Rated 8
Strongly recommend: 48%Neutral: 35%Don't recommend: 18%8
48% strongly recommend
14 reviews

Ratings of 1 mean patients felt this doctor treated them as "a number."

Ratings of 10 mean patients felt this doctor treated them as "a human."


Ratings of 1 mean poor communication.

Ratings of 10 mean excellent communication.

Frequency Seen
Frequency Seen

Ratings of 1 mean patients only saw this doctor once or twice during treatment.

Ratings of 10 mean patients saw this doctor at every appointment.


Scale is "poor, ok, good, excellent" and measures how responsive a care team was when patients needed to speak to them.


Medical School
U. of Michigan
Brigham & Women's Hosp

How Doctor Communicates

doctor, nurse available by email
nurse available by directline
nurse available by directline
not available by personal cell phone
not available by personal cell phone
Divya Shah works in 1 office at

Penn Fertility Care
Rated 7.4
Strongly recommend: 49%Neutral: 28%Don't recommend: 24%7.4

Explore Clinic
145 King of Prussia Road, Floor 3, Suite 303 North
Radnor, PA 19087

14 patient reviews


This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2021, Unsuccessful
Age 31 - 33
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Income $100K - $199K
1st of 2 Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Dr. Shah was honest with me through the process. She didn't sugar coat things and she let me know her thoughts freely...She took time to determine what my expectations were and whether I wanted to pursue IVF treatments before recommending them to me...For each of my four IVF cycles with Dr. Shah, I was treated with an antagonist protocol. I used the highest dosages of stim treatments due to my diminished ovarian reserve
The physicians [of Penn Fertility Care] function as a team, though your primary physician of course has final say in your treatment. But it's nice to know that multiple physicians are looking at your treatment cycle and providing input. The clinic is well organized overall, though sometimes I had to do some legwork dealing with my insurance coverage and getting certain specialty medications delivered to the clinic
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah was honest and open with me about the risks and the chances of these treatments working. She took time to determine what my expectations were and whether I wanted to pursue IVF treatments before recommending them to me. I always felt like she listened to my concerns and took time to go over studies I found and give me her honest opinion about them. But she was quick to let me know if she did not agree with something, and to give me her reasoning. I felt this was fair, especially since I am also a physician and I deferred to her expertise with the understanding that it was much greater than mine in this field. When we disagreed about next steps, I switched to a different physician in the clinic. But there was no animosity involved with the switch. It was simply a difference of opinion after I experienced two miscarriages with PGS normal embryos. I wanted to pursue further workup for endometriosis and also to try prednisone and Lovenox for my next transfer. Dr. Shah disagreed with this course of action because she felt that there wasn't enough data to justify trying this. I understood her point of view, but I ended up switching to a physician who was willing to try these interventions even without the absence of strong data to support them. Every doctor is different, and I respect their right to practice in the way they see fit, as long as they provide evidence based and compassionate care. Dr. Shah did provide that, so I have no misgivings. For what it's worth, the additional workup and interventions did not end up yielding a pregnancy, so we are now pursuing surrogacy as our next option with the embryos we have remaining.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Don't take Dr. Shah's sometimes blunt or brisk manner as a lack of compassion. She does very much care about the outcome and wants it to be successful. But she is data driven and will not pursue treatments that she feels may do more harm than good, especially if the evidence for these treatments is weak at best.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah was honest with me through the process. She didn't sugar coat things and she let me know her thoughts freely. I could tell that she cared about the outcome, but she did not give me any false hope.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
For each of my four IVF cycles with Dr. Shah, I was treated with an antagonist protocol. I used the highest dosages of stim treatments due to my diminished ovarian reserve (AMH of 0.08 ng/mL). I used 450 IU of Gonal-F alone initially. I then added in 150 IU of Menopur and decreased the Gonal-F to 300 IU after a few days. I used 250 mcg of Ganirelix to prevent ovulation for the last week or so of each stim cycle. Due to my low AMH, my stim cycles were significantly longer than average, between 13-17 days. I triggered with 10,000 IU of HCG 36 hours prior to my egg retrievals. Below are the details of each cycle with Dr. Shah: IVF Cycle 1 (February 2020): Gonal-F 450 IU x 6 days, then 300 IU x 8 days; Menopur 150 IU starting on stim day 7 x 2 days, then decreased to 75 IU x 6 days; Ganirelix 250 mcg starting on stim day 9 x 7 days; HCG trigger 10,000 IU on stim day 15. Started progesterone 50 mg on night of retrieval in preparation for fresh transfer. Retrieved: 6 eggs, Mature: 3 eggs, Fertilized (ICSI): 3 eggs, Fresh transferred 2 day-3 embryos which ended in chemical pregnancy, froze 1 embryo on day 5 (mosaic trisomy 18). IVF Cycle 2 (May 2020): Gonal-F 450 IU x 3 days, then 300 IU x 13 days; Menopur 150 IU starting on stim day 4 x 13 days; Ganirelix 250 mcg starting on stim day 10 x 8 days; HCG trigger 10,000 IU on stim day 17. Retrieved: 8 eggs, Mature: 4 eggs, Fertilized (ICSI): 4 eggs, Froze 1 embryo on day 5 (PGS aneuploid), Froze 1 embryo on day 6 (PGS euploid). IVF Cycle 3 (August 2020): Gonal-F 450 IU x 4 days, then 300 IU x 11 days; Menopur 150 IU starting on stim day 5 x 11 days; Ganirelix 250 mcg starting on stim day 8 x 9 days; HCG trigger 10,000 IU on stim day 16. Retrieved: 12 eggs, Mature: 6 eggs, Fertilized (ICSI): 6 eggs, Froze 4 embryos on day 5 (PGS mosaic and aneuploid), Froze 2 embryos on day 6 (PGS euploid). IVF Cycle 4 (February 2021): Gonal-F 450 IU x 4 days, then 300 IU x 9 days; Menopur 150 IU starting on stim day 5 x 8 days; Ganirelix 250 mcg starting on stim day 7 x 7 days; HCG trigger 10,000 IU on stim day 13. Retrieved: 15 eggs, Mature: 5 eggs, Fertilized (ICSI): 5 eggs, Froze 4 embryos on day 5 (PGS euploid), Froze 2 embryos on day 6 (PGS euploid), Froze 1 embryo on day 7 (PGS mosaic). I also had an ERA done in October 2020 before my first FET since I had a small amount of PGS euploid embryos to work with (I requested this and Dr. Shah agreed). It showed I was pre-receptive so we added in 24 additional hours of progesterone for my FETs. Frozen embryo transfer protocol involves taking OCPs alone for 10 days, then adding on microdose Lupron injections (10 units) for another 7 days, then continuing microdose Lupron alone for 3 days, then decreasing microdose Lupron to 5 units and adding in Estrace 2 mg daily x 4 days, then 2 mg twice daily x 4 days, then 2 mg three times daily x 7 days, followed by a lining check and labs. Goal estrogen level above 200, goal lining above 7 mm. FET #1 (December 2020): Transferred PGS euploid day 6 4AA embryo. Miscarriage at 6 weeks (heartbeat detected in ER where I went after I started bleeding, due to SCH, but miscarriage completed). FET# 2 (May 2021): Transferred PGS euploid day 6 3BA embryo. Miscarriage at 6 weeks after heartbeat detected in clinic (no heartbeat on subsequent US, did have SCH but no bleeding this time). I proceeded to try another FET with a different physician. It ended up with a negative pregnancy test.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Christina Ward)
