Rated 7.3
Strongly recommend: 73%Don't recommend: 27%7.3
73% strongly recommend
5 reviews

Ratings of 1 mean patients felt this doctor treated them as "a number."

Ratings of 10 mean patients felt this doctor treated them as "a human."


Ratings of 1 mean poor communication.

Ratings of 10 mean excellent communication.

Frequency Seen
Frequency Seen

Ratings of 1 mean patients only saw this doctor once or twice during treatment.

Ratings of 10 mean patients saw this doctor at every appointment.


Scale is "poor, ok, good, excellent" and measures how responsive a care team was when patients needed to speak to them.


Medical School
Thomas Jefferson
Winthrop Hosp
Albert Einstein

How Doctor Communicates

doctor available by email
nurse available by directline
nurse available by directline
not available by personal cell phone
not available by personal cell phone
Nora Miller works at

Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center
Rated 8.4
Strongly recommend: 76%Neutral: 3%Don't recommend: 21%8.4

Explore Clinic
55 Holly Hill Lane, Suite 270
Greenwich, CT 06830
115 Main Street, Suite 300
Tuckahoe, NY 10707

5 patient reviews


This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016, Unsuccessful
Age 32
Ashkenazi Jewish
Income $500K
Sales Representative
2nd of 2 Docs
Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
I'm curently pregnant with a, "non viable" pregnancy. She [Dr. Nora Miller] hasn't checked in once and said I will probably need a methotrexate shot- very cold, very unkind. I was even in the hospital over all of this...Rarely followed up, her nurses did everything including my medical regiment. She spews statistics with no humanistic feel for the patient and for the arduous process IVF actually is.
They [Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center] have a cookie -cutter approach to their hormone regimen- I was getting violently ill from the excessive estrogen I was using and was told over and over that it's not the medicine causing my issues...Disorganized- there is no real flow and call backs for labs are a nightmare... Kate was going through a pregnancy, didn't show me how to take my meds, mix my meds or anything...Lehigh (spelling) was amazing, but I didn't have her till the end. Petra- not sure if she was an RN, did all my labs was a ray of sunshine
How was your experience with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
As the wife of a physician I can say that Dr. miller is by no means a stupid woman. That being said- my husband and I both feel very disrespected by her. I don't feel that she has any care in the world about the hell that we women go through in this process, and one call after hours, such as before an embryo transfer, would go a long way in garnering trust and respect. The fact that we have now burned through 3 prime embryos makes her even tougher to defend. I came into this excited to start my family and after all the ups and downs with her I dread continuing this process.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Really think if you are ok with a hand off Dr that is only concerned with a successful single embryo transfer. I wish someone would have given me a heads up about this place before we continued this process to continual failure. I'm curently pregnant with a, "non viable" pregnancy. She hasn't checked in once and said I will probably need a methotrexate shot- very cold, very unkind. I was even in the hospital over all of this.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Rarely followed up, her nurses did everything including my medical regiment. She spews statistics with no humanistic feel for the patient and for the arduous process IVF actually is.
Describe the protocols Nora Miller used in your cycles at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center and their degree of success.
They have a cookie -cutter approach to their hormone regimen- I was getting violently ill from the excessive estrogen I was using and was told over and over that it's not the medicine causing my issues. Me and my husband were so furious with her re: my vision fluctuation and my generally feeling terrrible that he came to the office and demanded she show us my lab work. To her surprise, my estrogen jumped up and down and I still had to increase my dosage without having bloodwork first. She told me I "should see an ophthalmologist re: my eye problems" when my husband is clearly an ophthalmologist. The first run per the cookie cutter hand out in was 1 mg 2d a day.. increasing to 3 mg 2 a day. Second round she kept me on 1mg twice a day- I strongly believe my first cycle failed because the inconsistency of my estrogen and my body was not longer a safe environment for my embryo.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center. (Assigned nurse: Kate/Lehigh/random full ins)
Kate was going through a pregnancy, didn't show me how to take my meds, mix my meds or anything. Lehigh (spelling) was amazing, but I didn't have her till the end. Petra- not sure if she was an RN, did all my labs was a ray of sunshine
Describe your experience with Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Weakness- cold( in call Dr told me there wasn't a chance I had a viable pregnancy with my betas- I only had two) Disorganized- there is no real flow and call backs for labs are a nightmare. I called to get results at 11:30, I was told dr miller would call me back in 10-20 min, I had no call till 3.36 pm
Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Courtney is great, very kind and I think that's why people see it as a warm welcoming clinic.
Describe Nora Miller's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
She holds very strong on selective embryo transfer- spouts statistics, and tells you all the risks- I think it was more scare tactics, even citing high risk of cerebral Palsy with twins- she won't transfer two first round, especially on PGS tested embryos. ( my first transfer was a fail)
What specific things went wrong at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
  • Failed to call in prescriptions to pharmacy
  • Lost paperwork
  • Failed to call with results
  • Failed to order appropriate test
