which some clinics believe is better for people with diminished ovarian reserve, like myself. It does work better for some patients, but unfortunately it didn't seem to work well for me.
My mini IVF protocol was Letrozole 2x daily for about 1 week, plus 150 IU Gonal F. But after a whole week my follicles had barely grown at all, so we stopped the Letrozole and increased Gonal to 225 IU on day 5 of stimulation. But they were still barely growing after a week of stims (and I should have been basically almost done at this point) so then Dr. Wambach increased the Gonal to 300 IU, but still very slow growth.
Finally, on day 13 she finally added in Menopur, which it seemed I really needed to have since then my follicles finally grew, but I feel it was added in at too high of a dose (150 IU) since then my follicles shot up in size from 14 mm to 22mm in only two days.
After the cycle failed, I found out that the Gonal F only protocol I was on is not consistent with protocols based on the POSEIDON group classification system for patients with diminished ovarian reserve. There are specific recommended protocols for different subgroups of DOR, which Dr. Wambach didn't mention and I unfortunately only found out about after my cycle failed. If I had been on the protocol recommended for my POSEIDON group, then I would have been on Menopur from the start, and probably would have responded much better. Also, my LH levels really should have been checked every few days, since I wasn't on Menopur (Gonal F is FSH only, Menopur is FSH + LH). Even if Dr. Wambach doesn't believe in doing a POSEIDON specific protocols, my LH levels definitely should have been monitored, and if they had been, then Menopur probably would have been added in much sooner, which could have prevented stims from dragging on for 15 days and possibly resulted in better egg quality.
Dr. Wambach also had me take 1/2 vial (8.7 IU) of Omnitrope (human growth hormone) during the cycle, mainly because I wanted to try human growth hormone to see if it would improve my egg quality. But after my cycle failed, I found multiple studies on human growth hormone for diminished ovarian reserve, and all of the protocols with succesful outcomes had patients take it for 4-6 weeks before egg retrieval. None of them showed a benefit of taking it only during stimulation. So that was upsetting and I feel the timing was not consistent with what studies show for my diagnosis.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
The nurses and clinic as a whole were extremely disorganized. They all share a workload, so messages through the portal and voicemail are responded to by whoever gets to it first, and you're communicating with what seems like a dozen different people. And since you don't have an assigned nurse, and your doctor doesn't have a specific clinical group or group of nurses, the result is that no one is ultimately responsible for getting things done and no one is held accountable when mistakes are made.
And there were constant mistakes made, throughout the 4 months we went to this clinic. First, the nurses didn't run blood tests that were ordered, lost my partner's blood samples and shipped an empty bloodwork kit to the lab. The lab apparently called them and spoke to multiple different people, plus left voicemails several times, over a two week period, informing them that the bloodwork order and kit had been sent without a blood sample and that they needed to redo it.
So they were fully aware that they had made a mistake and that the test needed to be redone, and yet the nurses never called or messaged us. We even messaged them several times asking if it was done and yet they never told us of the issue. We didn't find out that the blood hadn't been shipped to the lab until a month afterwards, so then the results took an entire month longer than they should have which was extremely aggravating.
Dr. Wambach reassured us that the mistake happened because this particular blood test was one they don't normally do and that the egg retrieval/ICSI cycle would go much more smoothly, but that was definitely not the case. The nurses continued to make mistakes left and right, were extremly difficult to reach (no one answers the phone when you call, they work off of their voicemail system and most times your call isn't returned until the next day, but oftentimes it's a crucial question or issue that needs to be addressed right away).
They also gave me incorrect information about my insurance coverage and ordering medications. They said that my insurance wouldn't cover ordering a larger quantity of meds, so I had to refill my injectable meds every 2 days which turned out to be a giant, extremely time consuming, stressful process, especially since the only pharmacy my insurance covers is closed on weekends, and doesn't do same day delivery.
So then I had to get Menopur on short notice during a weekend from a local pharmacy which my insurance doesn't cover, which turned into a 4 month long battle with my insurance company that took an appeal and multiple hour long phone calls to resolve. Then come to find out from my insurance that they actually don't have any limits on the quantity of meds that can be ordered and that the nurses could have ordered ALL of the meds that I would need for an entire cycle (or even multiple cycles) upfront, before I even started, so then I wouldn't have had to deal with ordering medications during my IVF cycle, on top of all the other stress and hormone side effects that I was dealing with.
My stress levels during that cycle were through the roof, and at least 50% of that was because of having to hassle with my dang pharmacy and insurance company every 2 days, plus dealing with medication being delivered to the wrong place, etc. and turns out it was all totally unecessary.