Christina was an excellent nurse during this process. She showed compassion, encouragement, and concern. She went above and beyond to coordinate my care, and even stayed on with me as my nurse after I switched providers at the clinic for my last embryo transfer. I truly appreciate her hard work and optimism during my difficult course of fertility treatments.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Penn Fertility has been overall wonderful. When the pandemic shut down the clinic in early 2020, we panicked a little and switched our care to Shady Grove because they were still open. We did one cycle there, and ended up with zero embryos from that cycle. Our other four cycles were at Penn, and each cycle yielded multiple embryos. So we immediately returned to Penn once they reopened. The physicians function as a team, though your primary physician of course has final say in your treatment. But it's nice to know that multiple physicians are looking at your treatment cycle and providing input. The clinic is well organized overall, though sometimes I had to do some legwork dealing with my insurance coverage and getting certain specialty medications delivered to the clinic (my specialty pharmacy would not deliver Lupron depot to my home, and it was pretty difficult to coordinate delivery of this medication with Penn. But eventually we got it done). The nursing staff is compassionate. I'm happy with the care I received to date.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
I had insurance that covered most of the costs of IVF. My final IVF cycle involved some more out-of-pocket costs after my insurance was maxed out. I believe that an IVF cycle out-of-pocket costs around $11,000. And I did have to pay for a couple of my transfers after my insurance was maxed. Each frozen transfer is $3,500 out of pocket. This includes all the ultrasounds and bloodwork through the first pregnancy test. My medications were also all covered by insurance, but they have an on-site pharmacy that offers discounted rates if you are paying out-of-pocket. My ERA was not covered by insurance. This cost $795.00 with Igenomix. And PGS testing with Cooper Genomics was $1,950 for up to 8 embryos, $250 for each additional embryo.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
Dr. Shah encouraged eSET with PGS tested embryos, and I don't believe she would be willing to transfer multiple embryos if they were PGS tested. We did do a fresh 3 day transfer of two embryos after our first IVF cycle. This was recommended by the embryologist and not at our request.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2021 - 2022, Unsuccessful
Age 33 - 34
Male Factor
Income $100K - $199K
2nd of 2 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Shah was always friendly and available when I had questions and concerns..She took the time to listen to me and explain everything thoroughly...She never pushed for something I wasn’t comfortable with. While we were unsuccessful, I was pleased with our experience. I felt she did everything she could...
[at Penn Fertility Care] You most likely will always see a different doctor for actual procedures. Everyone was always kind and caring, but other than your nurse, you’ll always see different faces...A single cycle with fresh transfer was $11,000. A FET $3,500.00...Over the 8+ months of visiting, I became familiar with a bunch of nurses, but there was always new people.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah was always friendly and available when I had questions and concerns. She listened to what I wanted and felt was best for my body. She never pushed for something I wasn’t comfortable with. While we were unsuccessful, I was pleased with our experience. I felt she did everything she could.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns and ask questions.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah is very caring and answered any questions I had. She took the time to listen to me and explain everything thoroughly.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
Our first cycle with Dr. Shah we kept our doses lower to avoid OHSS. As a result I ended up with a small amount of eggs. This led to an unsuccessful day 3 transfer and no remaining eggs to freeze. The second cycle we doubled my meds, yes doubled. This resulted in 21 mature eggs, which was awesome! But our fresh transfer was canceled due to borderline OHSS. We ended up with 4 embryos to freeze. After 2 frozen embryo transfers (1 embryo and 2 embryos respectively) were unsuccessful we decided to take a break. We have 1 frozen embryo remaining.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Christina)
Christina was amazing!!!! She was honestly the best part of the entire experience. Always available, always willing to answer any questions. If you could pick the perfect nurse, it would be Christina 100%!!
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
You most likely will always see a different doctor for actual procedures. Everyone was always kind and caring, but other than your nurse, you’ll always see different faces. Over the 8+ months of visiting, I became familiar with a bunch of nurses, but there was always new people.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
A single cycle with fresh transfer was $11,000. A FET $3,500.00.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020, Unsuccessful
Age 30
1st of 2 Docs
2 IVF With Other Docs
2 Egg Freezing With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
We are sure Dr. Shah was intelligent, competent and hardworking. She had no bedside manner, warmth, or patience when asked questions, however. At the beginning of our second and last appointment with her I had asked a question after her ten minutes of explaining IVF. She abruptly and somewhat rudely said to wait until she had finished her entire presentation. I never felt comfortable asking her questions.
[Penn Fertility Care] Modern facilities. Terrible bedside manner of the primary nurse and Dr. Shah. It drive often drove me to the point of leaving appointments in tears because of how insensitive their treatment was- from not describing the physical pain of different procedures well enough to acting inconvenienced to have to answer patient questions.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
We are sure Dr. Shah was intelligent, competent and hardworking. She had no bedside manner, warmth, or patience when asked questions, however. At the beginning of our second and last appointment with her I had asked a question after her ten minutes of explaining IVF. She abruptly and somewhat rudely said to wait until she had finished her entire presentation. I never felt comfortable asking her questions. During one of the diagnostic tests she didn’t explain how painful it would be and seemed annoyed when I cried. The clinic then had me walk down the stairs to meet my husband in the parking lot by myself. There were several instances like these where it would’ve been easy to show compassion and warmth. We never experienced that with Dr. Shah.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Prepare to be treated like you’re less than.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah acted like it was an inconvenience to have to speak to us. At one point after a year of unsuccessful treatment, we asked to make an appointment to see her one on one as we understand that the regular monitoring and IUI visits were completed by nurses/doctors available. Our last straw was her abruptness and impatience during that final appointment. She was clearly not invested in explaining anything to us, or even at the very least helping us navigate this difficult journey. We decided to look for a different clinic the next day.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