  • Provided conflicting information
  • Failed to convey critical information
  • Failed to consider drug intolerance
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
I asked for a letter stating I can't travel for a work trip to Costa Rica because of Zika- said it was coming, and I ended up getting in trouble with work because the note came in a month late( mind you I had to go in and get it) Dr miller claimed it was all three PGA tested embryos that had the issue, not let's figure out what we can do different.
Nora Miller
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
4 of 5
2 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
3 of 5
2 of 5
Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center
3 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
2 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
3 of 5
Educational Resources
4 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2016, Successful
Age 31
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Fertility Medications With Other Docs
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Miller is straightforward, honest without being cold, and very up-to-date with the latest research on effective treatment strategies. I always had total confidence in her treatment approach...with only a handful of exceptions when she was not available, she walked us through the treatment plan each month, did every ultrasound, every IUI, and transfer. The only appointments where I wasn't scheduled to see her were just blood draws, and even then she'd usually poke her head in just to check on how things were going, see if I had any side effects...
I never had any issues with billing or insurance [at Greenwich Fertility].. and they made scheduling very simple. Updates on blood work or other test results were always timely....The vast majority of the nurses were excellent, personable, and efficient....The Stamford clinic could really stand to open earlier - they officially open at 8...Once or twice, I arrived for a monitoring appointment that hadn't been entered correctly in the schedule.. It was dealt with quickly, usually getting me in within 20 minutes or so, and giving me priority to minimize wasting my time.
How was your experience with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Dr. Miller is straightforward, honest without being cold, and very up-to-date with the latest research on effective treatment strategies. I always had total confidence in her treatment approach (wish I could say that about my new OB). Even though we were unexplained (which tends to mean "throw shit at the wall until something sticks"), it always felt like each round of treatment was tailored to my individual response in previous rounds. When Clomid thinned my lining, we immediately moved to injectables despite an otherwise good follicle response. I reacted strongly to injectables but the IUI failed, so my IVF meds dose was scaled back to make sure I wouldn't be put at risk of OHSS. Overall a great doctor-patient relationship.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Be up-front about how you want to receive information. She is incredibly knowledgeable, so will get into as much (or as little) detail as you want. I did this early and was glad that I did.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Dr. Miller previously ran her own practice, but now has joined with the team at Greenwich Fertility (located in Greenwich and Stamford). With only a handful of exceptions when she was not available, she walked us through the treatment plan each month, did every ultrasound, every IUI, and transfer. The only appointments where I wasn't scheduled to see her were just blood draws, and even then she'd usually poke her head in just to check on how things were going, see if I had any side effects, or just chat. I'm a scientist, so I asked to know blood and guts, and she explained every detail about what each medication does, how it interacts with everything else you're taking, and what kinds of side effects to expect. When you're on so many different meds, understanding what everything does can be crucial for catching errors (pharmacy sending something incorrect, etc.). When she does ultrasounds, she takes the time to point out and explain every feature that she sees. One of the few times she was not available, I got one of the other doctors in the practice who wouldn't even let me see the screen - I can't imagine doing that every other day for weeks at a time. She also makes patient-centered choices on treatment setup. There are various steps along the way where the outcome is the same, but the logistics can be significantly worse - for example, taking 3-4 shots a day vs. mixing meds when stimming for IVF. Dr. Miller went out of her way to choose the technique that she felt would be the easiest and offer the least interference. Where that wasn't possible, (I had to be on PIO injections due to trigger type), she adjusted needle types and gave tips on improving the injections to make the process more tolerable, and got me off of those injections as quickly as possible rather than the "better safe than sorry, but your ass will be a pincushion for 3 months" method used by many clinics. Many fertility practices treat women like they'e at a cattle call, but I never felt that way with Dr. Miller.
Describe the protocols Nora Miller used in your cycles at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center and their degree of success.