I complained about the difficulties I was having with the nurses and was given an apology for what the clinical director called "a series of unfortunate events" and was told that the clinic director would reach out to me within one day to address my concerns, but no one ever reached out. And we are STILL dealing with errors made by reproductive partners 4 months after switching clinics, because they apparently also didn't refrigerate one of my partners STD panel blood tests, so the test was invalid. That means that reproductive partners actually went forward with handling his sperm, without a valid STD panel test at the time of our cycle. And now my partner has to redo the test in order to do another cycle with our new clinic. Unbelievable.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Although my experience with my primary doctor was mixed, my experience with the two male doctors was terrible. I saw each of them once, during a week when Dr. Wambach was working from home. The first time, a female tech did my ultrasound but had trouble getting a good visual of my ovary. She was digging around in there for 20 min which was already uncomfortable enough, but then just when I finally thought I was done, and had gotten dressed, Dr. Hyuang came over and abruptly told me he was going to do an ultrasound on me himself because he wasn't happy with the images that the tech had gotten.
This caused me a lot of anxiety, and I had asked for a note to be put in my file that I'm an abuse survivor and have extreme anxiety during ultrasounds with male doctors, and that I only wanted to have ultrasounds with females. Either the note was never put in, or Dr. Hyuang completely ignored it, either way he insisted on doing the ultrasound on me himself, and I felt like I had no other choice, since if the images were really bad, then they wouldn't get the info they needed and I was in the middle of an IVF cycle.
So I went through with it but told him I have anxiety and pelvic pain from endometriosis, he absentmindedly said he understood, but then he still pressed the ultrasound wand into my cervix really hard, which hurt me and was extremely upsetting, considering my history of abuse. I was SO upset and angry,
Then, two days later I needed another ultrasound, and again my Dr was gone so I saw Dr. Rosen, and this time I insisted on only having a tech do the ultrasound, but then he told me that I only had 3 follicles left (2 days beforehand I had 5) and that by the time we did the retrieval I would probably only have 1-2. That was a shock and caused me to break down crying on the ultrasound table, and it was terrible having to give my partner such awful news, we were both extremely upset afterwards and he had to call out of work, but then after I messaged Dr. Wambach about how upset I was, she called and said that she saw 5 follicles on my ultrasound, and asked why Dr. Rosen said I only had 3 follicles! Ummm I'd like to know the answer to that question myself!
Dr. Rosen literally gave me terrible news, that turned out to be incorrect. Both of the male doctors put me through unnecessary emotional distress and I would never recommend anyone to them. And as mentioned in other sections of my review, RPMG made many mistakes, it was consistently difficult to reach them since they never answer the phone, the clinical director never followed through with my complaint, as far as I'm aware no one ever addressed the issues we brought up with the nurses... it was just a terrible experience all around.
The clinic is also extremely busy almost all of the time and wait is usually very long. We waited for 45 min to an hour each time, our appointments were almost never on time, and now after switching clinics, we realize that not all clinics have such long wait times. Or disorganized staff. Or difficulty reaching someone and getting responses on time... or tons of mistakes made.
I really advise anyone who is choosing a clinic (or anyone who is having a hard time with their current clinic) to get feedback in multiple IVF support groups and recommendations on where to go, and seriously consider switching if too many mistakes are made. It isn't worth the added stress to stay with clinics that make mistakes or are difficult to deal with, you have to do what is best for you and the success of your treatment.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
We have Progyny coverage, so we didn't find out what the cost of our cycle was.
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Dr. Wambach prefers single embryo transfers due to the risks during pregnancy associated with twins.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to call with results
Failed to order appropriate test
Lost results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Lost or damaged samples
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
As mentioned in the rest of the review, RPMG:
1. Lost one of our blood samples
2. Shipped a lab order to the lab without the blood sample
3. Didn't refrigerate another blood sample
4. Didn't respond to multiple phone calls from the lab informing them of their mistakes
5. Didn't inform us that there was a mistake, which delayed our test result by over a month
6. Didn't order a test that our genetic counselor requested, and didn't respond to our genetic counselors multiple phone calls and voicemails and my multiple messages explaining the test
7. Gave me incorrect info related to my insurance and pharmacy practices and made me reorder medications much more often than was necessary
8. Didn't respect my wish to only have vaginal ultrasounds with females due to my history of abuse and anxiety, and I had a male doctor redo an ultrasound and cause me pain during it
9. A doctor gave me incorrect info about my follicle count which was extremely distressing
10. The clinical director said they would contact me to discuss the mistakes, but then they never contacted me
11. My protocol wasn't adjusted soon enough, dragged on for a long time, and then failed
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability2 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
I thought the doctor [Carrie Wambach] was nice granted, I usually saw someone else during my check ups so I never had the opportunity to get much of a feel for her but she seems alright. In other clinics, I’d see my doctor almost on every visit. This clinic, you’re never quite sure who you’re going to see...respected my decision for a multiple embryo transfer...