5 cycles of IUI with clomid. Dr. Shah for some reason started me out on a very high dosage of clomid which resulted in two cancelled cycles. Incredibly frustrating. Even after we determined the correct dosage, our IUIs were unsuccessful.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care.
The primary nurse we saw at Radnor would dash out of the monitoring room immediately after the ultrasound technician had finished the scan. I never would have the chance to ask any questions. At one point after another unsuccessful cycle, I had some questions. Meanwhile our nurse had one hand on the doorknob facing the door to leave even as she answered our questions. My husband and I left this clinic and moved to Main Line Fertility because of how insensitive this nurse and our doctor was. They never had the time or showed any interest in answering our questions. Because this was all during Covid, my husband could never see firsthand what it was like. It was only after a full year of terrible treatment I had enough. Our experience with nursing staff and doctors at Main Line was the exact opposite- some of the warmest, smartest, and compassionate people I have ever met during medical care.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Modern facilities. Terrible bedside manner of the primary nurse and Dr. Shah. It drive often drove me to the point of leaving appointments in tears because of how insensitive their treatment was- from not describing the physical pain of different procedures well enough to acting inconvenienced to have to answer patient questions.
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Canceled a cycle due to clinic error
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
Our doctor started us off at an abnormally high dosage of clomid that resulted in two cancelled cycles.
Divya Shah
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
1 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
2 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
2 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
1 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2018 - 2019, Unsuccessful
Age 40 - 41
1st of 2 Docs
1 IUI With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
the plan [with Dr. Shah] was to do PGS and frozen cycle(s) so the goal was to push my body a little harder than if we were doing fresh. The Dr wanted to be careful since I have a higher AMH about OHSS/over-responsiveness. We had around 12-15 mature follicles in each ovary prior to retrieval but they were only able to get 7 eggs out...After failed transfers, it would take at least a month to see her and so it felt like she didn't really know us and wasn't closely following our journey. She was conservative in her practice and was adamant at continuing the same protocol even after repeated failures. You need to be an advocate for your own needs and protocol because issues that might come up for you or your health might not be closely monitored or addressed if they're outside the standard protocol.
Our main nurse [at University of Penn Fertility Care] was not empathetic, especially when she had bad news to share. She was very laid back about details (e.g., suggesting we come in to get a written plan *after* the protocol & medications began)...We presented with a high TSH level for pregnancy and had been on a synthroid and having it monitored by my wife's GYN. When we switched to the fertility clinic we shared that and asked for further monitoring but it was rare and after our first FET, when we got a negative result, we pushed for a TSH test and discovered the level was 5.0.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
When we saw Dr Shah she would always let us share our questions and provided very detailed (with notes!) explanations of her answers and, at times, what would happen next in our treatment. Unfortunately, we only saw Dr Shah in the office twice (an initial consultation and a meeting before starting IVF). After failed transfers, it would take at least a month to see her and so it felt like she didn't really know us and wasn't closely following our journey. She was conservative in her practice and was adamant at continuing the same protocol even after repeated failures. You need to be an advocate for your own needs and protocol because issues that might come up for you or your health might not be closely monitored or addressed if they're outside the standard protocol.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Choose Dr Shah because you're looking for a safe, researched-based practice that won't be aggressive and make sure you speak up and advocate for your own needs.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
When my wife would go in for monitoring, she wasn't allowed to hear any results from her ultrasounds, she was told to just lie there and then wait for the results each afternoon. Blood draws were often stressful, conversations with the nurses felt impersonal and information was often unclear or left out, so that we had to do our own research and make suggestions or double-check protocols.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
FSH / GNRH Antagonistic Protocol - the plan was to do PGS and frozen cycle(s) so the goal was to push my body a little harder than if we were doing fresh. The Dr wanted to be careful since I have a higher AMH about OHSS/over-responsiveness. We had around 12-15 mature follicles in each ovary prior to retrieval but they were only able to get 7 eggs out.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Christine)
Our main nurse was not empathetic, especially when she had bad news to share. She was very laid back about details (e.g., suggesting we come in to get a written plan *after* the protocol & medications began). She could be hard to get in touch with and did not always seem to know the answers to critical questions we asked about what to do at various points in the protocol
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
The clinic is often fairly quiet and pretty efficient. There's free parking, although the lot is very busy/tight after the very early morning. All procedures must be done at the downtown office and procedures are done by whoever is on-call/working that day, not by your doctor. The nurses at the front desk never learn your name or get to know you. There are no discounts for procedures.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
Retrieval & biopsy - $9,000; FETs $2,500 (these prices have now been updated & significantly increased)
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
Our Dr strongly encouraged single embryo transfers, it didn't feel like there was an option for anything else
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
We presented with a high TSH level for pregnancy and had been on a synthroid and having it monitored by my wife's GYN. When we switched to the fertility clinic we shared that and asked for further monitoring but it was rare and after our first FET, when we got a negative result, we pushed for a TSH test and discovered the level was 5.0. We were upset that this had not be addressed or monitored during the transfer process and that we only learned of the level at our own pushing/forcing the issue.
Divya Shah
2 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
4 of 5
2 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
1 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
3 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
1 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019, Consult
Age 32
Male Factor
Income $50K - $99K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Shah was very personable. She gave her full attention to my husband and I, gave us all of the information, and answered all of our questions. She even illustrated and wrote notes on paper for us...explained the potential treatments before the results were back and then explained then gave options for treatment. She gave me her opinion, but let my husband and I decide what the best treatment would be for us...We had our consultation, then had blood work, genetic testing, and an ultrasound all in her office minutes after the visit.