Cycle 1: Clomid + IUI, with a trigger shot. Did not do a medicated-only cycle, as newer research shows that in my situation, it would have produced little benefit beyond good old-fashioned sex. Produced 2-3 good follicles, but cycle failed. Cycle 2: Continued with Clomid + IUI + trigger, since my response was good the first month. Only one follicle this time, and uterine lining dropped from excellent to just ok. We proceeded with the cycle, but cycle failed. Cycle 3: Given the lining issue and weaker Clomid response from the prior month, switched to injectables (Gonal-F). I asked about Femara instead, but Dr. Miller suggested that although it is helpful in women who don't ovulate, since I ovulate every month anyway, we needed a treatment that would produce multiple follicles, which Femara typically doesn't. Anyway, early ultrasounds showed a ton of follicles developing, so we backed my dose way down. Ended up with 4 or so good follicles, but cycle failed. Cycle 4: Initial fast reaction to injectables left me with several cysts. Benched 3-4 weeks on birth control to let those shrink. Cycle 5: IVF cycle. Antagonist protocol, with (relatively low dose, after the injectables) Gonal-F, Ganirelix, and a combined Lupron + hCG trigger since I was already retaining fluid even on the injectables cycle. 13 follicles retrieved, 12 mature, 9 fertilized, 6 day 5/6 blastocysts. Single embryo fresh transfer due to my age and diagnosis, other 5 were frozen with no PGS. Currently 7 months pregnant.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
The vast majority of the nurses were excellent, personable, and efficient. One was actively not good with blood draws (I got some pretty spectacular bruises from her, rarely the others), which was mostly an issue for me because I have a pretty strong needle phobia - not great for fertility treatment under the best of circumstances. Occasionally I would come in for monitoring and no one would realize I was supposed to be there, but this was rare and quickly rectified.
Describe your experience with Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
In general, this was a very efficient clinic. I never had any issues with billing or insurance, which is pretty spectacular considering how often I was in there, and they made scheduling very simple. Updates on blood work or other test results were always timely. Only a few minor criticisms. The Stamford clinic could really stand to open earlier - they officially open at 8 (although monitoring starts around 7:50 or so). Working a regular office job that also starts at 8, I was late every day that I had to go in for monitoring. I was rarely at the Greenwich clinic, so can't speak to that location. Also, one of the staff at the front desk regularly lectured me on how I was going to have to stop working or cut way back or whatever once I had kids, and told me all about her experiences with pregnancy. Not something I was interested in hearing about in the midst of a long struggle to even get pregnant, and I'm pretty sure plenty of people work for a living, even with kids.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Most of my costs were insured, so I paid for copays and embryo freezing only.
Describe Nora Miller's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
For my age and an unexplained diagnosis, Dr. Miller strongly recommended a single embryo transfer, and I believe that is her typical practice unless there is a strong reason to choose otherwise. I was definitely on board with this.
What specific things went wrong at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
  • Lost appointments
Describe the specific things that went wrong at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Once or twice, I arrived for a monitoring appointment that hadn't been entered correctly in the schedule, so they were not expecting me. It was dealt with quickly, usually getting me in within 20 minutes or so, and giving me priority to minimize wasting my time.
Nora Miller
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
4 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2013 - 2014, Successful
Age 39 - 40
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Poor Egg Quality
Income $100K - $199K
Business Executive
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
She [Dr Nora Miller] is extremely hands on and patient centric. Every step of the way I was kept fully informed and felt like all my questions were answered. When we faced an unexpected setback on what should have been my first IVF cycle, she regrouped quickly, and we were able to switch directions. And when we were successful on the next cycle, she kept in touch during my pregnancy to see how I was doing. And she gets in touch on our daughter's birthday each year. I recommend her to anyone I know who is in need of a fertility doctor because my experience was so positive.
Dr. Miller was the sole provider of care. She performed all my ultrasounds, most of my blood draws, and sat down to review results on every single visit. Any blood work and she would call the same day with results. Without fail. And there were no set cycle dates like other clinics. We followed my body, not a calendar....It is a small clinic [Women's Fertility center] but there was never any issue getting appointment times that worked around my schedule. If they ran behind it was due to a procedure that took extra time, not poor planning, so was always understandable. All my insurance paperwork and approvals were completed with minimal involvement from me. I always felt comfortable calling with questions and never felt like I was just a file. The size of the clinic is not a weakness, but a strength.
How was your experience with Nora Miller at Women’s Fertility Center (closed)?
She is extremely hands on and patient centric. Every step of the way I was kept fully informed and felt like all my questions were answered. When we faced an unexpected setback on what should have been my first IVF cycle, she regrouped quickly, and we were able to switch directions. And when we were successful on the next cycle, she kept in touch during my pregnancy to see how I was doing. And she gets in touch on our daughter's birthday each year. I recommend her to anyone I know who is in need of a fertility doctor because my experience was so positive.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nora Miller at Women’s Fertility Center (closed)?
That she is someone who will work with you and for you to determine what is best for your situation.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nora Miller at Women’s Fertility Center (closed)?
Dr. Miller was the sole provider of care. She performed all my ultrasounds, most of my blood draws, and sat down to review results on every single visit. Any blood work and she would call the same day with results. Without fail. And there were no set cycle dates like other clinics. We followed my body, not a calendar.