They [Reproductive Partners Medical Group] are so disorganized...told me to stop taking a medication they never prescribed to me...repeatedly asked me to do labs that have already been completed. I honestly don’t feel like any of them remember me when I come in...Office Staff on edge...aren’t assigned a nurse or care coordinator. You can email a general email but it’s random on who will get back to you. The whole IVF process here felt very detached.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
The doctor was fine and I have no complaints about her. This review is simply about the disorganisation and crazy wait times. I thought the doctor was nice granted, I usually saw someone else during my check ups so I never had the opportunity to get much of a feel for her but she seems alright. In other clinics, I’d see my doctor almost on every visit. This clinic, you’re never quite sure who you’re going to see. Which I really don’t care as long as I’m not waiting hours for my appointment
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She seems like a nice doctor so I’d suggest that she find another clinic to work at. The patient sat scores will bring down the clinic and physician ratings.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
This review isn’t about the doctors at the clinic. I’m rating this clinic poorly because of the disorganisation and wait times. I’ve had IVF a handful of times and always get seen within 20 minutes of my scheduled time. At this clinic, I’ve waited between 1-2.5 hours for a simple ultrasound and/or blood work. They are so disorganized that they told me to stop taking a medication they never prescribed to me and they have repeatedly asked me to do labs that have already been completed. I honestly don’t feel like any of them remember me when I come in. I asked them to replicate my previous cycle where I was successful and they forgot to prescribe some of the meds. Some of their staff can be rude, which I don’t blame them for because the office is a total cluster. There’s never enough seats to accommodate the patients so you see people waiting in the hallway and outside. I have a friend who used this clinic 3 years ago and she said she had the same issues back then.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I asked for them to replace my previous cycle. They forgot to prescribe some of the medications so my cycle was partially a shadow of just what my previous doctor did
Describe your experience with your nurse at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic). (Assigned nurse: You don’t get assigned to a nurse or care coordinator. )
This is the first clinic I’ve been to where you aren’t assigned a nurse or care coordinator. You can email a general email but it’s random on who will get back to you. The whole IVF process here felt very detached.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Horrible wait times (expect 1-2 hour waits)
Disorganized (they will take you in for blood work and you wait another 1.5 hours for an ultrasound. They will ask you to repeat labs you’ve already done. They will tell you to discontinue meds they never prescribed to you)
Office Staff on edge (front office staff are noticeably on edge but it’s understandable with a full wait room and patients waiting in the hallway and outside. Everyone seems so flustered, I would be surprised with the disorganisation is there isn’t a handful of medical errors)
No patient flow
Redondo beach location (there’s limited clinics in the South Bay)
Nice doctors (I believe the doctors are good and this clinic can turn around if they bring in a consultant or get a software product to manage their wait times/patient flow)
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I went through insurance
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I told them what I wanted done and they respected my decision for a multiple embryo transfer
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost paperwork
Lost appointments
Failed to order appropriate test
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Please see prior comments
Carrie Wambach
Humanity2 of 5
Communication3 of 5
Frequency Seen1 of 5
Trustworthiness3 of 5
Compassion4 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Dr. Wambach always clearly explained the situtation for every visit. if I was coming in to have an ultra sound to determine the progress on the hormone shots and the progression of the folicles, she clearly explained current status...Dr. Wambach had suggestions on the number of embryo's to transfer and the pro's and con's of transfering too many. Her preference was to transfer no more than 2
The office [at Reproductive Partners Medical Group] is busy so sometimes you have to wait to see your provider but normally not that long. If your preferred doctor is doing a procedure and it is taking longer than expected, you are given the option to see other doctors in the office that may have time on their schedule. I have done this and both of the other doctors in the office were great.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach always clearly explained the situtation for every visit. if I was coming in to have an ultra sound to determine the progress on the hormone shots and the progression of the folicles, she clearly explained current status (what size the folicles were), what size they would like to see at that point in the treatment, how much more growth we could expect, what options we had to assist with the growth, etc. She was thorough, considerate and always made sure I understood the care plan / next steps!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is great. She and her staff are very supportive and amazing. Be patient with the process as the path to get pregnant can be windy but you will get there eventually!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach was always very professional and treated me with respect as a client but also as a friend, making sure I was feeling ok physically and emotionally.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Treatment Included the following procedures and medications:
1. Procedure 1 - Hysteroscopy to correct a septate uterus and remove polyps
2. Procedure 2 – IUI (twice). Medication to prevent ovulation, enhance egg development and enhance uterine lining included: Gonal F, endometrin and pregnyl
3. Procedure 3 - Hysteroscopy to small remove polyps
4. Procedure 4 – Egg Retrieval – Medication to prevent ovulation, enhance egg development and enhance uterine lining included: Gonal F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Leuprolide Acetate, Omnitrope
5. Procedure 5 – Transfer of eggs. Medication taken post transfer – progesterone.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
There is a large nursing staff at the office in Beverly Hills. The staff is very friendly and you can tell they have a friendly fun office environment. The staff is very competent and very good at answering and anticipating questions.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
The office is busy so sometimes you have to wait to see your provider but normally not that long. If your preferred doctor is doing a procedure and it is taking longer than expected, you are given the option to see other doctors in the office that may have time on their schedule. I have done this and both of the other doctors in the office were great.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
My insurance does not cover any fertility related procedures or office visits so all payments were cash based.