[University of Pennsylvania Penn Fertility Care's] strengths would be their location, cleanliness, and assess to other care. The clinic is located in a health campus with other offices, a lab, and radiology department. They do not do surgery there, so the egg retrieval would have to happen in downtown Philadelphia...She [nurse] explained everything thoroughly and provided me with her direct number...Plan on having some testing done after the consultation as well. We had our consultation, then had blood work, genetic testing, and an ultrasound all in her office minutes after the visit.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Divya’s strengths include showing compassion, being detail oriented, knowledgeable, and thorough. I haven’t had any negative experiences with Dr. Divya. She explained what would happen every step of the way and also explained the results to all of our testing. She also explained the potential treatments before the results were back and then explained then gave options for treatment. She gave me her opinion, but let my husband and I decide what the best treatment would be for us.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
My advice to anyone would be to be prepared with questions. Plan on having some testing done after the consultation as well. We had our consultation, then had blood work, genetic testing, and an ultrasound all in her office minutes after the visit.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah was very personable. She gave her full attention to my husband and I, gave us all of the information, and answered all of our questions. She even illustrated and wrote notes on paper for us.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
We haven’t started any treatment as of yet, but she recommended IVF for us. We’ll be going over the details at our next appointment.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Christina)
The nurse was just as nice and knowledgable as Dr. Shah. She explained everything thoroughly and provided me with her direct number.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
The clinic’s strengths would be their location, cleanliness, and assess to other care. The clinic is located in a health campus with other offices, a lab, and radiology department. They do not do surgery there, so the egg retrieval would have to happen in downtown Philadelphia.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
I haven’t completed treatment, but I believe IVF will cost about $15,000. Medications alone will cost a couple thousand and egg freezing will cost about $500 for 3 months (I believe).
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
She stated that for young couples, I believe under 35 years of age, she would recommend single embryo transfer, but I think it would ultimately be the patient’s decision.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2017 - 2018, Unknown Success
Age 31 - 32
5 Fertility Medications
Income $50K - $99K
2nd of 2 Docs
2 Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Too early to know
When we started seeing Dr. Shah we had come from another fertility clinic who told us that IVF was the only option we should consider. Instead of just moving us along to that process, Dr. Shah ordered new rounds of bloodwork and some additional tests to round our our history that the other clinic hadn't done.... I have been taking the highest dosage allowed of Clomid coupled with an Ovidrel shot to trigger ovulation and timed intercourse. That combination works best for me - other options have not worked. Because I have PCOS and annovulation, she has not recommended that we move onto Clomid and IUI.
Dr. Shah and the team at UPenn Radnor knows me by name and always refers to me in that way during appointments.... What I appreciate most about UPenn is that they are a teaching hospital. One of the first things that Dr. Shah said to us is that she will never push us to the most invasive - and often most expensive - treatment plan. Because they are a teaching and research hospital, there is benefit in moving through each prescribed option and trying things multiple times.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
When we started seeing Dr. Shah we had come from another fertility clinic who told us that IVF was the only option we should consider. Instead of just moving us along to that process, Dr. Shah ordered new rounds of bloodwork and some additional tests to round our our history that the other clinic hadn't done. Once we had those results, we were presented with two options - continue trying Clomid or move onto IVF. Given our current financial situation, it was a blessing to hear that Clomid was still a viable option for us. Since that first consultation I've seen Dr. Shah twice more. Each appointment she takes the time to explain to me in very simple ways what is going on in my body and how that impacts my fertility. She's patient and willing to explain things multiple times to make sure I feel comfortable with our plan. She's the best person we could have guiding us through this process at this time.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
It took us over a month between when we initially called for an appointment and when we were able to schedule one, so I'd consider calling early. I also don't see her at every appointment, but have been able to (and encouraged by the nurses) schedule other appointments with her if I need to.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah and the team at UPenn Radnor knows me by name and always refers to me in that way during appointments. Additionally, they know that we drive over an hour each way to our appointments and make every effort to give me the first appointment slot so that my work day isn't interrupted significantly. They are reassuring and answer even some of the simplest of questions.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
I have been taking the highest dosage allowed of Clomid coupled with an Ovidrel shot to trigger ovulation and timed intercourse. That combination works best for me - other options have not worked. Because I have PCOS and annovulation, she has not recommended that we move onto Clomid and IUI. IUI isn't going to increase our chances all that much more and because it isn't covered by my insurance, she doesn't think it's something we necessarily need to consider. This treatment combination has produced one strong follicle in 4 of the 5 cycles we've completed. We had no reaction in the last cycle which caused us to take a break for the summer. We just resumed last week and are in the middle of a sixth Clomid cycle now.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Susan)
Susan is the NP who is the primary on my case. She's just fantastic - even though we're in our sixth round of Clomid treatment, she has walked me through the steps every time and hasn't assumed I know what to do because I've done it before. She returns my phone calls within the same day and even at appointments where I'm in and out of the office before she comes in, she still calls me in the same day to check in and make sure I'm feeling ok with where things are.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
What I appreciate most about UPenn is that they are a teaching hospital. One of the first things that Dr. Shah said to us is that she will never push us to the most invasive - and often most expensive - treatment plan. Because they are a teaching and research hospital, there is benefit in moving through each prescribed option and trying things multiple times. It has resulted in a longer amount of time that we've been in treatment, which may not be for everyone depending on how long they've already been trying. But it's kept our treatments within the window of what is mostly covered by my insurance which meets our financial needs at this time.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016 - 2018, Unknown Success