Describe the protocols Nora Miller used in your cycles at Women’s Fertility Center (closed) and their degree of success.
We initially tried a clomid cycle, but moved on to an injectable cycle for my second IUI. We moved on to IVF when we realized my response was slow and the numbers indicated possible egg quality issues. My first cycle was with Gonal F and menopur. We used Ganirelix for suppression, but I ovulated prematurely after the trigger shot - literally minutes before retrieval. I'd only had 4 follicles so after a quick discussion she performed an IUI. It resulted in a chemical pregnancy. The second IVF cycle we used the same protocol, but went lower and slower in order to encourage more follicles. She also changed my suppression med to cetrotide to try to avoid the premature ovulation issue. We triggered and scheduled retrieval a couple hours earlier than previous cycle. This time we retrieved 9 follicles. 8 mature. ICSI was performed on all and 8 embryos resulted. 5 made it to day 3 and 3 made it to day 5. We transferred 2. End result was my daughter.
Describe your experience with the nursing staff at Women’s Fertility Center (closed).
She didn't have any nurses. She provided all care. Her front desk staff is outstanding, warm, and compassionate. That counts for a lot.
Describe your experience with Women’s Fertility Center (closed).
It is a small clinic but there was never any issue getting appointment times that worked around my schedule. If they ran behind it was due to a procedure that took extra time, not poor planning, so was always understandable. All my insurance paperwork and approvals were completed with minimal involvement from me. I always felt comfortable calling with questions and never felt like I was just a file. The size of the clinic is not a weakness, but a strength.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nora Miller at Women’s Fertility Center (closed).
I was fully covered by insurance so was only responsible for office visit and procedure deductibles and copays.
Nora Miller
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Women’s Fertility Center (closed)
Stamford (closed)
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
5 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020 - 2023, Successful
Age 33 - 36
Male Factor
South Asian
Income $100K - $199K
Only Doc Seen
Strongly Recommends
Strongly Recommends
Dr. Miller worked with us every step of the way...calm demeanor and encouraging words helped us stay reassured throughout the fertility treatments...ensured that we understood every process well enough; along with the risks and challenges....very punctual doctor. Never did I see her frown or speak in a dismissive tone
Strengths [of Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center]...appointment scheduling mechanism is perfect...called in at my appointment time. I only had to wait when the Tuckahoe facility was closed and patients had to come into Greenwich (or) if I missed my appointment time. Weakness - I honestly didn't see any.
How was your experience with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
My husband and I had consulted Dr. Miller for our pregnancy journey. Dr. Miller worked with us every step of the way and ensured that we were comfortable during every visit to the fertility clinic. Her calm demeanor and encouraging words helped us stay reassured throughout the fertility treatments. Dr. Miller ensured that we understood every process well enough; along with the risks and challenges. Most of all, a very punctual doctor. Never did I see her frown or speak in a dismissive tone. I would strongly recommend Dr. Miller to anyone looking to commence an IVF/IUI treatment.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Dr. Miller will make you feel at home. Just ensure that you are punctual to your appointments because Dr. Miller keeps her time. Also, feel free to ask questions, however silly they might seem to you. Try to be part of the process from the start.
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Dr. Miller is a warm and genuine doctor who makes one feel comfortable. She ensures that one understands every aspect of the procedure and is very detail-oriented. She definitely made me feel like a human and not like a number.
Describe the protocols Nora Miller used in your cycles at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center and their degree of success.
I do not remember the specific details.
Describe your experience with your nurse at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center. (Assigned nurse: Bianca, Annie, Nikki and Angela)
All the nursing staff were extremely compassionate, friendly and helpful. Right from the nurses at the blood draw unit (Alaina and one other) to the nursing staff assigned to me periodically (Annie, Bianca, Nikki, Angela) to the front office staff (Ledia and Tara); everyone is professional and helpful. A special mention to the nurses at the blood draw unit. They make you feel special and hear you out.
Describe your experience with Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Strengths- I found that their appointment scheduling mechanism is perfect. Most of the days I had been there, I would be called in at my appointment time. I only had to wait when the Tuckahoe facility was closed and patients had to come into Greenwich (or) if I missed my appointment time. Weakness - I honestly didn't see any.
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Most of my costs were covered by my insurance. I had to pay my co-pays.
Describe Nora Miller's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Dr. Miller always recommended the eSET and clearly explained the drawbacks and challenges of a multiple embryo transfer. Dr. Miller also clearly explained the negative impacts that a multiple embryo transfer may have on both the mother and the babies.
Nora Miller
5 of 5
5 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
5 of 5
5 of 5
Explained risks
5 of 5
5 of 5
Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center
5 of 5
5 of 5
Billing Department
5 of 5
Nursing Staff
5 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
6 of 5
Educational Resources
7 of 5