Office visits were approx. $160. Ultrasound office visits approx. $300. IUI treatment in office approx. $2000 ea.
IVF Treatment range between $12,500-$20,000 depending on need for hysertoscopy, additional services, genertic testing, calcium wash, embryo freezing, etc., etc.
The cost of some of the medication in preparation for egg retrieval can be surprising, upwards of $2600
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Dr. Wambach had suggestions on the number of embryo's to transfer and the pro's and con's of transfering too many. Her preference was to transfer no more than 2. We didn't have that option as we only had 1 viable embryo as one embryo became unviable during the thawing out process as the embryos were day 3, frozen.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
[Dr. Carrie Wambach is] Knowledgeable, experienced, always learning about new techniques that come up. She is sensitive to personal information and really makes me feel taken care of. She leaves things up to my and my partners choice - but gives us all of the information to be able to make that choice. And she knows that the mental part of all of this is difficult...She always knew me and my history and anything we’d talked about even months before.
They [nurses at Reproductive Partners Medical Group] seem to rotate - so I’ve had a hard time getting to know them by name. But they are always very warm, polite and knowledgeable. They always return my call prepared and answer every question patiently...She [Dr. Wambach] always knew me and my history and anything we’d talked about even months before. She’s really kind and clear as well as emotionally supportive.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She is fantastic! Knowledgeable, experienced, always learning about new techniques that come up. She is sensitive to personal information and really makes me feel taken care of. She leaves things up to my and my partners choice - but gives us all of the information to be able to make that choice. And she knows that the mental part of all of this is difficult. So she encourages that part as well. Always a lovely experience with her!
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Prepare your questions ahead of time - she is very busy - but will stay and answer questions when needed.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She always knew me and my history and anything we’d talked about even months before. She’s really kind and clear as well as emotionally supportive.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
We tried naturally for a year - with her monitoring for 4 of those months - so we knew the exact days I was ovulating. We eventually tried Clomid and I did get pregnant. But it was gone at 5 weeks. She has been very kind through the process and we are looking forward to starting a round of IVF when the quarantine is over.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
They seem to rotate - so I’ve had a hard time getting to know them by name. But they are always very warm, polite and knowledgeable. They always return my call prepared and answer every question patiently.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
They are all very helpful and kind. I wish they would say their names - so I could learn them. Or wear name tags or something. I feel bad not knowing them when I see them so often. There seem to be a lot that rotate each day - so it’s just hard to be personal. And they each have different job levels it seems - I just wish I knew what that was all about and how I could be friendlier to them!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Every visit is $250. I pay out of pocket as my insurance does not cover this. Blood tests range depending on which lab they send it to. One progesterone year sent to Quest was $280. I asked them to send to another lab the next time and the same test, that included thyroid, and a bunch of other things was only $95. The Clomid round was no more expensive than natural monitored cycle. IVF will be around $18,000.
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
It was not a fit for me - so we did not discuss in depth.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Other doctors visualized my uterine fibroids but gave me conflicting advice as to how to proceed. Dr. Wambach, on the other hand, was clear and definitive that “they need to come out; they are changing the shape of your uterine cavity and need to come out surgically.” At a time when I was feeling overwhelmed and scared about how the surgery would affect my future chances of conception, Dr. Wambach provided clear direction and explained to me exactly why the surgery was necessary. I was so impressed with her, I returned a couple years later when struggling to conceive our second baby and consulted with her on next steps.
[The nurses at Reproductive Partners Medical Group are] Busy but compassionate...The office can have long wait times and the three doctor’s share patients so even if you request Dr. Wambach and begin working with her, there may be appointments in the future where you meet with one of the other doctors. All three are outstanding so I never had an issue with this but it may not work for some...the cash cost for IVF is a minimum of $15K
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is smart and compassionate. She’s been there herself and understands how hard this process can be. I found her to be extremely professional with a warm bedside manner.