Age 38 - 40
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $0 - $49K
Nurse or HC Services
2nd of 2 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
Donor Sperm
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Success w/ Doc Not sure
She [Dr. Divya Shah] is a wonderful, honest, thorough physician and she never got frustrated with my thousands of questions. She did everything she could to explain each step of my treatments with me. She also was extremely honest with me in regards to my fertility issues and what my realistic expectations for pregnancy were. I never felt like she would push me toward something she didn’t feel would work for me.
[UPenn is] Organized and caring!! I always felt and feel important to them. I have never felt like a number!! They are prompt and informative. The financial people are also amazing at helping navigate you through the insurance coverage you might have and fee schedules!!... They [monitoring appts] were scheduled times with a first come first served policy. Through the years I got to know both the sweet lab technician and the wonderful ultrasound tech! They were always understanding and excited when all was going well or on the harder days too!!
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
She is a wonderful, honest, thorough physician and she never got frustrated with my thousands of questions. She did everything she could to explain each step of my treatments with me. She also was extremely honest with me in regards to my fertility issues and what my realistic expectations for pregnancy were. I never felt like she would push me toward something she didn’t feel would work for me.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Come prepared with your questions and have an understanding of the process. I feel like having a handle on things and knowing what to ask shows that you are ready to make informed decisions and that you are completely invested in the process. She will explain and re-explain anything you don’t understand. She will give you realistic expectations and she will guide you toward the best options for your specific situation!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
My doctor and the clinic always made me feel like my feelings, questions and requests were extremely important. I never felt like I was a number in Dr. Shah’s eyes!
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
I did two iuis with her using an antagonist protocol, then we did and hsg which showed I more than likely have a blocked right tube. We tried a microdose Lupron ivf protocol which never led to a retrieval and was cancelled on cycle day 13 after no growth. I am currently in the tww after a succeful ivf cycle called the estrogen patch protocol and an antagonist protocol.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Dawn)
Always willing to listen, respectful, knowledgeable and caring!! They all go above and beyond the call of duty.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Organized and caring!! I always felt and feel important to them. I have never felt like a number!! They are prompt and informative. The financial people are also amazing at helping navigate you through the insurance coverage you might have and fee schedules!!
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Penn Fertility Care.
They were scheduled times with a first come first served policy. Through the years I got to know both the sweet lab technician and the wonderful ultrasound tech! They were always understanding and excited when all was going well or on the harder days too!!
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
I have insurance coverage to a certain capped amount, so I only paid a copay for dr visits and for donor sperm related costs. Medication coverage limits were reached so I pay all Meds out of pocket.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
Because of my low amh and my age, we decided to transfer two eggs to give me the best chance of a positive pregnancy test. I completely agree.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2018, Successful
Age 29
Income $100K - $199K
1st of 2 Docs
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Shah is excellent at communicating what's going on. She breaks things down for "non-science people" and will re-explain something as much as you want. She is kind, compassionate and has been rooting for us since day 1. She is open to my concerns and suggestions (one example is that I wanted to try a natural FET instead of a medicated cycle). She explained the pros and cons of each and ultimately let me decide. This is just one example of many where she has helped me make a decision.
Be prepared to acknowledge that the office is run much differently than most other clinics because UPenn is a teaching hospital. Once I figured this out, it became much less stressful. You will be on hold a lot. You might have to follow-up with the nursing staff. If you miss a call, it's a huge pain to get the team back on the line. Having said that, Dr. Shah ALWAYS called me back in the same day that I asked to talk directly to her and there is ALWAYS an on-call doctor that you can reach (even at 3am). You just have to know that Dr. Shah is managing your care and that every single doctor at UPenn is fantastic, as well. I never had concerns about my care, it was just annoying the way their communication system is.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah is excellent at communicating what's going on. She breaks things down for "non-science people" and will re-explain something as much as you want. She is kind, compassionate and has been rooting for us since day 1. She is open to my concerns and suggestions (one example is that I wanted to try a natural FET instead of a medicated cycle). She explained the pros and cons of each and ultimately let me decide. This is just one example of many where she has helped me make a decision.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Be prepared to acknowledge that the office is run much differently than most other clinics because UPenn is a teaching hospital. Once I figured this out, it became much less stressful. You will be on hold a lot. You might have to follow-up with the nursing staff. If you miss a call, it's a huge pain to get the team back on the line. Having said that, Dr. Shah ALWAYS called me back in the same day that I asked to talk directly to her and there is ALWAYS an on-call doctor that you can reach (even at 3am). You just have to know that Dr. Shah is managing your care and that every single doctor at UPenn is fantastic, as well. I never had concerns about my care, it was just annoying the way their communication system is.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Please note that many of the nurses mentioned in other reviews are no longer at Penn. There have been a few wonderful new nurses (Christine and Dawn) who are excellent at relaying information, call back promptly and are kind and compassionate. Whenever I am there, everyone say hello to me and remembers me. I can reach Dr. Shah whenever I want to speak with her directly.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
Antagonist protocol for egg retrieval (BCP, Follistim, Menopur, Ganirellex). For transfers BCP, Lupron, Estrace, PIO, but ultimately what worked was a natural FET with only Crinone.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
The clinic follows the national recommended guidelines for embryo transfer. Due to my age, we transferred 1 embryo each time. Dr. Shah never pushed me to transfer more than 1 and I never asked to.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
2016 - 2018, Unsuccessful
Age 27 - 29