This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic.

2020, Unsuccessful
Age 32
Income $500K+
Business Executive
1st of 2 Docs
2 IUI With Other Docs
1 IVF With Other Docs
Doesn't Recommend
Doesn't Recommend
I suffered a miscarriage from my first pregnancy after 10 months of trying and Dr. Miller showed no emotion when telling me she could not find the heartbeat during an ultrasound...Dr. Miller performed a routine d&c after I miscarried. There was retained tissue after the procedure so she performed another operative hysteroscopy to remove the remaining tissue and again was unsuccessful! I had to have a 3rd procedure (I switched doctors this time) because of Dr. Miller's incompetence which has led to major complications. She later admitted that she had never dealt with retained tissue before- i know there is risk of retained tissue after any d&c but having to have 3 procedures after 1 miscarriage is unheard of and unacceptable...
Small clinic [Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center] so they could move quickly with appointments, procedures etc. You can see the same dr. every visit. In comparison with the clinic i switched to Greenwich fertility is disorganized and I would worry about their ability to be on top of everything in an IVF cycle (I only did IUI)...I was extremely dissatisfied with Dr. Miller's care and would strongly urge against seeing her...
How was your experience with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
I was extremely dissatisfied with Dr. Miller's care and would strongly urge against seeing her. Dr. Miller performed a routine d&c after I miscarried. There was retained tissue after the procedure so she performed another operative hysteroscopy to remove the remaining tissue and again was unsuccessful! I had to have a 3rd procedure (I switched doctors this time) because of Dr. Miller's incompetence which has led to major complications. She later admitted that she had never dealt with retained tissue before- i know there is risk of retained tissue after any d&c but having to have 3 procedures after 1 miscarriage is unheard of and unacceptable. It is an issue I am still dealing with today 3 years later because of her incompetence. I would strongly advise against seeing Dr. Miller - I do not have confidence she would be able to handle anything outside of a straightforward case.
What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
Ask how comfortable/familiar she is with your specific situation/procedure before proceeding but honestly would steer clear
During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center?
I suffered a miscarriage from my first pregnancy after 10 months of trying and Dr. Miller showed no emotion when telling me she could not find the heartbeat during an ultrasound
Describe the protocols Nora Miller used in your cycles at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center and their degree of success.
2 IUIs with letrozol - miscarriage, d&c, retained tissue, operative hysteroscopy (unsuccessful), switched doctors
Describe your experience with Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Small clinic so they could move quickly with appointments, procedures etc. You can see the same dr. every visit. In comparison with the clinic i switched to Greenwich fertility is disorganized and I would worry about their ability to be on top of everything in an IVF cycle (I only did IUI)
Describe the costs associated with your care under Nora Miller at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
Describe Nora Miller's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center.
She was competent with the approach and IUI protocol but once things became complicated she was out of her depth
Nora Miller
1 of 5
1 of 5
Frequency Seen
5 of 5
1 of 5
Explained risks
1 of 5
1 of 5
Greenwich Fertility and IVF Center
2 of 5
4 of 5
Billing Department
4 of 5
Nursing Staff
3 of 5
Clinic Atmosphere
4 of 5
Educational Resources
5 of 5

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