My first experience with her was during a diagnosis of uterine fibroids. There was no question I had then; my OB had been tracking them for a year. The question was whether I needed a major surgery to remove them. I received conflicting advice from several different fertility doctors but Dr. Wambach did a saline ultrasound as the others had done but immediately saw that one of the fibroids was distorting my cavity and she definitively said “these must come out.” I had surgery two months later and conceived my son naturally six months later.
My second experience with Dr. Wambach was four years later. With a different clinic closer to our home, we had completed two IUIs, two egg retrievals, and two embryo transfers of PGS-tested embryos all within the year. We had not had success with the IUIs or either embryo transfer. I have a couple of autoimmune diseases and was diagnosed with moderate adenomyosis after our last transfer. I felt overwhelmed and hopeless. I went back to Dr. Wambach to consult with her regarding what to do next. She was so incredibly helpful. She spent an hour with me going over the different variables and building a game plan. We are still working on executing the game plan but I have nothing but respect and the highest regard for Dr. Wambach’s skills and compassion.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
The office can have long wait times and the three doctor’s share patients so even if you request Dr. Wambach and begin working with her, there may be appointments in the future where you meet with one of the other doctors. All three are outstanding so I never had an issue with this but it may not work for some.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is both warm and no-nonsense. Other doctors visualized my uterine fibroids but gave me conflicting advice as to how to proceed. Dr. Wambach, on the other hand, was clear and definitive that “they need to come out; they are changing the shape of your uterine cavity and need to come out surgically.” At a time when I was feeling overwhelmed and scared about how the surgery would affect my future chances of conception, Dr. Wambach provided clear direction and explained to me exactly why the surgery was necessary. I was so impressed with her, I returned a couple years later when struggling to conceive our second baby and consulted with her on next steps.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Following a saline ultrasound, Dr. Wambach recommended an abdominal myomectomy to remove uterine fibroids distorting the shape of my cavity.
Years later, after two failed transfers of PGS tested embryos, she recommended a hysteroscopy to check for adhesions or scare, ERA to check for optimal timing, a course of Lupron to address the adenomyosis and was willing to consider some immune-oriented protocols around transfer.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Busy but compassionate
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Strengths outweigh the weaknesses. Strengths include the skills and experience of all three doctors as well as a top-notch lab. The major weakness is that the sheer volume of patients makes for long waiting times.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I don’t remember the costs of a consult or appointment but the cash cost for IVF is a minimum of $15K bot including the medications
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
She [Dr. Wambach] did a full blood work panel testing for auto-immune issues. They came back negative. She did a uterine lining biopsy or what they call a "mock" cycle to ensure that your body is absorbing the meds at a certain rate. In my case, this yielded results that I need my transfer after 7 days of progesterone vs. five - so helpful info. She also did a full "auto-immune" protocol which is where I get intralipid infusion, take prednisone, and lovenox all to ensure that my immune system doesn't try to kill the embryo.
The greatest weakness in the amount of time you'll wait for your appointment, and the lack of empathy from the staff [RPMG] who handles billing.... there have been times where I am told to make sure I arrive on time for my appointment, and then I end up waiting one to two hours!!... They [nurses] are lovely , but very uneven. Some show a lot of compassion and care, others don't. Some are organized, others not. There was turnover, and lack of consistency. Some were organized, others not at all....really depended.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Carrie has so much empathy. She has been thorough it herself, and describes things in a calm, cool, manner - not sugar coating but remaining positive. She makes herself available as needed and is extremely kind.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Sometimes she is scheduled to be your doctor and you end up pawned off to someone else in office.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Carrie herself was kind, compassionate, took time and care, and treated me like a human for sure. I cannot say the same of the office in general.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
When I moved over to RPMG, and specifically Carrie, I did so because she was far more aggressive on testing than what other doctors who considered some forms experimental. She did a full blood work panel testing for auto-immune issues. They came back negative. She did a uterine lining biopsy or what they call a "mock" cycle to ensure that your body is absorbing the meds at a certain rate. In my case, this yielded results that I need my transfer after 7 days of progesterone vs. five - so helpful info. She also did a full "auto-immune" protocol which is where I get intralipid infusion, take prednisone, and lovenox all to ensure that my immune system doesn't try to kill the embryo.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
They are lovely , but very uneven. Some show a lot of compassion and care, others don't. Some are organized, others not. There was turnover, and lack of consistency. Some were organized, others not at all....really depended.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
The greatest weakness in the amount of time you'll wait for your appointment, and the lack of empathy from the staff who handles billing. Sometimes I'd be leaving in tears and they'd try to argue with me over a $60 ultrasound bill. The way I see it, you have my embryos, you have my credit card info, I don't need to sand in line crying to check out. We' re not running from paying. Additionally, there have been times where I am told to make sure I arrive on time for my appointment, and then I end up waiting one to two hours!! Not ok....PLUS I'd switched from a doctor who never made me wait more than 5 minutes, so I'd been spoiled.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
$3500 for a transfer, $6900 for mini-stim, $6000 for genetic testing, $11,000 for full retrieval
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
We tried all variations - one, one tested, mutliples, mixed tested and untested. Each time there was a different approach and a different reason.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Lost results
Provided conflicting information
Lost or damaged samples
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I had a mock cycle done and the doctor (not my primary) did not get enough sample material to biopsy - we had to do it again. Additionally, we thought our embryos had been submitted for testing, came back a month later to find out the testing hadn't begun.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability3 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Dr Wambach was one of the best doctors I have ever encountered, she spent time looking at every issue we could be encountering that might be stopping me falling pregnant and didn't rush into IVF. She took the time to always answer our questions even when she was very busy and was available by text or email at all hours...She was kind, respectful and honest about what we were going through and hugely optimistic about our chances...