Income $50K - $99K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Shah was very kind and very honest. She recognized how hard this is and always tried to remain positive but gave us her honest opinions.... She was very empathetic and clearly knowledgeable. My only negative is that she was more cautious than I would have liked, after 22 cycles all negative tests- I’ve learned I would’ve like to be more aggressive a year ago.... I did the first 8-10 cycles taking letrozole and times intercourse. We moved to letrozole and IUI because that did not work. Due to my PCOS, ovulation was unclear so we introduced ovidrel shots as well. I reacted fine to all of this, the 2.5 mg of letrozole day 3-7 just made me a little more emotional than usual.
I love the staff at Penn. Going through this for as long as I have, seeing the girls (Angie, Susan, Aleah) is nice. They’re familiar. They’re professional. They make me feel safe in a very hard situation....Strengths - Always on time with appointments, in and out. And they always provide fast, accurate feedback. Negatives- IVF is too expensive:( for something some of us need to have - our only hope - it’s disheartening to know I can’t afford the one thing that I need.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
She was very empathetic and clearly knowledgeable. My only negative is that she was more cautious than I would have liked, after 22 cycles all negative tests- I’ve learned I would’ve like to be more aggressive a year ago.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
She will do whatever you choose - so push if you feel like you’re not being aggressive enough with your treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah was very kind and very honest. She recognized how hard this is and always tried to remain positive but gave us her honest opinions.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
I did the first 8-10 cycles taking letrozole and times intercourse. We moved to letrozole and IUI because that did not work. Due to my PCOS, ovulation was unclear so we introduced ovidrel shots as well. I reacted fine to all of this, the 2.5 mg of letrozole day 3-7 just made me a little more emotional than usual. Then we moved to gonal-f injectables with IUI. This cycle was longer because we started on too low of a dose. At this point we are back to monitoring with oral meds and times intercourse while saving for the inevitable (IVF).
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Susan)
I love the staff at Penn. Going through this for as long as I have, seeing the girls (Angie, Susan, Aleah) is nice. They’re familiar. They’re professional. They make me feel safe in a very hard situation.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Strengths - Always on time with appointments, in and out. And they always provide fast, accurate feedback. Negatives- IVF is too expensive:( for something some of us need to have - our only hope - it’s disheartening to know I can’t afford the one thing that I need.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
My insurance has covered everything except the gonal-f to date. IVF begins at $8,500. PGS testing is an additional $6,000 and meds between $2k and $5k.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
Dr. Shah does not perform multiple embryo transfer to my knowledge.
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Provided conflicting information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
When my primary nurse, Susan, was out on medical leave the replacement nurses called me with incorrect, conflicting information. I called and spoke with the Nurse Manager and she handled communications until Susan returned.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2017, Unsuccessful
Age 28
Male Factor
Ashkenazi Jewish
Income $100K - $199K
Nurse or HC Services
1st of 3 Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
Dr Shah is genuine and compassionate and although we rarely saw her, we felt like she was monitoring us closely from afar. She didn’t do any of my procedures and I think that played a part in feeling like a number and not a patient at this clinic... I was on a high-responder protocol. I was on Follistim 150 daily to start. Eventually added in Ganirelix and menopur. Eventually we attempted HGH because of a cycle that resulted in poor quality embryos, howevery retrieval was cancelled.
The NP [at UPenn-Radnor] assigned to us was the least compassionate human being I’ve ever met. She was very negative and made the whole IVF process near unbearable. Every time I asked that something be submitted to insurance, she gave me a snarky response about they would never cover it. She acted like I was an inconvenience to her daily.... I felt very out of touch with my own care due to almost never speaking with my doctor. I would speak with a new nurse every day (someone unfamiliar with me) regarding my lab results and medication adjustments.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr Shah is genuine and compassionate and although we rarely saw her, we felt like she was monitoring us closely from afar. She didn’t do any of my procedures and I think that played a part in feeling like a number and not a patient at this clinic.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Trust her and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr Shah was compassionate and I really felt that she was invested in our care. She called us whenever we got bad news and to give her best wishes when we decided to switch clinics. We didn’t get the outcome we had hoped for so we were eager to get some new ideas by switching clinics, but leaving Dr Shah was bittersweet.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
I was on a high-responder protocol. I was on Follistim 150 daily to start. Eventually added in Ganirelix and menopur. Eventually we attempted HGH because of a cycle that resulted in poor quality embryos, howevery retrieval was cancelled.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Susan Tronicelli)
The NP assigned to us was the least compassionate human being I’ve ever met. She was very negative and made the whole IVF process near unbearable. Every time I asked that something be submitted to insurance, she gave me a snarky response about they would never cover it. She acted like I was an inconvenience to her daily.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
I get the impression that this clinic may be more concerned with their statistics than with their patients. There are about a dozen doctors and in my time there, I saw every single doctor once for one procedure or another. After over a year at the clinic, I still felt like a new patient.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
We paid separately for the egg retrieval ($12,000), FET ($2,500). PGD was paid directly to the lab and meds were separate. I must also say that the Financial coordinator is extremely unhelpful! We were better off googling. At my first meeting with her, I asked her what options there were for paying (do people ever take out loans, are there assistance programs, any opportunities for discounted meds, etc) and she looked at me like I had 12 heads.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
We got the lecture about risks of multiples to the nth degree. I was told I would be the next octomom if we transferred two embryos!
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Failed to send your chart to another clinic
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
I felt very out of touch with my own care due to almost never speaking with my doctor. I would speak with a new nurse every day (someone unfamiliar with me) regarding my lab results and medication adjustments.
Divya Shah
4 of 5
4 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
2 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
1 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016, Unsuccessful
Age 35
