Video Lesson

Written Lesson
Introduction & Summary
In many countries and regions, compensating egg donors and third parties is illegal. Many intending parents travel to countries more permissive of compensation because they find a broader group of donors, but also more complexity and fewer protections.
For patients being treated in the United States, line item costs will vary depending upon the type of donor you select and the entity that makes the match. Below is a general list of the more common expenses, and as we try to highlight, there are wide-ranges and some intending parents (e.g. those using a “known donor” or “egg bank”) may be exempt from many of these.
Organizations and employers with infertility insurance policies may cover the cost of laboratory services and the transfer, but some opt not to cover the “donor related” (e.g. donor fee, agency fee, retrieval, and drug costs) expenses. For this information, check in with whomever manages the policy.