The best thing about Reproductive Partners is their approach to your treatment, I really felt like it was tailored to our needs and that we weren't rushed into a standard procedure. I really appreciated this after 3 failed attempts at another clinic. The weaknesses are definitely the links between the doctors and the nurses, and they need to work on ensuring this is seamless. It would be great if you always saw the same nurse as I think always swapping nurses means information gets lost...
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr Wambach was one of the best doctors I have ever encountered, she spent time looking at every issue we could be encountering that might be stopping me falling pregnant and didn't rush into IVF. She took the time to always answer our questions even when she was very busy and was available by text or email at all hours.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Don't be afraid to ask all your questions even when she seems very busy.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She was kind, respectful and honest about what we were going through and hugely optimistic about our chances.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
When making the eggs I took growth hormone to ensure we got a good number of quality eggs. We then had them all frozen to allow them to be genetically tested. She prescribed thyroid medicine to address a small issue there and performed surgery to remove a uterine septum. After the failure of the first transfer I underwent a protocol to suppress my immune system which resulted in my first pregnancy after four years of trying to conceive and 4 unsuccessful IVF cycles.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Although my husband and I think very highly of Reproductive Partners and their team, there were stressful moments in our treatment that were mainly related to poor communication between the doctors and the nurses. Mistakes were made when communicating essential details about my treatment and at times we didn't receive the information we needed, often in time sensitive situations.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
The best thing about Reproductive Partners is their approach to your treatment, I really felt like it was tailored to our needs and that we weren't rushed into a standard procedure. I really appreciated this after 3 failed attempts at another clinic.
The weaknesses are definitely the links between the doctors and the nurses, and they need to work on ensuring this is seamless. It would be great if you always saw the same nurse as I think always swapping nurses means information gets lost.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
People did complain about waiting for appointments but it was never an issue for me, I was happy to wait as it was just the nature of going to that kind of clinic. During our time at Reproductive Partners they did make changes to the system which seemed to reduce the waiting time.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
We paid around $20,000 for our IVF treatment, including the genetic testing of our embryos.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Lost appointments
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I have had issues where my chart was wrong and I was due for a procedure on the wrong day, and where I was told to stop taking medication when I actually needed to continue taking it.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen5 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Dr. Wambach was respectful, compassionate, and extremely knowledgeable. She was very thorough in her explanations, and had an excellent bed side manner. She listened to my concerns and course corrected as needed...Due to results from my ERA [she] though I may have endometriosis. She put me on a two month lupron protocol to help reduce any issues that may arise. [She] also did a second saline sonogram and found (and removed) polyps that my original fertility doctor missed
Reproductive Partners has several locations, and the staff is always very friendly. The biggest weaknesses are long wait times to be seen, and I was often not scheduled on days when my doctor was in the office. This resulted in me being seen by several doctors and occasionally getting mixed messages...the nurses seemed potentially understaffed. There were a few communication bungles that happened, notably about when to start my lupron injections, and also not getting a call with my beta results
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach was respectful, compassionate, and extremely knowledgeable. She was very thorough in her explanations, and had an excellent bed side manner. She listened to my concerns and course corrected as needed.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
I felt like Dr. Wambach really listened to me. She was very through and took caution to diagnose and correct any possible issue before we transferred.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Due to results from my ERA Dr. Wambach though I may have endometriosis. She put me on a two month lupron protocol to help reduce any issues that may arise. Dr. Wambach also did a second saline sonogram and found (and removed) polyps that my original fertility doctor missed. I appreciated how much caution she took in preparing me for the transfer.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I think it's important to point out that RPMG is busy, and the nurses seemed potentially understaffed. There were a few communication bungles that happened, notably about when to start my lupron injections, and also not getting a call with my beta results. On the whole the nurses are lovely and I really appreciate everything that they do, I just think they don't have enough coverage and that has created some issues.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Reproductive Partners has several locations, and the staff is always very friendly. The biggest weaknesses are long wait times to be seen, and I was often not scheduled on days when my doctor was in the office. This resulted in me being seen by several doctors and occasionally getting mixed messages.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Failed to call with results
Provided conflicting information
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Carrie [Dr. Wambach] and her staff are really lovely and understand this is a difficult journey. They are there to answer ALL of your questions no matter how many times you ask....Carrie is amazing - warm, compassionate, direct and honest. She’s tired and that’s literally the only bad thing I could say about her. She’s wonderful and helpful on this difficult journey.... My doctor was confident that if we put in two, we’ll get twins. Our transfer is next month.