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Male Factor
Income $100K - $199K
1st of 2 Docs
1 IUI With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
I felt comfortable with Dr. Shah immediately and felt like I was in great hands. Most of my reluctance of recommending her would only come from how Penn Medicine is run and my experience with the nurses. Dr. Shah had a worksheet made up to help guide her conversations with her patients regarding all of the possible causes of infertility and the tests to identify them. It was incredibly thorough and helpful. I have nothing but great things to say about her...
The clinic at Radnor is well organized and run. The prices for self-pay patients seem to be more reasonable for everything (treatment and meds) than anywhere else I've researched or read about. It is less busy than the office at 3701 Market and for some things you would still need to go to their University City location, but for monitoring, etc, I was at Radnor. However, you will rarely see a physician during your actual treatment. All monitoring is coordinated through the nursing staff...
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
I felt comfortable with Dr. Shah immediately and felt like I was in great hands. Most of my reluctance of recommending her would only come from how Penn Medicine is run and my experience with the nurses. Dr. Shah had a worksheet made up to help guide her conversations with her patients regarding all of the possible causes of infertility and the tests to identify them. It was incredibly thorough and helpful. I have nothing but great things to say about her.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Be aware that Penn Medicine acts a bit like a team and even if Dr. Shah is your primary RE and guiding your care, you will see any of the doctors at a given procedure and no doctor at all during your monitoring.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah is warm, straightforward, and whip-smart. She goes over things in as little or as much detail as you are comfortable with.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
Dr. Shah debated between an antagonist protocol (which she selected) and another type of protocol (not sure what that would have been) based on my DOR diagnosis and relatively young (in infertility world) age. The logic for going with the specific protocol was never relayed to me. Did a natural start, 450 gonal f for days 1-5, then ganarelix was added, and I went to gonal f 300 + menopure 150. I had a dominant follicle by day 7 which they warned me might get me cancelled and by day 9 they cancelled the cycle and converted me to IUI that didn't work.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Julie Huston)
While I liked the other staff in the clinic, I didn't like either of the main nurses at Penn Radnor, Julie or Beth. Julie was my coordinator and she just doesn't have a lot of patience and was frequently confusing. When I was trying to confirm one set of her instructions early on, she made a snarky remark that she had done this many times. I replied back that I hadn't and wanted to make sure that I understood. She sounds condescending on the phone and ordered medications that I didn't need without warning me that I didn't need to pick them up right away (that they were only "in case of"). I would see Beth sometimes during monitoring and I felt as though she was withholding information (probably bad news). She was not my primary contact, however, so my experience with her was minimal.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
The clinic at Radnor is well organized and run. The prices for self-pay patients seem to be more reasonable for everything (treatment and meds) than anywhere else I've researched or read about. It is less busy than the office at 3701 Market and for some things you would still need to go to their University City location, but for monitoring, etc, I was at Radnor. However, you will rarely see a physician during your actual treatment. All monitoring is coordinated through the nursing staff. You'll have an ultrasound technician do your scans and a tech to do your blood draws. You sometimes can see a nurse or the nurse pratictioner after your monitoring appt, but your nurse will call in the afternoon with an update to your plan. The entire team including the faculty and the fellows will meet and discuss cases. After a treatment fails, they will discuss recommendations for the next round (I don't know if this is for all cases or just more difficult ones, but it happened for mine without any prompting or request and I got the impression that this is just what they do).
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
Prices changed July 2016 and I do not know current rates. 6750 covered one retrieval and 2 transfers (1 fresh, 1 frozen or 2 frozen) and ALL embryology, anesthesia, monitoring, bloodwork, mock transfer, etc. Everything. Cancelation before retrieval netted a refund of all but 1500. There were other graduated refunds possible (ie only one transfer, but no embryos to transfer reduced cost to 5000). 1 retrieval and 1 transfer (fresh or frozen) was 5000, but the only refund possible was if your cycle was cancelled before retrieval (cost reduced to $1500). This also included absolutely everything (monitoring, embryology, icsi, bloodwork, education seminar, med training).
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to convey critical information
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
The fertility information does not go into the online portal (mypennmedicine) and so I had no knowledge of my AMH levels until meeting in person with my RE, despite the fact that all tests for other things (and even things like my HSG) are put into the portal. I also wouldn't have a record of my E2, FSH, etc unless my nurse happened to tell me (or I asked) AND I wrote it down. If you like to know exactly what's going on in your body, like I do, this might bother you. There isn't anything here that is "wrong" per se, it just doesn't mesh with how involved I care to be in my own health and treatment.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
1 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
2 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
4 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
2 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2019 - 2021, Successful
Age 31 - 33
Income $100K - $199K
Nurse or HC Services
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Dr Shah reached out on several occasions throughout treatments, not just through her NP or my RN. She also came to one of my monitoring appointments, unfortunately to discuss cancelling that cycle due to low response...[she] Explained everything, didn’t make promises she couldn’t keep, was compassionate to our situation, worked with us to try to figure out new plans. LISTENED TO ME and our pushback on the embryologists resulted in my pregnancy.
Strengths [of Penn Fertility Care]- they work as a team. If your DR is off that day because they did procedures on the weekends, there’s still a whole team working on your behalf and getting you your next steps. Also all your appts are in the early morning before lunchtime review and afternoon results calls. This is so helpful because the maternity appointments are later in the day- so you’re not in the office with someone pregnant while you’re struggling.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Explained everything, didn’t make promises she couldn’t keep, was compassionate to our situation, worked with us to try to figure out new plans. LISTENED TO ME and our pushback on the embryologists resulted in my pregnancy.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Advocate for yourself, she’ll listen.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr Shah reached out on several occasions throughout treatments, not just through her NP or my RN. She also came to one of my monitoring appointments, unfortunately to discuss cancelling that cycle due to low response.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
