Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients

How to navigate fertility preservation in light of a cancer diagnosis.

Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients
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What you'll learn

This course walks you through all you need to know when you're navigating fertility preservation in light of a cancer diagnosis. There are several decisions that must be made quickly and approaches are nuanced depending on your cancer diagnosis and treatment. We break down the data so you can make the best decisions for you—including a high-level overview of what fertility preservation is, whether to freeze eggs, embryos, tissue or sperm, and the risks, costs, and odds of success of each. We know time is of the essence, and we do our best to educate you as swiftly and as rigorously as we know how.

Course Syllabus12 Lessons2h 16m

  1. Lesson 1 (2 min)
  2. Lesson 2 (7 min)
    Fertility Preservation
  3. Lesson 5 (11 min)
  4. Lesson 8 (12 min)
    Freezing Eggs or Embryos
  5. In this lesson we'll cover:
    1. Ovarian Tissue Preservation
  6. Lesson 10 (7 min)
    Considerations for Men
    In this lesson we'll cover:
    1. Considerations for Men
  7. Lesson 11 (4 min)
    Success Stories
    In this lesson we'll cover:
    1. Success Stories
  8. In this lesson we'll cover:
    1. Mental Health, Cancer, and Fertility