Weaknesses [of Reproductive Partners Med Group] are definitely the wait time. On any given appointment the wait is between 15-60 minutes. It’s a busy office. Also, whenever I call during the day I can never get a nurse on the phone l, always have to leave a message and then hope to answer the phone when they call back.... So many costs. $160 for every ultra sound, $85 (I think) for blood draw. Over $16,000 for IVF, not including meds or mock cycle.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Carrie is amazing - warm, compassionate, direct and honest. She’s tired and that’s literally the only bad thing I could say about her. She’s wonderful and helpful on this difficult journey.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Take all of the pills, listen to Carrie and her plan but also know your own body. Too many failed IUIs will be frustrating.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Carrie and her staff are really lovely and understand this is a difficult journey. They are there to answer ALL of your questions no matter how many times you ask.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Too much to even describe. Tried timed intercourse, tried IUI, tried clomid. We are older so after 6 months of trying and working with Carrie - we resorted to IVF (which we are currently in the middle of)
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
They are delightful. It would be helpful if there was one person who was with you for each visit but doesn’t work like that
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Weaknesses are definitely the wait time. On any given appointment the wait is between 15-60 minutes. It’s a busy office. Also, whenever I call during the day I can never get a nurse on the phone l, always have to leave a message and then hope to answer the phone when they call back.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
So many costs. $160 for every ultra sound, $85 (I think) for blood draw. Over $16,000 for IVF, not including meds or mock cycle.
Describe Carrie Wambach's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
My doctor was confident that if we put in two, we’ll get twins. Our transfer is next month.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
Failed to inform you of changes in protocol
Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Had to follow up for prescriptions to be called in. A couple times was confused by instructions or what came next.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
She[Dr Wambach] really listened and remembered my concerns from visit to visit - devised a treatment plan that I felt confident with. She was a little scatter-brained at times but I trusted her...She was very sympathetic and her enthusiasm in getting me pregnant was contagious! I still had to be on top of reminding her what we had done and why but felt more in control and hopeful as her patient...She does read the chart but I had to remind a few times that we'd discussed x, y or z...
[Reproductive Partners - Bev Hills] Very busy but I always took that as a good sign. Nice, clean offices - great nursing staff. Can be a long wait for the doctor at times - and if doing IUIs you just see whichever doctor is available - has it's pros and cons..[Nursing staff was] Very professional - expert at blood draws. They were good at explaining in more detail what the doctor had said...$80-$120 per visit - $300 for actual IUI. Injectibles costs was high - around $500
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She was very sympathetic and her enthusiasm in getting me pregnant was contagious! I still had to be on top of reminding her what we had done and why but felt more in control and hopeful as her patient
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Write everything down so that you can check she is consistent with what she said last time / doesn't forget anything. She does read the chart but I had to remind a few times that we'd discussed x, y or z
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She really listened and remembered my concerns from visit to visit - devised a treatment plan that I felt confident with. She was a little scatter-brained at times but I trusted her
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
IUI with injectible (follistim) and a trigger shot. Back to back IUIs - both ended up being before I had ovulated - resulted in my baby girl :)
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Very professional - expert at blood draws. They were good at explaining in more detail what the doctor had said
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Very busy but I always took that as a good sign. Nice, clean offices - great nursing staff. Can be a long wait for the doctor at times - and if doing IUIs you just see whichever doctor is available - has it's pros and cons
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
$80-$120 per visit - $300 for actual IUI. Injectibles costs was high - around $500
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen2 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
I came to her when I thought I had no options. She gave me hope and delivered on the results. She’s a great person and an amazing doctor. I was a tough case and had terrible results with another clinic after a 3 cycles. Both times I transferred embryos with Carrie [Wambach] I got positive pregnancy tests. So grateful I found her...She is so warm and has the bedside manner all doctors should have...I used mild stim cycles because my body did not respond well to high doses of meds.