I can’t remember details. I know with unexplained infertility, she wanted to try 4-6 IUI’s to see if that would work. We got disheartened after 4 (well, after all) but we agreed to do the 2 more so the months weren’t wasted.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care. (Assigned nurse: Christina)
Christina is amazing. Compassionate, helpful, responsive, organized. Always in your corner.
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Strengths- they work as a team. If your DR is off that day because they did procedures on the weekends, there’s still a whole team working on your behalf and getting you your next steps. Also all your appts are in the early morning before lunchtime review and afternoon results calls. This is so helpful because the maternity appointments are later in the day- so you’re not in the office with someone pregnant while you’re struggling.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
$400/ IUI, ~$6,000 egg retrievals, $~2,000 transfers.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Penn Fertility Care.
What specific things went wrong at Penn Fertility Care?
  • Lost appointments
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Penn Fertility Care.
I clicked none, I didn’t hVe anything go wrong at this clinic.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2015, Successful
Age 33
Income $50K - $99K
1st of 4 Docs
2 IVF With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
She [Dr. Shah] was very honest and compassionate. This wasn't our first cycle so we knew what to expect, but she still went over everything thoroughly. Overall she just came off warm and caring at a point in our lives when we were fragile...she embraces educating her patients on their treatment...We used a very strong protocol with ganorelix. I did not produce a lot of mature oocytes. And our fertilization rates were low as well. With PGD and PGS after all.of this we typically ended up with 1 or 2 embryos per cycle.
Dr. Sparks in the lab [at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care] is at the top of her field and does an excellent job teaching you about the process. I felt knowledgable about our situation and the process. Appointments run on time and there wasn't a long wait to get in initially...[The nurses were] Absolutely amazing!!! I came to love these women, from the ultrasound tech's to nurses they went above and beyond to welcome you into this family.
How was your experience with Divya Shah at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care?
She was very honest and compassionate. This wasn't our first cycle so we knew what to expect, but she still went over everything thoroughly. Overall she just came off warm and caring at a point in our lives when we were fragile.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care?
Ask all the questions, even if they sound silly to you, she embraces educating her patients on their treatment.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care?
She was so verswd on our history it was like she was instantly apart of our team. She worked hard to build trust and was totally honest.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care and their degree of success.
We used a very strong protocol with ganorelix. I did not produce a lot of mature oocytes. And our fertilization rates were low as well. With PGD and PGS after all.of this we typically ended up with 1 or 2 embryos per cycle.
Describe your experience with your nurse at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care. (Assigned nurse: Jan)
Absolutely amazing!!! I came to love these women, from the ultrasound tech's to nurses they went above and beyond to welcome you into this family.
Describe your experience with U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care.
This is the premier clinic.in the area, I would not think about going anywhere else, ever!! Dr. Sparks in the lab is at the top of her field and does an excellent job teaching you about the process. I felt knowledgable about our situation and the process. Appointments run on time and there wasn't a long wait to get in initially.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care.
Our insurance paid 80% after we met our deductible of $2000, but PGD and PGS were not.covered, so we spent $7000 out of pocket on that each cycle.
Describe Divya Shah's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care.
Strong preference for SET. Very concerned with health and safety of mother.
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
2 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
4 of 5
U of Iowa Center for Advanced Reproductive Care
Iowa City
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5
2017, Unsuccessful
Age 37
Income $100K - $199K
3rd of 3 Docs
3 IUI With Other Docs
Donor Sperm
I wish I could have spoken to her [Dr. Shah] to share some of my concerns including be given the option to have an ultrasound the day of my IUI. Since I suffer from PCOS my progress has always been a little slow so I believe my IUI may have been done too early. I did not get monitored after my IUI. In fact, the office never called and checked on me after my IUI. I was just instructed to call if I get a positive test. If I don’t then I would just call on the 1st day of my cycle.
Strengths [for the nurse at Penn Fertility Care]: very detailed and showed compassion Weakness: at times it was difficult to speak to her...front desk office is in a main hallway which is not private and forces you to have a personal conversation in a public hallway. After an IUI, I did not get a follow up call from nurses or staff to discuss my next options or at least to check on me...$250 for iui...You may only see your doctor once and that’s it
How was your experience with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Strengths: she showed lots of compassion. She was very thorough and I appreciated that about my initial visit. Weak: I wish I could have spoken to her to share some of my concerns including be given the option to have an ultrasound the day of my IUI. Since I suffer from PCOS my progress has always been a little slow so I believe my IUI may have been done too early. I did not get monitored after my IUI. In fact, the office never called and checked on me after my IUI. I was just instructed to call if I get a positive test. If I don’t then I would just call on the 1st day of my cycle.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
You may only see your doctor once and that’s it
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care?
Dr. Shah spoke with compassion. She was very informative.
Describe the protocols Divya Shah used in your cycles at Penn Fertility Care and their degree of success.
Letrozol day 3-7....then trigger shot.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Penn Fertility Care.
Strengths: very detailed and showed compassion Weakness: at times it was difficult to speak to her
Describe your experience with Penn Fertility Care.
Strengths: location, clean, staff was very friendly and did show compassion Weakness: front desk office is in a main hallway which is not private and forces you to have a personal conversation in a public hallway. After an IUI, I did not get a follow up call from nurses or staff to discuss my next options or at least to check on me.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Divya Shah at Penn Fertility Care.
$250 for iui
Divya Shah
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
3 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
4 of 5
4 of 5
Penn Fertility Care
Philadelphia - Market
4 of 5
3 of 5
Billing Department
3 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
6 of 5

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