Lesson 1 of 6
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Lesson 1 of 6

Introducing ICSI & Course Plan

Video Lesson

Written Lesson

Welcome to ICSI & What We'll Cover

As fertility patients, we remember ICSI to mean “I Could Stomach It” in that we could live with the $1,500 cost and modest elevated health risk if ICSI ensured our eggs would fertilize. But, as we later learned, improving fertilization rates often does not translate into higher live birth rates, so for many patients, using ICSI doesn’t improve their chances of having a baby. The decision to use ICSI is a case study in tradeoffs, and in this tutorial we’ll be covering:

  • ICSI vs. conventional insemination basics
  • Who you are, and whether ICSI will help or hurt you (from individual male factor diagnoses, to unexplained infertility, to previous fertilization failure, to advanced maternal age or low oocyte numbers)
  • Risks to offspring
  • ICSI in PGT-A and PGT-M or PGT-SR
  • Costs

Our hope is that by the end of this tutorial you’ll be able catalogue your own assessment of the risks and benefits of ICSI as it pertains to your case, your budget and your risk tolerance, as we outline below.

ICSI Tradeoffs