Strengths: great doctors, friendly nurses, open minded, communicative, team oriented approach, didn’t feel like just a number, attentive to the emotional state of the patient, compassionate, willing to explain protocols. Weaknesses: long wait time in the office, offices are spread out between Beverly Hills and Redondo Beach....They all know my name and greet patients in a friendly warm way. The culture of this office is welcoming and kind.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
I came to her when I thought I had no options. She gave me hope and delivered on the results. She’s a great person and an amazing doctor. I was a tough case and had terrible results with another clinic after a 3 cycles. Both times I transferred embryos with Carrie I got positive pregnancy tests. So grateful I found her.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Have an open mind.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
She is so warm and has the bedside manner all doctors should have.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
I used mild stim cycles because my body did not respond well to high doses of meds. I did 3 rounds and got more embryos this way.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
They all know my name and greet patients in a friendly warm way. The culture of this office is welcoming and kind.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Strengths: great doctors, friendly nurses, open minded, communicative, team oriented approach, didn’t feel like just a number, attentive to the emotional state of the patient, compassionate, willing to explain protocols.
Weaknesses: long wait time in the office, offices are spread out between Beverly Hills and Redondo Beach.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Dr. Wambach is straightforward yet supportive, warm, caring, and takes the time to get to know you and your individual situation. She goes above and beyond—often calling and emailing on her personal time to share updates or check in.
Dr. Huang is wonderful as well! Together their protocol has helped me get pregnant twice. They make a great team.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
I can't say enough good things about Dr. Wambach. She is straightforward yet supportive, warm, caring, and takes the time to get to know you and your individual situation. She goes above and beyond—often calling and emailing on her personal time to share updates or check in. I also trust her judgment implicitly. Dr. Huang is wonderful as well! Together their protocol has helped me get pregnant twice. They make a great team.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Don't be afraid to ask hard questions, as she will answer them honestly and fairly. She wants and believes in the best for her patients but would never steer them wrong in terms of their prospects. Also, she is very reachable via email.
What specific things went wrong at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Lost appointments
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication5 of 5
Frequency Seen4 of 5
Trustworthiness5 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks4 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)
Dr. Wambach is great about acknowledging how it feels to go through this process, she is very empathetic and consoling. ... I am so glad that I switched to Dr. Wambach. ... I feel like I'm in good hands, she has a great bedside manner, and I've always been able to reach her when I have questions. She is good at balancing realistic expectations while still being encouraging and optimistic. ... Our first retrieval cycle was pretty standard (Menopur & Follistim), but our second retrieval we added human growth hormone.
We did the Attain package which covered two retrievals and unlimited transfers (until you take home a baby). ... Sometimes a long wait for appointments. They [RPMG] don't really update the patient portal with information from appointments or your file (unless you request it specifically), so important to keep your own notes. ... I always go [monitoring appointments] before work, and the earlier the better.
How was your experience with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
I am so glad that I switched to Dr. Wambach. RP is outside of my network, but the decision has been worth it. I feel like I'm in good hands, she has a great bedside manner, and I've always been able to reach her when I have questions. She is good at balancing realistic expectations while still being encouraging and optimistic.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Be prepared with questions for your appointments ahead of time. She will always ask if you have questions, but she is busy and if you don't have them top of mind, you may miss your opportunity. I would also say that while she always does my procedures, have realistic expectations about likely seeing the other two doctors in the office for ultrasounds and less important appointments.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)?
Dr. Wambach is great about acknowledging how it feels to go through this process, she is very empathetic and consoling.
Describe the protocols Carrie Wambach used in your cycles at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic) and their degree of success.
Our first retrieval cycle was pretty standard (Menopur & Follistim), but our second retrieval we added human growth hormone. We did a hysteroscopy before our first transfer, which ended up requiring removal of polyps and a septum from my uterus. Also, our first transfer cycle was cancelled because I ovulated over the estrogen, so we added Lupron and the transfer was successful.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I can't say enough good things about the nursing staff. They are incredible.
Describe your experience with Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
Sometimes a long wait for appointments. They don't really update the patient portal with information from appointments or your file (unless you request it specifically), so important to keep your own notes.
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
I always go before work, and the earlier the better. Later in the morning, it gets busier and there can be a long wait.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Carrie Wambach at Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic).
We did the Attain package which covered two retrievals and unlimited transfers (until you take home a baby). We have had to pay for any appointments that are explicitly part of a retrieval or transfer process (like hysteroscopy, and monitoring in between cycles), and our medications separately.
Carrie Wambach
Humanity5 of 5
Communication4 of 5
Frequency Seen3 of 5
Trustworthiness4 of 5
Compassion5 of 5
Explained risks5 of 5
Adaptability5 of 5
Reproductive Partners Medical Group (Ivy Fertility Network clinic)